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MCQs Quality Assurance M.

Phill Education
Q.1-Abbreviation of NPSTs.
(a) National Professional Standards for Teachers (b) National Pakistan Support Technology
(c) National Pakistan Services and Transport System (d) National Private Standards for Teachers

Q.2- A good Teacher should always have a command over a ………

(b) Pedagogy (b) Subject Matter

(d) Communications Skills (d) All of Above

Q.3- We Measures the standard of Teachers against.

(a) PPSTs (b) PNSTs

(c) NPSTs (d) NPSLs

Q.4- Which one is the 8th National Professional Standards for Teachers.

(a) Communication and Partnership (b) Collaboration and Partnership

(b) Community and Profession (d) Cooperation and Partnership

Q.5- Which one is not included in Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan.
(a) Subject Matter and Knowledge (b) Human Growth and Development

(c) Communication and Partnership (d) Instructional Planning and Strategies.

6.NACTE stands for

A. National accountable council for teacher education

B . National accreditation committee for teacher education

C.National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education

7.NACTE has accredited more than ....... Teacher education programs in .2018

A. 300 B.350 C.450

8. NACTE expected to accredit at least....... more programs from all over the country in the end of
year 2018

A.100 B.110 C.150

9.NACTE has ensured a uniform and transparent ......evaluation and accreditation of teacher
education program in the country.

A . internal B. External C. internal n external

10. NACTE involves preparation of self evaluation report ,completionand submission of a set of.......
Documents by the institutions.

A.26/27 B.27/28 C.27/29

11-How many critical aspects of managing and performing organization?

(a) Four (b) Five (c) Six (d) Seven

12-________ means making meaningful change to improve your product, service, program, process
and business model.

(a) Transformation (b) Change (c) Innovation (d) Revolution

13-More than ______years, Baldrige has been globally recognized as the leading edge of validated
leadership and performance.

(a) 50years (b) 30 years (c) 60 years (d) 100 years

14-System --------------means managing all the parts of your organization as a unified whole to achieve
your mission and strive towards your vision.

(a) Perspective (b) Excellence (c) Contribution (d) Transparency

15- When was Malcolm Baldrige framework created ?

(a) 1980 (b) 1987 (c) 1992 (d) 2004

16-Malcolm Baldrige was a secretary of commerce in__________.

(a) Japan (b) United State (c) United Kingdom (d) United Nation
17- Baldrig Framework gave us a touchstone, an opportunity to ….constantly measure ourselves and
evaluate how we are doing said by___________

(a) Malcolm (b) Scot Mclntyre (c) Maryland (d) Donald Trump
18. Quality depend upon characteristics of:

a) learners. b) processes. c content. d) all of these

19. Factors at which quality of education depends :

a) social factor. b) quality outcomes. c) quality content. d) quality learners

20. Quality learning environment consists of:

a) physical elements. b) psychosocial elements

c) life skills. d) a & b both

21. In humanistic approach every human is:

a) unique. b) have no equal rights. c) similar

22. Quality content are:

a) Teacher centered. b) student centered

c) traditional. d) none of these

23. Human behavior can be predicted and controlled through:

a) reward and punishment. b) extrinsic motivation

c) behavior. d) analysis

24. In the adult education important aspect of quality is:

a) experience. b) critical thinking. c)Tradition. d) all of these

25. Indeginous approach also related to:

a) formal education. b) non formal c) non of these

26. Critical approach is about:

a) content. b) teaching methodology. c critical analysis

27. In which approach learner have rich resources of prior knowledge accumulated through variety

a) humanistic approach. b) indigenous approach

c) behavioristic approach. d) critical approach

28. Which states initiated high school minimum competency tests in 1976.

a) Florida b) California

c) Colorado d) All of these

29. Research report “A Nation at Risk” its year was.

a) 1980 b) 1983

c) 1986 d) 2000

30. Number of states included in 1990 state perform policies are.

a) 40 b) 45

c) 41 d) 49

31. In schoool based curriculum development …….on special assignment to develop curriculum or

a) Teacher b)Student

c) Princiapal d) Master Trainer

32. In standard based movement university initiates customized courses of.

a) Graduate b) Master

c) Primary d) Professional
33. National Professional Standards for Teachers were developed .

a) To enhance the quality of teachers b) to enhance the quality of thorpist

c) to enhance the quality of technicians d) to enhance tha quality of telemarketer

34. National Professional Standards for teachers were introduced by Govt. of Pakistan with

a) The technical support and financial support of IMF

b) the Technical support of UNISCO and financial support of USAID

c) the technical support of ILO and financial support of WB

d) The technical support of ASEAN and financial support of ADB

35. The goal stated by the institution are fit in broader aim of ……and are consistant with its
character and implemented in confirmatity with standard set by HEC.

a) Childhood Education b) Primary Education

c) Secondary Education` d) Higher Education

36. The institution has a ….system that facilities the fulfillment of its mission and goals and strengthns
institutional effectiveness and integrity.

a) Commandang b) Operating

c) Governance d) Jurisdiction

37. The institution intends to practice and exemplyfy the values and …….standards articulated in its

a) Social b) Cultural

c) Ethical d) Moral

38. The institutions pursuits to admit students whose academic interests ,…….goals potential and
abilities are compatible with mission and seek to retain them.

a) social b) economic

c) socio economic d) Educational

39. The institution ….effective and efficient utilization and continued development of these resources.

a) Explains b) Demonstrates

c) Rejects d) Follow

40. The academic programs offered by …….are consistent with its mission and goals.

a)Education b) HEC

c) Institution d) None of these

41. The institution has developed and implemented a self assessment …….quality assurance process
that helps in evaluating its effectiveness in realizing its mission and achieving its goals.

a) Internal b) External

c) Both a & b d) None

42. The institutions demonstrates adequate and efficient student support ….that enable students to
achieve their educational goal directly and facilitate the overall process and achieving institutional

a) Services b) Companies

c) Stakeholders d) None

43. Name of teacher education council

(a) AA (b) EC (c) NACTE (d) None

44. Accreditation main objective

(a) Improve quality of higher education (b) Improve education quality

(c) Improve A.V quality (d) improve personality

45. NACTE offer how many program In a year

(a) 100 (b) 150 (c) 200 (d) 250

46. The council of NACTE conducted how many free seminars in years

(A) 28 (b) 27 (C) 29 (d) 31

47. NACTE seminars focused on

(a) Accreditation standard (b) Procedure and protocol NACTE

(C) Necessary documents (d) All of above

48. What is most important function of the NACTE

(a) Quality of teacher education programs (b) Higher education programs

(C) School programs (d) None

49. HOW much standard teacher education accreditation

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 11

50. How many core principles of organizational excellence?

a. 6 b. 4 c. 8 d. 12

2.Launch of the EFQM knowledge base and levels of excellence

a. 2000 b. 2001 c. 2002 d. 2003

51. The EFQM was founded in

a. 1988 b. 1987 c. 1989 d. 1990

52. First Award in Madrid presented by king of Spain in

a. 1990 b. 1991 c. 1992 d. 1993

53. One thing that has not changed is our….

a. aims b. objectives c. goals d. journey

54. The EFQM excellence model has comprised ….integrated components

a. two b. three c. four d. five

55. Public Sector Award was created in

a. 1994 b. 1995 c. 1996 d. 1997

56. Baldrige Framework constantly measures

(a) Students (b) Community (c) Teachers (d) Ourselves

57. Baldrige Excellence Framework has been globally recognized as the

(a) Leading edge (b) Learning edge

(c) Teaching edge (d) Communicating edge

58. By using Baldrige Excellence Framework, thousands of organizations have improved their

(a) Behaviors and results (b) Operations and results

(c) Productions and Behaviors (d) Operations and Behaviors

59. A System Perspective means ___________ all parts of your organization as a whole.

(a) Controlling (b) Budgeting

(c) Staffing (d) Managing

60. Customers are the ultimate __________ of your performance and of product.

(a) Managers (b) Supervisors

(c) Leaders (d) Judges

61. A Successful organization values its __________.

(a) Customers (b) Workforce members

(c) Managers (d) Staff members

62. Baldrige Excellence Framework has been globally recognized as the leading edge of ___________

(a) Validated (b) Transformational

(c) Behavioral (d) Distributive

63. QEC stand for

(a) Quality enhancement cell (b) Quality evaluation cell

(c) Quality ensure cell (d) Quality effectiveness cell

64. How many standard exist in IPE

(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 14

65. Planning and evaluation are done in which standard.

(a) Standard 1 (b) Standard 2

(c) Standard 5 (d) Standard 7

65.The institute conduct of it's programs deals with student , faculty, governinig bodies and enternal
agencies,according to which standard

(a) standard for faculty ( b) Standard for integrity

(c) Standard for students (d) standard for organization and evaluation

66. The institute has a self assessment and internal quality assurance process that helps in

(a) Evaluating it's effectiveness (b) in realizing it's mission

(c) achieving it's goals (d) All of the above

67. Hec evaluate individual institute periodically based on performance evaluation standard through.

(a) QAA (b) QEC (c) IQA (d) EQA

68. The standard for institutional performance evaluation are primerly_ criteria

(a) Qualitative. (b) Quantitative (c) Self assessment (d) Effectiveness

69. Which is not the factor of quality of eduction?

(a) Religious (b) Historical

(c) Language (d) Psychological

70. Life long academic skills cover the basic skills.

(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five

71. Essential elements for quality learning environments are

(a) Gergraphical and historical elements (b) Physical and psycholocial elements

(c) Languge and religious elements (d) Social and economical elements

72. According to which opproach every human is unique and have equal right?

(a) Behaviouristic approach (b) Humanistic approach

(c) Cognitive approach (d) None of them

73. approach based on change in behaviour via specific stimuli.

(a) Behaviourist (b) Humanistic

(c) Indigenous (d) Critical

74. Learners have rich sources of prior knowledge in approach.

(a) Behaviourist (b) Humanistic

(c) Criticl (d) Indgenous

75. According to critical theorists education promotes change?

(a) Political (b) Social

(c) Economical (d) Religious

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