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Giblingmire’s Grand Escapade- 

Warcry Portraits 
The Overall Goal & Idea 
The goal of the project is to have a portrait style image of each member of the warband. Once the 
images are done, I will be using them to print the warband cards to make using them in games a lot 
easier than the current method. Seriously, I have five ghouls in my party but only one ghoul card so 
instead of placing tokens on their card, I have to put them on the battlefield which has a habit of 
getting in the way of the game. 

In this link you will see the cards and the idea being that the images would take the place of the 

Here is what I’m looking for: 

- Style: Inked 
- Possibly painted similar to your mer-people… I couldn’t find a link to it 
- Theme: Horror 
- These are cannibal ghouls - blood, gore & skeletons 
- As you may have noticed, my ghouls are particularly gory with excessive amounts of 
blood, think along the lines of the old 80’s horror movies if that helps 
- Flesh Eater Courts are an army of demented naked cannibals while they believe that 
they are noble knights & serfs clad in shining armour, the grim reality is that after 
roaming chaos warbands destroyed their homes, they were forced into cannibalism 
and eventually turned into ghouls be a passing Abhorrent who welcomed them into 
his madness 
- Giblingmire is the Chamberlain to this Abhorrent, a trusted servant despatched to the 
All Points to scout for new hunting grands and ancient relics 


The Warband 
There are eight members in total for the warband and the source models can be found on top of my 
tool box. They are: 

- Chamberlain Giblingmire 
- This is the warband’s leader 
- Definition: “an officer who managed the household of a monarch or noble” 
- Covered in gore, Giblingmire is a bulky, terrifying beast known for his ravenous hunger 
(although in his mind, he believes he has quite a refined palette) 
- “​Even by the standards of its kind, this mordant’s hunger for flesh is terrible” 
- He wields his staff of office, a large bone club gifted to him by his lord which also acts 
as a symbol of his authority 

- Archbishop Meatglut 
- Definition: “the chief bishop responsible for a large district” 
- One of the warbands two flayers who double as Vaughaulfs in the main court when not 
participating in one of Giblingmire’s quests 
- He’s fast, with a large hair, a powerful shriek and not afraid to flap his arms to draw 
attention while extolling his Abhorrent’s achievements 
- As you’ll notice on the model, his hair is split into two mains where has become more 
grey than the other 

- Chancellor Crawtongue 
- Definition:”a senior state or legal official” 
- The Chancellor is less boisterous than his companion 
- He is stronger and taller than Meatglut 
- Vicious and temperamental, he typically prowls the edges of the battlefield waiting for 
the chance to strike 
- I like to imagine that he is less airborne than his counterpart and is prone to 
“stamping” his wing tips on the ground, pacing on the spot 
- You can think of the bulldog from the old Looney Toons cartoons as inspiration for 
how he moves 

- Ghouls - The Chaff 
- A group of five ghouls chosen to join Giblingmire on his adventures 
- Ghouls are chaff and frequently die, when one dies another ghoul simply assumes his 

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