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Introduction Fer

The consultant plays a very important role inside the company, because it allows
the client to satisfy his needs, obtaining an adequate orientation to finding solutions
to problems within companies, using all the necessary tools and the experience

Introduction Alan

Dany Introduction
Within the value that must correspond to an entity in charge of advising and
consulting companies, it is important to see the strengths and weaknesses of the
companies that requests the service, so it is important to inform them that with
teamwork and participation From all its members, it can find solutions to current
and future problems, improving its performance positioning, generating a database
with the information obtained from its operations.

Lups Introduction
Currently, the accountant can be developed in the workplace in various areas,
among these is consulting, which is the area of opportunity that allows the
consultant to contribute to the growth and achievement of the objectives of the
company-client. This activity allows us to know what is the function and the
process that a consultancy takes, to open the work panorama of the accountants.

Candy introduction
Today the Accountant has a very important role, because he can provide
consulting services since they are professionals in accounting, administrative,
fiscal, financial, etc. The consultation is an excellent field opportunity for the
Accountant because he is the person in charge of providing improvements in the
performance and competitiveness of the company, through research, analysis of
information, application of creative and innovative ideas that contribute to decision

Yoss Introduction
Currently, the accountant has a very wide field of work, within this is the consulting,
in which the accountant can provide his services, these must be focused and
personalized to each of the clients.

Through the elaboration of this activity, the phases of this process are analyzed in
detail, we will understand each of them in detail to have a broader vision of each
topic, reinforcing it when making a video in which we will express the analyzed
information through a situation Creative, the implementation of unconventional
activities often has more meaning than conventionally doing them, since both
analytical and creative skills are used, being comprehensive professionals.

Conclusion Fer

Once the problem is identified, the next step is to carry out the solution that will
allow the company to grow continuously, efficiently and effectively, obtaining the
best results for many of the problems; It is important to be clear about the main
problem since this will allow you to find solutions to the problems that may arise in
the future.

This helps the company to grow and have higher profitability, having order and
working in the best way in all its areas. It should be mentioned that a new problem
is always presented, but it is important to know which one is more important to
control the others, of course, it is not an easy task, but having the necessary bases
and knowledge you can reach the ideal solution.

Conclusion Alan
Human beings by nature resort to their creativity to face problems, the conception
of it has been diminishing as technology increases, it generates comforts that
diminish the need to imagine, to create, to dream.

A consultant must develop skills that make him more and more insightful when
facing obstacles that prevent his clients from growing because no matter how
much knowledge he has accumulated over the years, he must know how to exploit
it since never before seen situations can appear at any time, it is about being ready
to face the problems that the unpredictable world present

s to you.
Analyzing the most complex situations while ignoring the limitations, that is, with
total freedom, offers a broad panorama that helps to solve it, it is essential to work
on this ability and making use of the techniques presented is a facilitator and filter
to generate even more and better ideas.

Conclusion Dany
Nowadays companies seek to position themselves in the market and have
recognition for their activity, but they have factors that limit it for the fulfillment of its
goals and objectives, known as, Barriers to creative thinking, whose effective
treatment is to eliminate it through creativity.

Which is a vital tool that manages an entity to be constantly innovating, and seek
solutions to current and future problems through teamwork. Generating databases
on changes in their environment, the demand for goods and/or services,
competition and the internal organization of the entity. Day by day creating a better
control system over operations and decisions that affect it and risks as well as
possible risks that it could avoid and solve in the future.

Lups Conclusion
After obtaining sufficient ideas that respond to the problems of the company-client,
it is important to make a selection of the most feasible ideas, that is, those that
represent a solution to the problem; After the selection of ideas, it is essential to
carry out an analysis and evaluation, to obtain sufficient data to obtain acceptance
of the most convenient solution for the client.

For the analysis, it is necessary to minimize ideas, prioritize and obtain sufficient
information on the viability of their execution. Otherwise, the evaluation consists of
using criteria to eliminate those ideas that are not viable for the consultant and the
client, this is obtained using scales and evaluation techniques.
With the help of these phases, the action plan can be carried out, thus knowing
which is the most representative, functional, viable and reliable idea to respond to
the problem.

Candy conclusion
The consultant must make an adequate presentation of the proposals to the client
to improve the situation of the company, this in order that the degree of feasibility
can be evaluated, through their analysis and investigation. Consequently, the
consultant must present creative and innovative ideas to the client that allow them
to solve problems efficiently, which allows them to generate attraction not only for
the client but for the entire team. This so that the proposals are accepted and little
questioned, that is, that the client has the certainty that these techniques and
strategies to be implemented are the most viable to improve the situation,
generating confidence in the productivity of the staff; generating a better work
environment, better economic results, to make better decisions, because there are
feasibility and efficiency in the work performed by each member.


The presentation of an application plan to the client it´s one of the important parts
of this stage. This plan is well elaborated and is as specific as possible so that the
client can visualize and evaluate the options he has to later make a decision.

The consultant must find a way for the client to be aware that it is he who is
deciding because in case the client misinterprets this situation and considers that
the decisión was imposed by the consultant, this would generate that the client is
distant and not very committed.

These two stages go hand in hand and must be done in the most specific way
possible so that the client is interested and involved in decision-making and
procedures to apply, remembering that consulting is more than just presenting
solutions, it is presenting an ideal.

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