5 Question To Ask Yourself Before Start A Business

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before

There are many reasons people contemplate opening their own home-based small
business or consulting practice. On the one hand, this might be a lifelong goal. Or, on the
other hand, you might have been downsized out of your job in corporate America, have
some capital to invest and feel like this is a viable alternative to seeking another job.

Whatever your background, think about the following points, among many others, in your
decision-making process:

1. Will you miss the corporate watercooler? There is a certain allure

to being able to work at will out of your home, dressed in the most
informal attire, while still within earshot of your family members.
But if you have been in a work environment where you can
casually interact with others at a moment's notice, share a
business lunch or meet in a conference room, you may find
yourself feeling isolated at home.

Moreover, in corporate culture, there is the accountability factor of others expecting you
to be at your desk at a certain time. When you are at home, it's easy to be distracted by
this or that task that "just has to get done," and despite your best intentions, it can be
hard to carve out the hours necessary to get your business off the ground.

2. Do you really have enough money to make a go of it? It's more

common than not for new businesses to fail in the first year or two and
to not operate in the black until the third year or even later. One of the
most prevalent causes of failure is undercapitalization from the onset.

Do you have access to the money necessary to buy equipment, inventory, insurance,
website development and other advertising? And can you afford any part- or full-time
employees you might need to hire, as well as a host of other expenses integral to starting
and running your business? And how long can your funds last if your revenue projections
fail to materialize?
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before

3. Do you have the humility and willingness to do it all? Chances are, when
you were in a larger company, you could count on the maintenance crew to
empty the waste baskets, an administrator to handle the mundane tasks and
others to whom you could delegate a multitude of responsibilities. When you
hang out your own shingle, you'll be doing both the stuff you love to do, as well as a
whole lot more to make your operation run smoothly. Are you ready for that rude

4. Are you passionate about the goods or services you'll be

selling? People often want to turn their hobbies into their
careers. When you are emotionally involved with your
products, you will likely learn that your business is not just
about that passion, but also about all the behind-the-scenes
"business stuff" with which you were never previously
involved. It can be overwhelming when you realize you are
making it possible for others to do what you love to do, but that you don't have time
anymore to do it yourself.

5. Do you have the ability to differentiate yourself from your competition?

Only rarely will anyone come up with a radically new business idea for a
product or service that no one else is selling. It's far more likely that you'll be
entering territory in which others have already established themselves. Do
you have a solid marketing plan to show how what you do is better or more economical
than your competition?

Are you prepared with a solid answer to this question: Why would anyone besides your
friends, family and existing contacts want or need to do business with you?

Of course, there are many other questions you should be asking yourself. If you have
good answers to all of them, and you are still enthusiastic, you may be that budding
entrepreneur who finds personal and financial fulfillment.

If you need more help to make a decision, follow the link: http://unleash4success.com

Happy hunting!

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