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LA 6 B

There is one word missing from each sentence. Write it in the correct place.
a. I used play a lot of rugby at school.
b. I’m finding it difficult to used to my new boss. She’s not very friendly.
c. You use to be so close to your brother when you were children?
d. When I was a child, we always have barbecues in the summer.
e. We use to be vegetarian. It’s only something we’ve started doing in the last couple of

Answer :

a. I used to play a lot of rugby at school

b. I'm finding it difficult to used to close my new boss. She's not very friendly.
c. Did you use to be so close to your brother when you were children?
d. When I was a child we used to have barbecues in the summer
e. We didn't use to be vegetarian. It's only something we've started doing in the last couple of

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