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Date: 24-07-23
Sanchez Aguilar Anghelo Kender

1. Explique el contexto de uso del there is, there are y escriba un ejemplo.
a. There is: It is used to indicate the existence of something in a specific
situation in a singular way.

For example: There is a dog on the roof

B. Are there?: It is used to ask about the presence of something, but in the

For example: Are there any students in the classroom?

C. There isn't: Is used to deny the existence of something in a singular way.

For example: There isn't a restaurant in this area.

D. There aren't: It points to the negation of several things or persons.

For example: There aren't many people at the park on weekdays.

d. There are: It indicates the existence of several things or persons.

For example: There are a lot of people at the concert

Modifique a la forma afirmativa y negativa las siguientes oraciones.

a. Are there they some Friends?

Afirmativo: They have some friends.

Negativo: They have no friends.

b. Is there an apple?

Afirmativo: There is an apple.

Negativo: There is no apple.

c. Are there two Windows?

afirmativo:There are two windows.

Negativo: There are not two windows.

3. Modifique a las formas negativas e interrogativas las siguientes

a. He wasn´t afraid.

Interrogativa: Was he afraid?

Afirmativa: He was brave.

b. We weren´t Good friend.

Interrogativo: Weren't we good friends?

Afirmativo: We were good friends.

c. Did you learn the lesson? contestar afirmativo negativo

Positivo: You learned the lesson

Negativa: You didn't learn the lesson

Respuesta: No, I didn't learn the lesson.

d. Didn’t we go to the party?

Respuesta: No, we didn't go to the party.

Positivo: Yes, we went to the party.

negativo: No, we didn't go to the party.

e. When did they arrive?

positivo : They have arrived.

Negativa: Have not arrived yet

Respuesta: Arrived two days ago

f. Where did they go?

Respuesta: They went to the park.

positivo : They went to the park.

negativa : They didn't go anywhere.

4. Modifica a las formas negativas e interrogativas las siguientes

a. My mother worked in his office all weekend.

Negativo: My mother didn't work in his office all weekend.

Interrogativo: Did my mother work in his office all weekend?

b. Luis played computer games all the afternoon.

Negativo: Luis didn't play computer games all afternoon.

Interrogativo: Did Luis play computer games all afternoon?

c. Carlos wrote a poem to his girlfriend yesterday.

Negativo: Carlos didn't write a poem to his girlfriend yesterday.

Interrogativo: Did Carlos write a poem to his girlfriend yesterday?

d. Pedro ate hamburgers in Burger King yesterday.

Negativo: Pedro didn't eat hamburgers in Burger King yesterday.

Interogativo: Did Pedro eat hamburgers in Burger King

5. Escribe un breve texto en pasado simple

Last week, we celebrated my grandfather's birthday with a surprise party. The

whole family gathered to organize the special event. He turned 80, and we
wanted to make it an unforgettable day for him.

For weeks, we had been planning the party in secret. My mom and my aunts
took care of booking the venue and coordinating the decorations. My cousin
and I handled sending the invitations to all his close relatives and friends.

On the day of his birthday, we were excited and nervous to surprise him. We
made sure my grandfather didn't suspect anything special. When he entered
the house, we all shouted, "Surprise!" at once. His face lit up with a bright
smile. He was thrilled and touched by the surprise we had prepared for him.

Throughout the evening, we shared laughter, stories, and good times together.
There was music, dancing, and, of course, a delicious birthday cake. It was a
day filled with joy and love, and I'm sure my grandfather will never forget the
surprise party we threw to celebrate his 80th birthday.

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