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OpenCV | Workshop on OpenCV mistreatment Python

OpenCV (Open supply pc Vision) could be a library of programming functions primarily aimed toward
time period pc vision. The library is cross-platform and free to be used underneath the ASCII text file BSD

Python could be a programing language that enables you to work additional quickly and integrate your
systems additional effectively. you'll be able to learn to use Python and see nearly immediate gains in
productivity and lower maintenance prices.

Topics to be coated throughout Workshop

Applying Geometric Transformations to pictures

Installing OpenCV-Python


Mac OS X

UNIX operating system (for Ubuntu)

Reading, displaying, and saving pictures

What simply happened?

Loading and saving a picture

Image color areas

changing between color areas

What simply happened?

Image translation

What simply happened?

Image rotation

What simply happened?

Image scaling

What simply happened?

Affine transformations

What simply happened?

Projective transformations

What simply happened?

Image warp


Detecting Edges and Applying Image Filters

2D convolution


the dimensions of the kernel versus the opaqueness

Edge detection

Motion blur

underneath the hood


Understanding the pattern


Erosion and dilation


Creating a vignette filter

what is happening underneath?

however can we move the main focus around?

Enhancing the distinction in a picture

however can we handle color images?


Cartoonizing a picture

Accessing the digital camera

underneath the hood

Keyboard inputs

Interacting with the applying

Mouse inputs

what is happening underneath?

Interacting with a live video stream

however did we have a tendency to do it?

Cartoonizing a picture

Deconstructing the code


Detecting and chase completely different Body elements

Using Haar cascades to find things

What ar integral images?

Detecting and chase faces

Understanding it higher

Fun with faces

underneath the hood

Detecting eyes


Fun with eyes

Positioning the spectacles

Detecting ears

Detecting a mouth

It's time for a hair

Detecting a nose

Detecting pupils
Deconstructing the code


Extracting options from a picture

Why can we care concerning keypoints?

What ar keypoints?

Detecting the corners

Good options to trace

Scale Invariant Feature remodel (SIFT)

Speeded Up strong options (SURF)

Features from Accelerated phase check (FAST)

Binary strong freelance Elementary options (BRIEF)

Oriented quick and turned temporary (ORB)


Creating a broad Image

Matching keypoint descriptors

however did we have a tendency to match the keypoints?

Understanding the mediator object

Drawing the matching keypoints

Creating the broad image

Finding the overlapping regions

handicraft the photographs

What if the photographs ar at associate angle to every other?

Why will it look stretched?


Seam Carving
Why can we care concerning seam carving?

How will it work?

How can we outline "interesting"?

How can we reckon the seams?

Can we have a tendency to expand associate image?

Can we have a tendency to take away associate object completely?

however did we have a tendency to do it?


Detecting Shapes and Segmenting a picture

Contour analysis and form matching

Approximating a contour

Identifying the dish with the slice taken out

How to censor a shape?

What is image segmentation?

however will it work?

Watershed algorithmic rule


Object chase

Frame differencing

Colorspace primarily based chase

Building associate interactive object huntsman

Feature primarily based chase

Background subtraction


Object Recognition
Object detection versus beholding

What is a dense feature detector?

What is a visible dictionary?

What is supervised and unsupervised learning?

What ar Support Vector Machines?

What if we have a tendency to cannot separate the info with straightforward straight lines?

How can we really implement this?

What happened within the code?

however did we have a tendency to build the trainer?


Stereo Vision and 3D Reconstruction

What is stereo correspondence?

What is epipolar geometry?

Why ar the lines completely different as compared to SIFT?

Building the 3D map


increased Reality

What is the premise of increased reality?

What will associate increased reality system look like?

Geometric transformations for increased reality

What is cause estimation?

How to track flat objects?

What happened within the code?

How to augment our reality?

Mapping coordinates from 3D to second

a way to overlay 3D objects on a video?

Duration: The length of this workshop are 2 consecutive days, with 6-7 hour session day by day in a very
total of 12-14 hours.

Certification Policy:

Certificate of Merit for all the workshop participants.

At the top of this workshop, alittle competition are organized among the taking part students and
winners are awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence'.

Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the field workshops.

Eligibility: it is a basic level workshop thus there aren't any conditions. Anyone interested, will be a part
of this workshop.

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