The Tempest

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Act I Scene I

A ship is caught in a
terrible storm at sea.

Boatswain, take
charge of the sailors. Do
it right away, or the ship
will run aground and be
wrecked. Get going!
Get going!

Hey, my hearty
comrades! Quickly!
Quickly! Take in the
topsail. Pay attention
to the master’s

Heed the

Blow, until you

burst, wind! What
do I care so long as
there’s room enough in
the sea for us to avoid
running aground!

boatswain, keep Good
these men busy. man, be I will be
Where’s the patient. patient when
master? the sea is. Go
away! Do not
Your trouble us.
please keep
below the

Where is
the master,

Good man,
just remember
Don’t you whom you have
hear the master giving on board. None
orders? You interfere I love more
with our work. Keep to than myself!
your cabins. You assist
the storm.

You are the

king’s advisor. If you can
command the forces of the
storm—the wind, the rain, But if you cannot,
the waves—to calm down, give thanks that you
we will not bother to handle have lived so long and
our ropes any more. Use make yourself ready in
your authority. your cabin to die. Now
get out of the
way, I say!

Bring down
the topsail.
Quickly! Lower,

All is lost!
Pray for your
soul. Pray for
your soul. All
is lost!

Act I Scene II

Unknown to the hapless souls who

are being tossed about on the waves,
Prospero, the magician, orchestrates
the storm from a cliff off the sea.

Ariel, a spirit and Prospero’s

operative, conjures the storm
at the command of Prospero.


Father, if by your
magic powers, you
have put the waters
in this uproar,
calm them!

The sky is so dark

that it seems it
would pour down
stinking, boiling tar.

I beg you
to order this
tempest to

When a tempest wrecks the ship of King Alonso of Naples and
his entourage in the Mediterranean Sea, the men find safety on a small,
isolated island. The storm was conjured up by the magician Prospero, who
lives on the island with his daughter, Miranda; his faithful spirit, Ariel; and
his half-human, half-animal slave, Caliban. Why has Prospero brought the
king and the others to the island? What plans does he have for them?

A mixture of tender romance and cruel revenge, The Tempest is

considered one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays. Although the play,
Shakespeare’s last, is filled with the supernatural, its message is that real
magic lies in the emotions of the human heart: love, loyalty, the desire to
be free, remorse, and forgiveness. By the end of the story, the tempest—in
its sense of severe storm and emotional upheaval—has enabled love to
blossom, reunited old friends, freed the enslaved, washed away the
sins of evildoers, and calmed the vengeance of a wronged man.

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