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Complete the sentences with the correct conjunction. Use and, but, or, because, or so.

Example: I have a pen and a pencil.

1. I like rice ________________________fish for breakfast.

2. Jenny is kind rice ________________________smart.

3. She wants coffee rice ________________________not cake.

4. He works very hard, rice ________________________he's really tired.

5. Sue can't come tomorrow rice ________________________she's sick.

6. He plays soccer every day rice ________________________he's very good.

7. I can meet you today rice ________________________not tomorrow.

8. David likes small dogs rice ________________________not big dogs.

9. She can speak French rice ________________________not Itialian.

10. David's very happy rice ________________________he's got a new job. 

1. and

2. and

3. but

4. so

5. because

6. so

7. but

8. but

9. but

10. because

Join the two sentences to make one sentence. Use and, but, or, because, or so.

Example: I have a pen. I have a pencil. - I have a pen and a pencil.
1. I like coffee. I like tea,

2. She has a cat. She doesn't have a dog.


3. I don't have much money. I can't buy a computer.


4. She isn't here. She's on vacation


5. Do you write with your left hand? Do you write with your right hand?


1. I like coffee and tea.

2. She has a cat but she doesn't have a dog.
3. I don't have much money so I can't buy a computer.
4. She isn't here because she's on vacation.
5. Do you write with your left hand or your right hand?

Marque a alternativa que tenha apenas conjunções coordenativas:

a) either...or – when – although – despite.

b) so that – if – since – and.
c) and – or – but – therefore.
d) because – unless – when – but.

Complete a frase “We get hungry __________ (quando) we are studying” com

a) while.
b) when.
c) whereas.
d) where.

Complete a frase “You should take your job seriously _________ (senão) you are going
to befired” com a conjunção adequada.

a) yet.
b) and.
c) if.
d) otherwise.

1. Sheisverybeautiful, … hersisteris more intelligent.

a) and
b) but

2. Youcanhaveapple …………. pie!


3. I have a sandwich _________ a bottleofjuice for lunch..

c) and
d) nor

4. I don’twanttotraveltoEurope, ……I havethemoneyto!

d) nor

5.(PUCRS-2001) A expressão “as long as” pode ser traduzida como:

a) no tempo em que.
b) quanto.
c) contanto que.
d) tão longo quanto.
e) conforme

01. (FCMMG) In thesentence “Otherwise, it’ssmartto start nowwith ‘clean living’

and regular check-ups”, otherwisemeans
A) whereas.
B) however.
C) meanwhile.
D) nevertheless.
E) in anotherway.

02 e 03. (Milton Campos-MG) Alcoholismseemstobe a problemeverywhere,

exceptin placeswherethereis no alcohol. Everybodyknowsthatalcoholismisbad,
exceptthealcoholics. Maybetheyknowsomethingthat normal peopledon’t.
G. A. Cheney
Checkthesynonyms for theunderlinedwords:
I. “Except”
A) Occasionally
B) Surely
C) But
D) Despite
E) Certainly

II. “Maybe”
A) Likely
B) Probable
C) Perhaps
D) For sure
E) Obviously

04. (Milton Campos-MG) “Noteverystudentwithabilitygoestocollege, however.”

A) Despite.
B) Though.
C) Whether.
D) Unless.
E) As long as.

05. (UFV-MG) The wordactually, in thesentence “There are actuallymanyexpensessuch

as books, dormitorycostsandlaboratoryfees”, means
A) atthemoment. D) now.
B) in fact. E) today.
C) thesedays.

06. (UEL-PR) I won’t go tobed _______ I finishmy book report.

A) to
B) but
C) for
D) until
E) because
07. (UFMA) Qual o significado da palavra sublinhada?
The Teatro Amazonas is a magnificent Opera House in Manaus. Therefore,
youshouldn’t miss it.
A) Todavia
B) Portanto
C) Entretanto
D) Mesmo assim
E) Muito embora

08. (UFV-MG) “YetthetruthisthatsomethinghappenedtoWorden as

AnAPPROPRIATE synomym for yetin thesentenceaboveis
A) already. D) till.
B) almost. E) however.
C) again.
09. (FMABC-SP–2010) No trecho a seguir “In thehistoryofthevirus, laboratory-
relatedinfectionhasbeen a primarymethodoftransmission; therefore,
utmostcautionisneededwhenhandlingthevirus in a laboratory setting”, a palavra
thereforepode ser substituída, sem mudar o sentido, por
A) so.
B) such.
C) furthermore.
D) nevertheless.
E) however.

10. (FMABC-SP–2010) No trecho “Thoughthe animal reservoiris as yetunknown, a

rodentfoundthroughouttheregionsurroundingthesmallvillageof Sabiá
hasbeenimplicated”, a palavra thoughsignifica, em português,

A) portanto. D) então.
B) tal como. E) aliás.
C) embora.

Complete withcorrectlinkingword.
7. He wassotired ______________ hehadstayedup late towatchthe football match.
A) while.
B) Because
D) before
8.____________ you stop eatingsomuch chocolate youwon'tbeabletofitintoyourbikini!
A) while.
B) Because
D) before
E) unless.
9. I quite like octopus, _________ I reallyloveoysters.
A) while.
B) Because
D) before
E) but

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