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Analytical model for predicting shear strengths of exterior reinforced concrete

beam-column joints for seismic resistance

Article  in  Aci Structural Journal · September 1999


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2 authors, including:

Hung-Jen Lee
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology


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Title no. 96-S93

Analytical Model for Predicting Shear Strengths of Exterior

Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints for Seismic
by Shyh-Jiann Hwang and Hung-Jen Lee

A proposal for determining the shear strengths of exterior

beam-column joints for seismic resistance is made in this paper.
The proposed method, termed as the softened strut-and-tie
model, is based on the strut-and-tie concept and derived to sat-
isfy equilibrium, compatibility, and the constitutive laws of
cracked reinforced concrete. The accuracy of the proposed pro-
cedure was checked by comparing calculated shear strengths
with experimental data reported in previous literature, and a sat-
isfactory correlation was found. The proposed physical model
can provide valuable insights into the strength behavior of the
exterior beam-column joints under seismic loading.

Keywords: beams; columns; joints (junctions); reinforced concretes;

shear; strength.

Under seismic excitation, the beam-column joint region is Fig. 1—Mechanisms of shear transfer at exterior joint: (a)
subjected to horizontal and vertical shear forces whose magni- diagonal strut mechanism; and (b) truss mechanism.
tudes are typically many times higher than those within the ad-
Therefore, the analytical model incorporated into the NZS
jacent beams and columns. If the joint shear strength is not
3101:1995 standard 1 could not explain why the joint speci-
carefully detailed, the beam-column joint may become the weak
mens that were designed by ACI 318-95 2 and did not necessar-
ily conform to NZ standard also showed satisfactory behavior.
Currently, there is little consensus within the design and re-
The empirical approach of ACI 318-952 can hardly extend its
search communities as to the determination of shear strength of
application to the retrofitting of the seismically insufficient
the reinforced concrete beam-column joint. The New Zealand
joints because the step function of joint shear limits2 gives lit-
design recommendation1 postulates two kinds of resisting
tle information when extrapolating beyond experience. A ra-
mechanisms to carry the joint shear: the diagonal strut mecha- tional approach to model shear transfer within the joint region
nism, and the truss mechanism (Fig. 1). U.S. and Japanese is needed.5
standards2,3 state implicitly that it is only necessary to consider
This paper develops a rational model for predicting the
the diagonal strut mechanism when calculating joint shear resis-
shear strengths of exterior reinforced concrete beam-column
tance. To further enhance discussions and lead to a common
joints for seismic resistance. The precision of the analytical
conclusion, a trilateral cooperative research4 was conducted by
model is gaged by the available experimental data. The appli-
researchers in the U.S., New Zealand, and Japan. After this in-
cability of the proposed model to interior beam-column joints
ternational debate,4 the resisting mechanisms of joint shear are
is reported elsewhere.6
still in dispute.5
The major difference between the NZS 3101:1995 standard1
and ACI 318-95 2 in the beam-column joint provisions is wheth- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
er or not the truss mechanism [Fig. 1(b)] is adopted. To validate Limitations on maximum shear stress at the beam-column joints
the truss mechanism, the bond resistance of beam bars must be are intended to insure that joint shear failure will not curtail ductile
secured within the joint area, which leads to strict limitation on response of the frame under seismic loading. Currently, there are
the bar size relative to the joint dimension. Additionally, the three empirical limits for joint shear stress in ACI 318-95.2 A
truss mechanism results in a zone of uniform shear stress within code-specified level of shear strength can be achieved only if the
the joint core [Fig. 1(b)], which requires a large volume of hor- joint is detailed according to the Code.2 Therefore, it is difficult for
izontal and vertical transverse reinforcement to carry these designers to determine when particular joint details may adversely
stresses. Modeling joint load transfer using only the diagonal affect the shear strength or how to retrofit the seismically insuffi-
strut mechanism allows the bond deterioration of the beam bars
in the joint. To insure a stable strut mechanism under cyclic
ACI Structural Journal, V. 96, No. 5, September-October 1999.
loading, a fixed quantity of joint transverse reinforcement based Received April 20, 1998, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copy-
on experiments is usually specified. right  1999, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making
of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent dis-
The discussions during the trilateral cooperative research on cussion will be published in the July-August 2000 ACI Structural Journal if received
the beam-column joint did not agree on a rational approach.5 by March 1, 2000.

846 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999

ACI member Shyh-Jiann Hwang is a professor of construction engineering at the
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tapai, Taiwan, Republic of
China. He received his MS and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. His
research interests include bond and anchorage, deflection control of two-way slabs,
and seismic behavior of beam-column joints and shear walls.

Hung-Jen Lee is a PhD student in construction engineering at the National Taiwan

University of Science and Technology. His research interests include behavior and
design of beam-column joints.

cient joint. This paper presents a rational model that is capable of

predicting the shear strengths of exterior beam-column joints for
seismic resistance.


Before selecting the mechanisms to model the load transfer
within the joint, several observations were noted. Test speci-
mens designed in conformance with the ACI Code showed sat-
isfactory behavior, 4 which indicates the soundness of American
provisions on joints. Further, Kitayama et al. 7 evaluated the
beam bar bond characteristics quantitatively and concluded that Fig. 2—External actions and internal shears at exterior joint.
excessive earthquake response would not occur (even if the
beam bar bond has deteriorated) if the bar size remains within Regarding the rectangular area bounded by dashed lines in
certain limits. Recognizing that beam bar bond deterioration Fig. 2 as a shear element, the intensity of the vertical joint shear
within a joint should be tolerated, the proposed model departs force V jv can be approximated
from the philosophy of the truss mechanism.
The manner of joint lateral reinforcement on contribution to
h b′
the shear capacity is still controversial. Some researchers 8-10 re- V j v ≈  ------- × V jh (2)
ported that the joint shear strength is affected by the amount of h c′
transverse steel, but others11,12 have indicated that joint shear
strength is not affected by the amount of transverse steel. How- where h ′b and h c′ are the internal lever arms in the beam and col-
ever, there is general agreement that a reasonable amount of umn, respectively.
transverse steel improves the shear capacity of joints. A similar The proposed strut-and-tie model to transfer the joint shears
situation occurs for the intermediate column bars. Park and is composed of the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical mecha-
Keong 13 reported that the presence of intermediate column bars nisms as depicted in Fig. 3. The diagonal mechanism [Fig. 3(a)]
could significantly improve the joint shear capacity, whereas is a single diagonal compression strut whose angle of inclina-
Kaku and Asakusa14 found that the existence of intermediate tion θ is defined as
column bars was only effective in increasing ductility. Accord-
ing to these observations, the particular choice of a model can-
–1 h ″
not rely solely on the diagonal strut mechanism. The intended θ = tan  --------
 h c″ 
model must address all of the critical components within the
joint, and a statically indeterminate load pattern should be cho-
sen. where h′′b is the distance between the extreme longitudinal rein-
The proposed model is based on the strut-and-tie concept. Usu- forcement in the beam; and h′′c is the distance measured from the
ally, the strut-and-tie model applied to the joint region is consid- centroid of extreme longitudinal reinforcement in the column to
ered to satisfy only the equilibrium conditions. 15 However, the the centroid of bar extension at the free end of the 90-deg hooked
authors believe that a properly selected strut-and-tie model should bar, but not greater than the distance between the extreme longi-
also satisfy the stress equilibrium, the strain compatibility, and the tudinal bars in the column for the case with beam stub. To orient
constitutive laws of materials at the ultimate load stage when the the diagonal strut using the distance between the centroids of the
cracks in the concrete are abundant and the development of struts extreme longitudinal steel instead of the dimension between the
and ties is then completed. To meet the three principles of me- tension and compression couples is to facilitate the calculation
chanics of materials, the struts and ties should be properly oriented with sufficient accuracy. Because the exterior joint may not be
to keep a natural load path without allowing excessive inelastic fully engaged due to the required hook dimension, 3 the projected
deformation to occur. length of hooked beam bars is incorporated into the definition of
h c′′ .
The effective area of the diagonal strut A str is defined as
Before formulating a mathematical model, the forces around
and within a joint should be identified. Fig. 2 shows the earth- As t r = a s × b s (4)
quake-induced forces acting on an exterior joint. The horizontal
joint shear force is estimated using the notation given in Fig. 2 as where as is the depth of the diagonal strut, and bs is the width of
the diagonal strut. Since the formation of a diagonal strut depends
V j h = Tb – V c 1 (1) on the end conditions provided by the compression zones in
beams and columns, the depth of a strut without a beam hinge oc-
curring at the face of the column can be determined as16
where Vjh is the horizontal joint shear force; Tb is the tensile
force resulting from the steel of the beam; and Vc1 is the hori-
zontal column shear above the joint. as = ab2 + a c2 (5)

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999 847

area of the column section; and hc is the thickness of the column
in the direction of loading.
The width of the diagonal strut bs can be taken as the effective
width of the joint. There are several definitions for the effective
joint width,1-3,17 but the effective width of joint as defined by
ACI 318-95 2 is used for calculation in this study.
With reference to Fig. 3(b), the horizontal mechanism con-
sists of one horizontal tie and two flat struts. The joint hoops
constitute the horizontal tie. Unequal participation of the joint
hoops in resisting shear forces was observed in tests. Strain pro-
files for joint core hoops indicated that the hoops near the mid-
height of the core were more effective than those near the beam
bars.18 Thus, it is roughly assumed that the joint hoops within
the center half of the core are fully effective when computing
the cross area of the horizontal tie, and that the other joint core
hoops are included at a rate of 50 percent.
The proposed vertical mechanism [Fig. 3(c)] contains one
vertical tie and two steep struts. The vertical tie is made up of
the intermediate column bars. The way to estimate the cross area
of the vertical tie is similar to that of the horizontal tie.
The proposed model is a statically indeterminate system. The
yielding of ties does not stop the development of the shear
strength of the joint18 because the diagonal strut is capable of
transferring shear force alone. Therefore, the shear strength of
the joint is defined as the concrete compressive stress on the
nodal zone as it reaches its capacity. The boundary of the nodal
zone coincides with the diagonal strut boundary, but the con-
crete bearing force to be examined is the summation of com-
pressions from the diagonal, flat, and steep struts (Fig. 3).

Fig. 4(a) shows the proposed strut-and-tie model for an exte-
rior beam-column joint. Since the forces meeting at a node must
be in equilibrium, the horizontal joint shear to be resisted by the
strut-and-tie model is found from Fig. 4(b)

V j h = D cosθ + F h + F v cot θ (8)

where D is the compression force in the diagonal strut; F h is the

tension force in the horizontal tie; and F v is the tension force in
the vertical tie. Similarly, the vertical joint force is expressed as

V j v = D sinθ + F h tan θ + F v (9)

Fig. 3—Joint shear resisting mechanisms: (a) diagonal mecha-

nism; (b) horizontal mechanism; and (c) vertical mechanism. It is worthwhile to note that the ratio of Vjv /Vjh = tan θ is always
preserved for any combination of the selected mechanisms.
where a b and a c are the depths of the compression zones in the There are three load-paths in the joint region, and the joint shear
beam and column, respectively. It has been observed that when forces must be apportioned to the resisting mechanisms. If the inter-
the joint fails, the spalling of the compression zone in the beam mediate column bars do not exist or the yielding of the vertical tie
hinges adjacent to the column faces occurs especially in the cy- occurs, the horizontal shear (or increment) is then resisted only by
clic loading tests. Since the crushing produces a small compres- the diagonal and horizontal mechanisms, as shown in Fig. 5(a).
sion zone in the beam, the neglect of ab in computing a s is Schäfer19 and Jennewein and Schäfer20 suggested that the statically
assumed for joints where a beam hinge occurs at the face of the indeterminate tie-force Fh in the reduced mechanisms [Fig. 5(a)] be
column. Therefore, the depth of the strut can be estimated as16 assumed as

a s = ac (6) F h = γ h × V jh (10)

To make a quick estimation, the depth of the flexural com-

2 tan θ – 1
pression zone of the elastic column can be approximated by 10 γh = ----------------------- for 0 ≤ γ h ≤ 1

a c =  0.25 + 0.85 ------------ h c

 (7) where γh is the fraction of horizontal shear transferred by the hor-
A f ′ g c izontal tie with the absence of the vertical tie. Eq. (10) is a linear
interpolation of F h between two borderline cases, namely, that the
where N is the axial force acting on the column; f c′ is the com- entire horizontal shear is carried by the indirect load-path (F h =
pressive strength of a standard concrete cylinder; A g is the gross V jh) for θ ≥ tan-1 (2) and that the entire horizontal shear is trans-

848 1999
Fig. 5—Forces in struts and ties: joint shears resisted only by
diagonal and (a) horizontal mechanisms; and (b) vertical

Eq. (12) can be restated as

1 Rd
D = ------------ × ----------------------------------- × V jh (13)
cos θ ( R d + R h + R v )

Fig. 4—Strut-and-tie model at maximum response: (a) forces Rh

acting on joint region; and (b) forces acting on nodes. F h = ----------------------------------- × V jh (14)
( Rd + Rh + Rv )

ferred by the direct compression strut (F h = 0) for for θ ≤ tan-1(1/

2). 1 Rv
F v = ----------- × ----------------------------------- × Vj h (15)
The vertical shear (or increment) is resisted only by the diag- cot θ ( R d + R h + R v )
onal and vertical mechanisms with the absence or yielding of
the horizontal tie. Fig. 5(b) presents the fraction of the vertical
shear assigned to the vertical tie19,20 in the previous case where R d , R h , and R v are the ratios of the joint shears resisted by
the diagonal, horizontal, and vertical mechanisms, respectively.
The values of these ratios are defined as
F v = γv × V jv (11)

( 1 – γh ) ( 1 – γv )
θ–1 R d = ------------------------------------- (16)
γ v = 2cot
----------------------- for 0 ≤ γ v ≤ 1 1 – γ hγ v

where γv is the fraction of vertical shear carried by the vertical γ h( 1 – γ v )

tie with the absence of the horizontal tie. R h = ----------------------- (17)
1 – γ hγ v
Based on Eq. (8), (10), and (11), the ratios of the horizontal
shear V jh assigned among three mechanisms are defined as
γv ( 1 – γ h )
R v = ----------------------- (18)
D cos θ : F h :F v cot θ = R d :R h :R v (12) 1 – γ hγ v

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999 849

Fig. 6—Ratios of force distribution among mechanisms.

Fig. 7—Softening of compressive stress-strain curve due to

Due to the layout of the proposed strut-and-tie model, the same transverse tensile strain.
fractions of the vertical shear V jv are carried among three mech-
anisms The softened stress-strain relationship of concrete with its
compressive strength ranging from 20 to 100 MPa22 is of inter-
D sin θ : F h t a nθ : F v = R d : R h : R v (19) est. Since attention is focused on strength, only the ascending
branch of the softened stress-strain curve (Fig. 7) is presented22

It is carefully scaled such that the sum of R d , R h , and R v

εd   εd  2 εd
equals unity. Fig. 6 illustrates the ratios of the joint shears resist- σ d = ζ f c′ 2  -------- – -------- for -------- ≤ 1 (21)
ed by these three mechanisms. When the angle of inclination θ ζε o   ζε o  ζε o
= 45 deg, the diagonal mechanism carries the largest share of the
joint forces, that is Rd = 0.5. If the vertical tie is absent or yield-
ing, by assigning γv = 0, the value Rh converts to γh for the re- 5.8 1 0.9
ζ = --------- --------------------------- ≤ --------------------------- (22)
duced mechanisms. The same situation occurs between R v and f c′ 1 + 400ε r 1 + 400ε r
γv .
To check whether the joint strength is reached, the bearing where σ d is the average principal stress of concrete in the d-di-
pressure on the nodal zone (Fig. 3) where the compressive forces rection; ζ is the softening coefficient; f c′ is the compressive
from the diagonal, flat, and steep struts meet at a node (Fig. 4) strength of a standard concrete cylinder in units of MPa; ε d and
must be checked. With some algebraic efforts, the maximum εr are the average principal strains in the d- and r- directions, re-
compressive stress σ d,max acting on the nodal zone that is perpen- spectively; and ε o is the concrete cylinder strain corresponding
dicular to the d-direction is given by to the cylinder strength f c′ , which can be defined approximately
 – 1 hb″  

 cos  θ – tan  -----------  f c′ – 2 0
1    2hc″    ε o = – 0.002 – 0.001  ----------------- for 20 ≤ f c′ ≤ 100 MPa (23)
σ d, max = ---------  D + -----------------------------------------------------  (20) 80 
A str  – 1 hb″   
cos  tan  -----------
   2h ″   
 c  By adopting Eq. (21), the shear strength of the joint is reached
whenever the compressive stress and strain of the concrete diag-
onal strut conform to the following formula (Fig. 7)
 – 1 2hb″

 cos  tan  ----------- – θ  σ d = ζ ⋅ f c′ (24)
  h″   
 F h + -----------------------------------------------------F v
  tan – 1  2h ″b   
 s i n
 -----------
 h c″    εd = ζ ⋅ ε o (25)
 
Neglecting the tension stiffening effect of concrete, the be-
Constitutive laws havior of bare mild steel bars is assumed to be elastic-perfectly-
Cracked reinforced concrete in compression has been ob-
served to exhibit lower strength and stiffness than uniaxially
compressed concrete (Fig. 7). The so-called compression soft- f s = E s ε s for ε s < ε y (26)
ening phenomenon has been quantified21,22 and enhanced the
understanding of the shear problem in reinforced concrete. 23 It
fs = fy f o r εs ≥ εy (27)
is believed that the shear strength of the beam-column joint
should also be governed by the softening effect of concrete. To
make analysis easier, it is assumed that one of the principal axes where Es is the elastic modulus of the steel bars; fs and ε s are the
coincides with the direction of the diagonal concrete strut. It is stress and strain in the mild steel, respectively. f s becomes f h or
possible to improve this assumption, 24 but not within the scope fv, ε s becomes ε h or ε v , fy becomes fyh or fyv when applied to joint
of this study. hoop reinforcement or intermediate column bars, respectively.

850 1999
Based on the simplified constitutive equations for steel, the
relationship between forces and strains of the tension ties can be

F h = A t hE s ε h ≤ F y h (28)

F v = A t vE s ε v ≤ F y v (29)

where A th and Atv are the areas of the horizontal and vertical ties,
respectively; and Fyh and Fyv are the yielding forces of the hor-
izontal and vertical ties, respectively.

Compatibility Fig. 8—Compatability conditions for diagonally cracked con-

The two-dimensional compatibility condition expresses the crete: (a) strains averaged over area containing many cracks;
relationship among the average strains in different coordinate and (b) Mohr’s circle of average strains.
systems (Fig. 8). Accepting the predetermined direction of the
principal compressive stress θ , the principal tensile strain εr can lected in Step 1 is the solution. If not, increase the value of V jh
be related to the horizontal strain εh , the vertical strain ε v, and and repeat Steps 1 through 9.
the magnitude of the principal compressive strain εd in the fol- The previous explanation indicates that there are 11 equations
lowing manner26 available for 10 unknown variables. It is necessary to delete one
equation. In Step 7, the smaller value of the elastic strain ε h or ε v
2 is considered secondary, and therefore omitted.
ε r = ε h + ( ε h – ε d ) cot θ (30)

Type YH: F h = F yh and F v < F y v

ε r = ε v + ( ε v – ε d ) tan θ (31)
The analysis of Type YH basically follows that of Type E, but
Solution procedures two discrepancies exist. First, if the yielding of the horizontal tie
A set of solution procedures is proposed, as shown in the flow occurs, part of the joint shears beyond the yielding of the hori-
charts in Fig. 9 and 10. The algorithm in Fig. 9 starts with a se- zontal tie should be resisted by the reduced mechanisms—that
lection of the horizontal joint shear Vjh and can be roughed out is, the diagonal and vertical mechanisms only. Fig. 10 presents
into three steps. The first step employs the equilibrium equa- the force redistribution of the joint shears post the yielding of
tions to find the σ d,max acting on the nodal zone. By assuming the horizontal tie.
the strength of the concrete strut is reached, a value of the soft- Second, the yielding of the horizontal tie invalidates the con-
ening coefficient ζ is obtained through ζ = σd,max/f c′ . Secondly, straint εh from Eq. (28). As a consequence, both compatibility
the constitutive laws are used to compute the strains of the struts Eq. (30) and (31) can be applied in solution, but it is more con-
and ties. The third step applies the compatibility conditions to venient to use Eq. (31)
compute a new value of ζ. If the assumed ζ value is close to the
computed ζ value, the V jh selected is the shear strength of joint;
otherwise, back to iterations. Type YV: F h < F y h and F v = F y v
The proposed analytical procedure contains 10 unknown
variables that are four forces ( Vjh, D, Fh , F v), one stress (σ d,max ), The Type YV analysis is quite similar to the Type YH analysis.
one material coefficient ( ζ), and four strains (εd , ε r , εh , ε v). The Fig. 10 also shows the force redistribution of the joint shears post
varied yielding conditions of the ties, when the concrete strut is the yielding of the vertical tie. It is recommended in Fig. 9 to use
approaching its capacity, result in different solution algorithms. the quantity of εh to compute ε r by Eq. (30)
The procedure in Fig. 9 is categorized into five types and de-
scribed as follows
Type YHV: F h = F yh and then F v = F y v
Type E: F h < F yh and F v < F y v
The scope of Type YHV includes the case where the yielding of
The case of Type E means that the concrete strut reaches its the horizontal tie occurs and then the concrete strut arrives at its ca-
strength while the horizontal and vertical ties remain in the elastic pacity after the second yielding of the vertical tie. The algorithm
range. The details of this algorithm are explained as follows. of Type YHV is quite different from the former three cases.
1. Select a value of horizontal shear force V jh. To not overestimate the softening effect in situations where be-
2. Calculate D, Fh, and Fv from Eq. (13), (14), and (15), re- havior is governed by yielding of all reinforcements crossing the
spectively. crack direction, defining a limiting value of εr to be used in the
softening formulations is proposed.21,27 With this aim in mind, the
3. Calculate σd,max from Eq. (20).
value of εr corresponding to the point where the second-yielded
4. Assume ζ from Eq. (24).
vertical tie is approaching the yielding strain (ε v = ε yv) is computed
5. Calculate εd from Eq. (21).
as the limiting value. The material softening coefficient ζ related
6. Calculate εh and ε v from Eq. (28) and (29).
to the imposed εr limit is used to calculate the strength of the con-
7. Calculate ε r from Eq. (30) if ε h ≥ ε v , or calculate εr from crete strut. The proposed procedure for the Type YHV analysis is
Eq. (31) if εh < ε v. revealed in the lower half of Fig. 10
8. Check ζ using Eq. (22).
9. If the assumed value for ζ determined in Step 4 is suffi-
ciently close to the value shown in Step 8, then the value Vjh se- Type YVH: F v = F y v and then F h = F y h

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999 851

Fig. 9—Flow chart showing efficient algorithm.

The Type YVH analysis is quite similar to the Type YHV Type YHV and YVH analyses be performed, then choose the
analysis. It is recommended that the material softening coeffi- smaller value as the prediction of the joint shear strength. The ε r
cient ζ be calculated according to the value of ε r where the sec- limit can be computed at the stage where ε v is assumed equal to
ond-yielded horizontal tie is reaching the yielding strain (ε h = εy of the column bars for the Type YHV analysis, or at the stage
ε yh) as shown in Fig. 10. where ε h is taken as εy of the beam bars for the Type YVH anal-
For the joint specimen with the omission of the joint hoop ysis.
only, the analysis might fall in the categories of Type YH or
YHV. Similarly, for the joint specimen with an absence of the in- EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION
termediate column bar only, the Type YV or YVH analyses The proposed model was used to calculate the joint shear
might be used. If neither the joint hoop nor the intermediate col- strengths of 63 test specimens (Table 1) described in the literature.
umn bar is detailed within the joint region, it is recommended that Twenty-five of these joints were tested in the U.S., 30,33-36 six in

852 1999
Fig. 10—Algorithm for post yielding cases.

New Zealand, 18,28,29,31 25 in Japan,11,14,32 and seven in Taiwan.37- those that had failed prematurely in a column or due to anchorage
In selecting these test data, a number of screens were applied. were omitted.
They were as follows: 3. The proposed model employed the projected length of hooked
1. Specimens with floor slab, transverse beam, beam bars beam bars in defining the inclination angle of the diagonal strut,
with plate anchorage, beam bottom bars bent downward into the which means that the upper left node [Fig. 3(a)] does not coincide
lower column, or eccentricity between column and beam axes with the centroid of the extreme longitudinal reinforcement in the
were omitted. column. Owing to the limitation of this adopted assumption, spec-
2. Only specimens failing in a joint or a beam adjacent to a col- imens with the inner face of the hooked end of beam bars closer
umn were considered; specimens with a relocated beam hinge or than 0.6hc to the inner face of the column were omitted.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999 853

Table 1—Experimental verification
Vjh,test , Failure Calcula- V jh,calc, Vjh,test/
Authors Specimens fc′ , MPa fyh , MPa fyv , MPa N /A g fc′ kN mode θ, deg A str , cm 2 A th, mm 2 Atv , mm2 tion type kN V jh,calc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Megget 28 Unit A 22.1 317 365 0.07 576 J1 53 389 1330 774 E 419 1.38
Blakeley et al.29 Exterior 48.0 297 289 0.00 1104 F1 56 1176 5680 4914 E 2398 0.46
2 29.0 389 0 0.11 194 F1 42 194 426 0 YV 261 0.75
Lee et al.30 5 24.8 389 0 0.00 206 J1 42 142 426 0 YV 172 1.19
6 24.8 273 0 0.00 208 J1 42 142 126 0 YVH 155 1.34
Unit 1 22.6 326 296 0.05 754 J1 55 616 1356 1256 E 631 1.19
Paulay et al. 31 Unit 2 22.5 326 296 0.15 990 J1 55 788 942 1256 YH 711 1.39
Unit 3 26.9 316 296 0.05 753 F1 55 616 628 1256 YH 634 1.19
Park et al. 18 Unit 3 38.2 321 485 0.10 606 F1 49 415 471 628 YH 643 0.94
U40L 24.3 0 0 0.00 256 J3 59 404 0 0 YHV 203 1.26
U41L 26.7 294 0 0.00 339 J2 59 225 256 0 YVH 231 1.47
Kanada et al.32 U42L 30.1 294 0 0.00 337 J2 59 225 640 0 YVH 296 1.14
U20L 26.7 0 0 0.00 188 J2 59 225 0 0 YHV 124 1.52
U21L 30.1 294 0 0.00 198 J2 59 225 256 0 YVH 258 0.77
1B 33.6 437 490 0.06 554 J3 68 520 881 568 YH 483 1.15
3B 40.9 437 490 0.06 591 J2 68 271 881 568 YH 364 1.62
Ehsani et al. 33 4B 44.6 437 490 0.06 635 J1 66 267 881 568 YH 398 1.60
5B 24.3 437 414 0.13 571 J3 62 670 881 1019 YH 574 0.99
6B 39.8 437 490 0.07 469 J1 62 354 881 568 YH 514 0.88
J1 39.4 531 483 0.05 438 J2 57 271 516 1019 YH 436 1.01
Zerbe et al. 34
J3 39.9 531 483 0.05 449 F1 56 270 516 1019 E 425 1.06
1 64.7 455 455 0.02 486 F1 58 307 881 568 YH 625 0.78
2 67.3 455 455 0.04 609 J1 58 332 881 568 YH 670 0.91
Ehsani et al. 35
3 64.7 455 455 0.07 542 J1 60 275 881 568 YH 551 0.98
4 67.3 455 455 0.05 627 J2 60 266 881 774 YH 548 0.93
LL8 56.5 446 479 0.04 860 J2 58 360 1161 774 E 724 1.19
LH8 56.5 446 479 0.04 838 J2 58 360 1935 774 E 793 1.06
HL8 56.5 446 457 0.07 987 J3 57 662 1161 1019 YH 1133 0.87
HH8 56.5 446 457 0.07 986 J2 57 392 1935 1019 E 852 1.16
LL11 74.5 446 479 0.03 769 J2 59 349 1161 774 YH 758 1.01
Alameddine 36 LH11 74.5 446 479 0.03 934 J1 59 347 1935 774 E 861 1.08
HL11 74.5 446 457 0.06 967 J3 59 644 1161 1019 YH 1187 0.82
HH11 74.5 446 457 0.06 1021 J2 59 385 1935 1019 E 937 1.09
LL14 92.4 446 479 0.02 878 J2 59 338 1161 774 YH 799 1.10
LH14 92.4 446 479 0.02 890 J2 58 337 1935 774 E 922 0.97
HH14 92.4 446 457 0.04 1032 J2 57 360 1935 1019 E 978 1.06
B1 30.0 291 387 0.07 246 J3 51 223 112 508 YH 267 0.92
B2 30.0 291 387 0.07 214 J2 51 149 112 508 YH 188 1.14
Fujii et al.11
B3 30.0 291 387 0.24 273 J3 51 274 112 508 YH 319 0.86
B4 30.0 291 387 0.24 287 J3 51 274 336 508 YH 342 0.84
Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 kN = 0.2248 kips; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.

The specimens selected encompass a wide range of material signed assuming that the tensile stress in the beam longitudinal
properties, geometry, loading, loading sequence, and reinforce- reinforcement equals 1.25 times greater than the nominal yield
ment detailing, as summarized in Table 1 according to chronolog- stress.2 The statistics of the strengths of Grade 60 reinforcing
ical order. The experimental joint strengths V jh,test in Table 1 were bars 40 indicated that an actual yield stress of reinforcement is
either reported in the literature or derived using Eq. (1) based on approximately 1.13 times greater than its nominal value.
the maximum value of the beam shears measured during the test. Therefore, the design requirement of joint strength is consid-
The failure modes of the selected specimens were classified
ered to be satisfied when the strain hardening increases the
into F1, J1, J2, and J3 groups according to the seismic perfor-
tensile stresses in the beam longitudinal reinforcement by ten
mance of the beam-column subassemblages (Fig. 11). The letter
F designates the beam flexural failure, and the letter J indicates percent over the actual tensile yield stresses, that is, 1.1 = 1.25/
the joint shear failure. The classification of F1 and J1 means that 1.13 (Fig. 11).
the joint strength can reach its design value and that the ductility The failure Mode J2 means that the yielding of the beam bars
of beam-column subassemblages is up to four (Fig. 11). precedes the joint shear failure, and the above sequence of J3 is in
The design level of the joint shear strength was gaged by the reverse (Fig. 11). It is noted that, in the proposed model, the depth
ratio Pmax /Py to exceed 1.1 (Fig. 11), which is explained as fol- of diagonal strut as of Specimens F1, J1, and J2 was determined by
lows. The beam-column joints under seismic loading are de- Eq. (6), and that the as of Specimen J3 was calculated by Eq. (5).

854 1999
Table 1 (cont.)—Experimental verification
V jh,test , Failure Calcula- Vjh,calc , V jh,test/
Authors Specimens f c′ , MPa fyh , MPa fyv , MPa N A
/ g f c′ kN mode θ, deg A str, cm2 Ath , mm 2 A tv , mm 2 tion type kN Vjh,calc
1 31.1 250 0 0.17 249 F1 48 192 168 0 YVH 266 0.93
2 41.7 250 0 0.10 244 F1 48 162 168 0 YVH 300 0.82
3 41.7 250 0 0.00 212 J1 48 121 168 0 YVH 225 0.94
4 44.7 281 0 0.17 236 J1 48 189 42 0 YVH 349 0.68
5 36.7 281 0 0.09 220 J1 48 158 42 0 YVH 249 0.89
6 40.4 281 0 0.00 208 J1 48 121 42 0 YVH 210 0.99
7 32.2 250 395 0.12 249 F1 47 172 168 284 YH 239 1.04
8 41.2 250 395 0.08 243 F1 47 154 168 284 YH 265 0.91
Kaku et al.14
9 40.6 250 395 0.00 234 J1 47 121 168 284 YH 216 1.08
10 44.4 281 395 0.17 241 F1 47 190 42 284 YH 313 0.77
11 41.9 281 395 0.08 229 J1 47 153 42 284 YH 257 0.89
12 35.1 281 395 0.00 207 J1 47 121 42 284 YH 183 1.14
13 46.4 250 395 –0.04 207 J1 47 103 168 284 YH 202 1.02
14 41.0 281 282 0.08 224 J1 47 154 42 128 YHV 261 0.86
15 39.7 281 395 0.08 229 J1 47 155 42 71 YHV 233 0.98
16 37.4 250 381 0.00 250 F1 47 121 168 508 YH 214 1.17
Chen et al. 37 C1 25.0 400 323 0.35 639 F1 52 1106 852 2040 YH 1150 0.56
NN-28 33.4 434 463 0.00 1142 J3 59 1075 1161 1290 YH 1205 0.95
Hwang et al. 38 HL-28 33.4 434 463 0.00 1226 J3 49 1002 774 1290 YH 1365 0.90
HL-70 70.3 542 463 0.00 1397 J2 57 588 1200 1290 E 1010 1.38
NZS-70 70.0 476 448 0.00 1490 F1 47 576 1200 1638 E 1340 1.11
Hwang et al. 39 LHL-70 62.4 476 500 0.00 1092 J2 56 400 1200 1020 E 837 1.30
LHL-70-D 64.2 500 500 0.00 1063 J2 56 400 774 1020 YH 803 1.32
Total 63 Average 1.05
Coefficient of variation 0.22
Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 kN = 0.2248 kips; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.

Fig. 11—Classification of failure modes of beam-column subas-

In Fig. 12, the experimentally determined shear strengths from Fig. 12—Correlation of experimental and predicted joint shear
63 joint tests are compared to the shear strengths predicted by the strengths.
method presented in this paper. The strength ratios that are defined
as the ratios of the measured to the calculated strength are listed in umn joints (Table 1) including variations in concrete strength (22
Table 1 to indicate the precision of the proposed model. < f c′ < 93 MPa), axial loads (-0.04 ≤ N/Ag f c′ ≤ 0.35), joint shapes
Satisfactory results are obtained in Fig. 12 for the compari- (42 deg ≤ θ ≤ 68 deg), joint sizes (180 < V jh,test < 1500 kN), and the
son of the measured and computed strengths. The average omission of joint hoops or intermediate column bars in detailing.
strength ratio is 1.05 and the coefficient of variation is 22 per- Despite the difference in test specimens, the proposed model pre-
cent (Table 1). Data cover a broad spectrum of exterior beam-col- dicted their shear strengths reasonably well (Fig. 12).

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 1999 855

Table 2—Statistics of shear strength ratios It is noted that, traditionally, the crushing strength of the
between experimental and predicted values concrete in a strut is referred to as the effective compression
Failure mode strength,41 which is a value usually less than f c′ . Based on the
experience of this study, the effective compression strength41
type F1 J1 J2 J3 Total should be strongly correlated with the compression softening
theory of the cracked concrete. 21,22 The possibility of unifying
0.88† 1.22 1.15 1.11
E 3* 3 8 None 14 these two approaches is attractive, but was not be pursued fur-
0.41‡ 0.12 0.12 0.20 ther in this paper.
0.92 1.10 1.19 0.92 1.03
YH 8 9 7 9 33
0.23 0.22 0.18 0.11 0.22 CONCLUSIONS
0.75 1.19 0.97 A proposal for determining the shear strength of exterior beam-
YV 1 1 None None 2
— — 0.33 column joints for seismic resistance is made. The so-called soft-
0.92 1.52 1.26 1.16 ened strut-and-tie model is derived from the concept of struts and
YHV None 2 1 1 4 ties, and it also satisfies equilibrium, compatibility, and the stress-
0.10 — — 0.26
strain characteristics of cracked reinforced concrete.
0.88 0.97 1.13 1.00
YVH 2 5 3 None 10 The proposed method was found to reproduce 63 test results
0.10 0.25 0.31 0.25 from the literature with reasonable accuracy.
0.89 1.07 1.18 0.96 1.05 The proposed physical model can provide valuable insights
Total 14 20 19 10 63
0.25 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.22 into the seismic behavior of exterior beam-column joints, and it
*No. of specimens. is in a ready format to serve analytical purposes such as the seis-

Average of V jh,test/Vjh,calc . mic evaluation of existing joints. Further development of joint
‡Coefficient of varation of V
jh,test/Vjh,calc . design methods may well incorporate this approach.

The accuracy of the proposed model under varied conditions is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

further examined in Table 2. The proposed model predicted the This research study was sponsored by the National Science Council of the
shear strengths well for the specimens failing in the joints, while Republic of China under Project NSC 86-2211-E011-014. The authors
at least one of the ties was still effective in constraining the would like to express their gratitude for the support.
cracks. Table 2 shows that better precision was obtained for the
estimations of Groups J1 and J2 with Types E (COV = 12 per- NOTATIONS
cent), but that there was wider dispersion for Group F1 or Type ab = depth of compression zone in beam adjacent to joint
ac = depth of compression zone in column adjacent to joint
YVH specimens. Concerning the different failure models of
as = depth of diagonal strut
joints, the lower degree of correlation for Group F1 (COV = 25 Ag = gross area of column section
percent; Table 2) is consistent with its lower strength ratio (AVG Astr = effective area of diagonal strut
= 0.89). The reason is that the maximum stress was dictated by the Ath, Atv = areas of horizontal and vertical ties, respectively
beam flexural failure and that the joint strength might not be fully bs = width of diagonal strut
developed for the F1 specimen. Cb = compressive force resulting from compression zone of beam
C c1 , C c 2 = compressive forces resulting from compression zone of
With regard to the different calculation types, an interesting columns above and below joint, respectively
observation is noted. Speaking of the shear strength ratios of the d = direction of diagonal concrete strut; and assumed direction
specimens with the J1 failure mode in Table 2, the ratio of Type of principal compressive stress of concrete
E is larger, the values of Types YH and YV are medium, and the D = compression force in diagonal strut
Es = elastic modulus of steel bar
ratios of Types YHV and YVH are smaller. This phenomenon
f c′ = compressive strength of standard concrete cylinder
can be interpreted as follows. The occurrence of more yielding fh , fv = steel stresses in h- and v- directions, respectively
mechanisms leads to greater damage accumulating within the fs = average tensile stress of mild steel bars, taken as fh and fv in
joint. Consequently, less joint strength is expected. Since the h- and v-directions, respectively
proposed model does not consider the progressive deterioration fy = yield strength of bare mild steel
fyh, fyv = yield strength of bare mild steel of joint hoop reinforce-
of a joint due to the accumulated damage, overestimating the
ment and intermediate column bars, respectively
shear strength for the joint with more yielded ties might occur. Fh , F v = tension forces in horizontal and vertical ties, respectively
Table 2 also reveals that the proposed model may under-pre- Fyh, Fyv = yielding forces of horizontal and vertical ties, respectively
dict the shear strengths for Group J2 (AVG = 1.18) and over- h = direction of joint hoop reinforcement
predict the results for Group J3 (AVG = 0.96). This observation hb = beam depth
h′b = internal lever arm in beam
is attributed to the matter of selection for the depth of diagonal h′′b = distance between extreme longitudinal reinforcement in beam
strut as by Eq. (5) or (6). The estimations of Eq. (5) for J3 cases hc = thickness of column in direction of loading
may be large, and the predictions of Eq. (6) for J2 cases may be h′c = internal lever arm in column
too small. A formula giving multiple estimations of as for J2 h′′c = distance between centroid of extreme longitundinal rein-
cases seems to be needed. forcement in column and centroid of bar extension at free
end of 90-deg hooked bar, but not greater than distance
It is worthwhile to point out that there are two specimens, between extreme longitudinal bars in column for case with
U40L and U20L tested by Kanada et al.,32 which were not de- beam stub
tailed with the joint hoop nor the intermediate column bar. The N = axial force acting on column
proposed model yields conservative but reasonable estimations P = load applied at beam end
Pmax = maximum load of P
for these seismically insufficient joints (Table 1). This indicates
Py = load P at yielding of beam bar
the possible application of the proposed model in the seismic r = direction perpendicular to d; and assumed direction of
evaluation for retrofits. principal tensile stress
The analytical model in this paper was derived from the strut- Rd , R h , R v = ratios of joint shears carried by diagonal, horizontal, and
and-tie method, and it also satisfies the force equilibrium, strain vertical mechanisms, respectively
Tb = tensile force resulting from steel of beam
compatibility, and the constitutive laws of cracked reinforced T c1 , T c 2 = tensile forces resulting from tensile steel of columns above
concrete. Therefore, it is proposed to term the analytical proce- and below joint, respectively
dure as the softened strut-and-tie model. v = direction of intermediate column bars

856 1999
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