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1. Tell us about chegg tutors?

2. How did you find out about it ?

3. When did you start you , and what did you teach ?
4. How does one get to become a tutor ? (selection process)
5. How much time did you devote to it ?
6. Since most of the students are from the west did you have to stay up at night ?
7. Can it become a liable full time job ?
8. Which subjects have the highest demand on chegg?
9. What advice would you give to your juniors who want to earning on Chegg ?
10. How is Byju’s different from chegg ?

Perspective meet up with Ashu Pant , a computer science passout from the batch of 2012-
2016.Many of you must have seen him during the Computer Club Classes conducted by the final
year students. Ashu Pant shares his experience with Chegg Tutors , an online tutoring platform
which helped him earn good bucks in his final year.

Perspective : Tell us about Chegg Tutors ?

Ashu : Its basically a platform where students can instantly find a tutor , who can help you in
homework assignments or be your online tutor. It is mostly used by high school and college students
studying in the states. Students can also rent textbooks in its digital or physical form .

Perspective : How did you find out about Chegg ?

Ashu : A lot of students in BITs Pillani use Chegg as a source of income for their daily expenses , I had
a friend in that college who told me about the same .

Perspective: When did you start and what did you teach ?

Ashu: I started it in my final year after I got placed , this would help me keep in touch with the
subject .

Perspective: What is the selection process to become a tutor on Chegg ?

Ashu: Firstly, you have to choose your area of interest. In my case I chose computer science, after
that you’ll have to take up an online test. The test comprises of wide range of questions covering all
the parts of your subject. The test might prove a bit tricky to some, but once you’re through there’s
nothing stopping you.

Perspective: What was your usual task on the platform?

Ashu : I mostly wrote programs for other students or answer their queries . It sometimes took me
three days to finish their assignments , the bigger the assignment , higher the pay. For every query
you answer, you will earn.

Perspective: On what basis do tutors earn ?

Ashu : Students post an assignment or a query on the website , they also write the amout of money
they are willing to pay for it . You can choose from a list of jobs and then further negotiate with
them .

Perspective : Since most of the students are from the west ,did you have to work at night ?

Ashu : Yes, since theirs a considerable time difference , their was more opportunity to get an
assignment at night then in the morning .

Perspective: Which subjects have the highest demand on chegg?

Ashu : Students usually need help with subjects like elementary mathematics, calculus , computer
science and STEM. Basically, subjects which include problem solving.

“Once a student was ready to give 10 dollars to integrate e x and explain the answer “

Perspective: Can it be a liable full time job ?

Ashu: A liable full time job would be hard to say but it’s definitely a perfect part time job , reasin
being that you’ll have to spend a lot of time staying up at night .

Secondly , if the tutor gives incorrect answers to the student more the two times he or she will be
permanently debarred .

Perspective : What advice would you give to your juniors who want to start using Chegg as a
tutoring platform?

Ashu : Do not start it before you get placed! If you do you’ll end up spending a lot more time on this
than your academics. You might even end up missing your classes as you would be up all night .

Perspective : On a quick note , how did you spend all the money you earned?

Ashu : All our final year college trips were more than easily covered with the money I earned on
Chegg. I also payed my mess fee by own with extra savings still in hand .

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