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Objective Placement Test A

General Directions
This test has three sections: Language Use, Reading, and Listening.
There are 60 questions. You have 50 minutes to complete the test.

Section I: Language Use has 40 items. Read each sentence or conversation.

Choose the best answer. Fill in the correct letter on your Answer Sheet. You
have 20 minutes to complete this section.

Section II: Reading has 10 items. Read each article. Then read each sentence
and choose the best answer. Fill in the correct letter on your Answer Sheet.
You have 15 minutes to complete this section.

Section III: Listening has 10 items. Before each listening, read each sentence
and the choices. Then listen to the conversation. Choose the best answer for
each sentence. Fill in the correct letter on your Answer Sheet. You have 15
minutes to complete this section.

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Objective Placement Test A
Answer Sheet
Name: Date:

Section l:  Language Use

1. a b c d 11. a b c d 21. a b c d 31. a b c d

2. a b c d 12. a b c d 22. a b c d 32. a b c d

3. a b c d 13. a b c d 23. a b c d 33. a b c d

4. a b c d 14. a b c d 24. a b c d 34. a b c d

5. a b c d 15. a b c d 25. a b c d 35. a b c d

6. a b c d 16. a b c d 26. a b c d 36. a b c d

7. a b c d 17. a b c d 27. a b c d 37. a b c d

8. a b c d 18. a b c d 28. a b c d 38. a b c d

9. a b c d 19. a b c d 29. a b c d 39. a b c d

10. a b c d 20. a b c d 30. a b c d 40. a b c d

Section ll:  Reading

41. a b c d 46. a b c d

42. a b c d 47. a b c d

43. a b c d 48. a b c d

44. a b c d 49. a b c d

45. a b c d 50. a b c d

Section lll:  Listening

51. a b c d 56. a b c d

52. a b c d 57. a b c d

53. a b c d 58. a b c d

54. a b c d 59. a b c d

55. a b c d 60. a b c d

Total Score   / 60

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Objective Placement Test A
Section l:  Language Use
Choose the word or words that best complete each sentence.

1. My apartment is large. three bedrooms.

a. They’re
b. It has
c. It’s
d. There’s

2. A: are you, John?

B: I’m 15.
a. How
b. What
c. How old
d. What time

3. A: What’s Pam like?

B: She’s .
a. my friend
b. from Canada
c. at home
d. shy

4. Cindy’s Restaurant is Center Street.

a. at
b. on
c. to
d. of

5. desks in the classroom.

a. There are no
b. There’s
c. They aren’t
d. There’s no

6. A: Where are your neighbors from?

B: from Puerto Rico.
a. They’re
b. There
c. Their
d. There are

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7. Lisa and I are on the same soccer team. team is really good!
a. Their
b. Her
c. His
d. Our

8. I play basketball at all. I think it’s too difficult.

a. do
b. like
c. can’t
d. can

9. Amy comes to school on time every day. She’s late.

a. always
b. usually
c. sometimes
d. never

10. There isn’t milk in the refrigerator.

a. a
b. any
c. a few
d. some

11. A: Who plays the piano?

a. Jack does.
b. Jack’s.
c. Jack is.
d. Jack has.

12. A: you like a sandwich?

B: Yes, please.
a. Are
b. Do
c. Would
d. Can

13. I’m bored. Do you want to the movies tonight?

a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. goes

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14. A: What time do you get up?
a. At 7:30.
b. In the morning.
c. Hardly ever.
d. Every day.

15. A: study a lot?

B: Yes. They’re very good students.
a. Is there
b. Are there
c. Are they
d. Do they

16. Donna loves dancing, but she like to play sports.

a. doesn’t
b. don’t
c. not
d. no

17. A: Does Carlos like rock music?

B: Yes, he likes a lot.
a. her
b. him
c. it
d. them

18. My mom usually cooks, but my father dinner now.

a. cook
b. cooks
c. is cooking
d. are cooking

19. While we were driving home yesterday, it to rain.

a. begins
b. begin
c. began
d. beginning

20. Tokyo is city in Asia.

a. expensive
b. more expensive
c. most expensive
d. the most expensive

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21. San Francisco is than Los Angeles.
a. smaller
b. the smaller
c. smallest
d. the smallest

22. Why take the subway to the museum?

a. we don’t
b. don’t we
c. we aren’t
d. aren’t we

23. A: do you exercise?

B: Three times a week.
a. What
b. How often
c. How many
d. What time

24. A: Whose gloves are these?

B: They’re .
a. ours
b. my
c. Maria
d. us

25. I didn’t a good weekend.

a. had
b. has
c. have
d. having

26. Where you go last summer?

a. were
b. was
c. went
d. did

27. You shouldn’t so late.

a. stay up
b. to stay up
c. staying up
d. stayed up

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28. I worried about the exam.
a. don’t
b. didn’t
c. wasn’t
d. weren’t

29. I used to have short hair, but anymore.

a. I’m not
b. I don’t
c. I didn’t
d. I wasn’t

30. If the weather nice on Saturday, I’ll probably go to the beach.

a. is
b. was
c. will be
d. would be

31. Not everyone enjoys for clothes.

a. shop
b. shopping
c. to shop
d. they shop

32. I have a friend speaks Portuguese.

a. she
b. will
c. who
d. whose

33. a lot of pictures while I’m in Rome next week.

a. I’ve taken
b. I’d take
c. I’m going to take
d. I take

34. Gary isn’t as I am.

a. tallest
b. the tallest
c. taller than
d. as tall

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35. If I could take a trip anywhere in the world, to Australia.
a. I’ll go
b. I’d go
c. I’ve gone
d. I’m going

36. Susan is only 15. She high school yet.

a. hasn’t finished
b. is going to finish
c. wouldn’t finish
d. finished

37. A: How have you studied Spanish?

B: Three years.
a. many
b. much
c. often
d. long

38. you rather read a book or watch TV?

a. Do
b. Did
c. Will
d. Would

39. in Chicago since 2000.

a. I’m living
b. I’d live
c. I’ve lived
d. I was living

40. A: What are your plans for the summer?

B: travel. I can’t decide.
a. I might
b. I’ll
c. I’m going to
d. I won’t

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Section ll: Reading
Read. Then choose the word or words that best complete each sentence.

Reading 1: Steve’s school

I like my school. The teachers and the classes are

great. My favorite class is science. I have science
every day at 10:00. My geography class isn’t easy,
but I like it. It’s on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
at 2:30.

41. Steve’s geography class is .

a. his favorite
b. in the morning
c. at 10:00
d. difficult

Reading 2: Pedro’s postcard to a friend

Hi, Erica!
How are you? Are you having a good summer?
I’m at camp for two weeks. We have a lot of activities. We do
different things every day. We play sports on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday mornings. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, we go
hiking or horseback riding. We take swimming lessons and do arts
and crafts in the afternoons. We’re busy!
Right now, it’s 5:30. I’m hanging out with my friends in their room.
We’re reading and playing games. It’s hot today, and we’re tired and
Oh! There’s the bell. It’s time for dinner. See you later.

42. Pedro plays sports at camp.

a. every day
b. in the afternoon
c. three days a week
d. on Tuesday and Thursday

43. Right now, Pedro’s friends aren’t .

a. eating dinner
b. in their room
c. tired and hungry
d. hanging out

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Reading 3: Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark

I n the early 1800s, people in the new United States didn’t know a
lot about the land west of the Mississippi River. So the president,
Thomas Jefferson, sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with a
team to explore this area.
Lewis and Clark left St. Louis in May 1804 and returned two
and half years later. The first year of the trip, from St. Louis up
the Missouri River, was easier. The second year was more difficult
because everything was new. But luckily, they met a Native American
woman, Sacagawea. Sacagawea was their guide. She helped them
speak with other Native Americans because she spoke different
languages. They reached the Pacific Ocean in November 1805 and
came back the next year.
Lewis and Clark’s journey was very successful. They made maps
of the new land. They learned a lot about the native people. And
they found many new plants and animals.

44. Lewis and Clark went from St. Louis to .

a. the Mississippi River
b. the Atlantic Ocean
c. the Missouri River
d. the Pacific Ocean

45. Lewis and Clark’s trip took .

a. less than one year
b. exactly two years
c. between two and three years
d. more than three years

46. Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark because she .

a. made maps
b. was an American
c. spoke different languages
d. walked very fast

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Reading 4: Freddy Adu

Freddy Adu
Have you heard of Freddy Adu? Freddy is a very talented
soccer player. He’s a teen, but he has already become
Freddy was born in Ghana, in Africa. He started playing
soccer when he was two. At age eight, he came to the
United States with his family. Soon he joined a team for
young soccer players.
When he was 11, Freddy went to Italy to play with his
team. People saw him and thought he was awesome! A
famous Italian team, Inter Milan, wanted him to join them.
But his mother said no. She thought he was too young.
Freddy wanted to play soccer, but he had to finish high school first. So he took special
classes and graduated early. These days, Freddy is playing full-time with S.L. Benfica,
a soccer team in Lisbon, Portugal.
What does Freddy do when he isn’t playing soccer? Well, he likes hip-hop music. He
also enjoys watching DVDs and hanging out with his friends – just like a normal teen!

47. Freddy Adu started playing soccer .

a. when he was very young
b. at age 8
c. in the United States
d. as a high school student

48. Freddy didn’t join Inter Milan because .

a. he didn’t like the team
b. his mother didn’t want him to
c. his family doesn’t speak Italian
d. Italy was too far away

49. Now Freddy is .

a. living in Africa
b. studying in high school
c. working in Italy
d. playing with S.L. Benfica

50. Freddy is a normal teen because he .

a. is very talented
b. has a lot of free time
c. likes teen activities
d. goes to high school

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Section lll:  Listening
Before each listening, read each sentence and the choices. Then listen.
Choose the word or words that best complete each sentence.

Listening 1: Barb and Julia talk about some photos.

51. Matt is .
a. a little short
b. very smart
c. a basketball player
d. Julia’s brother

Listening 2: Robbie calls Michelle at home.

52. Michelle is tonight.
a. playing video games
b. staying at home
c. making dinner
d. going to a restaurant

53. Robbie usually on Sunday afternoon.

a. sees friends
b. stays home
c. goes shopping
d. does his homework

Listening 3: Three teens talk about their homestays.

54. Rich didn’t while he was in Japan.
a. go to many places
b. learn about the culture
c. meet a lot of people
d. learn the language well

55. While she was in Chile, Brenda missed .

a. American food
b. her friends
c. her brothers
d. her parents

56. David thought his homestay in England was .

a. difficult
b. fun
c. boring
d. exciting

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Listening 4: Brian and Sarah talk about their classes this year.
57. Sarah doesn’t want to take another class this year.
a. computer
b. history
c. photography
d. language

58. Brian has studied for two years.

a. world cultures
b. history
c. French
d. Spanish

59. Brian isn’t going to this year.

a. play sports
b. be in a club
c. study hard
d. study a language

60. Sarah is going to for the school newspaper this year.

a. do interviews
b. take pictures
c. be the editor
d. write stories

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