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PRETEST 1. Direction: Study the problem in each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before the number of each item.
2. A
4. B
5. D
Read the following sentences and write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is
wrong. Write your answer on the blank provided before the number of the statement.
False 1.The crystal balls and the palm can be an instrument to foretell the future.
False 2.Superstitious belief like using amulets and Charm can help people protect themselves from
True 3. It is just alright to follow superstitious beliefs of our parents, anyway nothing is lost.
True 4.Using charms and amulets to protect ourselves from destruction does not deteriorate our
Christian faith.
True 5. Even none livings can be possessed by evil spirits.

Name: Jeffrey Antonio Course: __________ Course/Year/Section: __________ Date: __________

1. Direction: Answer the question briefly but completely. There were instances of your life journey since
you were born that you assimilated some practices and values that were not in consonant with your
Christian beliefs. Relate those instances and evaluate whether their influence penetrated your
spirituality as a Christian or not. Write your decision if you are going to discard from your system or
continue doing it.

For example is when i pay some bills or lending money to someone at sundown is inappropriate. I prefer
it paying or lending early in the morning.

2. Direction:

Enumerate 5 superstitious beliefs that you want to stop practicing because you are already enlightened
1. a black cat walking infront of someone leaving the house for long travel or long drive.
2. crossing a funeral along the street while on drive for a vacation
3.lending rice or money to someone at sundown
4. keeping a godly imagery at room
5.eating an offering to deity after ceremonial rites.

PRETEST Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is wrong.
False 1. Hindus believe in only one God.
True 2. They call their god Brahma.
True 3. Hindus count their gods in millions.
True 4. Sin to the Hindus is to value things other than the soul.
True 5. Good works is their passport for a better next reincarnation.

POST TEST I. Direction: Identify what is referred in the phrase or sentence:

Karma 1. The Hindu law of good deeds
Hinduism 2. The popular religion of India
Yoga 3. A Hindu practice which they believe they can find true knowledge of oneself which leads to
union with the Supreme Being through concentration.
To know thy self 4. The essence of Hinduism
Reincarnation 5. A Hindu system of mystical and ascetic philosophy which involves withdrawal from the
world and abstract meditation upon any object

II. Direction: Answer the questions briefly but completely.

1. Why is it that an animal is sacred and holy in India?
The Hindus counts their gods in millions meaning all living things has a godly value to them.. The
world is but momentary stage on the great journey of life, thus saying everything that has life is
2. According to the Hindus, what is the most important element in the life of man? Why?
Life in Hindus means the existence of the soul, is a continual struggle to reach the point where
complete merge with the ultimate is possible. Hindus believe, does not become the son of God,
he becomes real part of God after death.


PRETEST I. Direction: Answer the question briefly but completely.

1. Why did Siddhartha Gautama leave Hinduism and started to search a new belief.
It is because he believed that he who saved life has more virtue than he who takes life.
II. Direction: Read the following sentences and write True if the statement is correct and False if
the statement is wrong.
True 1. Siddhartha Gautama was a prince.
True 2. Buddhism is the state religion of Burma and Nepal.
False 3. Buddha experience hardship in life when he was young.
True 4. Buddhism sprung from Hinduism.
True 5. Buddhism did not prosper in India but well spread in China and Japan.

POST TEST I. Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. The parents of Siddhartha Gautama were from the southern part of

______India_______. 2. Buddha came from the clan called the _____gautama______. 3.

The head of the clan of Buddha was ____sakyas_________. 4. _____budha________ was
the mother of Siddhartha Gautama. 5. Siddhartha Gautama was born in a small town of
_____india______. 6. Just after the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, ____cherry_____
blossoms rose in his footstep. 7. Buddha was named ____siddharta_____which means “he
who has attained his goals”. 8. Siddhartha was married to ___________when both were 16
years old. 9. 9.____buddha______ means the enlightened one. 10. 10._________ was the
first ordained Buddhist monk. 11. Buddha was __16___ years old when he achieved his
enlightened years while spreading his teachings. 12. Buddha organized the order of the
monks which was named ____temple_____. 13. ________ was the only son of Buddha who
followed his footstep. 14. Buddha was ___105___ years old when he died. 15. He died in the
land of ____india_______.


PRETEST I. Direction: Identify the items referred to by the following phrases.

K’ ung Fu Tzu1. The Chinese name of Confucius
Analects 2. The religious book of Confucianism
Peng- an 3. An ancient official of the Chinese who liked to tell old stories.
Cabinet member4. What office did Confucius hold when he was in the government of
Shantung, China?
Righteousness 5. Give one philosophy or principle of Confucius that can be lifted from the
book of Analects.
6. Enumerate the five human virtues of Confucius.
1. Kindness 2. Uprightness 3. Proper behavior 4. Wisdom 5. Faithfulness

Activity 1
1. What is filial piety? worship of ancestors
2. Describe the moral standard that Confucius mentioned in his Analects.
Confucius stressed righteousness
Activity 2
State one of the principles in life from the book of Analects and relate it to your family and
the wider community.
Kindness – one shows kindness shall have a peaceful and harmonious life.
Activity 3 Through pictures from the internet, illustrate the five virtues of Confucius.
It is an ultimate challenge to all of us because we are sinners. A perfect human being
without persuading someone’s right.
POST TEST I. Direction: Answer the question briefly but completely.
1. State the five human virtues of Confucius and explain each using illustrations that are happening
in our daily life.
Kindness – showing or lending something to other people
Uprightness – being a wise person in choosing what is right rather wrong
Proper behavior- showing calmness to others
Wisdom – choosing what is better
Faithfulness- keeping a good relationship with someone important

Module 5 Taoism

PRETEST Direction: Read the following sentences and write True if the statement is correct and False if
the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the blank provided before the number of the statement
FALSE 1. Taoists walk in the highways and follow instruction on road signage.
TRUE 2. Taoists believe that when he dies he will transform into a butterfly.
TRUE 3. Taoists are vegetarian for they believe that they can protect themselves through light foods.
TRUE 4. Taoists believe that when they eat a pinch of gold, mercury and jade they will become
TRUE 5. Taoists promote ignorance and have no ambition in life.

Activity 1
1. What is meant by “Taoists walk where there is no road signage”?
Taoist people go with the flow. They do not live their life with restrictions or anything guided by law.
They live life according to change.

a. Is it right to regard a pinch of gold, mercury and jade as” pills of immortality”?
No. In Christian faith, there is no immortality.

Activity 2
Which among the belief s of the Taoists can you embrace and why?
There are no "bad people" according to Taoist principles, only people who behave badly. Given the
proper education and guidance toward understanding how the universe works, anyone could be a "good
person" living in harmony with the earth and with others.

Direction: Answer the question briefly but completely. State five (5) Taoist beliefs and practices and
analyze these from the point of view of a Christian.
1. Humanity
The primary focus of Taoism is based on the man’s spiritual existence where his humanity is believed to
be like a bamboo stick as it is straight and simple by design but has a vacant center that yearns to be
filled, yet it is flexible enough to overcome resistance and to resist the blows of nature.
2. Yin Yang
A basic belief of Taoist teachings uses the universal energy of chi, the life-giving force drawn from the
dynamic interchange of polar forces yin and yang. The flow if chi as considered as an essential element
of life’s flow or continuity, it is believed to support and give prosperity, good fortune, and health, whilst it
simultaneously blocks sickness, conflicts, and difficulties. Most of the Taoists believe that it is the
constant flow of chi that guarantees the welfare of individuals and the world around them by using the
combination of Taoist doctrine with an active expression of Chinese spirituality. The effects of Tao (the
way) creates the origin by generating duality that is yin and yang, light and shadow, as every action
creates a counter-action by itself, it is natural and unavoidable movement.
3. Man’s Will
The man’s will is not considered as the root problem in Taoism. Rather, it is believed that the man must
place his will in the harmony with the natural universe. Taoist philosophy believes that the Universe
already works in harmony in its own ways but if a person exerts his will against the world then he would
disrupt the harmony that already exists so he should go with the flow of life.

4. Three Jewels of Tao

(i) Compassion, kindness, and love
(ii) Moderation, simplicity and frugality
(iii) Humility and modesty
5. Five basic movements
In classic Taoism matter and energy are considered to be governed by five basic movements. The
strength and influence of these movements wax and wane over the course of a year with wood peaking
during the spring, fire during the summer, metal in the autumn and water in the winter and finally the earth
asserts its presence most powerfully during the periods of the start of each season.

Module 6 - Shinto

PRETEST Direction: Read the following sentences and write True if the statement is correct and False if
the statement is wrong. Write your answer after the number of your test paper.
1. Shinto is Japan’s indigenous religion which means way of the gods.
2. Shinto was the state religion of China in the 1900.
3. The Philippines embraced Shinto religion when The Japanese invaded the country in 1945.
4. Shinto has no human founder or concept of a divine creator.
5. Shinto lacks a doctrine of the soul and has no Bible-like core text or a codified system of ethics.
6. Shinto is concerned more with community than with the individual, with performing rituals rather
than with doctrines and believing.
7. Only 20 percent of Japanese who venerate Kami actually profess to believe in their existence.
8. Shinto imbibed concepts of creation, judgment, heaven and hell.
9. They believe that the Emperor is the descendant of the sun deity Amaterasu.
10. Emperor Hirohito was revered as a living deity but renounced all claims to divinity in an historic
address in 1946.

POST TEST Direction: Answer the question briefly but completely.

1–3 List down three (3) types of Shinto and give description even just one sentence or two sentences.
Shrine Shintō-It is the place of their Gods.
Sect Shintō-It is a group of folk religious sects in Japan.
Folk Shintō-It is an aspect of Japanese folk belief that is closely connected with the other types
of Shintō.
4–7 List down the four affirmations of the Shinto spirit and write an explanation to every affirmation.
 Tradition and the family: Understanding that family is the foundation for
preserving traditions.
 Love of nature: Holding nature sacred.
 Ritual purity: Ritual bathing to spiritually and physically cleanse yourselves before
entering a shrine to worship the kami. ...
 Matsuri: Worshipping and honoring gods and ancestral spirits.

8. Where was Shinto originated?

9. When was the beginning of Shinto religion?
6th century AD
10. What do they call the Shinto place of worship?
Shinto shrines
11. How many adherents Shinto has today?
 About 4-5 million people follow Shintoism, mainly in Japan.

12–15 Enumerate four places where Shinto shrines are situated.

Ise Grand Shrine. 
Fushimi Inari in Kyoto.
Izumo Taisha.
Tsubaki Grand Shrine in Washington State. 
16. What do you call the association of the Shinto Shrines?
Local shrines are called Ujigami and are considered as guardians of the village.

17. The sun-god of the Shinto’s is believed to be the most important deity of the Shinto religion and

18. The gateway to the shrines.

19. The ritual suicide. Seppuku sometimes referred to as harakiri is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by
20–23 Four kinds of Kaguras as ritual dances
Kagura mai dance
Urayasu dance
aki no Yonaga mikagura
Miko kagura

24–25 Two amulets used by the Shintos

Kenko-mamori-for good health
Kachi-mamori-used to overcome difficulties

PRETEST I. Direction: Study the problem in each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before the number of each item.
1. It symbolizes a child’s birth into the fold of Islam. a) Ramadan b) Hariraya c) Paggunting d) Pilgrimage
to Mecca
2. The Islam Holy scripture. a) Analects b) Lun Yu c) Koran d) Tao
3. It means submission to Allah. a) Ramadan b) Islam c) Hariraya d) Paggunting
4. Those who submit themselves to Allah are called ________. a) Islam b) Moros c) Muslim d) Moslem
5. The thanksgiving feast celebrated by the Muslims after Ramadan. a) Paggunting b) Hariraya c)
Ramadan d) Pilgrimage to Mecca

II. Enumerate the answer of the following:

6–10 List down five basic doctrines of Islam
1. Their God is Allah who is the true God, who knows all, sees all and is all- powerful.
2. Mohammed the greatest and last is one of the prophets of Allah.
3. Gabriel who gave visions to Mohammed is the chief angel.
4. They claim inspiration for four books: Torah, the Jewish, Pentateuch, the Psalms of David, the Gospel
of Jesus, but the most important is the Koran.
5. As to the end of time, all human beings will be resurrected and Allah will judge each, sending them
either to heaven, a place of pleasure, or hell for all who will have opposed Allah or Mohammed.

POST TEST Direction: Enumerate the answers of the following items:

1 – 5 What are the five basic practices of the Muslims for their entrance to Heaven?
1. Hariraya
2. Ramadan
3. Paggunting
4. The pilgrimage to Mecca

6 – 10 What are the five basic doctrines of the Muslims?

1. Their God is Allah who is the true God, who knows all, sees all and is all- powerful.
2. Mohammed the greatest and last is one of the prophets of Allah.
3. Gabriel who gave visions to Mohammed is the chief angel.
4. They claim inspiration for four books: Torah, the Jewish, Pentateuch, the Psalms of David, the Gospel
of Jesus, but the most important is the Koran.
5. As to the end of time, all human beings will be resurrected and Allah will judge each, sending them
either to heaven, a place of pleasure, or hell for all who will have opposed Allah or Mohammed.

11 – 12 List down five places where Islam adherents are well spread.
1. Sulu Archipelago;
2. Southern Palawan
3. Central Mindanao
4. Western Mindanao
5. Southern Mindanao

Module – 8 JUDAISM

PRETEST Direction: Study the problem in each item. Write the letter of the correct answer.
B 1. A set of attitudes, practices, and beliefs about life is called a. Caste b. Religion c. Diversity d.
D2. Religious beliefs help people to a. Make sense of the world and their place in it b. Survive in diverse
geographic areas of the world c. Understand why government needs to be in control d. Value the
diversity of different culture sin the world
C3. The man known as the "father of the Hebrews" was a. David b. Confucius c. Abraham d. Moses
D4. Which of the following leaders is known for introducing the Ten Commandments to the Jewish
people? a. David b. Confucius c. Abraham d. Moses
D5. One of the most important beliefs in Judaism is the belief in one God. This belief is called a. Diversity
b. Diffusion c. Polytheism d. Monotheism
B6. The religious book that contains the religious laws of the Hebrew people is the a. Bible b. Torah c.
Dharma d. Sutra
C7. Which of the following beliefs of Judaism relates most closely to treating people fairly and caring for
the less fortunate? a. Study b. Monotheism c. Equality and Social Justice d. Following God’s law
C8. The word Diaspora refers to the a. Different religions and cultures that exist in the world b.
Scattering of an ethnic group away from their homeland c. Spreading of religious beliefs across new
lands d. Religious beliefs that Hebrews have about helping others
B 9. One of the reasons that the Jewish Diaspora occurred was because a. The Jews were persecuted by
many different people b. The Jews were able to escape from slavery in Egypt c. The Jews were
constantly creating conflict in Israel d. The Jews were building the West Wall for protection
C10. One consequence of the Jewish Diaspora was that the Jews a. Had to create the Torah in order to
write down their religious laws b. Had to go to the Egyptian pharaoh to ask him to help fight for Israel c.
Had to make special efforts to preserve their cultural and religious beliefs d. Had to agree to change
their religious beliefs in order to fit in

Post Test I. Identify what is asked for in the following statements:

1. This contains a parchment scroll reminding Jews of their connection to God and their heritage -
2. This is a day set aside for rest and worship - Sabbath day
3. This is the most solemn religious fast of the Jewish year - Rosh Hashanah
4. This refers to the first five books -Torah
5. These are consecrated spaces used for prayer - Mezuzah
6. This refers to the first and second days of the Jewish year - Rosh Hashanah
7. This is the Jewish coming of age ritual for boys - Berit Milah
8. This begins the most important prayer in Judaism - Bat Mitzvah
9. This event is the successive kindling of eight lights -
10. This is the Jewish coming of age ritual for girls - Bat Mitzvah
II. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.
True 1. The Jews are descendants of Abraham.
False 2. Abraham is known for introducing the Ten Commandments to the Jewish people.
False 3. Seven days after the Yom Kippur, the Book of Life is closed for one year.
True 4. Unleavened bread is a reminder of the slavery of the Jews.
True 5. The blood of a lamb was used to mark the door posts in the Jews’ escape from Egypt.
False 6. Hanukkah is celebrated on the same date as Christmas.
False 7. The circumcision of new baby boy may take place at any time.
False 8. Pidyon Haben commemorates the redemption of the first born sons of the Jews.
False 9. The Bar Mitzvah takes place during a boy’s fifteenth birthday.
False 10. In Judaism, the body is a work of God that must be respected both in death and in life.

Module 9 - Christianity

PRETEST Direction: Study the problem in each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number of each item.
A 1. What son did Eve say God gave her to replace Abel, who Cain killed? a. Seth b. Enoch c. Enosh d.
D 2. Where did Moses flee to after he killed the Egyptian he saw beating a Hebrew? a. Canaan b. Midian
c. Edom d. Samaria
A 3. What did Moses throw to the ground that became a serpent? a. A crown made of thistles b. A staff
c. A stone tablet d. A necklace made of beads.
C 4. How many times did Samson lie to Delilah before telling her the truth? a. Once b. Twice c. Three
times d. Four times
A 5. Complete the following: ''Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my..." a.
Domain b. Creation c. Temple d. Footstool
B 6. What king reluctantly commanded Daniel be cast into the den of lions? a. Nebuchadnezzar b.
Solomon c. Darius d. Belshazzar
C 7. What city did Joseph take Mary and the young child to following his dream? a. Nazareth b.
Bethlehem c. Jerusalem d. Babylon
A 8. Gideon asked God for what sign to show that he would save Israel? a. Fire consuming an offering b.
A wet, then dry fleece of wool c. A rod turning into a serpent d. A fiery furnace.
D 9. How many loaves of bread did Jesus feed four-thousand men (plus women and children) with? a.
Four b. Five c. Six d. Seven
A 10. Jesus said, ''It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for...'' a. A rich man to
enter in the kingdom of God b. A fool to accumulate wealth c. A non-believer to acquire faith d. A king to
control his temptations
POST TEST I. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.
False 1. The Apostles' Creed was originally a profession of faith for converts to the Church.
True 2. The truths of faith professed in the Apostles' Creed were taught by the twelve Apostles.
True 3. There have been various creeds among Christians since the Apostles' Creed.
True 4. To be professed by Catholics, a creed must be approved by the Bishop of Rome.
True 5. Each of the twelve Apostles contributed one article to the Apostles' Creed.
True 6. Among Christians, only the Roman Catholics profess the Apostles' Creed.
False 7. The foundation of Christianity is charity.
True 8. The foundation of Christianity is faith.
True 9. The Apostles' Creed should be memorized by every Catholic.
True 10. The term Creed comes from the Latin word Credo, I believe.
False 11. We are to believe, but not try to understand, the articles of the Apostles' Creed.
False 12. The Nicene Creed is part of the Eucharistic liturgy.
True 13. The Nicene Creed is really the Nicene-Constantinople Creed.
True 14. All the articles of the Catholic Faith are explicitly stated in the Apostles' Creed.
True 15. An article of faith is whatever a Catholic must believe, as revealed by God.
True 16. An Act of Faith is an assent of the will to what God has revealed.
True 17. We believe with the mind, but we love with the will.
True 18. In the Apostles' Creed, we profess to believe in the Holy Trinity.
True 19. We can prove, from reason, that what we believe in the Apostles' Creed is credible.
True 20. We can hope only in what we believe is true.

II. Match the terms in the following columns.

F 1. Pope Paul VI A. The blessing that we hope for
I 2. He who believes and is baptized B. I believe
C 3. Our faith can guarantee C. Truth
A 4. Conformity of mind and reality D. Arianism
G .5. Credibility E. Credo of the People of God
L 6. Credo F. Apostle
D 7. Nicene Creed G. Reasonable grounds for believing something to be
M 8. Messenger and authorized representative of the sender H. Will be saved
K 9. The Apostles' Creed I. Our faith
10. Can prove the existence of the realities J. Precondition for Baptism that at present remain unseen
H11. We believe that the world K. The Apostles' Creed
D 12. The most common profession of the Christian faith L. An assent of the mind to what God has
O 13. Act of divine faith M. Infants baptized
F 14. Someone else professes the faith N. Endurance of the Apostles' Creed
E 15. Living proof of the Church's stability since apostolic times O. Did not always exist

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