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Black Nobility, All Rds.

lead to Rome >>

Dear World - Meet Your Shadow Government...

[1st draft... work in progress... ]

Note. It is the writers belief that the current President and CEO of the DC UNITED STATES corporation, President Trump is
Pro lawful government for America and not in bed with the NWO Globalists which have installed a Gobal Talmudic
Government system over most of our world as explained here:
(/joomla30/index.php/unlearn/zionists-talmudic-crypto-jews) . 

It is our hope that he will look to restore a Lawful The United States of America governance by making Oath to the
Proper Instrument for President of The United States of America! So far he has made an oath to the UNITED STATES
Corporation that is a product of the CROWN - HOLY SEE Corporation warring on America since the 1860's. As he becomes
educated it is our hope that he will distance himself from those in the HOLY SEE system that are also warring on their
own nations and people for the NWO. It is our hope that he will terminate the FOREIGN court system foisting foreign
private rules and codes on the American people in violation of American Organic law, namely American Common Law
and American - English Exclusive Equity (20 maxims for exclusive equity). It is our hope that we will soon realize that
EVERY CROWN BAR Agent (aka Attorneys) are currently operating illegally in America illegally pursuant to the 1810 Titles
of Nobility Act which became law of the land in 1819. It is our hope that he finally understands this nation was COUPED
by the CROWN - Holy See Roman cult since the 1860's sooner than later. It is also our hope that he will see through
those around him that are Judus Goats (

America's legal system like its lawful money system were  Couped by the Crown Corporation of London and the un-
Holy Roman cult post coup of the nation in the 1860's. The ABA is a franchise of the foreign CROWN BAR which has been
warring on the American people since the 1860's and keeping the people in a condition of mixed war and attorning
them - which derives from the French word Attorn - to turn ones rights and property away from another. In this case
over to themselves and agents of the CROWN BAR which includes the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM.  The Jesuit war against
the American people was escalated in 1933 when foreign agents of the UNITED STATES Corp. made private rules and
codes (NOT KLAW OF THE LAND) where all Americans since were classified as an Enemy of the State. The jesuits further
made the people responsible for the debts of the UNITED STATES Corporation which were UNLAWFUL debts for the
American people were never responsible for the debts of a FOREIGN NATIONS STATE or for the Bankruptcy of the UNITED
STATES under the secret Treaties of Geneva of 1926 - 1932 in which the top 25 Nations on the planet were bankrupted by
the HOLY SEE - Crown Agents - the Rothschilds operating for as the jesuit Bankers (

It is our belief that President Donald Trump may not have known all the dirty secretes exposed on this site about what
happened to America. It is our hope at this time that when he fully understands what happened to the foundations of
our nation and the FIFTY independent Nation states that he will do what is required to establish the lawful LIMITED
NATIONAL governance and empower the American people to do the same to re-establish our own community de-
centralized governance, lawfuk state governance all of which was couped by agents of the Crown - Holy See Corps.  

Until now a jesuitical controlled SHADOW GOVERNMENT has been running America ILLEGALLY since the civil war. The
Nation has been raped, plundered and asset stripped by enemies domestic (Judus Goats). Virtually every office in
America is being ran by those banned by the Organic law of America FROM ever taking a place in any American
government office [cf. Titles of Nobility Act]. To get around this little problem the Seditionists and Traitors in DC created
an imposter governance under the Act of 1871 called UNITED STATES Corp. This couped congress made every American
in to a member of the Jesuitical Corporation (through fraud, sedition and treason, traficking in PERSONS, unlawful
conversion, constructive fraud, personage, barratry and by violating ever law on the books of our nation and endless
violations of International law including the PRIVATE RULES and CODES of Private Rothschild Corporation called the
UNITED NATIONS et al). Through a litany of UNLAWFUL acts rammed down the American peoples throats - as if they were
law - the American people were effectively lifted in to DC UNITED STATES Corporation. as if these  STATE of STATE
Corporations were American physical states which they NEVER WERE [cf. BUCK ACT].  This hostory has been
meticulously covered and explained by Anna Von Reitz:  AVR ( 

In addition to the following I would highly recommend that you read here: 

and-grandma-herman (/joomla30/index.php/home/truth-bombs/truth-bombs-list/275-

The following names historically represent the family dynasties illegally running America,
the world and that orchestrated the coup of the American states that created the Union
Government and we the people created fifty Free and Independent states. 

Agents of these crime syndicates are implicated in the creation of every war, false flag event that has gone down
in America and around the world since at least 1776. It is understood that the second list of family bloodlines
below is in service to the Black Nobility dynasties in the first list. 

Note: Rothschilds operate as Vatican - Crown Banksters puppets. The enemy behind everything is the Black
Nobility owner  operators of the Holy See - un-holy Roman cult - Vatican under the Roman Pontiff!
Under which criminals including jesuits, P2, Opus Dei, High level Freemasonry, Knights of Malta, Knights of
Columbus et al thrive! 

America has not since the 1860's been under a de jure states created American union. We the people created
physical state de jure governances were overthrown by agents to the following crime cartels. These criminal
enterprises represent those obsessed with creation of a ONE WORLD ORDER slave system that will feature a One
World Religion, One World money digital token system, One world Government ruled by the parasite class for far
too long steering world events. 

These global criminal networks are responsible for the current global de facto corporate slavery system
that incorporated all nations and the people without any we the people authorization, delegated authority or
right. In other words they created a global slavery system as one of there agents admitted: NWO, US Inc.,
American Traitors, Edward Mandell House, Trading with the Enemy Act and Emergency War Powers      

For America to get out from under this cancer Americans simply instigate a divorce from DC's un-Holy Roman
cult UNITED STATES  Corp. and vote with their feet. It is time to  leave the DC UNITED STATES slave ship!  

Please check the solutions tab out often as we upload information on how to separate yourself from this insane,
depraved satanic system that has captured more than six Billion souls in to a deeply evil slavery scam! 

Knowledge will set you free... 

Massimo Family and The Italian Nobility

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is a top owner of the Vatican and he also controls most of the Sicilian Mafia along
with Prince Nicolo Boncompagni-Ludovisi. 
Brancaccio is a neighborhood in Sicily where La Cosa Nostra originated. The Massimo family are one of the oldest
families of Rome and claim to be the ancient Fabii Maximi dynasty. The Fabii family were known for using the
"scorched earth" military tactic in ancient Rome. 

The Fabian Society uses the wolf in sheep's clothing as their logo. Fabian like Fabii. The Massimo family are married into
various royal bloodlines including the House of Savoy, House of Bourbon, and House of Osorio of Galicia which controls
Amancio Ortega the second wealthiest billionaire who is worth more than 70 billion. 

Amancio Ortega who lives in Galicia owns Inditex with a high end fashion store chain called Massimo Dutti. Prince
Stefano Massimo married into the British Foxwell family and he is a fashion photographer. 

Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Fox is really for Foxwell. The fox is
considered a cunning animal. Prince Valerio Massimo recently established the aerospace company Auctus Industries
with Duke Edward Spencer Churchill a relative of the Windsor family. Prince Carlo Massimo covertly runs the Sovereign
Military Order of Malta as the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. 

Massimo family have billions in private Swiss bank accounts. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican City State.
Switzerland has a law enforcing private bank accounts. The Massimo family are at the top of the global crime syndicate
and are involved in every crime imaginable including murder, extortion, threats, human trafficking, money laundering
and more. 

Members of the Massimo crime family include Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Giacomo Massimo-
Brancaccio, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Stefano Massimo, Prince Valerio Massimo (Foxwell) and Prince Filippo
Massimo-Lancellotti II.

Boncompagni means "Good Company" and is where the term Good Fellas derives from which is a term used by
members of the Italian Mafia.

The Massimo family more recently took over the City of Rome through the Banda della Magliana or Roman Mafia which
worked closely with the right wing fascist group called the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari which was lead by Massimo
Carminati and he was nicknamed the "Last King of Rome" Both the Banda della Magliana and NAR were tied with the P2
Freemasonic Lodge also connected with the Vatican and Italian government with members like Prince Vittorio
Emanuele IV of Savoy and Silvio Berlusconi. The Massimo-Brancaccio family take their name from Brancaccio in
Palermo Sicily where the Sicilian Mafia originated. Leaders of the mafia call themselves Dons just as Italian princes call
themselves Dons which means lord. The name Massimo means greatest. The word Mag as in Magliana also refers to
greatness or magnitude.

The Massimo family own the Holy See corporation which is in contract with most of the corporate governments through
covert contracts. They oversee the United States which is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section

The Colonna family oversee US politics and the US congress. Colonus is a Greek word meaning column. Christopher
Columbus was a Colonna and the District of Columbia is named after him. 

The Torlonia family are Vatican treasurers and they oversee the US treasury.  /
The Medici family are bankers and tax collectors and they oversee the IRS and federal reserves along with the Borghese
banking family. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York looks like the Palazzo Medici. 

The Gaetani-D'aquila-D'aragona family oversees the US Department of Agriculture. D'aragona means a valley and is
connected with the word agra which means land. 

The Orsini family oversee the FDA. They have a rose on their coat of arms and control the Rosicrucian Order which are
alchemists or chemists involved with food and drugs. 

The Massimo, Aldobrandini, and Bourbon-Parma families oversee the US Pentagon through the Jesuits and

The Dukes of Parma created the Jesuits and lived in a pentagon. The Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome is the top
Jesuit institution. 

The Odescalchi family oversee some of Hollywood and the music industry. Ode means a musical poem. 

The Pallavicini family and House of Windsor oversee DARPA and the USAF and many private corporations. The Pallavicini
and other Austrian nobility created the Nazis which developed advanced technologies used by DARPA and the USAF. 

The Sforza, Visconti, and Borromeo families oversee media. They are involved in Italian media and originated in Milan.
Milan derives from the word Mediolanum and is considered a major international media center. 

The Doria and Sacchetti families oversee Goldman Sachs. Doria means gold and Sacchetti means sacks. The Italian
Nobility are meddling in everything. 

The Holy See is the "All Seeing Eye" of society which is displayed on the US dollar and US Great Seal. Novus Ordo
Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is also on the US dollar and US Great Seal. The Vatican
and Holy See use Latin for official documents. The Italian Nobility are at the head of the global crime syndicate.


To the best of our knowledge the following Families Dynasty's have pretty much dominated America and coluded with
the above Black Nobility Families to control the destiny of America and use it to prepare the world for a One World Order
slave plantation aka One World Order global government. 

"I care not what puppet  is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money
supply controls the  British Empire and I control the British money supply." It also controls the FED
(/joomla30/index.php/home/23-home-page-articles/78-what-are-internally-displaced-people-3#FEDOWN) and
the UNITED NATIONS (/joomla30/index.php/home/23-home-page-articles/78-what-are-internally-displaced-people-
3#UN) who's original ownership is found below (click hyper link). 

 - Nathan Mayer Rothschild /


The World system  as the controllers perceive it to be.... it should be noted that it can only control what is within it! It
may control what is outside of it with force, violence as was attempted in Catalonia recently but violence only wakes
up the sheeple! If enough wake up and say no more - and not in my name then its over for the parasites that want to
rule the world ...    I am aware that some of the younger generations of the ruling families are as fed up with the
insanity of the old geriatrics in their families that want to perpetuate the insanity of their forefathers...  
Thank god some of the geriatrics in this system are rapidly dying off.... 



Some say, in an attempt to restore "balance" in the world, a New World Order was formed. Formed by America and
Europe's most elite (both in terms of wealth and power) with historical roots that date back centuries. 

This power-house formed by 13 families is known to be controlling practically everything around the globe. From
political parties around the world, courthouses, educational institutions, natural resources, foreign policies, food,
national economies, media houses, even terrorist organisations. They are the ones who decide where and when the
next terror attack is going to happen, they decide when the markets will fall, they decide when a new government
needs to take over, they decide what happens at the Rothschilds - Rockefellor created UN, they decide practically

"The US Corporation de facto government and UK Crown - Corporation of London De facto governments' relentless
backing for the global spread of genetically modified seeds was in fact the implementation of a decades long policy of
the Rockefeller Foundation since the 1930's, when it funded Nazi eugenics research as exposed on this site -- i.e.
mass-scale population reduction, and control of darker-skinned races by an Anglo-Saxon white elite.  /
As some of these circles saw it, war as a means of population reduction was costly and not that efficient." - F. William
Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destuction"



What we didn't know

Modern day Democracy (note America was established as a Republic (/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/22-

republic-vs-democracy)), like the way we know it, is not more than 250 years old. The world, as we know it, has always
been ruled by the ones with absolute power since Babylon, those who knew how to control wealth, resources by those
who knew how to control their people, by hook or by crook. 

As exposed on this site - the American system was a direct threat to the cabal which is why they set to destroy it under
the Secret Treaty of Verona 1822 [cf.        SECRET TREATY OF VERONA      (/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/21-secret-

The New World Order aims to work on a similar philosophy of absolute power and control, but on a global scale. The
plan is to secretly have a single body governing the planet with the so called elite sitting right on top of the food chain,
leaving the rest of the world to fight it out for that 1% of the global economy. 

Scarier is the fact that they apparently also want to keep control of the global population which they have been farming
since the 1870's. They want the global population to be culled to 500,000,000 (/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/101-
program-skyguards-will-petition-parliament-to-force-action-on-chemtrails) which means their is some 6.o Billion to
be Genocided, leaving the Earth's resources for their own exclusive use. And to keep the population in check, they have
proven that they are  willing to go to any extent, even plan scientifically engineered global population control methods
like viruses, vaccines and genetically modified food, aerosol toxins dumped over the global populous as they have
been doing since 1985 (see The New Manhattan Projec (/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/130-nwo-black-and-
It is also been exposed that the US Corp and the families even hold the cure for terminal diseases like cancer and AIDS,
but don't want to release it to the public because then there'll be a cure. And a cure is not good for the pharma
business and thwarts their business plan which is to cull off the people - not save them. It is noted that many diseases
like AIDS, lyme Disease were created in their labs and released:
( . It should be noted that Athropogenic Global Warming, Global
Warming and Overpopulation are all NWO myths manufactured to control the people and give the elites a reason to cull
the people. The real reason they believe they need to curll the people is the people are waking up  and will not longer
put with parasites controlling us and our world. 


"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations that they achieved
through corporatizing Nations first initiated through the secret Treaties of Genva from 1927 - 1932 without a word to the
people of the world. Before such a merger can finally be consummated, and the United States becomes just another
province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal.
THAT PARITY MEANS AMERICA BEING A GUN FREE ZONE which is why we have been besieged by FBI (controlled by the IMF)
TERROR FACTORY events like the latest in Charlotsville, now Las Vegas et al. [cf.        NWO, Masonic - Zionist - Crypto Jews
False Flags & Manufactured fear events      (/joomla30/index.php/temp-unlearn/65-masonic-jesuitical-zionist-false-


Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.
– Adolph Hitler

“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it
is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament,
or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is
easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and
exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
– Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if
their personal security is threatened”.
– Josef Stalin

How does one make the nations of the world nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was
needed; use American money, know-how to build up your competitors, Americans to fight false wars as expendable
canon fodder, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this
country including false depressions, the Fraud Closure crisis and other crimes against humananity carried out by
UNITED STATES Corps BAR attorney agents! 

The CROWN have further achieved this by homogenizing the global legal system under the European BAR System as
exposed here:   Of course this completely violates the principles on which America was founded not to mention CROWN
BAR agents are banned from America under the Law of the Land known as TONA (/joomla30/index.php/home/23- /

The goal is not to bankrupt the United States, rather it is to reduce our productive might, de-industrialize it (43,000
factories closed and moved to the East by Bush ...) and therefore reduce our standard of living and increase poverty, to
the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world while increasing the wealth of the controllers. 

The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to
meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World
Order." - Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File". Note in paralell Kissinger Memo 200
( laid out the parasites plan against Africa to
genocide the people by starving them to death. Learned Elders of ZION and Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars further spell
out the tactics of these satanists. Tactics now being applied against America to destroy the food baskets and bring
America to its knees such that the people forced to rely on NWO FEMA will beg for GMO food to survive! 


Now for those famous bloodlines who control everything. The following crime syndicates  are so rich and powerful,
they make Ambani and Gates look like peasants. Their ideologies and connections aren't known to the public. Which is
why we don't know much about them. Don't question yourself if you don't recognise them - that was their plan

Fritz Springmeier, conspiracy writer and therapist who specializes in Mk-Ultra / Monarch projects of mind control
techniques (Techniques of mental programming), is the author of “Bloodlines of the Illuminati.’ The author explains
exactly who they are and is familiar with the subject, coming to the aid of people who have fallen prey to their slavery.

They are the continuation of mysterious religions, passing their occult power from one generation to another, trying to
have thoroughbred members. They program the members of their own family through satanic rituals involving blood
sacrifices. They consider themselves as gods since ancient times.


Some churches were built on the altars dedicated to druid’s satanic cults. They are linked to the Knights Templar, led
Hitler to power, and are the instigators of all wars to date.

Freemasons and Illuminati are inseparable. Illuminati are a diverse group claiming special religious enlightenment.

Definition from the urban dictionary: IL·Lu·mi·Na·ti (iˌlo͞oməˈnätē), noun. the Illuminati is a secret organization of the
most powerful and influential elite in the world. They go back for centuries and maintain the same bloodlines. They set
up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and the Tri-lateral commission. those three groups all meet to
plan the fate of the world. They consists of international bankers, top government officials, leaders in the energy cartel
and media monopoly owners and have control over the U.N. and Unesco. Their subdivisions reach into everyone’s daily
life without most sheeple even being aware of it. They also have ties to the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and the
Knights Templar. Their ultimate goal is for a one world government which they will control, also a one world currency,
and they want control and ownership of all land, property, resources and people. Also they manipulate political parties,
and the legal and illegal drug trade and federal agencies related to all matters listed above.

These people are the players in high levels in the field of international games; they technically belong to the thirteen
richest families in the world, and they are the men who really control the world by being behind all the scenes (yes,
they are all almost only men, with a few exceptions …).

They are the “Dark Nobility”, those who “Make Decisions” (The Deciders), those who give the orders to the presidents and
governments, and they are often excluded from all public votes because their actions might not really be passed. Their
ancestry goes back thousands of years, and they are very careful to keep their bloodlines in a pure state from
generation to generation. The only way, like Royalty, is to perpetuate their blood within their own circles.

Money is the root of their authority, their powers resides in the occult and the economy. The Illuminati own all the
International banks, the oil industry and commercial trades, they have infiltrated politics and they own most
governments – or at least they control them. An example of this is the American Presidential election. It’s no secret that
the candidate who has the most sponsors in the form of money wins the election.

And who sponsors the “right” candidate? The Illuminati do. More often than that, they sponsor both sides as a smoke
and mirror strategy. They decide who will be the next president, and they make sure that their man wins, even if they
have to cheat like they did in Florida when President George W Bush “won” against Al Gore. Most presidential
campaigns are financed by drug money, which is understandable if you know that the Illuminati control the drug trade.
Elections are not really necessary but give the masses the illusion of choice.

But is the president truly the “master of his game”? Not at all. The power is not with politicians, but with the Illuminati,
whose members are mainly high levels of International Banking. The leading candidates for Presidency are carefully
chosen by the occult bloodlines of the 13 Illuminati families, and if we are looking for all the presidents of the USA from
beginning to end, we will see that most of them are part of the same royal bloodline, and they are all “family” in
connection with their ancestors and family tree. Kingship is equivalent to the Illuminati.

So what are the goals of the Illuminati? The goal is to create a One World Government and New World Order, with them
on top of the pyramid to rule the world into slavery and fascism. This is a very old objective of theirs, and to understand
it fully, each person must realize that this goal is antithetical to the natural character of Man’s freedom of spirit.

It is an objective which has been introduced slowly over a long time period. However, they have accomplished more in
this direction in the last few hundred years than ever before due to industrialization and the era of technology
information (television-radio-internet).

Their immediate task was to reduce the quality of life in developed countries, like the United States and Europe, at a
low enough level so that governments can more easily be controlled.

The quality of life in third world countries will match the levels of the developed nations in order to accomplish a New
World Order; the quality of life must be similar throughout the world. A precarious existence for all is to be achieved per
their plans to consolidate their grip on the human species. We can see that agenda slowly unravel before our eyes.

This goal has been planned outside the public eye, in secret within Secret Societies. The fact that all secret societies
with secret grades of initiation are owned and possessed by the Illuminati and Freemasonry is probably the best
known. The powers that control these companies are the Illuminati, the occultists, and black magicians. Their god is
Lucifer, “the light bearer” or “the one who brings Light” and brings occult practices to manipulate and influence the
masses. It does not matter if you or I believe in this or not, but they do believe it. And they take it seriously.

It is a terrifying thought, that this planet is actually controlled by black magic – a planet where magic is not supposed
to exist at all in any of its forms, except in movies and books. After people have seen movies like “The Lord of the
Rings”, they fantasize about magic in their lives. It seems that a cult of death has emerged, helped by a thriving
merchandising industry.

From the occult, mind control and intelligence have developed. By having control of the film (Hollywood), music
(Universal) industries, and their control of fine art, they know how to influence young people to sing to their tune, dance
to their depraved music and elicit this kind of reality. Music that young people listen to is totally devoid of quality and
leads to automated conformity, apathy, violence and drugs. It is also used to control the mind, as we shall see later.

Quality music is rejected by record labels in favor of those who lack talent. Since Black Sabbath in the early 70s and the
Rolling Stones before them, occultism and Satanism has thrived in the music industry used to distract the people from
the things that matter being done behind our backs. Several groups are following suit, enjoying serious sales after
massive media marketing and exclusive distributions.

The same goes with Hollywood, which is also controlled and created by the Illuminati. End of time doomsday or
disaster movies are all aligned with the purpose to influence us in a certain direction, to prepare the masses for abject
austerity reminiscent of the dark ages, an era so dear to the masters of the world. Occult movies have also been very
popular as The Da Vinci Code, which was a best-seller. All of this is designed to prepare us for the coming days…

As stated above, the men who control the Illuminati are members of thirteen extremely wealthy families. All of them
were very well hidden, and the heads of households are passed for generations. However, no secret can be kept
forever, and sooner or later there will be leaks. Few people really know who these families are exactly, but for a short
time it became known, because of the Illuminati who have left the Order and revealed remarkable data.

The Secret Government, The 13 families who run the world:

7-Li (Chinese)
12-Van Duyn
13-The Merovingian (European Royal Families)
/ ( 

All the families above can be studied in more detail in the excellent book by Fritz Springmeier “Bloodlines of the
Illuminati”. Know thy enemy. As Michael Corleone once said: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

To understand the plot to enslave the World after overthrowing America - read here:



It was Marcus Tullius Cicero that reportedly stated that:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and

carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate

freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of

government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents

familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to

the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he

works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he

infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” 

This enemy within has enslaved Americans and America by legal deception that starts out
by its administrators deliberately mis-characterizing each American at birth as a foreigner
to ensure that each and every American would end up being legally deprived of their
Sovereign Birthright American National and state National superior status throughout their
ensuing lives.

Americans have been held under a condition of Mixed war in which the lawful civil
authority was deliberately suspended.  A mixed war is one which is made on one side by
public authority, and on the other by mere private persons. 1 Hill (N. Y.) 377, 416.

The phrase “MIXED WAR” means a war carried on between a nation on one side and private
individuals on the other [Words & Phrases, Vol. 27].

"Mixed war occurs whenever the government of a nation is an enemy of, and at war

against, its own People. The most insidious and perfidious type of mixed war exists

when the government acts against the People under guise of protecting the

People’s rights and upholding the nation’s most cherished values and ideals. In

such case, government officials are “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” occupying

positions of prestige and power, with the support of the People, while treasonously

betraying that trust. This is an ideal confidence game whereby arch-charlatan

criminals can engage in piracy on an ongoing basis under color of law and be

tolerated or even treated as heroes by their victims."



It is a fact that we (America and all nations) are ruled by a deeply evil parasite class now
well described as the Khazarian mafia. This is the case in America for the last 150 years.
The parasite class SELF exposed itself at the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 and their
confession was read in congress in 1916. They were further exposed at the the Act of 1871 in
which the world can see they and many of their own have come forward to expose their
agenda and mission as exposed at this site! As far as this writer is concerned those behind
this millennia old plot should be banished on a small baron island forever and cut off from
the rest of the world, all technology, modern services and left to thieve off each other. The
rest of us can then build heaven on Earth and move our word forward that has been
stunted by the parasite class for the last since the parasite classes created the Vatican
system!  /
Despite the LIES TOLD AMERICANS ALL THEIR LIVES Americans are in fact NOT subject to the
laws of the foreign District of Columbia UNITED STATES Corporation or its Sub Corporation
STATE equivalents.

It is a fact that despite Americans NOT being subject to these foreign rules and codes
Americans have been duped in operating under them through outright RICO, deceit,
treachery and tyranny and the instrument of this evil is the CROWN BAR and the FEDERAL

It is a fact that somewhere over 320,000,000 people have no business supporting Criminal
enterprises as the Nurremburg Protocol spelled out at the end of World War II.  

Only some 700,000 that live in the District of Columbia and some 10 - 15 Million people
across the states that are working for the de facto Government corporations have
ANY legitimate reason to be a member of the UNITED STATES corporation or its Subs Corps. 

The rest of us have no reason to do so and each American  will have to decide whether
they want to be a member of the foreign owned RICO operation, a Crown - Vatican
controlled corporate slave dependent plantation masquerading as a government that has
lied to the American people and the world for 200 years and carried out Genocide to please
its Bankster masters, or whether they wish to instead band together under a loose
confederation of people defined as private American national, state nationals. Th term IDP's
spells out the fact that we have been Internally Displaced from our own law form, status,
standing and capacity by a parasite class illegally operating in America.

IDP's of every other nation on Earth are now coming together and uniting such that
between us we can organize for our common welfare and the good of humanity without
interference and control from what is nothing but a parasitic plague of individuals driven
by a demonic need to steal, control and dominate all resources and all people while they
themselves do no useful work for humanity or do anything to enhance and uplift
humanity.  They are parasites! 

This is the reality of those that would rather control, steal from you than do an honest days
work for themselves. It is time to let the parasites feed of each other while the rest of us get
on with building heaven on Earth. 

Excerpt - jesuit Blood Oath (/joomla30/index.php/unlearn/temp-unlearn/unlearn-
2/extreme-oath): NWO, Jesuits, Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction 
...I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and
wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as
I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth;
and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay,
strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of
their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate
forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly
use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden
bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons,
whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be
directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy
Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

Excerpt Requirimemto 1513 - and clearly still in effect based on Chemtrails, Vaccines,
Directed Energy et al (/joomla30/index.php/unlearn/temp-unlearn/unlearn-

...if you do so, you will do well, and that which you are obliged to do to their Highnesses,
and we in their name shall receive you in all love and charity, and shall leave you, your
wives, and your children, and your lands, free without servitude, that you may do with
them and with yourselves freely that which you like and think best, and they shall not
compel you to turn Christians, unless you yourselves, when informed of the truth,
should wish to be converted to our Holy Catholic Faith, as almost all the inhabitants of
the rest of the islands have done.

And, besides this, their Highnesses award you many privileges and exemptions and will
grant you many benefits.

But, if you do not do this, and maliciously make delay in it, I certify to you that, with the
help of God, we shall powerfully enter into your country, and shall make war against you
in all ways and manners that we can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience
of the Church and of their Highnesses; we shall take you and your wives and your
children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as
their Highnesses may command; and we shall take away your goods, and shall do you
all the mischief and damage that we can, as to vassals who do not obey, and refuse to
receive their lord, and resist and contradict him; and we protest that the deaths and
losses which shall accrue from this are your fault, and not that of their Highnesses, or
ours, nor of these cavaliers who come with us.

And that we have said this to you and made this Requisition, we request the notary here
present to give us his testimony in writing, and we ask the rest who are present that
they should be witnesses of this Requisition.

While the vast majority of politicians since the birth of America have shrunk in terror
and fear from the Jesuits, a brave few have stepped forward to warn us of the
dangers. Consider what the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code had to say about
the Jesuits:

“Popery [refers to the Jesuit-controlled pope and Vatican] is more dangerous and more
formidable than any power in the United States, on the ground that, through its despotic
organization, it can concentrate its efforts for any purpose with complete effect; and
that organization being wholly under foreign control, it can have no real sympathy with
anything American. Popery does not acknowledge the right of the people to govern, but
claims for itself the supreme right to govern people and rulers by divine right. Popery
does not tolerate the liberty of the press. It takes advantage, indeed, of our liberty of the
press to use its own press against our liberty; but it proclaims in the thunders of the
Vatican, and with a voice which it pronounces unchangeable, that it is a liberty never
sufficiently to be execrated and detested. It does not tolerate liberty of conscience or
liberty of opinion. They are denounced by the Sovereign Pontiff as a most pestilential
error, a pest of all others to be dreaded in the State. It is not responsible to the people in
its financial matters. It taxes at will, and is accountable to none but itself.”

Sadly, more than 150 years later, even with all the warnings from keen observers and
insiders and egregious Jesuit behaviors, Americans still have not gotten the message,
much less understood and acted on it. This unfortunate phenomenon is a grand testament
to how brilliantly the Jesuits’ PR machine functions.

The Jesuits’ political reign of terror continues to this day, to ensure they maintain complete
control over, and manipulation of, the entire political spectrum, not to mention every sector
of American society.


Homes across America are being stollen from Americans by application of Roman civil
Law which is the law of the DC lex fori, and not the law of the state. Law of the California
physical state is American common law. What is American common law and what is it not:

*The term “our common law” is defined as local customs decided by the people for the
people and is unwritten. Expressly not stare decises or statutory law.

Let's go to a Law Dictionary, and look up a definition for The Common Law. It really doesn't
matter which one, because they all say pretty much the same thing, such as:

"That part of the law of England formulated, developed and administered by the old
common law courts based originally on the common customs of the country, and
unwritten. It is opposed to equity (the body of rules administered by the Court of
Chancery); to statute law (the law laid down by Acts of Parliament); to special law
(the law administered by special courts such as ecclesiastical law and the law
merchant); and the civil law (the law of Rome). It is 'the commonsense of the
community, crystalised and formulated by our forefathers'. It is not local law, nor
the result of legislation".

So, read that again ... and again ... until it sinks in. The important bits are 

(a) What The Common Law is NOT, and 

(b) That is it UNWRITTEN (because it's in our Common Sense), and that 
(c) It is 'the commonsense of the community, crystalised and formulated by our
forefathers', and we are as capable of continuing that tradition as were our forefathers.
Because they had Common Sense, and we have Common Sense. Assuming, of course,
that we stick to the same ideas as they did!

Now let's look at what someone else says. From Kenn d'Oudney at Democracy Defined

People who want to restore the genuine ways of true justice must first learn the
straightforward FACTs about what Common Law is, and then they will be able to
recognise for themselves the modern mendacious ruse that deliberately mis-educates
people into the despicable deceit that "the rulings of (JUDGES - actors - not real judges -
which means an Independent trier of facts) are 'Common Law'." Not so, indeed!

Jurors must be randomly selected from the adult population local to the alleged crime;
and then vetted (by plaintiff, defendant and decided by fellow jurors) to exclude partial
individuals. "Volunteer jurors" are generally not disinterested, and are utterly excluded by
Common Law. Such "volunteers" are comparable to a lynch-mob. (See full explanations
in TRIAL BY JURY ISBN 9781902848723) 



The genuine common law must be differentiated from that which modern government has
corrupted by legislation; a counterfeit which is "common law" in name only.

Common Law does not include any statutes made by government or decisions made
by judges which immediately goes to show that the improper law was imposed on
Home Owner and Trusts in this case. 

Common Law is emphatically neither "government-made" nor "judge-made." Quite the

contrary: it is exclusively the product of the sense of fairness, natural law and justice of the
ordinary people. Modern usurpation notwithstanding, Common Law does not consist of
case precedents (stare decisis), for juries decide the law, which includes the sentence, in
each individual case. Nor is it comprised of judicial rulings, decisions or interpretations of

Common Law does not ever or in any way come from government judges. Indeed,
Common Law is the antithesis (the ‘opposite’) of judge-made law ['judge-made decisions'.
Having declared it as the antithesis of Law, I wouldn't give it even the 'oxygen' of calling it
'judge-made law'], and it is supposed to free all the people equally from the shackles of
arbitrary government and their bidden owned employees. 

Common Law is the law of all the people: it forms the Supreme Law which binds
government and legally controls the personnel of government’s modus operandi. In
recognition of this latter fact, the Common Law Trial by Jury is inserted into the
Constitution as the sole justice system for all crimes (infractions of laws and
regulations), civil, criminal and fiscal. 

It should be noted that JURY TRIAL is a statutory tool of the DC UNITED STATES
applicable only in their foreign lex fori of the 68.34 Sq. Miles DC Cesspool which is a
Kangaroo court - Star Chamber styled trial where judge manipulates the facts, the law
and the jury.  When the jury makes a ruling that the Judge does not like she/he will
badger the Jury until he/she gets a ruling that she may like! How does the writer know
this - In around 2009 I was foisted in to a trial trial where the jury decided to throw out
the law and the charges and the judge - Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers told the jury that they
could not. She forced a misdemeanor out of the jury which is known as
tampering with the Jury! 


Here are some references confirming the common law is legem terræ and vice versa.

Sir Matthew Hale: "The common law is sometimes called, by way of eminence, lex terræ,
as in the statute of Magna Carta, chap. 29, where certainly the common law is principally
intended by those words, aut per legem terræ; as appears by the exposition thereof in
several subsequent statutes; and particularly in the statute of 28 Edward III, chap. 3, which
is but an exposition and explanation of that statute. Sometimes it is called lex Angliæ, as in
the statute of Merton, cap. 9, Nolumus leges Angliæ mutari,' etc. (We will that the laws of
England be not changed.) Sometimes it is called lex et consuetudo regni (the law and
custom of the kingdom); as in all commissions of oyer and terminer; and in the statutes of
18 Edward I, and de quo warranto, and divers others. But most commonly it is called the
Common Law, or the Common Law of England; as in the statute Articuli super Chartas,
chap. 15, in the statute 25 Edward III, chap. 5 (4) and infinite more records and statutes."
(Hale’s History of the Common Law, p. 128)

[Veronica’s Note: Sir Matthew Hale didn’t know what the Common Law ACTUALLY WAS … he
only knew what it had been called within Statutes! Quoting from Statutes, as Hale did, is
total DOUBLE-THINK. It was after reading Hale’s shit, that John Harris originally threw up his
arms in despair (I seem to recall)! Actually, there’s a certain amount of DOUBLE-THINK
going on in all of these quotes ... including those below … they are generally making no
distinction between the Magna Carta TREATY 1215, and the subsequent Magna Carta STATUTE
1297. The 1215 TREATY explicitly makes the 1297 STATUTE completely irrelevant]

Crabbe: "It is admitted, on all hands, that it (Magna Carta) contains nothing but what was
confirmatory of the common law, and the ancient usages of the realm, and is, properly
speaking, only an enlargement of the charter of Henry I, and his successors."
(Crabbe’s History of the English Law, p. 127)

Blackstone: "It is agreed by all our historians that the Great Charter of King John was, for
the most part, compiled from the ancient customs of the realm, or the laws of Edward the
Confessor; by which they mean the old common law, which was established under our
Saxon princes." (Blackstone’s Introduction to the (Great) Charters; Blackstone’s Law Tracts,
p. 289)

Coke (a High Court judge): "The common law is the most general and ancient law of the
realm. The common law appeareth in the statute of Magna Carta, and other ancient
statutes (which for the most part are affirmations of the common law) in the original writs,
in judicial records, and in our books of terms and years." (Coke’s Institutes, p. 115)

Coke: "It (Magna Carta) was for the most part declaratory of the principal grounds of the
fundamental laws of England. They (Magna Carta and Carta de Foresta) were, for the most
part, but declarations of the ancient common laws of England, to the observation and
keeping whereof the king (the government) was bound and sworn." (Preface to
Coke’s Institutes, p. 3)

Nota Bene: To judge the law, i.e., its fairness, validity, applicability, and legal meaning
(interpretation), the Jurors are the sole legal judges prescribed by constitution and
Common Law.
For example, see the following from Gilbert: "This position" (that the matter of law was
decided by the justices [judges], but the matter of fact by the pares [peers, i.e., jurors]) "is
wholly incompatible with the common law, for the Jurata [jury] were the sole judges both
of the law and the fact." (Gilbert’s History of the Common Pleas, note, p. 70)

And "The Annotist says, that this [i.e., whether jurors reflect upon the question of law] is
indeed a maxim in the Civil-Law Jurisprudence, but it does not bind an English jury, for by
the common law of the land the jury are judges as well as the matter of law, as of the fact,
with this difference only, that the judge on the bench is to give them no assistance in
determining the matter of fact, but if they have any doubt among themselves relating to
matter of law, they may then request him to explain it to them, which when he hath done,
and they are thus become well informed, they, and they only, become competent judges of
the matter of law. And this is the province of the judge on the bench, namely, to show, or
teach the law, but not to take upon him the trial of the delinquent, either in matter of fact or
in matter of law." (Gilbert’s History of the Common Pleas, p. 57)

Having established what Common Law is, one must note the extent to which the term
"Common Law" has been abused. It is an opprobrium to misinform people that "Common
Law" is a product of judges, stare decisis, and government courts.

Worse though: it is utterly wrong to allow government to rob the people of their true
Common Law and its power of emancipation.

It is unconstitutional to amend in effect The Constitution’s installation of the Common

Law Trial by Jury Justice System by co-opting the Common Law by legislation into a
body of law legislated [ 'the body of Legislation' Having declared is the antithesis of
Law, I wouldn't give it even the 'oxygen' of calling it 'body of law legislated'] by
Congress or Parliament, or made by judges. For this has been the illegal means of
burying Common Law and the authentic Trial by Jury, to enable government to
obliterate the People’s ability (peacefully) to protect their liberties for themselves as
has been done in every case undersigned has been foisted in to since 2005. It
moreover supplants the model justice system of Trial by Jury with the flawed, one-
sided, inherently illegal despotic system of trial-by-judge.

Whereas statutes may express some of the Common Law, this latter itself contains no
statutes of governments, nor rulings of judges. Legem terræ Common Law became
the pan-European, and subsequently pan-Occidental phenomenon which prescribes
and defines Trial by Jury as its central tenet and sole justice system. 

See TRIAL BY JURY: Its History, True Purpose and Modern Relevance, by d’Oudney & Spooner,
ISBN 9781902848723.
And the constitutional, historical and law texts of Blackstone, Crabbe, Palgrave, Kelham,
Mackintosh, Millar, Coke, Gilbert, Hume, Turner, Hallam, Stewart, Hale, et al.



The authentic Common Law recognises and provides for the fact that the people have a
perpetual obligation to enforce Common Law and protect themselves from lawlessness
and injustices inflicted by criminals who acquire positions of power or government. 

Hence, Common Law (expressed as Articles 24, 39, 40 and 61 of Magna Carta [Veronica’s
Note: That’s the 1215 Treaty], etc.), installs the People as the legal force to police, indict,
punish and otherwise obtain redress. [Veronica’s Note: That’s exactly what it did, and it is
gobsmacking that so few people actually "get it". The Magna Carta 1215 blocked, once and
for all, the tyranny of any idea of "Divine Right to Rule", by any single individual (Monarch or
Judge, etc) and said that - from then onwards - The People ruled themselves via Grand
Juries and Petty Juries]

It has been the perjurious ploy of dishonest statist politicians, lawyers and judiciaries to try
to miseducate the Western people en masse into the wrong idea that ‘law’ derived from
judicial precedents is ‘Common Law’; and that their so-called ‘Common Law’ is ‘made’ by
government judges. 

As explained, Common Law does not come from judges. To say it does, is a lie which the
enemies of equal justice, rights and liberty repeat and want the people to believe, in order
to give politicians arbitrary power to rule over the population; and to deprive the people of
genuine Common Law Rights and Protections.

Only feloniously-inclined (or in some cases ignorant) people ‘deny’ that legem terræ is the
genuine constitutional  Common Law which reigns supreme over written laws,
governments, all men and women, including those who legislate.

Such a denial by state personnel is itself a criminal contravention of the Common Law and
the Constitutional Supreme Law, and must always be suspected of being a
premeditated judicable act of mens rea [Veronica's Note  'Intent'].

Definition: judicable, that which may be tried by jury in a court of law. /

Because the legislature can pass legislation which reverses or overrules those (non-
Common Law) judge-made precedents and decisions which the governments perjuriously
misname "Common Law", in a further act of criminal mendacity, by employing their
premeditated abuse of the term ‘Common Law’ the statists come up with the warped
speciosity that as government statutes can overrule their judges' counterfeit ‘Common
Law’, that therefore, ‘Parliament/Congress is sovereign!’ [Note: It's The People who are
sovereign, not Parliament or Congress, government are our servants and BAR attorneys by
virtue of the Amendment XIII are seditionist and traitors accordingly per TONA]

This criminal ruse and intended mind-manipulation (‘brain-washing’) serves the purpose

of those malicious villains in government who want to make people feel helpless and
completely inundated by the tide of government regulation, insidious misinformation and
arbitrary control. It is only effective amongst those people who, for career, pay and self-
interested motives, judicably collude and participate in the Illegality of the Status Quo, and
with those who are duped into ignorance of what Common Law actually is.

Government does not ‘grant’ or ‘bestow’ the right and power to do justice: upholding
justice is the inherent duty of every citizen.

Government does not even have a right ‘to do justice’ for that is exclusively the Trial by Jury
power, right, duty and procedure of the randomly selected Jurors.

The rôle of government (executive, legislature, and judiciary) in the justice system
is executive, not judicial: that is, government carries out the judgements, sentences and
decisions of the Jury. 

[Note: The role of the Government is also to PROTECT the true Common Law, the ensure that
it stays pure to the fundamental principles. The fact that Politicians have done THE EXACT
OPPOSITE of this … for centuries … is why we are suffering in America ]

Only that government is legitimate which upholds the authentic Common Law and its
Constitutional Trial by Jury Justice System


Author unknown - republished here with thanks ...  

"If a Government claims itself to be the supreme organiser of a country, then it cannot (by
definition) be beholden to any other entity"

If, however, a Government is beholden to Banking Institutions, then the Government

cannot claim to be supreme, simply because the Banking Institutions must be

And, if the Government's claim to supremacy is false, then why should anyone vote for
it, or even take any notice of it?

If the later is the case then it is also evident that the Country is controlled by the BANK,
and if thats the caae then why should anyone vote for it, or even take any notice of it?

Why should people not say

"Oh, I need the Right to vote for the Directors of the Banking Institutions, because they are
the ones who are - ultimately - directing my life"?

The plain fact is that a Government SHOULD BE supreme. And that means it should create
the country's Money Supply.

And not, in any way, shape, form, be beholden to Banking Institutions. A Government must
be beholden solely to its Electorate. Period.

Both Abraham Lincoln and British Chancellor Lloyd George discovered that was the truth. 

Of course, IT WORKED SO WELL, that Lincoln was shot, and Lloyd George was told (in no
uncertain terms) to swiftly revert to "Banks in the loop". 

Based on what transpired in this case we can conclude the Bank not only owns the
Government - it is the government. It not only owns the legal system - it is the legal

There is a reason the Federal Reserve Eagle Sits over the door of the Alameda Court House
because it owns the Court House and the Black Robed Robbers within it that have just
trampled on the home owners rights to the common law as remedy and Trial by Jury per
the 7th Amendment.

Now - based on the above we can see the Home Owners were defrauded by parasites not
fit for public purpose. Another word for this is fraud. The beauty of fraud is it vitiates all acts
as the following cites explain to the point where a fraudulent order is not merely voidable -
its VOID on its face. Since this the case then the Home Owners right to Common Law and
Jury Trial et al has still yet to be exercised and now will be exercised.


Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137: “The Constitution of these United States is the supreme
law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law.”
Murdock v. Penn., 319 US 105: “No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it,
and attach a fee to it.”
Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 373 US 262: “If the state converts a liberty into a privilege,
the citizen can engage in the right with impunity.”
U.S. v. Bishop, 412 US 346: If you have relied on prior decisions of the supreme Court,
you have the perfect defense for willfulness.
Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T. 1398, 445 US 622: “Officers of the court have no
immunity, when violating a Constitutional right, from liability. For they are deemed to
know the law.”
Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 1974: Expounds upon Owen Byers v. U.S., 273 U.S. 28
Unlawful search and seizure. Your rights must be interpreted in favor of the citizen.
Boyd v. U.S., 116 U.S. 616: “The court is to protect against any encroachment of
Constitutionally secured liberties.”
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436: “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved,
there can be no rule making or legislation, which would abrogate them.”
Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425: “An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no
rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal
contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.”
Miller v. U.S., 230 F.2d. 486, 489: “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot
be converted into a crime.”
Brady v. U.S., 397 U.S. 742, 748: “Waivers of Constitutional Rights, not only must they be
voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness.” “If
men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural
right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate
such renunciation. The right to freedom being a gift of ALMIGHTY GOD, it is not in the
power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.” —Samuel Adams,
United States v. Sandford, Fed. Case No.16, 221 (C.Ct.D.C. 1806): “In the early days of our
Republic, ‘prosecutor’ was simply anyone who voluntarily went before the grand Jury
with a complaint.”
Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958): “No state legislator or executive or
judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to
support it.”
“A bill of attainder is defined to be ‘a legislative Act which inflects punishment without
judicial trial’”
“...where the legislative body exercises the office of judge, and assumes judicial
magistracy, and pronounces on the guilt of a party without any of the forms or
safeguards of a trial, and fixes the punishment.” In re De Giacomo, (1874) 12 Blatchf.
(U.S.): 391, 7 Fed. Cas No. 3,747, citing Cummings v. Missouri, (1866) 4 Wall, (U.S.) 323. US v.
Will, 449 US 200,216, 101 S Ct, 471, 66 L.Ed2nd 392, 406 (1980)
Cohens v. Virginia, 19 US (6 Wheat) 264, 404, 5 L.Ed 257 (1821): “When a judge acts where
he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of
Mattox v. U.S., 156 US 237, 243: “We are bound to interpret the Constitution in the light of
the law as it existed at the time it was adopted.”
S. Carolina v. U.S., 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905): “The Constitution is a written instrument. As
such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when it was adopted, it means
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1876): “The people of the United States resident
within any State are subject to two governments: one State, and the other National, but
there need be no conflict between the two.”
Grosjean v. American Press Co., 56 S.Ct. 444, 446, 297 U.S. 233, 80 L.Ed 660: “Freedom in
enjoyment and use of all of one’s powers, faculties and property.”
ARGERSINGER v. HAMLIN, 407 U.S. 25 (1972): “The right of an indigent defendant in a
criminal trial to the assistance of counsel, which is guaranteed by the Sixth
Amendment… is not governed by the classification of the offense or by whether or not a
jury trial is required. No accused may be deprived of his liberty as the result of any
criminal prosecution, whether felony or misdemeanor, in which he was denied the
assistance of counsel.”
U.S. v. Prudden, 424 F.2d. 1021; U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297, 299, 300 (1977): Silence can
only be equated with fraud when there is a legal and moral duty to speak or when an
inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading. We cannot condone this
shocking conduct... If that is the case we hope our message is clear. This sort of
deception will not be tolerated and if this is routine it should be corrected immediately.
Morrison v. Coddington, 662 P. 2d. 155, 135 Ariz. 480 (1983): Fraud and deceit may arise
from silence where there is a duty to speak the truth, as well as from speaking an
untruth. In regard to courts of record: “If the court is not in the exercise of its general
jurisdiction, but of some special statutory jurisdiction, it is as to such proceeding an
inferior court, and not aided by presumption in favor of jurisdiction.”
1 Smith's Leading Cases, 816: In regard to courts of inferior jurisdiction, “if the record
does not show upon its face the facts necessary to give jurisdiction, they will be
presumed not to have existed.”

Norman v. Zieber, 3 Or at 202-03: It is interesting to note the repeated references to fraud in

the above quotes. Therefore the meaning of fraud should be noted: 

Fraud. An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance
upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A
false representation of a matter of fact… which deceives and is intended to deceive
another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury.  /
… It consists of some deceitful practice or willful device, resorted to with intent to deprive
another of his right, or in some manner to do him injury… (Emphasis added) 

–Black’s Law Dictionary Fifth Edition, page 594. 

Then take into account the case of McNally v. U.S., 483 U.S. 350, 371-372, Quoting U.S. v
Holzer, 816 F.2d. 304, 307 Fraud in its elementary common law sense of deceit… includes
the deliberate concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation. A
public official is a fiduciary toward the public,… and if he deliberately conceals material
information from them he is guilty of fraud.


As we have noted - the Physical state of California is a common law state, not subject to
statutes, BAR attorneys per TONA yet these injustices have been foisted over the nation
since the Coup of the 1860's. Even though this is the case - illegal orders even a de facto
Court of the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation are VOID per settled law on void judgments.

A judgment is void on its face if the trial court exceeded its jurisdiction by granting
relief that it had no power to grant. Jurisdiction cannot be conferred on a trial court by
the consent of the parties. (Summers v. Superior Court (1959) 53 Cal. 2d 295, 298 [1 Cal.
Rptr. 324, 347 P.2d 668]; Roberts v. Roberts (1966) 241 Cal. App. 2d 93, 101 [50 Cal. Rptr.
The court may . . . on motion of either party after notice to the other party, set aside any
void judgment or order.’ (For a discussion of the 1933 amendments to section 473 see
Estate of Estrem, 16 Cal. 2d 563, 572 [107].
“Motions to vacate void judgments may be made at any time after judgment.”(County of
Ventura v. Tillett, supra, 133 Cal. App. 3d 105, 110.).
“[A] court may set aside a void order at anytime. An appeal will not prevent the court
from at any time lopping off what has been termed a dead limb on the judicial tree—a
void order.” (MacMillan Petroleum Corp. v. Griffin (1950) 99 Cal. App. 2d 523, 533 [222 P.2d
69]; accord: People v. West Coast Shows, Inc. (1970) 10 Cal. App. 3d 462, 467 [89 Cal. Rptr.
290]; Svistunoff v. Svistunoff (1952) 108 Cal. App. 2d 638, 641 -642 [239 P.2d 650]; and
see: 6 Witkin, Cal. Procedure (2d ed. 1971) Appeal, § 7, pp. 4024-4025.)
Time limitation does not apply where the judgment is based on a fraudulent return.
(Washkov. Stewart, supra, p. 318; Richert v. Benson Lbr. Co., supra, p. 677.).
it is true that the statute of imitations does not apply to as uit in equity to vacate a
void judgment. (Cadenasso v. Bank of Italy, supra, p. 569; Estate of Pusey, 180 Cal. 368,
374 [181 P. 648].) This rule holds as to all void judgments, in two other cases, People v.
Massengale and In re Sandel, the courts hearing the respective appeals confirmed the
judicial power and responsibility to correct void judgments (in excess of jurisdiction).
“Obviously a judgment, though final and on the merits, has no binding force and is
subject to collateral attack if it is wholly void for lack of jurisdiction of the subject
matter or person, and perhaps for excess of jurisdiction, or where it is obtained by
extrinsic fraud.” (7 Witkin, Cal. Procedure, supra, Judgment, § 286, p. 828.). Courts also
have inherent power to set aside a void judgment. (Reid v. Balter (1993) 14
Cal.App.4th 1186, 1194.).
“...the eviction of homeowners following foreclosure raises due process issues and can
not be heard as part of summary unlawful detainer proceeding. Issues extrinsic to the
right of possession are generally excluded even though they arise out of the parties’
landlord-tenant relationship. E.S. Bills, Inc. v Tzucanow (1985) 38 C3d 824, 830, 215 CR
278; Saberi v Bakhtiari (1985) 169 CA3d 509, 515, 215 CR 359. However, an action for
unlawful detainer may coexist with other causes of action in the same complaint, as
long as the entire case is treated as a regular civil action and not as a summary
proceeding. Lynch & Freytag v Cooper (1990) 218 CA3d 603, 608–609, 267 CR 189
(rejecting defendant’s contention that unlawful detainer proceeding can be converted
into regular civil action only when possession of the property is no longer in issue).
[Judges Benchguide 31, 2011]
U.S. Supreme Court precedents hold that fraud upon the court vitiates the case that all
orders and judgments are regarded as nullities and void. (See U.S. v. Throckmorton, 98
U.S. 61, 64, 66 (1878); Valley v. Northern Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 254 U.S. 348, 353-354
In the case of Sturgeon v. County of Los Angeles, 167 Cal.App.4th 630 (2008), rev. denied
12/23/08, it was found that the payments that the County was making to the judiciary
violated Article VI, Section 19, of the California Constitution as only the State Legislature
could “prescribe” the “compensation” of judges,
The U.S. Supreme Court held that Judge Benjamin should have recused himself. It
stated in Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., Inc., 556 U.S. ___ (2009), Slip Opinion page 16,
in relevant part: Just as no man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, similar fears
of bias can arise when—without the consent of the other parties—a man chooses the
judge in his own cause.
CCP Section 170.1(a)(6)(A)(iii) mandated such judge’s disqualification. Such Section
states: A judge shall be disqualified if any one or more of the following is true: A person
aware of the facts might reasonably entertain a doubt that the judge would be able to
be impartial.

Canon 3E(2) requires the judge to: disclose on the record information that is reasonably
relevant to the question of disqualification under Code of Civil Procedure section 170.1,
even if the judge believes there is no actual basis for disqualification.
Canon 3E(1) requires the judge to “disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in
which disqualification is required by law.”
After the Sturgeon decision, the legislature enacted Senate Bill SBx2-11, which
recognized that the County payments to judges were criminal. Senate Bill SBx2-11 gave
retroactive immunity, effective 5/21/09, from criminal prosecution, civil liability and
disciplinary action to a “governmental entity, officer, or employee of a governmental
entity,” including judges who were paid or received “judicial benefits.” The retroactive
immunity did not extend to the judge’s actions of presiding over cases in which the
county who paid them was a party. Nor, did it extend to county payments received after
5/21/09. At all times, judges who accepted “bribes” from an interested party were
biased. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled and has reaffirmed the principle that “justice
must satisfy the appearance of justice,” Levine v. United States, 362 U.S. 610, 616, 80
S.Ct.1038 (1960), citing Offutt v. United States, 348 U.S. 11, 14, 75 S.Ct. 11, 13 (1954).
Therefore, a judge receiving a bribe from an interested party over which he is presiding
does not give the appearance of justice.
Further, the judge receiving the payment may be prosecuted for violating the intangible
right to honest services under Federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 1346. The U.S. Supreme Court held
in Skilling v. United States, 561 U.S. ____ (decided 6/24/2010), Slip Opinion pages 48-49,
that § 1346 encompasses bribery and kickbacks; that if the Federal Court Judges
and/or Magistrates were not likewise involved in these frauds;
Redress is defined in Black’s Law 5th Edition as:“ Redress. Satisfaction for an injury or
damages sustained. Damages or equitable relief. See Recovery; Restitution”. Recovery
is defined in the same as being: “In its most extensive sense, the restoration or
vindication of a right existing in a person, by the formal judgment or decree of a
competent court, at his instance and suit, or the obtaining, by such judgment, of some
right or property which has been taken or withheld from him. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins.
Co. v. Wood, 242 Ark. 879, 416 S.W.2d 322, 327.This is also called a “true” recovery, to
distinguish it from a “feigned” or “common” recovery.” And indeed Restitution is
defined as the: “Act of restoring; restoration; restoration of anything to its rightful owner;
the act of making good or giving equivalent for any loss, damage or injury; and
indemnification. State v. Barnett, 110 Vt. 221, 3 A.2d 521, 525, 526. Restoration of status
quo and is amount which would put plaintiff in as good a position as he would have
been if no contract had been made and restores to plaintiff value of what he parted
with in performing contract. Explorers Motor Home Corp. v. Aldridge, Tex.Civ.App., 541
S.W.2d 851, 852. A person who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another is
required to make restitution to the other. Restatement of the Law, Restitution, § 1.”
Regular on its Face—“Process is said to be “regular on its face” when it proceeds from
the court officer, or body having authority of law to issue process of that nature, and
which is legal in form, and contains nothing to notify, or fairly apprise any one that it is
issued without authority.”


In Anlaby v. Praetorius (1888) 20 Q.B.D. 764 at 769 Fry L.J. stated on the issue of void
proceedings that:
“A plaintiff has no right to obtain any judgement at all”.
A void order does not have to be obeyed because, for example, in Crane v Director of
Public Prosecutions [1921] it was stated that if an order is void ab initio (from the
beginning) then there is no real order of the Court.
In Fry v. Moore (1889), 23 Q.B.D. 395 Lindley, L.J. said of void and irregular proceedings
that it may be difficult to draw the exact line between nullity and irregularity. If a
procedure is irregular it can be waived by the defendant but if it is null it cannot be
waived and all that is done afterwards is void; in general, one can easily see on which
side of the line the particular case falls.
A void order results from a ‘fundamental defect’ in proceedings (Upjohn LJ in Re
Pritchard (deceased) [1963] 1 Ch 502 and Lord Denning in Firman v Ellis [1978] 3 WLR 1)
or from a ‘without jurisdiction’/ultra vires act of a public body or judicial office holder
(Lord Denning in Pearlman v Governors of Harrow School [1978] 3 WLR 736).
A ‘fundamental defect’ includes a failure to serve process where service of process is
required (Lord Greene in Craig v Kanssen Craig v Kanssen [1943] 1 KB 256); or where
service of proceedings never came to the notice of the defendant at all (e.g. he was
abroad and was unaware of the service of proceedings); or where there is a
fundamental defect in the issuing of proceedings so that in effect the proceedings
have never started; or where proceedings appear to be duly issued but fail to comply
with a statutory requirement (Upjohn LJ in Re Pritchard [1963]). Failure to comply with a
statutory requirement includes rules made pursuant to a statute (Smurthwaite v
Hannay [1894] A.C. 494).
A ‘without jurisdiction’/ultra vires act is any act which a Court did not have power to do
(Lord Denning in Firman v Ellis [1978]).
In Peacock v Bell and Kendal [1667] 85 E.R. 81, pp.87:88 it was held that nothing shall be
intended to be out of the jurisdiction of a Superior Court, but that which specially
appears to be so; and nothing shall be intended to be within the jurisdiction of an
Inferior Court but that which is so expressly stated.
It is important to note therefore that in the case of orders of Courts with unlimited
jurisdiction, an order can never be void unless the ‘unlimited jurisdiction’ is ‘limited’ in
situations where it is expressly shown to be so. In the case of orders of the Courts of
unlimited jurisdiction where the jurisdiction is not expressly shown to be limited, the
orders are either irregular or regular. If irregular, it can be set aside by the Court that
made it upon application to that Court and a person affected by the irregular order has
a right –ex debito justitiae – to have it set aside. If it is regular, it can only be set aside
by an appellate Court upon appeal if there is one to which an appeal lies (Lord Diplock
in Isaacs v Robertson (1984) 43 W.I.R. PC at 128-130). However, where the Court’s
unlimited jurisdiction is shown to be limited (for example: a restriction on the Court’s
power by an Act of Parliament or Civil or Criminal Procedure Rule) (Peacock v Bell and
Kendal [1667]; Halsbury’s Laws of England) then the doctrine of nullity will apply.
Similarly, if the higher Court’s order is founded on a lower Court’s void act or invalid
claim then the higher Court’s decision will also be void (Lord Denning in MacFoy v
United Africa Co. Ltd. [1961] 3 All ER).
The main differences between a ‘void’ and ‘voidable’ order or claim is that:
(i) a ‘void’ order or claim has no legal effect ab initio (from the beginning/outset) and
therefore does not need to be appealed, although for convenience it may sometimes
be necessary to have it set aside (Lord Denning in MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd. [1961]
and Firman v Ellis [1978]) whereas a ‘voidable’ order or claim has legal effect unless
and until it is set aside. Therefore, while a void order or claim does not have to be
obeyed and can be ignored and its nullity can be relied on as a defence when
necessary (Wandsworth London Borough Council v. Winder [1985] A.C. 461), a voidable
order or claim has to be obeyed and cannot be ignored unless and until it is set aside;
(ii) a ‘void’ order can be set aside by the Court which made the order because the Court
has inherent jurisdiction to set aside its own void order (Lord Greene in Craig v Kanssen
[1943]) whereas a ‘voidable’ order can only be set aside by appeal to an appellate
A person affected by both a void or voidable order has the right – ex debito justitiae – to
have the order set aside (which means that the Court does not have discretion to refuse
to set aside the order or to go into the merits of the case) (Lord Greene in Craig v
Kanssen [1943]).
The procedure for setting aside a void order is by application to the Court which made
the void order, although it can also be set aside by appeal although an appeal is not
necessary (Lord Greene in Craig v Kanssen [1943]) or it can quashed or declared invalid
by Judicial Review (where available) and where damages may also be claimed.
Although an appeal is not necessary to set aside a void order, if permission to appeal is
requested and if out of time the Court should grant permission because time does not
run because the order is void and the person affected by it has the right to have it set
aside (Lord Greene in Craig v Kanssen [1943].
A void order is incurably void and all proceedings based on the invalid claim or void act
are also void. Even a decision of the higher Courts (High Court, Court of Appeal and
Supreme Court) will be void if the decision is founded on an invalid claim or void act,
because something cannot be founded on nothing (Lord Denning in MacFoy v United
Africa Co. Ltd. [1961]).
A void order is void even if it results in a failure of natural justice or injustice to an
innocent third party (Lord Denning in Wiseman v Wiseman [1953] 1 All ER 601).
It is never too late to raise the issue of nullity and a person can ignore the void order or
claim and raise it as a defence when necessary (Wandsworth London Borough Council
v. Winder [1985] A.C. 461; Smurthwaite v Hannay [1894] A.C. 494; Upjohn LJ in Re
Pritchard (deceased) [1963]; Lord Denning in MacFoy v United Africa Co. Ltd. [1961]).
In R v. Clarke and McDaid [2008] UKHL8 the House of Lords confirmed that there is no
valid trial if the bill/Indictment has not been signed by an appropriate officer of the
Court because Parliament intended that the Indictment be signed by a proper officer of
the Court.
In Bellinger v Bellinger [2003] UKHL 21 the House of Lords confirmed that a void act is
void from the outset and no Court – not even the House of Lords (now the Supreme
Court) – has jurisdiction to give legal effect to a void act no matter how unreasonable
that may seem, because doing so would mean reforming the law which no Court has
power to do because such power rests only with Parliament. The duty of the Court is to
interpret and apply the law not reform or create it.
It is important to note that if a claim is invalid the plaintiff can start all over again
unless he is prevented from doing so due to limitation as in the case of Re Pritchard
(deceased) [1963] or estoppel – for example; where the Claimant applied to the Court
for permission to correct/amend the claim and permission was refused; or the plaintiff
or his solicitor had been negligent in ignoring a material fact when filing the invalid
claim so that the plaintiff is estopped by the principle that he should not be allowed a
‘second bite at the cherry’; and in the case of a criminal trial if there has been a
fundamental technical defect the Court can order a new trial (venire de novo – may
you cause to come anew).

Chronology of some case laws relating to void orders:


In Anlaby v. Praetorius (1888) Fry L.J. stated on the issue of void proceedings that:

(i) a plaintiff has no right to obtain any judgement at all.


In Fry v. Moore (1889) Lindley, L.J. said that:

(i) it might be difficult to draw the exact line between nullity and irregularity. If an order is
irregular it can be waived by the defendant but if it is null then it renders all that is done
afterwards void. In general one can easily see on which side of the line the particular case


Crane v Director of Public Prosecutions [1921]:

(i) if an order is void ab initio (from the beginning) then there is no real order of the Court.


In Craig v Kanssen [1943] Lord Greene confirmed that:

(i) an order which can properly be described as a nullity is something which the person
affected by it is entitled ex debito justitiae to have set aside;

(ii) so far as procedure is concerned the Court in its ‘inherent jurisdiction’ can set aside its
own order and an appeal from the order is not necessary; and

(iii) if permission to appeal is requested and if out of time the Court should grant
permission because time does not run because the point is that the order is invalid and
the person affected by it has the right to have it set aside.


In Wiseman v Wiseman [1953] 1 All ER 601 – Lord Denning confirmed that:

(i) The issue of natural justice does not arise in a void order because it is void whether it
causes a failure of natural justice or not;

(ii) a claimant or defendant should not be allowed to abuse the process of Court by failing
to comply with a statutory procedure and yet keep the benefit of it and for that reason also
a void act is void even if it affects the rights of an innocent third party.


In MacFoy v United Africa Co Ltd. [1961] Lord Denning confirmed that:

(i) a void order is automatically void without more ado;

(ii) a void order does not have to be set aside by a Court to render it void although for
convenience it may sometimes be necessary to have the Court set the void order aside;

(iii) a void order is incurably void and all proceedings based on the void order/invalid claim
are also void.


In Re Pritchard (deceased) [1963] Upjohn LJ confirmed that:

(i) a fundamental defect in proceedings will make the whole proceedings a nullity;

(ii) a nullity cannot be waived;

(iii) it is never too late to raise the issue of nullity; and

(iv) a person affected by a void order has the right – ex debito justitiae – to have it set aside.


In Firman v Ellis [1978] Lord Denning confirmed that: /

(i) a void act is void ab initio


Lord Denning, in his book ‘The Discipline of Law’ – Butterworths 1979 – page 77, states:

(i) although a void order has no legal effect from the outset it may sometimes be
necessary to have it set aside because as Lord Radcliffe once said: “It bears no brand of
invalidity on its forehead”.


Wandsworth London Borough Council v. Winder [1985] A.C. 461:

(i) a person may ignore a void claim and rely on it as a defence when necessary.


In Bellinger v Bellinger [2003] the House of Lords confirmed that:

(i) a void act is void from the outset; and

(ii) no Court – not even the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court) has jurisdiction to give
legal effect to a void act no matter how unreasonable that may seem because doing so
would mean reforming the laws which no Court has power to do because such power rests
only with Parliament. The duty of the Court is to interpret and apply the law not reform it.

Conclusion based on the case laws referred to above:

(i) an application to have a void order set aside can be made to the Court which made the
void order;

(ii) the setting aside must be done under the Court’s inherent power to set aside its own
void order;

(iii) the Court does not have discretion to refuse the application because the person
affected by the void order has a right to have it set aside;

(iv) an appeal is not necessary because the order is already void;

(v) if permission to appeal is sought and if sought out of time permission should be given
because as the order is void time does not run; it is never too late to raise the issue of
nullity; and the person affected by the void order has a right to have it set aside;

(vi) a void order can be quashed or declared unlawful by Judicial Review where available
and where damages may also be claimed;
(vii) the whole proceedings is void if it was based on a void act;
(viii) a void order does not have to be obeyed because it has no legal effect from the

(ix) as it is never too late to raise the issue of nullity a person can ignore the void order and
rely on nullity as a defence when necessary;

(x) a void order is void even if the nullity is unjust or injustice occurs to an innocent third

(xi) an order of a Court of unlimited jurisdiction is only void if it can be expressly be shown
that the unlimited jurisdiction is limited in that situation, or the order is founded on an
invalid claim or void act;

(xii) no Court (not even the Supreme Court) has jurisdiction to give effect to a void act and
the duty of the Court is only to interpret and apply the law not to reform or create it as such
power rests only with Parliament.


BUT BY A PRIVATE CRIMINAL CARTEL.  (/joomla30/index.php/unlearn/258-a)


Pope Pius Creating NORTH AMERICAN ACT to take control of North America for the HOLY SEE

ADMINISTRATIVE COURTS ILLEGAL (/joomla30/index.php/unlearn/temp-





This Section is from that which details theft of a Home by corrupt judges in Alameda
County, California. The Full page can be found here:
california-a-state-of-the-union (/joomla30/index.php/home/proof-in-just-us/home-

The real truth about this case and America today!

(Excerpt from page dedicated to theft of 3012 Partridge Avenue)

legal v's lawful, Martial war powers, military courts, Mixed War, American Common law
v Kangaroo courts - Star Chambers, administrative courts

Concerning the above three commandments; foreign CROWN BAR US JUDGES (not real
judges for they are banned from setting foot in America per TONA) never got the memo on
the ten commandments, particularly the reference to thou shall not steal. 

America is UNLAWFULLY being operated under foreign imposed WAR POWERS, not because
we the people government effected this system out of necessity on ourselves to protect
our nation and help it recover from some traumatic war or other event.  THIS SCAM WAS
operating for a PRIVATE GLOBAL CRIMINAL CARTEL, a PARASITE CLASS made up of handful of
Old World Order families that  owns the Crown Corporation of London and the HOLY SEE
Corps. that created UNITED STATES Corporation in DC in 1871 (SEE HOME PAGE). 

These parasitic families are generally known as the Black Nobility. Their paid hired hands
v=QyPr81FiUqE) ) have been keeping Emergency War Powers over America which was
initiated by a President Lincoln who was ineligible to be a President because of TONA and
the fact he was a BAR attorney (Illinois BAR
War powers have been foisted on America since the civil war and they were championed
and directed by the Rothschild Crime Cartel that manufactured the civil war to coup
America and create WAR DEBTS to burden a post war government corporation that they
could control. They relied on the Relying debts to Bankrupt their CORPORATE de facto
government that they created illegally in 1868 in league with those panning the coup of
America since The Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822. This age old Rothschild scam is one that
the Rothschilds have relied on to enslave the people of many nations who they would
eventually make responsible for their deliberately amassed debts when these were never
the responsibility of the American people WHO WERE NEVER PARTY THE DC US BANKRUPTCY!

This age old scam has allows the parasite BANKERS running the country to pretend they
have a debt to be collected and that is the basis behind this very  case. Home owners
home is being stollen by bankers OUTSIDE THE ORGANIC LAW OF THE LAND and the American
Common Law because some LOW LIFE SCUM bankers MANUFACTURED a bankruptcy that
was re-enacted in 1930 by Jesuit controlled FDR who was shoe horned in to the role of
President and CEO of a DC corporation called UNITED STATES.  As a result everyone in
America is now being held to pay the Banksters because of that phony manufactured
International Bankster manufactured Bankruptcy and the false debt that Americans were
never a party too! 

There is a minor problem with their plot that AVR ( has now

spelled out to the parasite bankers! The American people or the states were never a party
to the DC UNITED STATES Corporation bankruptcy which was merely masquerading as a we
the people government when it has never been any such thing since the early 1860's when
Lincoln ILLEGALLY came in to office in violation of TONA! Since they were never a party to it
- they can never be a lawful party to its debts! Yet - we have been paying these debts for
decades which makes us the Primary Creditor not the debtor! THE US COURTS ARE THE ONES
that act as international receivers for the UN/IMF as debt collectors for an illegal debt never
the debt of the American people. 

This fact can be verified by the fact that the current UNITED STATES corporation successor
was originally created under the Act of 1871. Let us also note that at the "CIVIL WAR"  No war
was ever declared by congress. It was a coup of America by enemies foreign and domestic
and the American legal system and governance has been corrupted every since and
operated by parasites and psychopaths to benefit THEIR parasite class, not the American

As a result this trustee does not consent to this fraudulent theft of the home held in foreign
trust to protect it from the likes of CARPET BAGGERS wearing BAR badges. 

Those seditionist and traitors still running America through a foreign US corporate
governance system and legal system have violated every letter of the American organic
common law system. War powers - MIXED WAR, has been foisted on Americans - because
TRAITORS to the nation (ongoing) wanted an efficient way to THIEVE from the products of
American labor, ingenuity as in this case - and to get something for nothing just like the
common Horse and Cattle Rustlers of the old West. We know what vigilante justice did to
them under the practice of common custom.

Now lets compare stealing a home using OBVIOUS fraud as we will show the American
people occurred in this case,  to the crime of stealing a cow or a horse! 

Everyone named in this complaint has engaged in some aspect of helping foreign
parasites steal a home so that they can profit from it by making the couple that built the
home and lived in it for 14 years homeless. Lets look at the crime in this instance in a little
more detail: 

The Home owners that applied for a LOAN in 2003 that he never got, that was funded by the
borrower himself on collateral that the BANK stole from the homeowner; which he was
never informed about; who paid a deposit down on the home, who paid years of interest
and principal payments, that maintained the home, BUILT THE HOME from the rot up over
nearly two years at great expense;  that protected the home; that expanded the home,
defended the home over the last seven years from foreign attorneys banned from ever
operating in America who were trying to steal it; and that spent tens of thousands in legal
defenses in foreign courts foisted on Alameda in several cases enacted to preserve his
property defending against unalienable rights violations which are still protected under
American law.... is the one that now should get NOTHING for all of his efforts because
BANNED BAR attorneys manufactured counterfeit paper that said there was a debt on the
home - when their is none according to the banks documents!  Those issued by the Bank
that prove that there is no debt owed and that all bank paper was counterfeited by a
notrious well known counterfitting firm as exposed on this site! 

Now this crime that was reported to the STATE AG, the FBI, the Alameda attorney, the County
Recorder, the Sherriff, the Oakland Police Department et al... all of whom stayed as quiet as
a mouse .... why? Because this is how their system is supposed to work! PARASITE foreign
banks waging war on the states from DC BAR attorney low life scum operating in the
foreign courts illegally operating on our Countys are LICENSED to wage war on Americans!
So called law firms get to steal our stuff and the American people - that bought and lived
in their homes get NOTHING for their efforts! 

This crime is s of course a thousand fold worse than anything the American people
suffered at the War of Independence as laid out here! 

Now - the owners of the property are now supposed to go off quietly - except their fate and
find a tent to live in somewhere under a bridge and start all over again while someone else
benefits from living in the very unique house that the home owners built, nurtured and
cared for and UNLAWFUL LIEN BUYER t Joe and partner walk off with $200 K. DO you really
think so! WE THINK NOT!  

Investigators like this TRUSTEE to the foreign trusts that own the  home long ago realized
that America is being occupied and that the US legal system is not merely corrupt to the
bone - its been deliberately established to war on Americans and steal our PROPERTY,
owners how the system worked so we documented everything over the last six years to
reveal this to the American people after taking every possible measure to protect the
property! There has been as many as 17 Kangaroo Court cases that expose STATE,
BANKRUPTCY and FEDERAL Courts as similarly corrupt to the BONE by design and all are in
the business of thieving of Americans in violation of our natural rights and organic law

After the owners of the real property were educated on this state of affairs they spent
THOUSANDS of hours educating themselves on the actual law of the land and realized one
will get no remedy in the foreign BAR Kangaroo courts. One must rely on the Organic laws
of America, the physical states and the American common law and Exclusive American
equity, equitable process to protect ones home and property. 

As a result, every lawful right has been exercised to protect the home and at the end of the
day foreign LAW FIRMS banned from ever operating in America in BED WITH a Kangaroo
Court operated by a BAR attorney forever banned from every operating in America GAVE THE
and BANKS claim is beyond bogus as we will demonstrate to the world to FULLY EXPOSE the
sociopaths and Phsycopaths that have seized our nation! 

What this tells us is the court and UNLAWFUL LIEN BUYER and his co-conspirators including
parasites at Scheer Law Group - WILL OPNELY  ignore FACTS proving the home is stollen;
and evidence that proves STATE, BANK, COURT - UNLAWFUL LIEN BUYER is engaged in THEFT,
sedition, treason and what their system calls RICO!   

UNLAWFUL LIEN BUYER some $400K knowing that if they IGNORE the facts and the law that
they could walk with $200K by stealing another mans home! At the end of the day - they
willfully, knowingly used ever crooked tool in the system to force out the real owners of the
home relying on BAR-stitutes and DUMBED DOWN ARMED MEN that call themselves OAKLAND
POLICE FORCE who worked for a couped judiciary made up of FOREIGN AGENTS, according
to TONA are engaged in SEDITION AND TREASON. The hired thugs work for the parasite class
that own the CROWN and the HOLY See Corporations that created UNITED STATES waging war
on Americans and relying on dumbed down Americans like those in OAKLAND POLICE
DEPARTMENT to wage an unlawful war on their own brothers and sisters who are fully in
their rights to protect their own property GIVEN AWAY BY A FOREIGN COURT IN VIOLATION OF

The CROWN BAR imposters, traitors and seditionists running foreign US Courts on American
soil never got the memo that Administrative courts operating in America, are all ILLEGAL.
They are operating in violation of the law of the land, controlled from England and illegally
forcing Martial Law - Mixed War Conditions on the American people FOR NO LAWFUL CAUSE
- in violation of the law! They are doing it because they get to live high on the hog by
looking the other way! After all it is easier to STEAL that which you did not work to create
and its easier to rape and pillage a people USING PAID ARMNED THUGS and the
instruments of A FOREIGN STATE to war on the people that will be murdered if they resist
this tyranny. 

We have shown on this site to effect a war on a people you must first dumb down the
people; make sure they do not know who they really are; what their rights are and then you
lie to them about their organic law and founding acts that created America, the Union and
the states and tell them that FOREIGN CORPORATE LAW is the now the law. That is exactly
what has been done to America and those running the plantation school system are part of
this MIND coup! 

The history supporting this state of affairs proves a foreign crime cartel is waging war on
the world from DC, London and the Vatican city. A band of common thieves that created a
system to steal from Americans and thieve their resources FOR NO LAWFUL CAUSE and
without any lawful right.

While some Americans have chosen to live high on the hog they too are victims of the war
on America. They just do not know it yet. When the Chines, Bolsheviks launched their wars
on China and Russia at the hands of the same criminal cartel waging a war on America -
the first to be taken out were those running their POLICE, ARMY et al! People should really
learn who their friends are and who their real enemy is. The American people are not the

enemy of the police - the DC CROWN Cabal is. If you doubt this please study Vaccinations,
Energy Weapons - Directed Energy, Poisoned Municipal water, Chemtrails - weather
warfare - HAARP and the FEDERAL RESERVE for starters! 

So - the take away: Foreign US Courts are under MILITARY control for no lawful cause than
foreigners want to steal the product of American labor! All Administrative Courts are illegal
in America;  here is proof that the courts on American soil are operated from the CROWN
Corporation of London. It should be noted that the CROWN is foreign to England i.e. Crown
Corporation is Occupying England as well as America and all nations and it imposing its
legal Tyranny on all nations in violation of natural law, the common law of America,
England, Canada, Australia, NZ, SA et al.

The home owners in this case have suffered similar losses to the TRUSTEE (Theft of Home,
theft of children and all property by STATE Criminal cartel under the FOREIGN BANNED BAR)
and we have access to records documenting the same crime in as many as 2500 other
cases across California and Washington state! In all cases - STATE Actors DID NOTHING and
are complicit in the crime and not fit for public purpose! 

These crimes are the result of Jesuitical agents of a parasite class that have vowed to
inflict these very crimes on the American people - those that are opposed to Babylonian,
satanic, Talmudic anti-life, anti American Khazarian mafia that stood up the UNITED STATES
Corporation when Americans were still picking up their dead at the Rothschilds
manufactured civil war:  

Lets look again a the words of those that follow the satanic Talmud that have taken control
of our nations ... we shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves
of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their Highnesses may command;
and we shall take away your goods, and shall do you all the mischief and damage that we
can, as to vassals who do not obey, and refuse to receive their lord, and resist and
contradict him; and we protest that the deaths and losses which shall accrue from this are
your fault, and not that of their Highnesses, or ours, nor of these cavaliers who come with
us (click on text for full excerpt and links to original texts).


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