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Selection Procedure:

The Selection Procedure is as follows:

1. Online Applications
2. Eligible students will appear for the Test (CGPA above 2.51 only for test).
The Test is of 100 Marks with no negative marking and Contains two Portions.
Should score atleast 50% in each portion to qualify for the Interviews. The First
Portion is General part it has 10 marks of English Verbal, 20 Marks of F.Sc.
Mathematics, 20 Marks of F.Sc. Physics. (These 50 Marks are really important and
should be prepared properly to confirm your place for the interview as only top
5% get call for interview). The Remaining 50% is from your Basic Degree. Past
Papers are available prepare them and focus on the subjects and topics you see in
past papers. CGPA doesn’t matter for Further Process.
3. Successful Candidates will be called for the interviews. One is technical
interview and then a general interview (HR type Interview) on same day (details
will be later).
4. Final selected students of almost 15-20 of each degree depends upon their
requirement will join and have detail medical to confirm their Fitness.
5. The selected will join and clear a Zero Semester of 2 months to confirm their
enrollment in PIEAS.
6. During the MS a High-Level Security check by different agencies of Pakistan will
conduct to ensure your validity.
7. After Successful completion of MS with CGPA above 2.67 will join the

~Best of Luck 😊
Regards: Muhammad Murtaza
MS Mechanical Engineering 2018-20

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