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JUNE 14, 2020


Sam visits

Mount Rushmore



facts about

the beaver
FOLKTALE The Cunning Judge
Once upon a time, a sparrow lived on a tree. He rabbit’s statement. He wanted his home back.
had a beautiful and comfortable nest in the tree He said, “Let us go and seek the advice of some
and used to live in it happily. Each day, the wise person who can help us to settle this
sparrow would go out in search of food and matter.
return to the nest in the evening. Now it so happened, that a wild cat who used
One day, the sparrow as usual went out to look to live at a little distance from the tree
for food but it started raining heavily so the overheard the conversation of the sparrow and
sparrow had to take shelter in another tree’s the rabbit. He thought of taking advantage of
branches. The sparrow kept waiting for the rain the situation. So he quickly took a dip in the
to stop so that he could go home but the rain river and then sat like a priest chanting the
did not stop all night. name of God loudly. When the sparrow and the
In the morning, when the sky cleared, the rabbit heard the chanting and saw the cat
sparrow returned to his nest. He was shocked to sitting there like a priest, they thought that he
find a rabbit in his nice and comfortable nest. must be a very wise person. So, they went to
The sparrow became angry and said, “This is my consult him hoping that he provide them with
home. Please leave at once and go back to impartial justice.
wherever you have come from.” “Don’t be such The cat was very happy to see the sparrow and
a fool,” the rabbit replied. “Things like trees, the rabbit. He pretended to listen with interest
rivers and lakes don’t belong to anyone. They as they told their story and put forth their
are only yours as long as you are living in them. arguments. As soon as the time was right, he
If, in your absence, your place is acquired by pounced upon them and killed both of them
someone else, then it belongs to them. So, this and ate them for his meal. This is how tussles
place is now mine. Don’t disturb me now.” over little, insignificant matters may sometimes
But the sparrow did not see any logic in the lead to disaster.
Find ten Cats in the picture

Silly Rhymes

A Prince From Pepperville

A prince came down from Pepperville

In satin and in lace,
He wore a bonnet on his head
And whiskers on his face.
And when he came to Battleburg
This is what befell:
He gave the king and cabinet
A half a peanut shell.

Sam Visits Mount Rushmore
Discover a
new place

Mount Rushmore is a carved sculpture mountain located in South Dakota on the Black
hills of Keystone in the USA. It has the sculpture of four famous presidents of the
United States– George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abra-
ham Lincoln.
It was a local historian, Doane Robinson, who came up with the idea of carving a sculp-
ture mountain to attract tourists to his small town in South Dakota. He contacted
Gutzon Borglum, a famous Dutch-American sculpture artist. Robinson discussed his
idea with Borglum who loved it and identified Mount Rushmore as the perfect loca-
tion. The height of the cliff was perfect for the project and also the fact that it faced the
rising sun, thus sunrise would first fall on the cliff every day.
The work on the project started on 4th October 1927 and the mountain sculpture was
completed by 31st October 1941. It took fourteen long yeas and over 400 workers who
climbed almost 500 stairs everyday for this gigantic task to finish with perfection.
The four presidents depicted on Mount Rushmore depict the first 130 years of Ameri-
can history. It celebrates the life and achievements of these four Presidents. They rep-
resent freedom and growth of the United States.
spot ten differences

Q: What did the beaver say to the tree?
A: It's been nice gnawing you.

bone Q: What is a beaver’s
favourite snack?
A: Wood chips.

Q: What kind of maths do beavers like?

A: Logarithms!

Unlikely Farmhands
The owners of a farm were star-
tled when they stepped out of
their house one morning. They
couldn't find 150 of their cows
grazing in their usual patch of
grass. Turns out all the cows had
quietly followed a beaver who
had wandered on to the farm.
Talk about unlikely farmhands!
comic story
Akbar Birbal
Birbal Denies a Rumour

One day, a man met

Birbal in the street. He
began telling Birbal his
sob story.

I’ve walked twenty kilometres just

to see you. All along my way people
said that you were the country’s
most generous man.

Birbal thought to himself.

Are you returning
This man is the same way?
going to ask
me for money.

Will you do
something for
Of course. What do you want?

Please deny the

rumour of my

Fun With
Take out a pen and
paper and make as H X E L
many words as you
can with the letters T E C N
in the grid.
What is the World Wide
Fund for Nature?
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non – government organi-
sation, working in the field of wilderness preservation and towards reducing the
impact of humans on the environment.
It was founded in 1961, by a small group of ardent, mostly British naturalists and con-
servationists such as Peter Scott, Max Nicholson, Guy Mountfort and Julian Huxley.
Initially called the World Wildlife Fund, it retains its official name in Canada and the
United States of America.
It is the world’s largest conservation organisation, working in more than 100 countries.
It has identified 238 ecoregions, that represent the world’s most biologically outstand-
ing habitats and is working toward those regions’ conservation.
The WWF giant panda logo originated from a panda named Chi Chi, who had been
transferred from Beijing Zoo to London Zoo in 1958. The panda being, an endangered
species, with its recognisable iconic features of black and white, made it a strong
symbol that could be identified, without language barriers around the world.
The WWF work has evolved from saving species and landscapes, to now
working with sectors globally, to educate and influence people into
making sustainable choices and decisions. The WWF also
works with corporates and business and helps
make decisions around the use of natural

Jim was an industrious
beaver, whose goal was to

finish helping his colony
build the dam before the

Story... rains began. They had

been working laboriously
for weeks to complete the
dama and build their
homes. The first drop of
rain fell and everyone
began to panic.

fun facts
with Hamlet the Hamster
To know or not to know,
that is the question!
Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts about the Beaver

Beaver colonies create dams of wood and mud to provide still, deep water in order to
protect against predators.

Beavers have poor eyesight, but do have a set of transparent eyelids which allow them
to see under water.

The large front teeth of the beaver never stop growing. The beaver’s constant gnawing
on wood helps to keep their teeth from growing too long.

They slap the water using their broad, scaly tail, as an alarm signal to other beavers in
the area that a predator is approaching.
Help the Beaver
Reach the Logs
The Team

Editor Assistant and Copy Editor

Aryaa Naik Dalmiya Lavanya Khare

Contributing Writers
Kaniz Fatima Khan Priyanka Garegat
Deepti Raavi Ekta Bhatnagar
Raunaq Amarnani Rituparna Chatterjee
Archana Rajagopal

Layout and Design

Walmik Pawar Artists
Kalpana Siromani Amol Padwal
Shailendra Havane
Sujith VS
Rohini Dusane
Bhavini Damani

Sitanshu Bhartiya
Atul Wankhade
Digital Archana Rajagopal
Marketing Bharat Pillai
Dnyanesh Thombre Tushar Rokade

Prashant Kini
Shekhar Ramaiah
Jesh Krishna Murthy


Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone!

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