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In-ground Trampolines

Basic in-ground trampolines.

This activity is not listed in the AAS or Victorian Education Department activity guidelines; therefore
ratios are set based on CYC recommendations of 1 leader to 20 participants.

Age Suitability
All ages depending on how many adults are present.

Activity staffing
Requires at least one adult to supervise children at all times and to ensure the rules are
being followed.

Teaching Instruction


- Ensure safety pads are covering the trampoline springs before student use.
- Gather students away from the trampolines.
- Outline the safety rules to the students clearly.
- Explain to students that students will be in groups and there will be one at a time on
the trampoline. If this rule is broken students will miss out because safety is very
- The people in the group not on the trampoline will stand on the sides and spot the
other student. They must watch the whole time and assist the student on the
trampoline if needed.
- Explain to students that socks must be worn.
- No knee drops or somersaults.
- Place students in groups. Assign students to trampolines.


- Time students on the trampolines. Rotate students every 3-5 minutes.

- Position yourself in a spot where all trampolines can be seen.
- Make sure all spotters are spotting correctly and students are following the rules.
- Remove students who are not acting in a safe manner.


- Call all students back to the meeting spot.

- Question the students:
-Was it fun?
-Who got the highest?
- Remind students to walk safely to their next activity and bid them a good day.
First Aid/Risk Assessment/Emergency Procedures/Risk Management Plan:

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