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Citadels (Rules Summary)

▪ Increase your city's prosperity by influencing powerful characters and building new districts. The
player with the most points worth of districts at game end wins.

▪ Shuffle the Character Deck (decide if using the 8 original ones or the new ones with * ).
▪ District Deck: remove cards with asterisk, deal 4 remaining cards to each player; shuffle the rest.
▪ Give 2 gold to each player. Place the remaining gold in a ‘bank’.
▪ Randomly give the Crown piece to a player.

Playing the Game: (4-6 players)

Step One: Remove Characters:

▪ Face Down: draw a random character card and put it face down in the middle of the table.
▪ Face Up: draw character cards based on the # of players (4= 2 cards, 5 = 1 card, 6 = 0 cards) and
place them face up in the middle of the table. If the King is drawn replace it with another card.

Step Two: Choose Characters:

▪ Crown player looks at remaining Character cards, secretly chooses one, and passes deck to the left.
▪ This continues until one card remains, when it is placed face down with the others.

Step Three: Player Turns:

▪ Crown player calls out each character in numerical order, skipping to the next if one isn't chosen.
▪ When your card is called, place it face up in front of you and take your turn.

1) Take an Action: You MUST do one of the following:

▪ Take 2 gold from the bank; or
▪ Draw 2 district cards, keep one, and put the other on the bottom of the deck.
2) Build a District Card: You MAY:
▪ Build one district card, playing it in front of you after paying its cost in gold.
▪ You may never build two identical districts (ex: two castles, two markets, etc.)
▪ Building the 8th district triggers the game end, you may build more if allowed to.
3.) Character Powers/Abilities: You MAY use once at any time during your turn.
▪ If your power gives you gold, you can use it before building districts or after.

Step Four: End of Round:

▪ Once all character cards have been called, shuffle the character cards.
Game End:
▪ Once a player builds his 8th district, the game ends after the current round is completed.
▪ For a shorter game, have the game end once the 7th district is built.
▪ Scoring:
▪ City Points = total number of combined gold in all districts of player's city.
▪ 3 points if player has at least one district in each of the 5 colors.
▪ 4 points for the first player to build 8 districts; 2 points for other players to build 8 districts.

If 7-8 people are playing:

▪ 7-Player Game: Play as a 6-player game except during Choose Characters, when the seventh player
is given the last card he also secretly looks at the face down card on the table and chooses one
of those two cards, placing the other face down in the middle of the table.

▪ 8▪Player Game: Play as a 7-player game with the addition of one of the rank-9 characters.

Dark City Expansion:

▪ Bonus Cards: There are 10 character and 14 district cards marked with asterisks (*).
▪ Characters: one or two bonus character cards can be swapped in for the same rank members.
▪ If you want to use one of the rank-9 characters in a 4-7 player game, increase the number of
cards that are placed face up in the middle of the table during Step One.
▪ Districts: you can add 2-3 bonus district cards to the deck. If you want more, remove one existing
purple district card for each bonus district card added.
Object: The player with the most points worth of districts at game end wins.

Setup: ▪ Character Deck: shuffle the deck. (Decide if using the 8 original ones or the new ones with * ).
▪ District Deck: remove cards with asterisk, deal 4 remaining cards to each player; shuffle the rest.
▪ Gold: give 2 gold to each player, and place the remaining gold in a ‘bank’ pile.
▪ Randomly give the Crown piece to a player.

Game End: ▪ Once a player builds his 8th district, the game ends after the current round is completed.
▪ For a shorter game, have the game end once the 7th district is built.
▪ Scoring: ▪ City Points = total of combined gold printed on the card in all districts of a player's city.
▪ 3 bonus points if player has at least one district in each of the 5 colors.
▪ 4 bonus points for the 1st player to build 8 districts; 2 bonus points for others who do it.
▪ 7-Player Game: Play as a 6-player game except during Choose Characters, when the seventh player is given the
last card he also secretly looks at the face down card on the table and chooses one of those two cards, placing the
other face down in the middle of the table.
▪ 8-Player Game: Play as a 7-player game with the addition of one of the rank-9 characters.

Dark City Expansion:

▪ Bonus Cards: There are 10 character and 14 district cards marked with asterisks (*).
▪ Characters: one or two bonus character cards can be swapped in for the same rank members.
▪ If you want to use one of the rank-9 characters in a 4-7 player game, increase the number of cards that are
placed face up in the middle of the table during Step One.
▪ Districts: you can add 2-3 bonus district cards to the deck. If you want more, remove one existing
purple district card for each bonus district card added.
Playing the Game: (4-6 players)

Step One: Remove Characters:

▪ Face Down: deal a random character card and put it face down in the middle of the table.
▪ Face Up: deal character cards based on the # of players (4= 2 cards, 5 = 1 card, 6 = 0 cards) and place them
face up in the middle of the table. If the King is drawn replace it with another card.

Step Two: Choose Characters:

▪ Crown player looks at remaining Character cards, secretly chooses one, and passes the rest to the left.
▪ This continues until one card remains, which is placed face down with the others.
Step Three: Player Turns:
▪ Crown player calls out each character in numerical order, skipping to the next if one wasn't chosen.
▪ When your card is called, place it face up in front of you and take your turn.
1) Take an Action: You MUST do one of the following:
▪ Take 2 gold from bank; or Draw 2 district cards, keep one, and put the other on the bottom of the deck.
2) Build a District Card: You MAY:
▪ Build one district card, playing it in front of you after paying its cost in gold.
▪ You may never build two identical districts (ex: two castles, two markets, etc.)
▪ Building the 8th district triggers the game end, but you may build more if allowed to.
3.) Character Powers/Abilities: You MAY use once at any time during your turn.
▪ If your power gives you gold, you can use it before building districts or after.

Step Four: End of Round: once all character cards have been called, shuffle the character cards.

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