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How to neutralize negative energy

Tools needed. 1.) A wire coat hanger 2) A small Crystal broken into at
least 4 pieces. (Wrap a crystal in a towel and smash it with a hammer
- wear glasses!) 3) A chi generator* optional 4) structural link to
the target (attackers) - photo/bus card or hair if possible. If
imagination is all you have then use it. 5) A mirror with a thick
frame so the glass does not rest on your work 6) a 20 gallon black
plastic garbage can. If you only have a metal can paint it black.
Black absorbs heat and chi reacts to magnetic fields. Your mental
direction will start the physical reaction of a heat transfer of chi
that drains negative energy into the Earth furnace so to speak. 7)
Blasting glyph from appendix (reproduce by hand or any method). 8) The
Sun matrix with Angel’s name METATRON from appendix (reproduce by hand
or any method).
Step 1) Grounding negative energy and attacks. Bend the coat hanger
into a square and straighten out the hook. Tape the second largest
piece of the broken crystal securely on to the coat hanger at the top
of the square. Find a place that gets some partial sun (for heat) that
nobody will interfere with. Stick the coat hanger into the ground so
it is a simple grounding antenna. This place can be an empty space in
a garden. The growing plants will add chi to the affect of grounding
all attacks into the power of the Earth. To set the energy of
grounding in motion, focus very intensely and precisely that all
negative energy around you will drain into the crystal on the antenna
and down the wire into the Earth. Create a trigger word for this
action; any word such as “clear” will do. Charge this action for 10
minutes into the ground wire link. This will create the trend of
grounding attacks. Cover the antenna/crystal with the black plastic
can and place a brick on top so it can blow over. You have set the
trend to drain negative energy from you and your space. Carry a piece
of the crystal with you as a structural link and use your trigger word
to ground negative energy whenever you encounter it.
Step 2) To stop psychic attacks. In your private workspace – desktop
(not to be disturbed) Place the structural the structural link of your
target (photo(s), business card, signature etc). If you do not have a
link, make one. Mentally picture your attackers. Focus very intently
and visualize them. See their features and body. Hear their voice and
notice their gestures. Visualize so completely their presence that
your attackers appear on the paper as you write their names. Hold no
doubt that their names are actually them in front of you on the paper.
Your intense focus will set a structural link. Write on a piece of
paper “attackers lose confidence in their useless attacks on me and
quit” and place it on their photo link or created structural link.
This will create doubt in them. This doubt will build to paranoia of
losing their skills prompting them to quit and the cycle repeats
itself in a constant loop - this will keep them busy and ineffective.
On top of their pictures and your instructions place the seal Dah ah
Heh Bah ah ah Moo. Instruction by simple request command that Dah ah
Heh Bah ah ah Moo use the chi Field of the Earth energy (crystal) and
the energy of the attackers to drive your instructions. A chi
generator supplies the power to drive the chi (physical, psychic)
energy that is related to the Earths electromagnetic field. If you do
not have a generator, place a small piece of the crystal on top of the
seal. The crystal has a chi field related to earth and will be enough
energy to drive the effect. Place the mirror reflective side down on
your attacker stack and crystal. This will create the trend of the
attackers getting messages of failure rendering their magic useless.
You have created a trend of rotating energy that drains negativity.
Doubt is it’s 2 dimensional rotating field. The mirror is 2
dimensional generator and Earth with the magnetic force of gravity
that influences all life and chi fields are it a life force (chi)
Step 3) To dissolve powerful attacks that survive the grounding cycle,
we will construct a 2nd separate rotating field from the mirror out to
Saturn. If you have a generator place it on the back of the mirror and
place the Sun Matrix face up on top of the generator. Place the
blasting glyph face up on top of the Sun Matrix. If your generator has
a radionics device tune the first dial into your target (attackers).
Set the second dial to your concept of Zero, Space, the “nothing’ from
where everything is. This is to keep the two trends of grounding and
dissolving separate. Set the third dial to carry on the function of
dissolution out to Saturn by METATRON. Place a third piece of the
crystal on the Sun/glyph stack. Touch the crystal while tuning the
dial and say this “METATRON by the power of Sun and earth use the
function of this glyph to remove all negative energy from my space.”
Set the dial. METATRON exist on the highest planes of the “nothing”
down to the density of Earth and all the elements. He will ground
energies or charge them through the nothing out to Saturn. He will use
whatever pole is needed. Just saying his name using a chi field from a
generator is enough energy to gain instant contact with these genii of
the Sun. He will easily handle any energy from any system or sphere
and easily banish it. .
If you do not have a generator set the Sun matrix face up on the back
of the mirror. Place the glyph face up on top of the Sun Matrix. Place
a third piece of the crystal on the Sun/glyph stack. Touch the crystal
and say this “METATRON by the power of Sun and earth use the function
of this glyph to remove all negative energy from my space.” You do not
need a radionics setting for the “nothing” as METATRON already exists
in that space. Radionics intensifies a field by adding structure to
the energy creating a larger amount of energy by content. This
operation does not need a chi generator or radionics to be effective.
The structure and focus of your work combined with the knowledge of
METATRON and driven by the power of the Sun and Earth are quite
adequate to guarantee success.
You now have 2 revolving field of protection rotating in different at
the same time. You created a grounded field flowing into the Earth in
a continuous cycle as 1 rotating field. Then you created another field
driven by the power of the Sun circulating from your space out to
To keep this operation permanent you must "expect it to be" never give
doubt to your work. You are working with pure mind and good practice
stimulates emotions too - producing tangible results (moods). Always
expect the best from your work and be happy about it. - This is very
inconsistent with "negative" affects and they can't manifest if you
don't feed them. You are developing your mental and emotional skills.
FOCUS wins the mental battles. i.e. - if 100 people are racing for 1
white flag, the flag stops when only 1 person is still chasing (focus)
it and they win. Emotions are won with reserve - patience to see your
results. Confidence knowing "something" WILL happen! You took action
and put creative b i o e n e r g y i n t o a s p e c i f i c
p u r p o s e s o t h e r e w i l l b e a n e f f e c t .

·ð O p t i o n a l - a c h i g e n e r a t o r i t i s n o t
r e q u i r e d f o r s u c c e s s o f t h i s o p e r a t i o n

T H i s m e t h o d c a n b e
a p p l i e d t o a n y n e g a t i v e f e e l i n g s o r
t h o u g h t s y o u m a y h a v e . I f y o u a r e
s u f f e r i ng from depression loneliness anger or any malady you wish
to be free from you can use this same strategy to overcome the
negativity by channeling through mental direction into the magnetic
chi field of the earth. This can be done by mentally directing it
into the magnetic field of the crystal antennae set up that you have
created. The trend of grounding it will become very strong and
efficient the more you re enforce it through use of it. You will
notice that when you are feeling down and you direct those feelings to
the crystal – you will feel your negative mood dis appear…at that
point focus on something positive in your life or simply whistle in an
optimistic manner as if you have not a trouble in the world. This will
bring positive results into your life too. I am aware that opposites

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t – however when they make contact the breaker pops and

shorts out so remember when you banish a negative thought or emotion
replace it with optimism and joy. Because - even though opposites
attract – like minded energies coagulate and form groups. So bring
more optimism into your group which is your life.

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