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Yoga and Meditation

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient science to bring harmony with in and with your surroundings.

What are the 4 main paths of Yoga?

Bhathi yoga – path of devotion

Karma yoga- path of action doing every action with out thinking about result.

Gnana Yoga- Path of knowledge, studying sciptures, undestanding the knowledge logically, applying
that in daily life.

Hatha Yoga- Making a concious effort to achieve well being by Practicing


What are the benefits?

The practice of yoga benefits body mind and spirit.

At physical level,

Improved flexibility of the body.

Improved strength of muscles and bones.

Improved posture

Improved digestion, circulation, immunity.

Improved funtion of endocrine and neurological systems

Yoga and Mind

Incresed calmness

Better alertness and clarity

Better ability to deal with stresses.

Improved concentration, self esteem, and energy

Yoga and spirit.

Yoga gives a proper understanding of our self. This makes a person more content, and gives a
meaningful purpose to our life.

The 8 limbs of Yoga.

Yamas- Sathya,(truthfulness)Ahimsa(non-violence),Astheya,(non stealing),Aparigraha(non,-

accumulating), Brahmacharya( being cconcious of what is beyond body).

Niyamas- shoucha(cleanliness), santhosha(happiness),Thapas(willingness to go through

pain),Swadhyaya(self study),Ishwara Pranidhana(honouring a higher power)

Asana- postures

Pranayama- proper regulation of life force through breathing techniques.

Prathyahara- taking awareness inwards.

Dharana- one pointed focus.

Dhyana- Meditation.

Samadhi- Merging with the self.

The practice.

Warming up.

Standing asanas-.

Konasan- side strech

Trikonasan- side strech,touching ankle.

Benefits: stregthens hip,legs and knee and aankle.Helps to increase height for growing children.

Ardha chakrasan -plams on hip,bend back

Hasthapadasan- bend forwad.

Reduce fat at hip and belly, elasticity for spine.

Katichakrasan- Hands streched infront,turning backwards..

Vrukshasan- hands raised above head,palms together,standing on one leg

B: gives balance, concentration

B:Uthkatasan- sitting slowly.

B: stregthens knee.

Body rotation.

B: loosens hip and neck.

Marjarasan( cat strech)

B: loosens the spine and make it flexible. Good for those who suffer from spondylitis and slipped


Lying Down on your back-

Stomach crunches.

Ardhapavan mukthasan

Bend each leg,nose touching knee

Pavanmukthasan- both legs.

B: Relieves gastric problems, improved digestion.

Sethubadhasan- bridge, raising hip.

B: Relieves back pain, tones reproductive organs in women. Immunity booster.

Sarvangasan- shoulder stand.

B: cures any issues related to genital organs. Vericose vein, constipation, thyroid gland.

Good for facial skin.

Mathsyasan- chest up, head down.

B: helps to cure asthma, allergies, neck pain,improves sleep,immunity booster,

Natrajasan- 2 variations ,lying down hip twist.

B: reduces fat at hip, flexibility for spine and neck.

Noukasan- Stretch both hands forward,raise the whole body like a boat.

B: stregthens back and abdomen, uusedul for people with hernia.

Lying on stomach-

Ardhashalabhasan- hands parallel to body,raise one leg, chin on ground

Purna shalabhasan- both legs-fist under the thighs.

B: Removes fat from stomach and thigh, strengthens hip, thigh, leg, lower abdomen. Cures cervical

Bhujangasan- cobra posture, raise upperbody till naval. Shoulders relaxed.

B: strengthens arms and shoulder, loosens lower back.

Improves menstrual irregularities. stimulates organs of the abdominal area, and kidney. stimulates
thyroid gland.

Vipareeth shalabhasan,- Superman,raise hands and legs.

B: tones the whole body, spine,shoulder.

Dhanurasan- Bow pose, hold the ankle,raise body.

B: stregthens back bone and abdomen, digestion.

Helps to regulate pancreas and women’s reproductive system.

Rest in makarasan, lying on stomach,left chin on ground,hands around head,Right leg bent.

Sitting up.-

Vakrasan- simple spinal twist

B: Tones spine and nerves,helps anaemia

Janushirasan- keep one foot inside the other thigh,touch the foot With both palms.

B: better circulation to liver , spleen,pancreas. Beneficial for diabetic patients. Constipation cured.

Pashchimothasan- raise both hands,bend from hip,touch the feet.

B: stress reliever, removes anxiety, anger, reduce belly fat, good for digestion, cures impotency,
balances menstrual cycle, increases height.

Purvothasan- both palms behind on the ground facing down,raise the hip

Ardhamachedrasan - left foot under right thigh,right foot on left side.

Left hand over the right thigh,trying to hold the right ankle,turn to other side too.

B: elasticity of spine, hip. Good for thyroid gland.

Badhakonasan.- butterfly,flapping thighs.

B: flexibility of hip, good for women’s reproductive organs. Corrects all menstrual irregularities. Y

Facial yoga, eye exercises.

Shavasan-Resting pose, gives deep relaxation, improves sleep.


Kapalbhathi- breathing out forcefully and pulling stomach in simultaneously.

B: Increases metabolism, reduces belly fat, good for digestion, brighter intellect, good for hair and
facial skin,immunity booster.

Bhasthrika- thowing hands up ,drop it and breath out forcefully.

B: Energizer.

Nadishudhi- alternate nostril pranayam.

B: Balances left and right brain, clarity of mind, focus.

Meditation .

B : gives deep rest, calms the mind, relives stress, anxiety, anger etc.

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