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The culture of India refers collectively to the thousands of distinct and unique cultures of all

religions and communities. There are various languages, religions, food, dance, music present in
this culture which are different from place to place within the country. Indian origin
religions Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, all of which are based on the concept
of Dharma and karma . India is one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse nations in the
world, with some of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. India, being a multi-
cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, celebrates holidays and festivals of various
religions. Indian food is as diverse as India. Indian cuisines include various ingredients, with a
wide range of food preparation styles, cooking techniques. From vegetarian to meat Indian
cuisine is invariably complex. Traditional clothing in India is different from different parts of the
country. It includes local culture and climatic conditions. On special occasions, marriage
ceremonies and festivals, women wear colourful garments with various ornaments made with
gold, silver or other regional stones and gems. Bindi is an essential part of a Hindu woman's
make up. some consider the bindi which was worn on forehead as an auspicious mark.
Traditionally, the red bindi was worn by married Hindu women, and coloured bindi was worn by
single women. Literary records suggest India had interacted in languages of other ancient
civilisations. Sanskrit had a great impact on the languages and literature of India. Present days
Hindi is the most spoken language in India. while coming to epics the MAHABHARATHA and
RAMAYANA are the well known epics in India. Indian dance include eight classical dance such
as bharatanatyam, kuchipudi, kathak, kathakali, odissi, mohiniattam, manipuri and sattriya.
These are famous among various states within the country. India's diversity has inspired many
writers to pen their perceptions of the country's culture, and we INDIANS always believe in


Written by 
Ch. Sai Surya Tejaswini
4th CSE A
We live in a world where people are judged by their external appearance. It is a world where
what you wear determines who you are. Some time back, while out shopping, I happened to
overhear a conversation. “Is this good on me? Does it make me look cool enough?”
That is what inspired me to write this article.

Fashion is an ever changing trend that will be completely different from the year before. With
such changes, the whole concept and people’s mindset regarding fashion will move to a whole
new level. Hence it is pointless to compare the previous generation’s and our generation’s
attitude towards fashion. It’s obvious that such changes happen. Of course, taking care of one’s
appearance and wanting to look good is very much appreciable and it does upgrade our
confidence. However not all dress to please oneself. Majority of us use fashion as an excuse to
blend in with the cool crowd. The following are some of the interesting assumptions present

“If you aren’t wearing the happening clothes nor have the right accessories you are not cool.
“ If you don’t have a good sense of fashion, you o b v i o u s l y must not be rich. Thus you aren’t
part of t h e “It” crowd.”

Students are judged simply by what they wear, all the way down to how they act.

Once such a presumption is made, there is really nothing that can be done to change it. Many
struggle with finding themselves because of this.It’s this constant yearning for popularity that
more than 90% students strive for. Though it is a nice feeling to have, many approach or go
about it in wrong ways thereby diminishing their confidence, not realising that they are trying to
be mediocre copies of someone else when they can be themselves and be accepted for it. They
wonder who they are, what their purpose is in life and where they belong. Such can ruin and scar
their young lives.

“You will have a more. interesting life, if you wear impressive clothes “

nikhil kola
2nd ECE
Last modified: 10:49 am
1) The Word "Hindi" came from the Persian word "Hind" that means-the land of the India river.

2) The Royal Bengal tiger's roar can petrify you.the roaring can be heard from up to 2KM
distance at night.

3) Usian bolt, he is one of nine athletes to win world championships at the youth,junior and
senior level.

4) Niagara waterfall is actually still in its is just 12,000 years old which is about 1
microsecond in geological time.

5) the statue of liberty functioned as a lighthouse for 16 years before it was just a
provided light up to 24 miles.

6) the average male gets bored of a shopping trip after 26 minutes.

7) bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.

8) the Jagannath temple in Puri is internationally famous for running the largest kitchen in the

9) was earlier known as

10) dreams carry more weight and meaning than our conscious thoughts while awake. 70% of
your dreams contain secret messages.



K.Preetham Reddy

2nd CSE-B


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