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Environment Impact Assesment is a process of environmental consequences or impacts of various

types of development projects. Environment Impact Assesment is also a study of detailed
environmental effects and ways to monitor the effects effectively. environmental impact
assessment" (EIA) is usually used when applied to actual projects Recently, Unimap established

lecture rooms,
construction of School of Materials in Pauh, Perlis. It includes

admin and staff offices, cafeteria, toilets and

laboratories.This reports consists of the
potential environmental impacts and ways to
monitor the impacts effectively. Process of
work, specification of work must be
considered to investigate detail about the
effects and alternative way to reduce the
impacts. Construction sector is considered as one of the main sources of environmental pollution in the world. It has massive direct and

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating

indirect effects on the environment.
the likelyenvironmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account
inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and


To identify the potential environment impacts in the construction site.

To identify the ways to reduce the environment effects alternatively.

To prodoce Environment Impact Assesment Report.


The quality of environment is not in good condition and causes the rate of pollution increases. The quality 0f air and water also effected.

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