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Frank Herbert’s classic science fiction novel Dune will live for
generations as a masterpiece of creative imagination.
In this game, you can bring to life the alien planet and the
swirling intrigues of all the book’s major characters.

Atreides Harkonnen
The Atreides led by the The Harkonnens, led
youthful Paul Atreides by the decadent Baron
(Muad’Dib) — rightful Vladimir Harkonnen —
heir to the planet, gifted master of treachery and
with valiant lieutenants. cruel deeds.

Bene Spacing
Gesserit Guild
The Bene Gesserit The Spacing Guild
Sisterhood, represented represented by
by Reverend Mother steersman Edric (in
Gaius Helen Mohiam — league with smuggler
ancient and inscrutable. bands) — monopolist of
transport, yet addicted to
ever increasing spice flows.

Emperor Fremen
The Emperor, his The Fremen
majesty the Padishah represented by the
Emperor Shaddam IV planetary ecologist Liet-
— keen and efficient, Kynes — commanding
yet easily lulled into fierce hordes of natives,
complacency by his own adept at life and travel
trappings of power. on the planet.
I’m Lady Jessica of the
House Atreides. Prepare
to become immersed in
the world of Dune. Here’s Feyd-Rautha of House Harkonnen here.
how to set everything up. We are masters of treachery and cruel deeds!
Next, shuffle the Treachery & Spice Decks
and set them next to the board.

I am Stilgar of the
Fremen. We are adept
Staban Tuek,
at life and travel on
of the Spacing
the planet Dune.
Guild coalition.
First set out the We control all
game board map. shipments on and
off Dune.
Put the Storm
Marker on the
Storm Start

Hasimir Fenring, of the Emperor’s court.

Accumulating wealth is our strength.
The map has 4
Now take all the Spice Tokens and put
them in the Spice Bank.
SETUP: FACTION SETS Each player gathers up Each faction gets a reserve of tokens, spice allocation,
PLAYER SHIELD their factions components 5 Leader Discs, a Player Shield, Player Sheet, and Player
and reviews their strengths Marker. Next we’ll look at how to arrange all the players
PLAYER MARKER PLAYER SHEET and weaknesses. on the board.

atreides fremen

Leaders Leaders

10 10 10 3
bene gesserit spacing Guild

Leaders Leaders

19 5 15 5
emperor harkonnen

Leaders Leaders

20 10 10 10
SETUP: Player Positions, Spice, and Traitors SETUP: Forces

Now all players place A AT

their faction’s forces. ONN 10 10 EID E
The factions require
different strategies,
based on their unique
force placement rules.

Players, setup your faction sets like

this. Place your player marker on the
Player Circle closest to you.
Take the spice amount
Here’s my favorite part - Traitors!
found on the Player Sheet,
Remove any Faction Cards not in
and stash it behind your
play from the Traitor Deck, then
Player Shield!
shuffle the deck.
Each player is dealt 4 Traitor
Cards and then secretly selects 1
and keeps one of their opponents’



leaders (if they drew one) to be EG E
their traitor. If they draw their own
leaders instead of an opponent’s
leader, they still keep 1 card.
Return the other cards
face down to the 10
bottom of the
Traitor Card
Deck. FR

By the way,
Harkonnen get
to keep ALL All forces off-planet
traitors they at game start.


find! E A I
SETUP: Treachery Cards and Turn Marker 1 card from the PLAY: Storm Phase
Treachery Deck
is dealt to each Dune is played in turns, each composed of 9 game phases.
player. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The Storm Phase

is first. The Storm
Marker is moved
around the map. The
faction whose Player
Place the Game Marker the storm
Turn Counter at next approaches will
1 on the Turn be the First Player for
Track. this turn.

The first time the storm is

moved, you will place the Storm
Marker at a random location
along the Storm Track.
Here’s how to get that location:
The players whose Player
Markers are nearest on either
side of the Storm Start sector
will secretly dial a number from
Harkonnen 0 to 20 on the Battle Wheels (in
gets 2 all subsequent turns the players
Treachery dial a number from 1 to 3). The
Cards! two numbers are simultaneously
Starting from the Storm Start The players dialed a 2
sector, the sum total and 11. So the
is the number of Storm Marker
sectors that the moves 13
Storm Marker moves sectors
counterclockwise counter-
around the map. clockwise.
PLAY: Spice Blow & Nexus, CHOAM Charity PLAY: Bidding Declaration: Before bidding starts,
all players must declare how many
Dealer: One player Treachery Cards they hold.
During a Spice Blow, the The hand limit is 4. Players with 4
deals cards from the
top card of the Spice Deck cards must pass during bidding.
Treachery Deck face
is turned over. The amount
down in a row, 1 card
of spice shown
for each
on the card is
player who
placed in the
is allowed
to bid.

But there are

Sandworm Alerts
mixed in with the
Spice! Auction:
The first card in the row is now auctioned off for spice.
If Shai-Hulud appears
during a Spice Blow, The bidding is started by the First Player. If that player
a Nexus occurs and already has 4 Treachery Cards, the next player to the right
the players have the who does not have 4 Treachery Cards opens the bidding.
opportunity to make The player who bids first must bid 1 or more spice or
and break Alliances. pass. Bidding then proceeds to the bidder’s immediate
More on this later... right. The next bidder may raise the bid or
pass and so on around the table until a top Those are the bidding
Any player with 0 or 1 spice can bid is made and all other players pass. The basics, but do check
collect spice from the Spice Bank top bidding player then pays the number of the full rule book and
to bring their total to 2 by calling spice they bid into the Spice Bank and takes Player Sheets for other
out “CHOAM Charity.” the card. important details.
PLAY: Revival PLAY: Revival

As Atreides, you get a free

revival of 2 forces. Check
your Player Sheet, some
factions are different.

Force Revival: As the game progresses, Leader Revival: If all 5 of a player’s leaders
forces will end up in the Tleilaxu Tanks. In are in the Tleilaxu Tanks, they may revive
revival, all players may revive up to 3 forces one leader per turn until all of their leaders
from the Tleilaxu Tanks. have been revived.
Free: A certain number of forces are Fighting Strength: To revive a leader,
revived for free as stated on the Player a player must pay that leader’s fighting
Sheet. strength in spice to the Spice Bank.
By Spice: Any additional forces that may Revived Leader Status: A revived leader
be revived must be done at a cost of can be played normally and is still subject to
2 spice per force. All spice expended for being a traitor.
force revival is placed in the Spice Bank.
Dead Again: If a revived leader is killed
Limit: A player can never revive again, place it face down in the
more than 3 forces per turn. Tleilaxu Tanks. This leader
To Reserves: Revived forces cannot be revived again until all
must be placed in the player’s of the player’s other revivable
reserve. leaders have been revived, killed
and sent to the Tanks again.

I’ll take my 2 free forces, Finding myself with plenty

plus I’ll pay another 2 of spice but no leaders,
spice to take an I’ll pay 6 to revive
additional 1 force Feyd-Rautha!
to my reserve.
PLAY: Shipment & Movement PLAY: Shipment & Movement

Each player may move, as a

group, any number of their
The first player ships
forces from one territory into
and moves. Play then
one other territory.
proceeds to the right
until all players have Forces are free to move
completed this phase. into, out of, or through any
territory occupied by any
FORCE SHIPMENT number of forces.
Shipment of Reserves:
A player with off-planet FORCE MOVEMENT
reserves may make one Ornithopters: A player who
shipment of any number starts a force move with
of forces from their one or more forces in either
reserves to any one Arrakeen, Carthag, or both
territory on the map. has access to Ornithopters
Payment: A player and may move forces
Now I’m moving 4 of my
must pay spice to the through up to three adjacent
forces from Carthag
Spice Bank for their territories.
to Arrakeen
shipment. The cost One Adjacent Territory: because I have
of shipping off-planet A player without a force in Ornithopters.
reserves is 1 spice per either Arrakeen or Carthag
force shipped into any at the start of their move
stronghold and 2 spice does not have access to
per force Ornithopters and
shipped into can only move
any other their forces
territory. by foot to
one adjacent

Those are the shipping

& movement basics,
but check the full
I’m paying 4 spice to rule book and Player
ship 4 forces from my Sheets for other
reserves into the important details.
stronghold of
PLAY: Battles

I only have 2 forces, so I’m going to commit

Lady Jessica, one of my best fighters, to the
Battle Determination fight to try and tip the balance.
Wherever two or more players’ forces
I’m only going to commit 1 force so I will still
occupy the same territory, battles
have a troop in Arrakeen if I win.
must occur between those players.
Battles continue until just one
player’s forces or no forces
remain in all territories on
the map.
Now, we are set up for the Battle Plan
Harkonnen and Atreides to To resolve a battle, each player must secretly formulate
hold a battle in Arrakeen! a Battle Plan. A Battle Plan always includes the number
of forces dialed on the battle wheel. If possible, it must
include a faction’s leader or Cheap Hero Card, and it
may include Treachery Cards at the player’s discretion.
Battle Wheel: Each player picks up a battle wheel and
secretly dials a number from zero to the number of
forces they have in the disputed territory.
Both players will lose the number of forces
dialed on the battle wheel.
Leaders: One Leader Disc is selected and
placed face up in the slot on the wheel.

I really want Arrakeen, so I’m going

to commit my best fighter. I don’t
want to lose too many troops,
so I’m only going to commit
2 troops to the battle.
Battle Plans continue on the next page...
PLAY: Battles, Treachery Cards PLAY: Battles, Battle Resolution

...Battle Plans Revealing Wheels &

   continued I only have a Crysknife Battle Resolution
Treachery Cards: projectile weapon and a
Snooper poison defense, Winner: The winner is
Now you may play
and am arming Lady the player with the higher
either a weapon or
Jessica with both. total of number dialed plus
defense Treachery
leader’s fighting strength.
Card or both by
holding them Weapons: If a player’s
against the wheel. opponent played a weapon
Treachery Card but the
Remember, all
player did not play the
Battle Plans are
proper defense Treachery Lady Jessica dies - our
kept secret behind
Card, the player’s leader Snooper defense doesn’t
the wheels!
is killed and cannot count stop the Stunner!
toward their total.
And our Crysknife weapon
Killed Leaders: Any is blocked by the Shield on
leaders killed are the Harkonnen’s side.
immediately placed face up
in the Tleilaxu Tanks. The Feyd-Rautha lives - our Shield
winner receives their value projectile defense stopped
(including their own leader, the Crysknife. And our
if killed) in spice from the Stunner is not blocked by
Spice Bank. the Snooper defense
Surviving Leaders: of the Atreides.
Leaders who survive remain
in the territory where
they were used until all
battles in other
territories have
been resolved.
Then they are
retrieved by
their owners.

The total is:

I’m arming Feyd-Rautha with a Stunner projectile Atreides: 1 (Wheel dial 1 + 0 for killed leader)
weapon and a Shield projectile defense. Harkonnen 8 (Wheel dial 2 + 6 for surviving leader)
PLAY: Spice Collection

The spice must flow!

Now its time to collect
the spice.

Lady Jessica goes to the Any player with

Tanks as she was killed by forces in a sector of
Harkonnen’s Treachery Card, a territory in which
along with our 2 forces. Plus there is spice may now
our Treachery Cards are collect that spice.
If you control Carthag
or Arrakeen your
Losing: The losing player loses all of the forces can collect 3
forces they had in the territory to the spice per force in the
Tleilaxu Tanks and must discard every sector. Take the spice
Treachery Card they used in their Battle from the sector and Since I no longer
Plan. Note that the loser does not lose his put it behind your control Arrakeen
leader as a result of battle. Leaders are Player Shield. my force in Broken
killed only by weapon Treachery Cards.
Land only collects
Forces only collect 2
Winning: The winning player loses only the Since I control Carthag 2 spice.
spice per token if you
number of forces they dialed on the my troops in Hagga Basin
don’t control Carthag
Battle Wheel. These forces are collect 3 spice
or Arrakeen.
placed in the Tleilaxu Tanks. each, for a
total of 6
The winning player may also spice.
keep or discard any of the
cards they played.

Harkonnen losses
are 2 forces for the
number dialed on the
Uncollected spice
Feyd-Rautha gets to
remains where it is for
return home and we’ll
future turns.
keep the Treachery
Cards in
this case.

PLAY: Mentat Pause Phase
Now it’s time to see
if anyone has won.
If any player occupies
1.Storm Phase 6. Shipment and
three strongholds The Storm Marker is moved around Movement Phase
with at least one of the map. The faction whose Player Starting with the First Player and
their forces in the Marker the storm next approaches will proceeding counterclockwise, each
Mentat Pause Phase, be the First Player for this turn. player in turn ships forces down to
that player wins the the planet or brings in forces from the
game. 2. Spice Blow and southern hemisphere (Fremen) and
If players in an
Nexus Phase then moves their forces on the game
The top card of the Spice Deck is board.
Alliance control
four strongholds turned over and the amount of spice
between them, that shown on the card is placed in the 7. Battle Phase
Alliance wins the highlighted territory. If Shai-Hulud Players must resolve battles in every
game. For example appears during the Spice Blow Phase, territory that is occupied by forces
if the Harkonnen a Nexus occurs and the players have from two or more factions.
and Fremen were the opportunity to make and break
in Alliance Alliances.
here they
8. Spice Harvest
would win 3. CHOAM Phase
the game. Charity Phase Forces in territories that contain spice
may collect the spice.
Players with 0 or 1 spice may claim
CHOAM Charity.
9.Mentat Pause
4. Bidding Phase Factions either declare a winner
No one controls Players bid spice to acquire Treachery (or winners) or take some time to
three strongholds, Cards. evaluate their positions on the map
and no Alliance holds and then move the Turn Counter to
Check your Player
four strongholds,
Sheets. 5. Revival Phase the next position on the Turn Track to
so the game begin the next turn.
Some factions All players are allowed to reclaim
goes for
have special victory forces and leaders from the Tleilaxu
conditions Tanks.
that trigger
at the
end of
turn 10.

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