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Computer Concepts and Internet Technologies


Institution Affiliation

Computer Concepts and Internet Technologies

Part 1

Select one of the sections in Unit 7 and research one of the main points. Write at least 2

paragraphs on the point.

Basic Security

Information security has become a continuing concern in all areas of an information

system. Security is neither considered as software nor as product; it is a disciple that needs to

be taken into consideration in any organizational decision. Three basic security concepts that

are important to information on the internet are integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

Concepts that must relate to the user of that information and the basic digital security are

authentication, and encryption.

Authentication is a process or technique that ensures and confirms a user’s identity.

Authentication is considered as one of the five pillars of information assurance (IA)

[ CITATION Dav05 \l 2057 ]. The other related pillars to information assurance are

nonrepudiation, availability, confidentiality, and integrity. Users are usually identified with a

user ID, and the authentication is accomplished when the user provides a credential, for

instance a password, PINs, fingerprint scans, and facial recognition, that matches with the

user ID.

Encryption is a way of scrambling data so that only authorize parties can understand

the information. Encrypted data is commonly referred to as ciphertext, while unencrypted

data is known as plaintext. Data encryption software, also known as an encryption algorithm

or cipher, is used to develop an encryption scheme which theoretically can only be broken

with large amount of computing power. According to Cozzen and Miller (2013) they dictates

that an encryption algorithm is the mathematical formular used to transform data into

ciphertext. An algothrithm will use the key in order to alter the data in a predictable way, so

that even though the encrypted date will appear random, it can be tuned back into plaintext by

using the key again.

Part 2

What are three methods for restricted unauthorized access to computer systems and/or

files? Briefly explain each method.

Most users want to take steps to prevent others from accessing their computer. Whether it's

protecting yourself from malware or making sure your private information is safe, having a

secure computer can give you peace of mind. There are many ways you can protect your

computer and files against others outline in the following section.

(a) Use of Passwords

Using passwords is the most widely used method for preventing unauthorized access.

A password is a string of characters used to access a system by authenticating a user. The

password must be kept secret and intended for specific users at all times. In computer

systems, each password is associated with specific username since many people can access

the same program. Good passwords are important to keeping files and computer systems


(b) Operating system and software patches and updates

There is no such thing as perfect software. Often, programs have compatibility

problems or vulnerabilities that may compromise the security of your computer. Software

patches, updates, and drivers are made available to consumers, often free of charge, to help

maintain proper and secure running of a software program and operating systems.

(c) Malware protection

Viruses, trojans, spyware, and other malware can help monitor your computer and log

keystrokes to replicate sensitive data such as passwords and information on credit cards. To

assist in protecting your computer from these threats, it is suggested that the user ti install

both spyware and virus protection programs.

2. Malware, viruses and trojans are all dangerous to computers and files. Briefly explain

each type and describe any differences between how each form acts and how it can

affect computer operations

(a) Malware

Malware is shorthand for malicious software. It is a software developed b cyber

attackers with intention of gaining access or causing damage to a computer or network. Often

while the victim remains oblivious to the fact there’s been a compromise. Most malware

infections occur when you inadvertently perform an action that causes the malware to be

downloaded. The action may be completed by licking an email, or visiting a malicious


(b) Viruses

A computer virus is a form of malware that propagates by injecting a copy of itself

into another program and becoming part of it. It spreads from one computer to another, while

travelling; it leaves an infection to each computer. The severity of viruses can range from

causing mildly annoying effects to damaging data or software and causing conditions of

denial of service (DoS). Nearly all viruses are attached to an executable file, meaning that the

virus may exist on a system but will not be active or able to spread until the malicious host

file or program is run or opened by a user. The viral code is also executed when the host code

is executed. The host program will normally continue to function after it is infected with the


(c) Trojans

Another type of malware named after the wooden horse used by the Greeks to

infiltrate Troy is a Trojan. It's a harmful piece of legitimate software. Usually, users are

fooled into installing and running it on their machines. It can achieve any number of attacks

on the host after it is activated, from irritating the user (popping up windows or changing

desktops) to damaging the host (deleting files, stealing data, or activating and spreading other

malware like viruses). Trojans are also known to create backdoors to provide access to the

system to malicious users. In contrast to viruses and worms, Trojans do not reproduce or self-

replicate by infecting other files. Trojans need to spread through user experiences such as

opening an email attachment or downloading and running an Internet file.

3. What is social engineering?

Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities

accomplished through human interactions. It uses psychological manipulation to trick user

into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information.

4. Spam, Phishing, Pharming – what are they and what do they do?

(a) Spam

Spam is the process of sending unsolicited email, social media messages, or instant

messages. These messages are fairly easy to spot and can be damaging when one opens or


(b) Phishing

Phishing is a cybercriminal or scammer’s attempt of stealing sensitive data from

people through fraudulent means. An email is sent that looks legitimate and trustworthy

source, the message is meant to lure you into revealing sensitive or confidential information.

(c) Pharming

Pharming is a type of cyber attack that is similar to phishing in that its goals are to

steal sensitive financial and personal information, by gathering usernames and passwords.

They achieve their purpose by automatically redirecting the recipient a fake and malicious

website, as opposed to phishing that tries to manipulate the recipient into accessing them.

Part 3 Globalization

(a) Search online for statistics about malware incidents by country. Which countries are

hardest hit by malware?

Malware continues to be one of the biggest challenges to information security.

Globally, some countries tend to be exposed to malware at a higher note in comparison to

other countries[ CITATION Jun18 \l 2057 ]. The table below shows top 10 countries globally

those are hardest hit by malware as of 2019 statistics.

Country Percentage (%) Malware Attacks

1 Iran 28.31
2 Bangladesh 28.10

3 Algeria 24.77

4 Pakistan 24.00

5 Tanzania 23.07

6 Nigeria 22.69

7 India 21.65

8 Indonesia 18.13

9 Sri Lanka 15.96

10 Kenya 15.38

Fig. 001 shows the statistical analysis of the most hit countries by the malware.

Examine the other side of the issue to gather statistics about which countries are the

source of most malware attacks


Cybersecurity has become the new ‘in-word’ worldwide as individuals and companies

struggle to protect their information aganist attacks online. With in Cyber threats pose a

serious threat to governments, companies, societies, and individuals as data grows

exponentially in value and size.Cyber security practices that are constantly evolving have

helped nations like the U.S., Canada, and Australia to be better prepared for cyber attacks,

experts say.On the other hand, as per Akamai technology's Q1 2016 security report, the US–

along with China and Turkey –has also been found to be one of the world's largest source

countries for cyber attacks. Most of these attacks originate in groups or individually from

unknown hackers, the report that are found. Top 10 source countries for malware attacks are

as shown in the table below;

Country Percentage (%) source that the

county attacks.
1 China 41

2 United States 10

3 Turkey 4.7

4 Russia 4.3

5 Taiwan 3.7

6 Brazil 3.3

7 Romania 2.8

8 India I

9 Italy 1.6

10 Hungary 1.4


Cozzens, M. B., & Miller, S. J. (2013). The mathematics of encryption : an elementary

introduction. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.

Maltoni, D., & Jain, A. K. (2005). Biometric Authentication. Berlin ; London: Springer.

Parsons, J. J. (2018). New perspectives on computer concepts 2018 : Introductory.

Vancouver, B.C: Langara College,.

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