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Describe your strong and weak points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them

as such. (300 words)

“Imperfection is in some sort essential to all that we know in life” -  John Ruskin
I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and
weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is
positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need
improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome
your weaknesses
One of my greatest strengths that I have recognised would have to be my ability to learn and
try out new things. I am always looking out for and learning new and better approaches, that
help me do a better and efficient job. I also am passionate to learn from others and this will
help in spreading a mind set of collaboration, to bring experts of different fields together to
work in areas they didn’t think to do so before.

I am a very curious person. I believe that asking questions not only enables you to expand your
knowledge but also inspires change and pushes the envelope. My ability to question the
process will open opportunity for change, whether it’s within my domain or in my local

I am reliable, adaptable and I get along well with people, which makes me a good team player. 
I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do however; I do have
weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve.

I used to like to work on one project to its completion before starting on another, but I’ve
learned to multi- task better. I think it allows me to be more creative and effective in each one.

I am a self critic. I don’t like substandard results and results that please me are a rarity, so I
make sure all my work is perfect. This might mean that I work too hard and might not be able to
meet my deadlines, but it’s worth it to me, because it’s so annoying finishing work that’s less
than ideal.

I am certain just like everything has its pros and cons, people have strengths and weaknesses
and I have identified my weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve.

Explain in the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their
importance in your personal growth? 150

-A well ordered community shares common infrastructure and lives in unison. What brings
order to a society? Education. An education is the instrument to combat societal issues and
increase the level of community involvement and awareness.
-it is our responsibility to pass on good traditions to the future generations and abolish the
harmful ones like no education for girl child, female infanticide, child marriage and dowry
-India is a multi communal and multi lingual land. People belonging to different faith live here
but inspite of rich cultural diversity communal violence is common. Almost 822 communal
incidents were reported in 2017 alone and India lost around 9% of its GDP due to violence.
Literacy, inter communal wedding, tolerance and economic equality are the ways through
which communal harmony can be achieved.
-Cleanliness and hygiene isn’t just our civic duty instead it is essential for a healthy
environment. It is necessary for everyone to learn about hygiene, sanitation, proper disposable
of waste and various diseases that are caused due to poor maintenance of hygienic conditions.

Explain in the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their
importance in your personal growth? 200

Ever since I was little, I was one of those kids that would find stray or injured dogs on the street
and run home in joy with them in my hands, begging my mom if we could feed and keep it, the
answer was usually yes for the first and no for the latter but we would always cater to the
injured and build a shade for them to stay in whenever needed. The older I got the more I
began to realize how many animals need help and how the city lacked shelters and of course I
wanted to do my part to help these poor innocent animals and so I began volunteering after
work and whenever I had the chance.
This experience showed me both the good and the bad of what animal shelters have to handle
and deal with everyday, from feeding, cleaning, adoptions, medical care, general upkeep, and
how expensive it was to protect and help these animals. Working in a hospital rendered me a
great opportunity to come in touch with vets and there after we never looked back. Hitherto
we have setup a dog rescue centre in my hometown with the help of vets, as they provide free
service and other NGOs.
This experience showed me both the good and the bad of what animal shelters have to handle
and deal with everyday, from feeding, cleaning, adoptions, medical care, general upkeep, and
how expensive it is to protect and help these animals. I suffered a bit from from the ‘ if you
want something done right, do it yourself’ mentality but this experience taught me that dividing
up tasks and working as a team can result in great outcomes.

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