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c is the main protagonist of Kung Fu Panda— In a fantasy world version of ancient China
populated by intelligent humanoid animals, he is a Giant Panda who improbably was dubbed
The Drag  Warri r, Champion of the Valley of Peace—

His early life is largely unrevealed, although he was evidently under the guardianship of his
goose father, Mr— Ping, for as long as he can remember— Although unenthusiastic about the
restaurant trade, he was evidently a studious apprentice considering the praised quality of his
cooking— Po was reluctant to disappoint his father by revealing his true interests in kung fu—
Though mild and friendly, he also has severely low self-esteem since he thinks he is a failure for
both being obese (although he actually has a healthy weight for his species) and of a species not
known for a warrior tradition— When upset, he usually gorges on food to dull the pain—

His main interest lies in the martial arts, of which he has developed an encyclopedic knowledge—
He is able to recall the lore of warriors, famous combat moves, dates and historic artifacts—
Apparently by accident, he is dubbed the Dragon Warrior by Master Oogway (who proclaims
that "there are no accidents"), and while Master Shifu and the Furious Five make no secret of
their disdain for him, he endures their abuse in the hope of changing into someone he himself can
respect— This tenacity, in turn, begins to earn their respect of him while also appreciating his

Eventually, Shifu discovers that Po can perform considerable physical feats when motivated by
food and uses this to train him with a custom regime— At the end of the training, during a
chopstick-sparring match over dumplings, Po demonstrates not only considerable skill in
combat, but also some emotional maturity that allows him to somewhat reduce his emotional
dependence on food—

In a climatic battle, Po manages to defeat Tai Lung with an improvised combat style that takes
advantage of his body fat not only to shield his nerves from ch'i strikes but also to utilize his
belly for deflecting attacks— [1]
Since the events of the first film, the end credit graphics indicate that Po divides his time
between practice, working at his father's noodle shop and teaching children martial arts, a task in
which he proves to be exceptionally skilled— Po has also improved his physical health, as
demonstrated in ¢   of  Fuou F when he runs alongside Shifu at an amazing pace
and, upon stopping, needs much less time than before to catch his breath—

In the Kung Fu Panda Holday ¢ al, Po is appointed host of the Kung Fu masters Winter
Feast at the Jade Palace— Although Po successfully makes the arrangements with considerable
difficulty, he decides being with his father for the holiday is more important and joins him at the
restaurant— However, all the masters, deeply moved by Po's loyalty, come as well—

Master Shifu

þaster Shifu is the student of Oogway and the (at first) extremely militaristic trainer of the
Furious Five— He is at first very unwilling to train Po, not believing he has what it takes to defeat
Tai Lung; he therefore tries to make the training unbearable to force Po to give up— As such,
Shifu is greatly annoyed at how Po embraces and endures all his attempts— At first, Shifu voices
his contempt of Po by referring to him as "Panda" rather than his name— After much convincing
from Oogway as well as his new responsibility as the guardian of the Valley of Peace after
Oogway's ascension into the Heavens, Shifu trains Po until he is ready to face Tai Lung—

Shifu once loved Tai Lung like a son after he was abandoned at his doorstep as a very young
cub— He tried to subdue him after Tai Lung attacked the Valley and made a bid to take the
Dragon Scroll by force, but froze, unable to destroy what he created through love, and failed— In
¢   of  Fuou F , it is revealed that he is Tigress' adoptive father as well— He taught her
how to control her own fury by playing a game of dominoes with her and later adopted her as his
own daughter from an orphanage despite all the other adults' fear of adopting her— His experience
with Tai Lung otherwise stiffened him, unfortunately, causing him to train Tigress and the
Furious Five in a harsher and more critical manner than he used with Tai Lung or uses with Po—
When Tai Lung returns to the Valley to enact his revenge, Shifu is nearly killed in the battle that
ensues until Po arrives to save him— Shifu admits to Tai Lung that his pride and love for him
turned into complacency and Tai Lung angrily rants that Shifu drove him to training until his
bones cracked, implying that Shifu had always been strict even when Tai Lung was a cub— Po's
defeat of Tai Lung fulfills Master Oogway's prophecy, bringing him inner peace and forever
breaking down the barriers over his heart— Since then, Shifu continues to be surprised by Po, such
as being a more effective teacher than he expected in ¢   of  Fuou F , and
underestimating Po's loyalty and compassion in Kung Fu Panda Holday ¢ al— In the latter,
Shifu confesses to Po, "What goes on in your head I really don't always understand, but what
goes on in your heart will never let us down—"

His sense of humor, before being cynical and sarcastic, is also shown returning during the end
credits when he is seen laughing at Tigress, who has apparently tried some of Po's noodles, with
one hanging above her lips in the same comical fashion as Po's earlier in the film— He enjoys
playing his bamboo flute and is also able to use it as a striking and throwing weapon—

Despite his age and limping on his left leg, which Tai Lung broke in their first battle, Shifu can
move faster than any opponent— He is so strong and powerful that one or even all of the Furious
Five combined cannot make him break a sweat

Master Oogway.

Master Oogway




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The Furi us Five

The Furious Five are, with the exception of Oogway, Shifu, Po and Tai Lung, the most skilled
warriors in China— Given that Shifu referred to Po by his species name while and before training
him, it is hinted that each member of the Furious Five have or had their own individual names
before training to become kung fu warriors— The Five were all trained by Shifu, each of them
attaining the rank of master— The Furious Five are homages to the Crane, Snake, Monkey,
Praying Mantis, and Tiger styles of Chinese martial arts— [3] They also try to stop Tai Lung but
they could not defeat him—

Master Tigress

þaster Tigress is the strongest and boldest of the Furious Five— She is generally friendly but the
least sociable of the five— In many scenes in which the other four of the Furious Five and/or Po
were joking or having fun, Tigress would often remain quiet and withdrawn— It was strongly
believed, by Shifu and herself, that Oogway was about to choose her as the Dragon Warrior
before Po's entrance, despite Oogway's statements— Tigress bitterly resents Po for thwarting her
dream, and is the most vocal of the Five in her contempt for the panda and his perceived lack of
respect for kung fu, even while her comrades grow to respect him, they still believed she was the
true Dragon Warrior—
åpon hearing Po protesting to Master Shifu that he will never be able to defeat Tai Lung even if
Shifu changed him, Master Tigress, feeling that she could defeat Tai Lung instead of Po, took it
upon herself to intercept the incoming villain along with the rest of the Five, who came with her—
However, they were all defeated by Tai Lung's superior martial skill and nerve attack— When Po
defeats Tai Lung, Tigress is deeply impressed, and she is the first to acknowledge Po as the true
Dragon Warrior, and as a master of kung fu, giving him a sweet smile as she does so—

In ¢   of  Fuou F , Tigress was revealed to be an orphan living in the Bao Gu

Orphanage where she was greatly feared by the other children and the matron due to her
destructively lacking control of her great temper, strength, fangs, and claws— Left alone and
isolated in her room for the safety of the other children, she soon began to see herself as a
monster, as everyone else did— Then Shifu, at the request of the orphanage, came to render some
assistance— Shifu taught her to control herself by playing dominoes, which requires not only
discipline, grace, and precision but a delicacy of the hand and a steady heart that Tigress
struggled to gain at first— Eventually, after months of training, she learned to control both her
anger and her movements and became friends with the other orphans— Although she was still
feared by all potential parents who visited the orphanage to adopt the other children, Shifu soon
adopted her and he took her in as his foster daughter, giving a small but genuinely sweet smile to
her as they walked towards Tigress' new home— However, Shifu still carried the emotional scars
of previous events, and thus was somewhat more strict and distant in her upbringing— The older
Tigress in the main film explains to Po that Shifu loved Tai Lung like no other person before or
since, including her—

In Kung Fu Panda Holday ¢ al, Tigress' changed character become still more evident with
her sweet holiday greeting to Po at the end of the story before she amuses one of the village

According to the filmmakers' commentary on the DVD, Tigress is Po's favorite of the Furious
Five despite the fact that Tigress shows considerable disrespect and disgust at him throughout
most of the main film— [5]
Master Monkey

þaster þ ey is the friendliest and most approachable of the Five— Monkey was the first of
the five to recognize Po's determination and is the only member of the Furious Five who refers to
Po by name— He also seems to harbor the strongest sense of humor within the Five as well,
responding most strongly to Po's sense of comedy— ånlike the others, Master Monkey uses a
weapon to help him fight— He uses a staff, a traditional weapon used in Kung Fu and other
martial arts—

Before he became a kung fu warrior, it is known in the ¢   of  Fuou F that Monkey
was the village trickster when he was a teenager, often making people slip on banana peels (from
bananas that he would eat) and/or pantsing them in revenge for an incident in his youth that
resulted in becoming the laughingstock of a few other children in the town— The townspeople
sent many powerful warriors, including rhinoceros guards from Chorh-Gom Prison, to force him
out of town dead or alive, but Monkey humiliated each and every one of them (by swiping their
belts off, resulting in their pants falling down)— Monkey was finally subdued by Master Oogway,
who, aside from wearing no pants, also used his shell to hide from Monkey's attacks— Oogway
taught Monkey compassion by saving him from a falling beam, which led Monkey to develop
into the warrior he is today— [6] Monkey is also the only character to be voiced by both Jackie
Chan and his son Jaycee Chan—

Master Mantis

þaster þatis is the smallest of the Five, but he is obviously the strongest proportional to his
size— He can perform such feats as throwing Po and single-handedly holding up a severed rope
bridge burdened by most of his comrades and Tai Lung and still have the strength to snap the
bridge when needed— He is also a skilled acupuncturist, although his success does depend on the
type of body he is working with; a body like that of Po or Viper can sometimes give him
problems until he familiarizes himself with the particular anatomy— Pragmatic and open minded
with a dry sense of humor, Mantis was the first of the five to develop acceptance and liking of Po
as a person, alongside the factor of Po's girth, declaring size did little to define a warrior and
could actually be used as an advantage no matter what style one practices—

When he was a few years younger (in ¢   of  Fuou F ), Mantis was extremely
impatient, feeling that the world was too slow for him and he was too fast for the world— On a
mission to retrieve wool coats back from a gang of crocodile bandits, he was captured due to his
overconfidence and lack of listening skills when one of the sheep villagers tried to warn him of
the bandits' traps— Mantis was locked in a cage for days and forced to sit and wait for something
to happen, and he entered a trance that allowed him to survey the world moving faster than he
did— This allowed him to develop the patience needed to devise a plan of escape, playing dead to
trick the crocodiles into opening his cage and defeat them— [7]
Master Viper

þaster Viper is a green snake with two small lotus flowers on top of her head— Although she has
a serious birth defect for her species, being born with barely visible venomous fangs, she
compensates with her strength, sinuous nature, beauty, and precision— In defiance of the
villainous stereotype of snakes, Viper is the most charming, kind, compassionate and sweetest of
the Five as demonstrated with her quickly developing empathy for Po as his indomitable tenacity
became obvious— (It is hinted during the end credits that Viper might have a crush on Po—)

In ¢   of  Fuou F , Viper was born the loved daughter of Great Master Viper,
protector of the village where she lived who relied on his venomous fangs to fell his enemies
(referred to by Po, and later on by the Great Master as the awe-inspiring awesomeness of his
"Poison Fang Technique", said to fell 15 gorilla warriors and a mid-size crocodile in one strike),
and his beautiful wife— The Great Master hoped she would carry on his legacy once she was born,
but she was without fangs and never developed them as she grew up, much to the dismay of her
father— To make her father feel better, Viper took up ribbon dancing at age six, blossoming into
the best dancer in the village— During one Autumn Moon Festival, Viper was too timid to attend
the festival and stayed home with her mother— But when her father fought against a gorilla bandit
who attacked the village and used venom-proof armor to shatter the Great Master's poison fangs,
Viper, seeing him in trouble, mustered the courage she needed to defeat the gorilla by confusing
him with her dancing skills and tying him up with her ribbon— Thus her father's legacy was
secure with his daughter becoming a mighty warrior on her own terms— [8]

Master Crane

þaster Crae is the most patient of the Five and one of the most sarcastic, and considered to be
the "mother hen" of the group despite being male— He will always try to avoid and defuse
conflicts between his comrades, whose differing personalities often conflict— During combat
situations in dangerous locations where fatal falls are possible, Crane will fly around the combat
zone, surveying the area as a scout for tactical advantage as well as catching any of his comrades
if they do fall— If necessary, he is strong enough to carry all of the Five in the air, but this very
taxing for him— He was the first of the Five to hold a conversation with Po, albeit it being quite
awkward— Nonetheless, touched by Po's dedication and admiration of the Five led Crane to have
some respect for Po— åsing ¢   of  Fuou F as a reference, Crane's age is between his
late twenties and mid thirties, making him one of the oldest Furious Five member—

Crane was the slave-like janitor at the Lee Da Kung Fu Academy, where everybody looked down
upon him, even the strict teacher of the academy, due to his particularly skinny build— However
the top student, named Mei Ling, saw the skills which Crane used to tidy up the place every
night, and convinced Crane to try out for the school— Though his nerve faltered at first, Crane
accidentally wandered into the obstacle course and quickly found the confidence to surpass it,
and passed with flying colors— [9]

† Others

† 1 Tai Lug
Tai Lug
Kung Fu Panda character
V iced by Ian McShane
Riley Osbourne (young)
If rmati 
Species Snow Leopard
C mbat style Leopard Kung Fu

Tai Lug is the main antagonist of the first film— He was the adoptive son and (first) devoted
pupil of Master Shifu, and showed more skill in Kung Fu than any other of his students: he
himself remarks Shifu taught him skills in kung fu he never shared with even the Furious Five—
Everyone believed that he was destined to become the Dragon Warrior, but Oogway saw
darkness in his heart despite the love that Shifu gave him, and refused him the title— Tai Lung's
bitterness and anger were only intensified by the fact Master Shifu said and did nothing to defend
his adoptive son when Master Oogway denied him the title— Disappointed and outraged with his
master's seeming betrayal, Tai Lung rampaged throughout the valley and fought his way to the
Jade Palace, seeking to take the Dragon Scroll by force: Shifu could not harm his adoptive son
and was crippled by Tai Lung— The leopard though was no match for Master Oogway, who hit
him with a lighting fast series of nerve attacks, paralysing and defeating him— Following his
defeat, Tai Lung was sent to Chorh-Gom Prison, a maximum-security institution, until his escape
two decades later—

After his escape, Tai Lung finally returned to the Valley of Peace for the Dragon Scroll, which
was said to grant its wielder limitless power, as well as the challenge of facing the Dragon
Warrior, whom he had rumors about his spectacular entrance and his unique nature— He headed
straight for the Valley, stopping briefly to engage and defeat the Furious Five as proof of his
superiority and the inability of any to stop him— At the temple, Master Shifu battled him while Po
was supposedly evacuating with the rest of the villagers and the Furious Five— Tai Lung
unleashed all his rage and hate during their battle and gravely wounded Shifu, blaming his
adoptive father for his incarceration and failure to become the Dragon Warrior, furiously
demanding to know if Shifu was satisfied with turning Tai Lung into the monster he had become—
Even when Shifu apologized, though Tai Lung showed some concern for him, he was still only
interested in gaining the Dragon Scroll— When he finally saw that it was missing, he nearly killed
Shifu until Po came in and stopped him—

Although Tai Lung scoffed that this obese panda couldn't possibly be the Dragon Warrior, and
believed that all Po could do to him was sit on him (which in fact Po does eventually do during
their fight), Po proved to be an unexpectedly formidable opponent with considerable cunning,
skill and strength that Tai Lung concluded could only have been possible through the Dragon
Scroll— After a protracted battle throughout the village, Tai Lung finally managed to obtain the
Dragon Scroll, but his impatience caused him to not understand its symbolism: the scroll is
actually a blank reflective foil, meaning the power has always been buried deep within the
person— Po, on the other hand, did understand very well, and used the symbolism to counterattack
several of Tai Lung's moves— Tai Lung was ultimately defeated when Po utilized the Wuxi
Finger Hold, vanquishing him in a brilliant, rippling flash— [10]
Tai Lung is shown to be an exceptionally deadly fighter, able to hold his own against a thousand
guards in Chorh-Gom Prison, as well as the Furious Five— He is also shown to be very
resourceful, for example by using spears launched at him from crossbows to break his shackles
and allow him to escape as well as using them for leverage to achieve upward mobility— He also
has a special nerve attack taught to him by Shifu which completely paralyzes the victim—
However, Po, being too fat for the strikes to reach the correct points, is resistant to the technique,
finding it very ticklish when it was used—

† 2 þr cig
þr cig
Kung Fu Panda character
V iced by James Hong
If rmati 
Species Goose [11]

þr cig is Po's father, who runs the most popular noodle shop in the Valley— He considers his
work deeply fulfilling, and hopes that his son will continue to operate the shop, wishing to share
with him the family's secret recipe to great noodles (which was passed down to him from his
father who took it from Mr— Ping's grandfather, who took it from a friend in a game of mahjong)—
When he believes his son is ready, he informs him that there is actually no secret ingredient, and
that things are special if someone believes them to be— This piece of advice leads Po to
understand the cryptic message of the Dragon Scroll, which makes him the Dragon Warrior and
allows him to fulfill his destiny—

Po and his father share a deep mutual love and respect— This shows in how Po cannot bear to
disappoint his father about his differing ambitions while Mr— Ping respects his son's decisions
enough to neither protest nor interfere after the panda is dubbed the Dragon Warrior— At Po's
triumph over Tai Lung, all of Mr— Ping's doubts of his son's destiny vanish as he proclaims his
pride in Po to the world as they embrace—

Furthermore, the end credit graphics indicate that Po keeps closely in touch with his father such
as continuing to work at the restaurant— While Ping establishes a friendship with the panda's other
father figure and master, Shifu— He is extremely skilled at Chinese chess as shown when he
outwits Shifu in a match—

However, the Kung Fu Panda Holday ¢ al shows that Mr— Ping harbors a deepseated anxiety
of Po leaving him in his nightmares— In addition, Ping finds the conflict of his priorities with his
son's responsibilities as the Dragon Warrior deeply upsetting, especially since Master Shifu is
prone to imperiously draw Po away on these matters at will— This comes to a head when Po is
tasked to host the Winter Festival banquet for the Masters, which takes place at the same night as
their traditional, dinner at the restaurant— Although Po offers to give his father the high honor of
cooking for the formal banquet, Ping stubbornly insists that he cannot close the restaurant for
that night and foresake the lonely (and profitable) clientèle who have nowhere else to celebrate
the holiday— As a result, both father and son struggle in their separate culinary tasks, until Po
decides he should be with his father and leaves the banquet early— As a result, the reunited family
creates a successful event at the restaurant that not only pleases their usual customers, but also
the visiting Kung Fu Masters, who decide to come themselves out of admiration of Po's loyalty
and the relaxed atmosphere—

† 3 Zeg
Kung Fu Panda character
V iced by Dan Fogler
If rmati 
Species Goose [12]

Zeg is a palace goose who acts in the first movie as Shifu's messenger and is specifically given
the mission to try to double the amount of guards at Chorh-Gom Prison [12] where Tai Lung is
held captive, under the orders of Shifu, based on Oogway's vision that Tai Lung will escape— The
irony is that, while visiting the prison, one of Zeng's feathers falls near Tai Lung, who uses it to
pick the lock on his restraints and escape, echoing one of Oogway's statements that "one often
meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it—" In the resulting carnage, Zeng is spared and
forced to return to the valley and herald Tai Lung's escape— He is extremely nervous and
pessimistic, but is nonetheless willing to fulfill the assignment given to him— During the credits, a
picture shows Zeng gluing the årn of Whispering Warriors, which Po had broken earlier, back

† † C mmader Vachir
C mmader Vachir
Kung Fu Panda character
V iced by Michael Clarke Duncan
If rmati 
Species Javan Rhinoceros

C mmader Vachir is the chief of security at Chorh-Gom Prison [12] , and the leader of the
Anvil of Heaven, a one thousand-strong army of elite battle rhinos— Before Tai Lung's
incarceration, the Anvil of Heaven opposed tyranny and injustice throughout China, and were
notorious for their fearlessness and terrifying fighting skills— Vachir was charged with the
construction of Chorh-Gom Prison, and he oversaw Tai Lung's imprisonment for twenty years—
Overconfident of the prison's security, Vachir greatly underestimated Tai Lung's potential and
failed in stopping him from escaping [13] and was killed in the process when he fell off a cliff due
to an explosion— Vachir has a golden horn-shaped cap in place of his nose horn, as a decorative

† 5 þei Lig
þei Lig
Kung Fu Panda character
V iced by Stephanie Lemelin
If rmati 
Species Chinese Mountain Cat
C mbat style ånspecified

þei Lig is the star student at the Lee Da Kung Fu Academy where Crane worked as a janitor—
åpon seeing Crane's graceful movement, she urged him to attempt to enroll into the school as a
student— Inspired by her faith in him, Crane agreed to make the attempt and she made sure his
application was recognized at the induction challenge— Although Mei Ling felt she unnecessarily
exposed Crane to public humiliation when his attempt is mocked, Crane accidentally found
himself in the necessary obstacle course challenge to test eligibility—

† 6 W H p
W H p
Kung Fu Panda character
V iced by Jack McBrayer
If rmati 
Species Rabbit

W H p is a renowned chef who was among the first to audition for the honor to cook for the
Kung Fu Masters Winter Festival banquet, which was hosted that year by Po— ånfortunately, Po
was unfamiliar with the intricate customs of the selection process and inadvertently disgraced
Hop— Although Po attempted to immediately undo the error, custom allowed for no flexibility on
the matter and the disgrace stood—

Desperate to redeem himself with his death, Wo Hop later attempted to assault Po in the kitchen
in hopes that the Dragon Warrior would kill him in self-defense— Not wanting to harm the rabbit,
Po was able to easily confine him to a flour pot, but he later escaped and harassed the Panda as
part of the overwhelming complications for the banquet preparations— However, Wo Hop's casual
observation about the limits of Kung Fu inspired Po to enlist the aid of the Furious Five while
offering to kill the rabbit after he helped with the cooking— Wo Hop agreed, but Po still had to
continually stop a number of his suicide attempts in the process— Regardless, the meal was
successfully prepared with the rabbit's help—

After Po left to work his father at the restaurant for their own Winter Festival occasion, Wo Hop
made one last attempt to attack Po— However, Po then presented Wo Hop with the Golden Ladle,
the intended honor for the official cook of the Master's formal feast, which restored his honor in
his eyes— Furthermore, Po also included the rabbit in the one approved commemorative portrait
with all his family and friends as an additional honor—

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