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1.Know Your Hotel, Your must be a product EXPERT, for both your hotel and your competitors.

2. Prime Selling Time, Define prime selling hours, by market and ensure that they are dedicated to pure
SELLING activities (customer interaction).

3. Access to Manager, “No Messages” on ANY inquiries, even if the General Manager must take the call.

4. Customer Rapport, ALL interaction with customers and sales activities demonstrates our desire to
know them and build relationships.

5. Determine Customer Needs, MUST determine objectives of event, definition of event success AND
qualitative decision making criteria, in addition to quantitative rates, dates and space.

6. Proposal Letters, Customized, OBF proposals must be part of the sales process for EVERY “business
opportunities” that is not verbal definite. Show solutions to help customer succeed.

7. Ask for the Business, ALL verbal and written communication MUST contain a clear and mutually
agreed upon action step to move the sales process forward.

8. Don’t Say ‘NO’ to the Customer, when a customer’s event does not fit hotel’s availability and/or
revenue needs, ALWAYS provide the customer specific alternatives (other dates, Marriott products or
even competitors) to have THEM decide if the proposed solution meets their needs.

9. Continuous Communication, Once an event is confirmed MUST maintain regular contact with
customer to continue to build relationship and enhance overall event satisfaction.

10. Response to Customer, Verbal Standard: Customer MUST receive a return phone call from a
MANAGER within one (1) hour. Written Standard: Follow-up process must be confirmed with the
customer during EACH sales activity and appropriate correspondence must be in the customer’s hand
when they want it.


 Gain a thorough understanding of all aspects of all product

 Familiarize myself with the location
 Maintain and keep in touch with the existing accounts
 Research potential customers mare and identify their needs
 Indentify top 15 companies
 Identify top 5 competitors and research then thoroughly
 Make initial appointments with top 15 companies and introduce the product
 Report on progress to sales director and get feedback
 Expand partner network to 30 based on succesfull relationship from month one
 Attend industry event
 Prepare sales presentation
 Continue calling on accounts
 Continue to support client every way possible
 Come up with special offers
 Identify succesfull tactics to get engaged with customers
 Establish long term sales plan for the territory

Compnies to visit

 Big companies
 Ministries
 Embassies
 Airways
 Telecommunication
 Industries
 Finance
 Properties

S.W.O.T Analysis

SWOT analysis is a a useful technique for understanding your Strength and Weakness, and for
identifying both the Opportunity open to you and the Threat you face.

Strengths and weaknesses are often internal to your organization, while opportunities and threats
generally relate to external factors.


 What advantages does your organization have?

 What do you do better than anyone else?

 What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can't?

 What do people in your market see as your strengths?

 What factors mean that you "get the sale"?

 What is your organization's Unique Selling Proposition (find attached below USP DEFINITION)


 What could you improve?

 What should you avoid?

 What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?

 What factors lose you sales?


 What good opportunities can you spot?

 What interesting trends are you aware of?


 What obstacles do you face?

 What are your competitors doing?

 Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services changing?

 Is changing technology threatening your position?

 Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?

 Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?

USP Analysis

Your USP is the unique thing that you can offer that your competitors can't. It's your "Competitive Edge."
It's the reason why customers buy from you, and you alone.

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