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Chapter 11: Noli Me Tangere: A Diagnosis of Filipino Society

Guerrero 1998  Filipinos were practically an unknown nation.

Indios Bravos  A sense of national identity for Rizal and his fellow expatriates during Paris
Exposition of 1889.
Circulo-Hispano  Where Rizal proposed on writing a novel about the Philippines
January 2, 1889  Did not materialize because those who were expected to collaborate with Rizal
did not write anything on the subject.
 His fellow expatriates were more interested to write about women.
Ninay  A novel written by Pedro Paterno
Costumbres Filipinas  Subtitle of Pedro Paterno’s novel Ninay
(Philippine Customs)
Ideas on Writing Noli Me  Luna’s Spolarium
Tangere o Conveyed the plight of the vanquished and the pathetic suffering of
the human race.
o Perceived by Rizal as a reflection of the spirit of the social, moral and
political life of his time because it clearly showed mankind under
severe ordeal, mankind unredeemed and reason and aspiration in an
open struggle with fanaticism and injustice.
o Rizal wrote a novel depicting the country to be redeemed from
bondage and repression.
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
o Portrayed the brutalities committed by American slave-owner against
their Negro slaves.
o Provided Rizal the springbroad to write a novel portraying vividly the
miseries of the Filipinos under the oppressive rule of the Spanish
 The Wandering Dew (Jew?) by Eugene Sue
o Anti-clerical novel, which made a great impression on him.
o Used as model to arouse the feeling against the existing Philippine
situation and at the same time, communicate to the Filipinos the ideals
he wanted them to embrace.
Writing of Noli Me Tangere  Started: 1884 in Europe
(Touch Me Not)  Complete ½ : Madrid
 Complete ¼ : Paris
 Remaining ¼: Germany in February 21,1887
 Published in: March 21, 1887
 Financial Assistance: Maximo Viola
Biblical Basis of Noli Me  Touch Me Not were the words uttered by Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene
Tangere when the latter visited His tomb before the sunrise of Easter Sunday.
 Deemed it appropriate because the novel contained delicate things nobody
wanted to talk about or touch during his time.
 He trod where angels feared to tread by exposing the evils of the Church and
the State, which were hazardous to touch.
Dedication of his novel  Read Page 139.
Hidalgo  Three people he wrote to after writing Noli Me Tangere and stated his reasons
Ferdinand Blumentritt for writing it.
Marcelo del Pilar
Reasons  To picture the past and the realities in the Philippines.
 To reply to the insults heaped on the Filipinos and their country.
 To unmask the hypocrisy that have improvised and brutalized the Filipino
 To stir the patriotism of the Filipino people.
Plot of the novel  Read pages 141-144
Juan Crisostomo Ibarra  Main character.
 Son of an affluent creole in San Diego.
 Represented the affluent and liberal European-educated Filipino.
 Civic-minded, liberty-minded and patriotic, he desired the education of the
 His plan of building a school, which was based on a German model, was
opposed by Padre Damaso.
Elias  Represented the Filipino masses.
 Did everything to vindicate them from the injustices suffered from the
 He extended help to Crisostomo in many occasions despite the suffering he
had brought to his family.
 Believed that the redemption of the country will depend on the ilustrados.
 Like Ibarra, he is a mouthpiece of Rizal’s contradictory thoughts and purposes.
 A boat pilot who was saved by Ibarra during an excursion of the lake.
 Was shot by the Spaniards who thought he was Ibarra.
 Despite being shot, he reached the shore and helped Basilio prepare a funeral
pyre for his mother.
 Died without seeing his country free.
 His family suffered numerous tragedies for more than three generations.
 He was pictured as a bandit or an outlaw.
Maria Clara  She was Leonor Rivera in Noli
 Object of Ibarra’s love and affection.
 Represented Filipino womanhood trained in a convent and immersed in
education basically religious in orientation.
 Symbolizes the Filipino womanhood in their fidelity, coyness and modesty.
 Daughter of Capitan Tiago.
Don Rafael Ibarra  Father of Juan Crisostomo Ibarra.
 Was jailed for the accidental death of a Spanish tax collector in his defense of a
young boy being brutalized.
 He was incarcerated and detained in prison for alleged reasons till he died.
 Was considered a heretic and a filibustero by Padre Damaso.
 Symbolize an affluent landlord with a social conscience.
Sisa  Mother of Basilio and Crispin.
 Lost her mental balance after learning what had happened to Crispin and
 Through her, Rizal illustrated lack of concern in facing and resolving problems
confronting Filipino society and typical characteristics of Filipino mothers (fully
cognizant of their sons and daughters and willing to defend them from all
forms of injustice or accusations).
Capitan Tiago  Don Santiago de los Santos or Don Anastacio delos Santos
 He was based from Capitan Hilario Sunico of San Nicholas
 His wealth was derived from his involvement in illegal opium trade.
 He is the symbol of the cacique.
 He did not pray to God and used his money to solve all of his problems.
 He represents the subservient Filipino to the authorities to protect his personal
and business interest.
 The father of Maria Clara.
 Inhibited Maria Clara from seeing Ibarra after he was excommunicated for
hitting Padre Damaso.
Dona Victorina  A social climber
 She is based from Dona Agustina Medel.
 Married Don Tiburcio de Espadana to support her claim of being a Spaniard.
 Despised anything Filipino and imitated anything Spanish.
 Symbolizes colonial mentality among some Filipinos during that time.
Dona Patrocinio  Mistress of the Alferez
 Imprudent, vulgar, cruel and quarrelsome
 Symbolized the mentality of the Guardia Civil.
 Only competitor of Capitan Tiago in godliness.
 She did everything to pretend that she really religious by showing off to the
public what she could contribute to the church.
Pilosopo Tasyo  Represented Rizal’s epitome of philiosopher.
 Was perceived to be a sage of educated and a weird or lunatic by those who
did not know him.
School Master of San Diego  Symbolized intellectual dissatisfaction in Filipino society during Rizal’s time.
 He dreamed of changing the methods of teaching to facilitate greater learning
on the part of the pupils then.
Padre Damaso  The parish priest of San Diego that denied Ibarra’s father a proper Christian
burial and ordered his corpse exhumed from the cemetery where he was
 Although the governor-general wanted him punished, he did not receive
disciplined instead he was transferred to another pueblo by his superior
 Real father of Maria Clara
 He was based from a typical abusive typical friar during Rizal’s time.
Padre Salvi  Friar who was in love with Maria Clara.
 He was based from Fr. Antonio Piernavieja of the Augustinian Order
 Organized a rebellion among the poor, discontented people of San Diego and
those who were victimized by the Guardia Civil and told the Ibarra was the
leader and financier.
 Chaplain of the nunnery of Santa Clara where Maria Clara told Padre Damaso
her intentions of joining the convent.
Basilio and Crispin  The sons of Sisa
 Based from the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy, Bulacan.
Dona Pia  Mother of Maria Clara.
Linares  A young Spaniard chosen by Father Damaso to marry Maria Clara

Filipino Society as Pictured in  The government was administered by self-seekers by enriching themselves at
Noli: the expense of the people.
 Honest and sincere official were quite few.
 Corruption became so rampant.
 Banditry became a way of life.
 Friars used the church to amass wealth and to perpetuate themselves into
power and they controlled the government and opposed all progress.
 Rizal also criticized his fellow countrymen for their blind, religious fanaticism,
corruption, passion for gambling, subservience of the wealthy Filipinos toward
the friars and government officials and their ridiculous efforts to distance
themselves from the common people.
 He also highlighted the virtues and good qualities of the Filipino people.
o Modesty and devotion of the Filipino woman
o The open-handed hospitality of the Filipino family
o The devotion of the parents to their children and children to their
o The deep sense of gratitude of the Filipino peasants.
Rizal’s Diagnosis of Filipino  Friars were the enemies of reform, progress and justice in the country.
Society  Three Reasons:
o The agrarian problem in Calamba between the tenants and the
o Influence of the Spanish anti-clericalism.
o Rizal’s over-all assessment of the Philippine political situation in 1886
and in 1872.
 The friars were the real authority in different pueblos, they were the parish
priest, tax collector, school inspector, superintendent of public works by forced
labor, an intelligence officer and the president of all local boards.
 According to Jaena, the friar in each town can be described as a sword of
Damocles hanging over the head of authority (town mayor) and said that the
elected municipal officials served as blind instruments to the friars.
 Governor Simon de Anda
o Emphasized in his report that only the parish priest rules the colony.
Noli Me Tangere as a Charter  It calls on the Filipino to:
of Filipino Nationalism o Regain his self-confidence
o Appreciate his self-worth
o Return to the heritage of his ancestors
o Assert himself as a co-equal of the Spaniards
 It outlines the reforms needed in Filipino society, which include:
o Radical reforms in the armed forces, clergy, and the administration of
o More respect for human dignity
o Greater security for the individual
o Less strength in the constabulary
o Less privileges for organizations prone to abuses and corruptions.
Number of works by Filipino  Ninay - by Paterno that was published in Madrid in 1885
writers from 1882 to 1896  La Soberania Monacal - by del Pilar
 Discursos y Articulos Varios - by Graciano Lopez Jaena that was published in
Barcelona in 1889 and 1891.
 Impresiones - by Antonio Luna that was published in Madrid in 1893
Antonio Regidor  Congratulated Rizal for his writing and publishing of Noli Me Tangere.
 A Filipino exile for his alleged complicity in the 1872 Uprising.
 He said, “the book is superior” and “If Don Quixote has made its author
immortal because he exposed to the world the suffering of Spain, your Noli Me
Tangere will bring you equal glory ”
Archbishop Payo  Sent a copy of the book to the rector of UST for examination on August 18,
August 30,1887  When the report was submitted to the archbishop of Manila and was found
heretical, impious and scandalous in its religious aspect; unpatriotic, subversive
of public order and offensive to the government of Spain.
Emilio Terreo  The governor-general during those times, summoned Rizal to Malacanang
 Asked Rizal for a copy of his novel.
 He made no concrete action about the novel
Permanent Commission on  Asked by the archbishop so they can decide on the fate of the novel.
Father Salvador Font  An Augustinian that submitted a report on December 29, 1829, recommending
the prohibition of the importation, reproduction and circulation of the books in
the Philippines.
Senator Fernando Vida  Unjustly lambasted and criticized Rizal and his Noli in the two chambers of the
Spanish Cortes in 1888 and 1889 in Madrid
Deputy Luis M. de Pando  Fernando Vida
o Described Rizal as a native, with a doctor of medicine degree from the
Prime Minister Praxedes University of Madrid, an intimate friend of Bismarck and have obtained
Mateo Sagasta a professional chair of medicine in a German University.
Vincente Barrantes  A Spanish academician who spent many years in high posts of Philippine
 Attacked Rizal I the newspaper La Espana Moderna in 1889 as a man of
contradiction whose criticisms of the friars and the Spanish Regime were
actually an insult to the Filipinos themselves.
First attack from the  An anonymous letter signed by a friar.
Fr. Salvador Font  Tried to prevent the circulation of the novel by publishing a few copies of his
 Consisted of four parts:
o Attacks of the religion of the state
o Attacks on the administration, the government employees and the
o Attack on the Civil guards
o Attacks on the territorial integrity of the Spanish Kingdom
Father Jose Rodriguez  Attacked Noli by issuing a series of pamphlets under the title Cuestiones de
Sumo Interes
 Judged the novel on a doctrinal level, when he said that it should not be read
by devot Christians.
La Vision del Fray Rodriguez  Rizal reply to the attacks of Father Jose Rodriguez.
 A satirical pamphlet, where St, Augustine was made by Rizal to appear to
Father Rodriguez while the latter was in deep slumber and scolded him for
becoming a butt of all the jokes to all angels in heaven by his foolish articles.
Por Telefono  A satirical essay that Rizal made to reply to Father Font’s critique in Noli.
 He narrated a long-distance telephone conversation between Salvadorcito
Tont, who was reprimanded by his superior for accepting a hacienda for the
Augustinians, which compromised the Augustinian struggle against the vows of
wealth, pride and lust, the Superior told him to return to Spain and never come
back to the Philippines.
Fr. Francisco Sanchez  One of those who defended Noli.
 He was Rizal’s teacher in rhetoric at Ateneo.
Father Vincente Garcia  Filipino priest that gave Noli the greatest defense.
 Translated into tagalong the famous Imitation of Christ.
 Writing under the pen name Desiderio Magalang
 Said that the book was a work of literature and should be judged that way and
not on a doctrinal level.
Marcelo H. del Pilar  Wrote a pamphlet entitled Caiigat Cayo (Be Slippery as an Eel) in reponse to Fr.
Rodriguez’s pamphlet entitled Caiigat Cayo (Beware)
Ferdinand Blumentritt  Defended Rizal by stressing his Catholic orientation and the point that the
Spanish nationals have to accept these criticisms.

Chapter 12: The First Homecoming

Maximo Viola  Accompanied Rizal in his trip to Europe.
Potsdam  Where their trip to Europe began.
 A city near Berlin
 Where they saw the imposing mausoleum enclosing the statue of Federick the
May 11, 1887  Day they left Berlin by train bound to Dresden.
Dresden  City where Rizal visited Dr. Adolph B. Meyer.
 Visited botanical gardens for viewing and specific study.
 Impressed that they were able to maintain monuments and landmarks of aesthetic
and historical significance.
Dr. Jagor  They met him while viewing the floral exposition.
 Rizal told him he planned to visit Leitmeritz, Czechoslovakia to meet Blumentritt.
Leitmeritz  Where they arrived in May 13, 1887.
 Where Rizal finally met Blumentritt in person.
Hotel Krebs  Where Rizal and Viola stayed during their stay in Leitmeritz.
Rosa  Wife of Blumentritt
Blumentritt  Described Rizal as the greatest product of the Philippines, whose coming into this
world can be likened to a comet, whose rare brilliance appears only every other
 Rizal was not only the most outstanding man of the Filipino people, but the
greatest man the Malayan race has ever produced.
 Rizal gave him tagalong lessons.
Dr. Czepelak  Two well-known doctors Rizal met during his time in Europe.
and  Invited Rizal and Viola to a meeting of the Tourists Club of Leitmeritz with
Dr. Klutschack Blumentritt as secretary.
Pencil Sketch  Gift he gave to Blumentritt as a sign of friendship.
May 17, 1887  Day they left Leitmeritz by train bound for Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia.
Prague  Where they visited:
o Tomb of Nicolaus Copernicus, a famous polish astronomer.
o Museum of Natural History
o Bacteriological laboratories
o Celebrated cave where San Juan Nepomuceno was jailed.
Dr. Welkomm  History professor at the Univeristy of Prague, Blumentritt wrote to facilitate their
visit into the different historic spots in Prague.
Vienna  They arrived via Brunn in May 20, 1887.
 Spent four days visiting beautiful buildings and examining holy images and statues,
art galleries, museums, public parks and recreation centers.
 Where they took a boat in the Danube River.
 Rizal was amazed by the scenario and charmed by the lovely waltzes.
 He was most impressed were the archaic villages on the riversides which were
serene and peaceful.
Hotel Metropole  Hotel where they stayed during their visit in Vienna.
Linz  Where their voyage of the Danube River ended.
Salzburg  The birthplace of Mozart and re-entered Germany upon arrival at Munich on May
27, 1887.
Nuremberg  Where they saw the horrible torture machines used during the Inquisition against
the enemies of the Catholic Church.
Ulm  Known for having the largest and the tallest cathedral in Germany.
 Rizal rested twice until they reached the top.
Rheinfall  Where they saw the Bin Waterfall, the most beautiful waterfall in the continent of
Schaffhausen  Where they enter the Swiss broader from Rheinfall.
Basel  Where they made brief stops.
Bern  Lausanne = where they took a boat to Geneva, the most beautiful and frequented
Lausanne city of Switzerland.
Geneva  Where he received news from his friends in Madrid of the deplorable conditions of
the primitive Igorots who exhibited in the Exposition on the Philippines.
 Igorots died and their weapons became objects of mockery and laughter by the
Spanish press and the Spaniards.
 Rizal was infuriated and resented the degradation of his fellowmen from Northern
 This protest was communicated by Rizal to Blumentritt on June 6, 1887.
 Spent afternoon boating in Leman Lake where Rizal demonstrated his skillfulness in
rowing and steering a boat.
 Where he celebrated his 26th birthday
 Where he and Maximo Viola separated after spending 15 days together on the day
June 23, 1887.
Rizal  Toured Italy
Viola  Returned to Barcelona
Italy  Visited Turin, Milan, Florence, and Rome.
 The city of Rome (the Eternal City), the state of the Vatican (the seat of authority of
the Roman Catholic Church) and the capital of the Ancient Roman Empire were his
favorite sites.
 Where he had the opportunity to see St. Peter’s Dome by Michaelangelo and
Giacomo dela Porta and St. Peter’s Basilica.
o St Peter’s Basilica = first known Christian Church dedicated during the time
of Emperor Constantine.
 Impressed by the fine example of Renaissance architecture.
 While in Vatican, he attended the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul.
 Amazed by the Coliseum and the Roman Forum.
 Where he prepared for his homecoming to the Philippines.
Germany and Blumentritt  The country he appreciated the most.
 Qualities he appreciated: Sober, earnest, industrious, progressive and prosperous.
 Germany was his link to Europe and Blumentritt was his link to Germany.
 Rizal was 25 and Blumentritt was 33.
 Blumentritt had written 250 essays and articles on Philippine ethnography.
 He became Rizal’s dearest confidente and most trusted counselor.
 Three factors that gave rise to Rizal and Blumentritt’s friendship:
o Common Interests
o Shared love for the Philippines and the Filipinos
o Affinity of temperaments and affections.
Leitmeritz  Where Rizal bid Europe goodbye.
Reason for his desire to  Financial difficulties at Calamba
return to the Philippines  Dissatisfaction with his studies in Madrid
 Desire to prove that there was no fear going home.
 His belief that the Spanish Regime will not punish the innocent.
Paciano and his fellow  Did not favor his decision because of the publication of Noli Me Tangere.
Reasons why he was  To operate his mother’s eyes
motivated to go home  Serve the people oppressed by the Spaniards.
 To find out for himself the effects of his novel to the Filipinos and Spaniards
 To find out the cause of Leonor Rivera’s silence.
July 3, 1887  Rizal left Rome by train headed for Marseilles, France
Djemnah  Same vessel that ferried him to the continent five years ago.
 Headed to the Orient via the Suez Canal.
 They stopped at Aden and continued till the vessel reached Saigon.
Haiphong  Vessel he rode in Saigon, which reached Manila on August 5, 1887 where he stayed
for three days.
Isabelo de los Reyes  Rizal visited and called him twice, but was unable to find him.
Jesuits  Tried to win back to the fold of his old faith during his visit in Ateneo.
Father Faura  Showed him the Image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus he craved during his student
 Told him what was wrong with the Noli, but Rizal responded by saying that he
wrote was the truth.
August 8, 1887  Arrived in Calamba, where he found his family in the best of health.
Rumors upon his return  He was a German spy
 An agent of Bismarck
 A mason
 A soul halfway to damnation.
Calamba  Opened a medical clinic and started his profession.
 Where he gave lessons in gymnastics, fencing and shooting to discourage sabong
and panggingue.
 He never fail to communicating to Blumentritt.
Doctor Uliman  He came to be called by the old folks of Calamba as he was mistaken for a German.
Governor General Terrero  Ordered him to go to Malacanang.
 Informed him that his novel had caused much pandemonium among the
government and the clergy and that he wanted to have a copy of the novel to
know if the novel was really subversive and inciting the people to rise up in arms
against the government.
 Did not find anything wrong with it.
Don Jose Taviel de  Bodyguard assigned by Terrero to protect Rizal.
Calamba Agrarian Problem  Started when Terrero ordered an investigation of the friar estates in order to
remendy the agrarian problems relating to land taxes and tenant relations.
 His exposure angered the friars and wanted him to be eliminated.
Rizal’s findings about the  The hacienda of the Dominican Order comprised not only the lands around
Agrarian problem Calamba, but the whole town of Calamba.
 The profits of the Dominican Order continually increased because of the arbitrary
increase of the rentals paid by the tenants.
 The hacienda owner never contributed a single centavo for the celebration of the
town fiesta, for the education of the children and for the improvement of
 Tenants who spent much labor in clearing the lands were dispossessed of the said
lands for flimsy reasons.
 High rates of interest were arbitrarily charged the tenants for delayed payment of
 When rentals are not paid, the management takes the work animals, tools and
farm implements of the tenants.
Two Reasons for leaving  His presence was endangering the safety and happiness of his family and friends
Calamba  He could be able to fight better his detractors and serve his country cause in a
foreign land.
Lt. General Valeriano  Replaced Terrero
Weyler  Approved the counter attack by the Dominicans, which was evicting all the tenants
from the Dominican haciendas.
Doroteo Cortes  Organized a public demonstration in Manila after the mass eviction by the
March Demonstration  The tenants of the Dominican Hacienda presented a petition to Queen Regent
asking for the expulsion of the friars from the Philippines.
 Everyone who participated was arrested.
Mariano Herbosa  Husband of Lucia, Rizal’s sister.
 The Church refused to give him a Christian burial because he was married to Rizal’s
 Died of Cholera
A Profanation  Essay he wrote that attacked the denial of Christian burial to his brother in law who
(Una Profanacion) died of cholera.
Don Francisco  Were exiled after Rizal had left the country for the second time.
Paciano  Rizal witnessed the effect of the Noli and had caused me so much despair because
Saturnina his family was suffering because of what he did.
Hymn al Trabajo  A poem he wrote request by a friend from Lipa.
Or  A poem to commemorate the conversion of Lipa from a pueblo to a villa.
Hymn to Labor  Rizal’s way of commending man’s labor and industry and extolling the country’s
wealth and vigor.
 Labor plays a vital role in keeping up the dignity of man for it is work that sustains
the man, the motherland, family and the home.
 Considered labor as the country’s blood, health and life.
February 1888  Left the Philippines.
 He was 27 years old, a medical practitioner and a recognized man of letters.

Chapter 13: From Calamba to Europe for the Second Time

February 3, 1888  Day he left the Philippines for the second time.
Zafiro  Steamer he rode when he left Manila for Hong Kong.
February 8, 1888  Day he arrived in the British colony.
February 16, 1888  Day he wrote to Blumentritt about what had happened to him
Jose Maria Basa  Exiles he met in Hong Kong.
Balbino Mauricio  Rizal was depressedby the colony of Filipinos in the island because they do not
And other exiles want to return to the Manila.
Barranda  One of the exiles
 Terrero’s secretary.
 Accompanied Rizal in his visit to Macao.
Observation About Hong  Chinese New Year was noisy because of the firecrackers.
Kong  Chinese theaters are usually animated due to the different percussion instruments
used by the participants.
 Lauriat party shows lavishness and hospitality among the Chinese.
 Dominican Order, the richest religious order in Hong Kong, had millions of dollars
deposited in various banks earning very high interests.
 Graveyards for Catholics, Protestants and Muslims were well maintained.
SS Oceania  Vessel he rode leaving Hong Kong in February 22, 1888.
February 28, 1888  Day he arrived in Japan
Japan  Entered through Yokohama and stayed at Tokyo Hotel for a few days.
 Learned Nippongo, and dedicated himself to the study of Japanese art and culture.
 Favorable Impressions of Japan:
o Scenic beauty of the country
o Cleanliness, politeness and industry of the people.
o Picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women
o Existence of few thieves in Japan.
o Beggars rarely seen in the streets of the city.
Kuruma  Popular mode of transportation in Japan during that time.
 He was disgusted seeing Japanese men pulling the kuruma or rickshaw like horses.
O-Sei-San  Seiko Usui
 Rizal was charmed by her beauty.
 Learned from the gardener of the Spanish Legation, the she lives with her parents
and usually passes the legation every afternoon.
 Rizal saw in her the ideals of womanhood: beauty, charm, intelligence and
 To her, Rizal was a man of versatile talents, a man of gallantry and a man of
 Loved Rizal sincerely and Rizal responded by his sincere affection.
 They spent joyful and unforgettable days visiting temples, shrines and castles and
even watched Kabuki plays.
 Cha-no-yu (tea ceremony)
o A social tradition of the Japanese people signifying harmony, purity,
tranquility and reverence
 Because of her Rizal was tempted to stay in Japan for good.
April 28, 1888  Arrived in the United States
Belgic  English steamer he rode to the United States.
May 4, 1888  He and the other passengers were not allowed to disembark because they were
quarantined because the ship carried 600 Chinese and the elections were being
San Francisco  Rizal’s entry point in the US.
Palace Hotel  Where he stayed in San Francisco.
Good Impressions  The material progress of the country
 The drive and energy of the American people.
 The natural beauty of the land
 The high standard of living
 The opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants.
Negative Impressions he  Non-existence of true civil liberty as a Negro cannot marry an American and vice
wrote to Mariano Ponce versa.
 Existence of racial prejudice as shown in their hatred of the Chineses, Japanese and
 The valuing of money over human life.
City of Rome  Left New York for Liverpool on May 16, 1888 on board this vessel.
May 24, 1888  Arrived in Liverpool.
Adelphi Hotel  Where he stayed for the night before moving to London.
Three Reasons for staying  To improve his knowledge of the English language.
in London  To study and annotate Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
 To carry on his flight against Spanish tyranny safely.
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor  Where he stayed as a guest at his residence upon his arrival in London on May 25,
 A practicing lawyer in London and an exile of 1872.
 He lived as a boarder of the Beckett Family at No. 37 Chalcot Crescent Primrose
Dr. Reinhold Rost  The librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
 Who recommended that Rizal be allowed to undertake research at the British
Museum, where he was able to spend time reading Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas
Good and Bad News from  Persecution of the Filipino patriots who signed the Anti-friar Petition of 1888
Home addressed to the Queen Regent requesting the expulsion of the friars including
Archbishop Pedro Payo.
 Persecution of Calamba Tenants
 Exile of Manuel T. Hidalgo to Bohol, the husband of his sister Saturnina on the
order of Weyler without due process.
 Arrest and Incarceration of Laureano Vida, a medical student of UST for finding
copies of Noli in his residence.
 Rev. Vicente Garcia’s defense of the Noli against the attacks of the friars.
Gertrude Beckett  Also known as Tottie and Sissie.
 Smaller than Rizal and chubby like Segundina Katigbak or Orang, but she was not
 Two things that attracted her to Rizal: Propinquity and happy family.
Morga’s Sucesos of  Published in Mexico in 1605 to provide European readers information about the
Historical Events of the Philippines.
Philippine Islands
Three Purposes for Rizal’s  To awaken the consciousness of the Filipinos of their glorious or dignified ways of
Annotation of the Sucesos the past.
 To correct what has been distorted and falsified about the Philippines prior to
Spanish conquest
 To prove that the Filipinos were civilized even before the coming of the Spaniards.
Researches  Read historical material written by Pigafetta, Chirino and other Spanish chroniclers
and historians.
 Went to the Bibliotheque National in Paris.
Blumentritt  Wrote the preface of the annotation
 Emphasized:
o Spaniards have to correct their erroneous conception of the Filipinos as the
children of limited intelligence
o That Rizal’s comments on the Spanish government were unique as they
were given from the point of view of the victims of colonialism.
o The Spanish had three delusions about the Philippines.
 Filipinos were an inferior race.
 Filipinos were not ready for parliamentary representation and
other reforms
 The denial of equal rights can be compensated by the strict
dispensation of justice.
o Spanish had to learn Philippine realities from Rizal’s new edition of Morga’s
o That if the Spanish authorities will not listen to the Filipinos, the Philippines
will be lost through their own fault.
Rizal’s Annotation  8 Chapters
o Chapter 1-7: events during the time of the first 11 governor-generals in the
Philippines from Legazpi to Acuna.
o Chapter 8: Focused on customs and usages of the Filipinos
 His notes were of three categories:
o Anti-clerical
o Sociological
o Historical
 He hoped with this he could equal Blumentritt.
 First history book of the Philippines written for the Filipino.
Three Main Propositions in  That the people of the Philippines had a culture of their own before the coming of
Rizal’s New Edition of the Spaniards.
Morga’s Sucesos  Filipinos were decimated, demoralized, exploited and ruined by the Spanish
 The present state of the Philippines were not necessarily superior to its past.
Asosciacion La Solidaridad  Created by the Filipino expatriates in Barcelona to establish a patriotic society that
shall work for reforms from the Spanish government.
 Establish on December 31, 1881.
 Officers:
o President: Galiciano Apacible
o Vice President: Graciano Lopez-Jaena
o Secretary: Manuel Sta. Maria
o Treasurer: Mariano Ponce
o Accountant: Jose Ma. Panganiban
 Rizal was unanimously chosen as the honorary president which implies that Rizal
was already recognized as a leader of the Filipino colony in Barcelona.
 He was happy for the recognition and responded through a letter dated January
28, 1889.
La Solidaridad  Rizal was informed about the founding of the organ of the Propaganda Movement
by Graciano Lopez-Jaena in February 15, 1889
 Organ of Philippine opinion.
 Where Rizal could express his innermost thoughts and feelings fearlessly.
Aims of La Solidaridad  To work peacefully for political and social reforms.
 To portray the deplorable conditions of the Philippines for Spain to remedy them.
 To oppose the evil forces of the reaction and medievalism.
 To advocate liberal ideas and progress
 To champion the legitimate aspirations of the Filipinos people to life, democracy
and happiness.
Los Agricultores Filipinos  Rizal’s first article published in La Solidaridad where he described the deplorable
conditions in the country, which had brought about its backwardness.
Bibliotheque Natioanale  Library in Paris where he searched for historical materials and returned to London
after intensive research.
Juan Luna  Acted as his host in Paris
Paz Pedro de Tavera  Was with Rizal and Luna during Rizal’s time in Paris.
Marcelo H. del Pilar  Rizal went to Madrid and Barcelona for a short visit on December 11, 1888.
and Mariano Ponce  Rizal got acquainted with them with whom he vowed cooperation for the struggle
for reforms.
 Returned to London on December 24, 1888 where he spent Christmas and New
Year with the Beckett family.
Blumentritt  Rizal sent him a bust of Emperor Augustus as a gift for Christmas.
Dr. Czepelak  Rizal sent him a bust of Julius Caesar as a gift for Christmas.
Other Writings in London  La Vision del Fray Rodriguez
o Essay he wrote in reply to the attacks made by Fr. Rodriguez on the Noli
Me Tangere.
o Where he demonstrate his profound knowledge of religion and his biting
 Letter to the Young Women of Malolos
o Written under the request of Marcelo H. Pilar to commend the young
women of Malolos for their courage to establish a school, where they can
learn Spanish despite the opposition Fr. Felipe Garcia, the parish priest of
 Trubner’s Record
o Dr. Rost inspired Rizal to contribute two articles to this journal devoted to
the literature of the East.
o Specimens of Tagal Folklore
 First article which is but a collection of 14 proverbs, 8 puzzles and 2
o Two Eastern Fables
 Compared a Japanese with that o a Filipino fable.
Leaving London  Left London for Paris on March 19, 1889.
 Some say he left London for Gertrude to forget him.
 He curved fine and realistic sculptural works before leaving
o Prometheus Bound
o Triumph of Death over Life
o Triumph of Science over Death
o Composite carving of the heads of the Beckett sisters.

Chapter 14: Rizal’s Legacy to Young Filipino Women

December 12, 1888  A group of twenty women of Malolos petitioned for the permission to open a night
school so they can study Spanish.
Weyler  Governor-general during that time.
Teodoro Sandiko  The women of Malolos wanted him to be the teacher of their night school.
Fr. Felipe Garcia  The parish priest of Malolos who objected resulting into the turning down of the
petition by Weyler, but the young women courageously sustained their agitation
for the establishment of the school.
The Women of Malolos 1. Alberta Ui Tangcoy
2. Teresa Tontoco
3. Natia Tontoco
4. Merced Tiongson
5. Agapita Tiongson
6. Basilia Tiongson
7. Paz Tiongson
8. Feliciana Tiongson
9. Eugenia Tangchangco
10. Aurea Tangchangco
11. Leoncia Reyes
12. Olympia Reyes
13. Maria de los Reyes
Senorita Guadalupe Reyes  They were granted permission to start a school under the condition that she will be
their teacher.
Marcelo del Pilar  Praised the women and requested Rizal to write a letter commending them for
their extraordinary courage.
Letter of Rizal focused on  The rejection of the spiritual authority of the friars
the Following Salient  The defense of private judgment
Points:  Qualities Filipino mothers need to possess
 Duties and responsibilities of a wife to her husband
 Counsel to young women on their choice of a lifetime partner
Rizal’s Ultimate Desire for  To afford Filipino women with the same opportunities enjoyed by men in
Women education - an education that will liberate women.
 He emphasized the need for maintaining the independence of mind and reason
with the attendant strengthening the will.
 He urged women to be vigilant over their rights and not be docile and passive in
their attitude towards the many injustices forced upon them.
Youth  A flower-bed that is to bear rich fruit and must accumulate wealth for its
Responsibilities of Filipino  Whatever the mother is, so would her son become.
Mothers to their Children  Mothers who can teach nothing else but kneeling and kissing the hand of the friars
should expect children who are not only stupid but also exploited slaves.
 Their duties are:
o To rise children close to the image of God.
o To awaken and prepare the mind of the child for every good and desirable
o To teach children to prefer death with honor to life with dishonor.
 Educate them with the following values:
o Love for honor
o Sincere and firm character
o Clear mind
o Clear conduct
o Noble action
o Love for one’s fellowmen
o Respect for God
Qualities Mothers have to  Has to be a noble wife
Possess  Has to rear her children in the service of the state like Sparta mother.
 A wife has to set the standards of behavior for men around her.
 Three things a wife must instill in the mind of her husband:
o Activity and industry
o Noble behavior
o Worthy sentiments
 Wife is the partner of her husband’s heart and misfortune.
Rizal’s advice to married  Aid her husband
women  Share the perils
 Refrain from causing him worry
 Sweeten his moments of affliction.
Rizal’s advice to  Young men that in choosing their life partner, they should not consider physical
Unmarried men and beauty nor the sweetness of disposition of a woman but rather give priority to
women firmness of character and lofty ideas.
 Young women should not surrender their womanhood to a weak and timid heart.
Three things a woman  A noble and honored name
must look for a man she is  A manly heart
going to marry  A high spirit incapable of being satisfied with engendering slaves.
Rizal’s Reminders on  Tyranny of some is possible only through cowardice and negligence on the part of
Equality, Self-Respect and others.
True Spirit of Religion  What makes one contemptible is lack of dignity and abject fear of one who holds
one in contempt.
 Ignorance in servitude because as a man thinks so he is a man who does not think
for himself and allows himself to be guided by the thought of another is like a
beast led by a halter.
 He who loves his independence must first aid his fellowman because he who
refuses protection to other will find himself without it.
 If the Filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no more children, let
her merely give birth to them.
o She must cease to be the mistress of the home, otherwise she will
unconsciously betray husband, child, native land and all.
 All men are born equal, naked without bonds. God did not create man to be a
slave, nor did he endow him intelligence to have him hoodwinked or adorn him
with reason to have him deceived by others.
 Consider well what kind of religion they are teaching you.
o See whether it is the will of God or according to the teaching of Christ that
the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated.
Five Major Points of Rizal’s  Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowmen.
Letter to the Young  Filipino mothers should be glad and honored like Spartan mothers to offer their
Women of Malolos sons in defense of their country.
 Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor.
 Filipino women should educate themselves aside from retaining their good racial
 Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is living the
real Christian way with good morals and manners.

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