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Q.1 Which line of code has the correct syntax for the print statement?

(a) print(Its’ a rainy day) (b) Print(‘its’s a rainy day’)

(c) print(‘it’s a rany day’) (d) print(‘it\’s a rainy day’)

Q.2 Is python case sensitive when dealing with identifiers?

(a) yes (b)no (c) machine dependent (d) none of the mentioned above

Q.3 Which of the following is not a keyword?

(a) eval (b) assert (c) nonlocal (d) pass

Q.4 Which of the following is an invalid variable?

(a) my_day_2 (b) 2nd_day (c) Day_two (d) _2

Q.5 Which of the following cannot be a variable?

(a) _init_ (b) in (c)it (d) on

Q.6 Which two operators can be used on numeric values in python ?

(a) @ (b) % (c) + (d) #

Q.7 A Token is also called a ____________.

Q.8 how would you write Xy in python as an expression

(a) x^y (b) x**y (c)x^^y (d) None of these

Q.9 which value type does input() return ?

(a) Boolean (b) string (c) int (d) float
Operator precedence:
The following table show priority from highest to lowest.
Operator Description
** Exponentiation (raise to the power)
~ ,+, - Complement, unary plus and minus (method names for the last two
are +@ and -@)
*, / ,% ,// Multiply, divide, modulo and floor division
+, - Addition, subtraction
>>, << Right and left bitwise shift
& Bitwise And
^ ,| Bitwise exclusive `OR' and regular `OR'
<=, <, > ,>= Comparison operator
<>, ==, != Equality operator
=, %=, /=, //=, -=, += ,*=, **= Assignment operator
is , is not Identity operator
In, not in Membership operator
not or and Logical operator

Note:- if there are multiple Exponentiation(**) operator in an expression, then they are
evaluated from Right to Left.

Q. 10 what is the value of this expression , 3**3**1 ?

(a) 27 (b) 9 (c) 3 (d) 1

Q. 11 What is the output of the following code?

>>> a=2**(3**2)

Q.12 How many ways are there in python to represent an integer literal?

Q.13 Write the type of tokens from the following:

(i) if (ii) roll_no
Q.14 Which of the following is valid arithmetic operator in Python?
(i) // (ii)? (iii)< (iv) and

Q.15 Write the names of any four data types in python?

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