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2nd June 2020

Environment Day!

1. Write in your notebooks:

Spring= primăvara
Summer= vara
Autumn= toamna
Winter= iarna

The days of the week

Monday= Luni
Tuesday= Marți
Wednesday= Miercuri
Thursday= Joi
Friday= Vineri
Saturday= Sâmbătă
Sunday= Duminică

2. Listen, watch and read (1/p. 44)

3. Read again and fill in the blanks with the right words:
In summer, the flowers give food to the.........................
The bees help the ............................grow.
They make nests for their...........................

4. Answer the following questions:

What’s your favourite season?
What do you do in summer?
5. Portfolio Assignment
Write in your notebook:

My favourite day is Saturday. I go to the park with my friends.

I love Saturdays!

Now create your own example:


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