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Worksheet Seasons 3-4

Hand Out

LinguaMundi Language Center
Seasons and weather
1. Find the words connected with weather and write them in the
right place:

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

2. Match the seasons with suitable activities:

1. We can make a snowman Autumn

2. We can swim in the sea Summer

3. We can play Egg Hunt Winter

4. We can collect beautiful red and brown leaves Spring

3. Think about the seasons in your country and answer:

1. What’s the weather like in spring/winter/ autumn/summer?

2. What do you usually do in spring/winter/ autumn/summer?

3. What do you wear in spring/winter/ autumn/summer?

4. Which is your favourite season? Why?

5. Look out of the window and talk about the weather and the season at the moment.

4. Write an email about your summer or winter holiday.

LinguaMundi Language Center

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