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t a l l e r

1. What sort of person are you?

Ingles: español:
Most of your answers are a. la mayoría de tus respuestas son a:
Congratulations! You are a ¡felicidades! Usted es una
wonderful person. people like you maravillosa persona. A la gente le
change the world. but be careful – gusta que tu cambies el mundo.
don’t put yourself in danger if it Pero tenga cuidado – no te metas
isn’t necessary. en peligro si no es necesario.

2. Read the situations quickly and match them with the pictures. What are the teens doing?


3. after Reading the situations complete the table

Rachel aleja Jack

What is the The problem of The problem of aleja is that the problem of Jack is that
problem? rachel is that a child her friend diana always his friends played
always annoys her criticizes everything they basketball on breaks but
for putting on a and their and group of now his friends smoke on
bicycle helmet and Friends do and it seems breaks and he thinks the
for her it seems very annoying on their only way to get his
annoying. part. friends back is by
smoking too.
What is your my idea to solve My idea to solve aleja My idea to solve Jack
idea to solve rachel’s problem is problem is for her to tell problem is for her to tell
the problem? for her to face him her friend diana that she his friends that what they
and tell him that she does not like how she are doing is wrong and
prefers to protect refers to them and that if that he does not smoke
herself rather tan she does it again she Will because that is bad for our
look Good, because have to leave the group health so if bad for our
life comes first. because it is not Good for health so if they do not
her to criticize her won stop smoking they Will
friends. get other friends to play

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