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Aidan Parilla

Ms. Sullivan

AP English Language and Composition

30 October 2019

An Open Letter to Elon Musk

I think the work that you’ve been doing in the technology sphere has been incredible to

see in recent years. SpaceX has revolutionized the space industry; I mean, you got the rocket’s

boosters to land themselves, which is pretty incredible. And your work in developing Tesla cars

is bringing our world to an emissions-sensitive future world. Along with the car’s insanely

futuristic features, completely electric cars will help our future world in a massive way.

With all this said, though, I think you can slow down on technological advancements in

the meantime. Personally, I don’t want to live in the singularity in the next twenty years. But

seriously, how do you expect us to keep up? All of these inventions take such a dedication to

hard work and the joy of technologies; the youth of today will surely not be able to keep up with

such a demand. Nowadays, kids aren’t sparked with the joy of learning the way around their

computers. Education in programming really doesn’t match up with what you’re probably

looking forward to. The generation getting raised as I speak will probably turn out just like

mine, for what they’re getting in youth education.

So, with that being said, could you slow down on your technologies for just a second? I

think it would really help our kids to think that they could be like you some day. But if you’re

developing ridiculously complex teleportation machines, and the kids you hope to carry your

legacy on are as literate as me, you’d have to wait another twenty years anyways.


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