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Submitted to: Ma'am BELLE CLARICE DUMALI

A. Essay,, make a reflection paper about

the following questions (20 points) each

1. With all the invention of the

mechanical age of information
technology why do you think that the
inventors mostly focus on developing/
inventing things that are efficient in
ANSWER: Base on what I've read from
the text, they are just trying to develop
some TECHNOLOGY like for calculation
for the best improvement to live life
much easier. Inventing calculation
before and now is too different,
before , as I can se in the picture is too
old And I think it's too hard to use for,
but Now it's easy to calculate things
because of improvement.

2. Mechanical age is the beginning of great

invention in information technology, if
you were to travel back to this age, what
would you want to invent to help the
people in the society and why?
ANSWER: I think if it's possible, I want
to invent some devices that can charge
up the machine, gadget, or any
electronic device by not using wires,
instead using wireless signals it it's
possible, so that we can use things
without any wires to use and help us to
easily commucate to others and to use
things much easier.
3. Looking back at this age of IT, why do
you think that the only woman regarded as
influential in the mechanical age of
information technology is ADA KING? As as
member of the 21 century How do you feel
about it?

ANSWER: Women is the most influential in

the mechanical age of information
technology because that before they see
women is smart when it comes to
technology than Men, but as what I
observe nowadays we are all tie, and I feel
bad because, before, women is just the
only one who can use a different kinds
technology without knowing that Men can
do it also. Even a child is already using
some technology especially relying on
social media.

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