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● Andres Barreiro Párraga
● Efren Lino Sanchez

4to “B”

PII 2021

Ing. Shirley Marianela San Lucas Marcillo



1. What do you think of when you hear the word technology?

Technology must be one of the most used or thought words in the world since today
everything we do is based on technology such as communication or education

2. What are the 3 greatest inventions of all time?

1. The phone. The possibility of communicating at a distance changed the personal,

social, commercial and global relationships of human beings. It was conceived
by one of the great famous inventors - Alexander Graham Bell. And the first
conversation happened on March 10, 1876.

2. Internet. It was born in the sixties of the last century in the United States, when
an exclusively military network was created to, in the event of a Soviet attack,
have access to information from anywhere in the country.

3. The photograph. It was another of the most important inventions in history. It

changed the course of painting, also of culture and the way we see and represent
both the world and ourselves.

3. How has technology changed the workplace?

Thanks to technology, the world of work has radically changed since jobs can be done
faster and more efficiently

4. ¿Has technology ever let you down? (disappointed you by net working
properly) what happened?

No, until today technology is very important since with technology we can
communicate, make inquiries, see news on our social networks, and it is important in
our daily lives.

5. How has technology improved our explain the advantages of technological


Advantages of technology

Quick access to information. ...

Enhance your entertainment. ...

Stimulates creativity. ...

Facilitates educational processes. ...

Simplify housework. ...

Improvements in transportation. ...

New jobs. ...

Promotion of scientific activity

6. What could never be replaced by technology?

explain why not

Not because with technology we can communicate in our social networks to investigate
new things and for education it is very fundamental since we went through a pandemic
and it was a very very good help for the classes.

7. In your opinion, which invention has had the greatest impact on society in
the last 100 years?

certainly the internet. With the internet the world has changed a lot and it has given us a
lot of ease in our day to day.

8. What things should never have been invented?

Something that never had to be invented is weapons.

9. Has technology had any impact on education?

If the biggest impact we had was in the pandemic. Technology in education has made
learning easier, more comfortable, and even affordable.

10. Do computers save time or do they just make us wattle more time?

It depends on each person since there are people who use it for their virtual work to
consult some questions and there are also people who waste their entertainment time
playing a good time we must be aware of what these technologies are capable of and
that their potential of change is so great that it is not yet possible to predict how it will
alter our lives

11. Is technological advance always for the better? Can you think of any
disadvantages of technology?

As well as technology brings many advantages, it also has disadvantages such as the
replacement of human labor by machines.

12. What would you like to see invented in the future?

It would be nice to see an invention that helps us reduce pollution and global warming

13. Which modern invention could you not live without?

The cell phone and computer, something so common today and that we can carry
everywhere thinking only about the fact of being disconnected and isolated and an
endless number of tasks that we can perform thanks to its functions would get us in a lot
of trouble, it returns. in something essential in our day.

14. You are stranded on a desert island. What would you wish you had with

A backpack with what you need to survive, be it a knife or machete, food and lots of

15. How has technology change on medical care?

I think that technology has helped medicine a lot since doctors have more knowledge
thanks to what has been investigated and they also have better machines that help them
in their work.

16. Does technology (or the use thereof) ever get on your nerves?

Sometimes technology can overwhelm and stress us, because we are surrounded by
technological devices at all times so we have to know how to live with it since we are
not capable of being without technology today.

17. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic?

The technological difference that could exist between different civilizations that were
hypothetically found in the universe, but it also described the strangeness that would
cause a human being to observe devices that are operated several generations later. This
technological leap is constantly taking place and on the frontier of scientific advance
there is such spectacular progress that it seems impossible to us. These are some of the
display technologies that already seem straight out of science fiction.

18. “Modern technology owes ecology on apology”. What does this mean? Do
you agree?

A machine has already been created that exceeded everyone's perspective and for me it
surpasses the "magic" that was a machine which was capable of creating an artificial
black hole. For this invention there were many speculations that when creating a black
hole it could swallow the earth.


Balances the temperature and optimizes the body's natural sleep cycles. Specifically, it
can heat the bed up to 100 degrees and cool it up to 12. The bed can lower the body
temperature during the night to keep the user comfortably asleep and thus decrease the
number of times wakes up.

In addition to changing the body temperature, you can activate the massage mode which
consists in that the bed will begin to vibrate giving small massages and clearly the
massage mode has a leveler and timer included for the power and the time that the
massage mode wants to have.

There is something else but not least the bed brings a bluetooth connection and
obviously with its respective speaker to be able to have a more comfortable

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