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Herdy Dimanlig

1. What is science, Technology, and society all about?

For me, Science is a philosophical approach to understanding the world that has a rigorous methodology
that provides evidence for or evidence against an assertion. It never proves anything because it is always
open to new facts and new ways of seeing things. However, evidence can be very strong and provide a
high degree of confidence or validity in certain things.

Technology refers to using tools to accomplish things a human being can normally do. These tools have
become so advanced that many people believe they will begin operating on their own, making their own
decisions. They are programmed to perform certain tasks without human supervision.

However, with artificial intelligence, certain people are asserting that tools (machines) will become
conscious, will become superior to human beings, and will eventually supersede humans as an
intelligent life form. This is within the realm of possibility, but mostly these people are talking about
advanced but elegant computer programs that can learn about the world and process information many
times faster that humans do. These machine learning programs, even when connected to a robot, are
not true intelligence. They are artificial. They have not evolved over millions of years to be integral to
the planet and are not expressions of the universe as we are.

Society is simply a group of people who manage to live together. They share a lot of physical and
ideological concepts, many of which have been passed down over hundreds or thousands of years. The
home is an interesting concept, expressed in our society as a box made of wood and other materials
which can contain an environmentally controlled atmosphere suitable for human comfort. When
humans occupy the house, they become familiar with it and the people who frequent the place. It’s
worth noting that homes and families are not always healthy, despite the persons feeling attached to
them. The house itself may contain toxins like radon or black mold. People may form a “pecking order”
wherein one person becomes the scapegoat for all negative feelings in the family.

Science, technology, and society have the meanings we assign to them.

2. How are science, technology and society related?

Science is the nuts and bolts behind technology, and our society is comprised of how we interact with
technology. In other words, Society is heavily influenced by technology and science is the foundation.
Science of the beginning of our understanding and awareness. Anything before science is undiscovered.

3. What is the importance of studying science, Technology, and society?

Studying science, technology, and society is very important for every individual, but especially for
individuals who are working towards a career in science or technology. Technology is progressing at a
faster pace than ever before, and new science discoveries are being made every day. Studying science,
technology, and society will help an individual to understand the world around them, and in turn, this
awareness will allow an individual to be better prepared for new changes in the world. One of the most
important things that studying science, technology, and society will teach you is to be a critical thinker.
You will have a better understanding of how science and technology affect the world around you, you
will learn to think analytically, and you will learn to evaluate the ideas that you encounter.

4. What are the advantages of science and technology to the society?

Using technology in science is beneficial to society. As evidence I offer the Covid vaccine, developed in
record time. On social platforms we see evidence of harmful uses of technology.

5. What is the role of science and technology in education?

One cannot expect their life without science and technology revolving around them. Science and
technology are extremely important in our daily life because they made our life simpler, faster and more

While science is the study of the physical and the natural world, technology is the application arising
from science. Hence, we will need both in our life since they offer us products like hydrophobic polymer

Almost everything that we see around us is the gift of science and technology. Think of a day you woke
up in the morning brushing your teeth with a toothbrush made up of nylon, you gargle with a
mouthwash, the mouthwash container is also made up of plastic, then you open the door of your
bathroom which is likely to be made up of plastic rather than made up of wood or glass. The clothes you
wear also contains some synthetic materials made up of polymers.

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