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Honeylette M.

BSN 2-1



Science is the one who builds knowledge in order for us to understand what the things
around us are. There are some philosophers and scientist that have a massive
contribution in science.
❖ Socrates is known as the main source of western thought. He is one of the few
who shaped the western thought. His Socratic method, where an idea is created
by asking questions to determine the beliefs and knowledge and guide a person,
laid the groundwork for Western systems of logic and philosophy.
❖ Plato was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. Plato believes that in
order to gain true knowledge, a person must undergo through the philosophical
reasoning. According to him, the soul is the most divine aspect of human being.
❖ Aristotle came up with an idea on how human can learn any knowledge with
ease. For Aristotle moral virtues follow the nature of rational beings. Acting in a
reasonable manner is done when we choose to and act in a way that neither goes
to excess nor defect. This way, moral virtues is the golden mean.
In the medieval philosophy, known as the Christian era, believe that God created the
universe. Origen of Alexandria, an origin firmly believed that the ‘knowledge of the
good (God) is itself enough to remove all taint of sin and ignorance from souls.
❖ St. Anselm provide facts to prove that God exist trough reason.
❖ St. Augustine’s philosophical approach to Christian thinking is the most
influential theological system. He is influence by Plato’s ideas and give some of
Plato’s works a Christian perspective. De Trinitate is a Latin book written by
Augustine to discuss the Trinity in context of the logos.
The scientific revolution was a series of events that marked the emergence of modern
science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics,
astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature.
❖ Nicolaus Copernicus opposed the geocentric theory and presented the
heliocentric where the sun is the center of the solar system.
❖ Charles Darwin is known for his contribution in evolution.
❖ Sigmund Freud was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. He
distinguish the levels of consciousness of a man.
But there are also Filipino scientist who made a worthwhile contribution to science
❖ Adelina Adato Barrion, a Filipino entomologist and geneticist whose extensive
contribution to the study of Philippine spiders
❖ Eduardo Quisumbing, a Filipino botanist, was a noted expert in the medicinal
plants of the Philippines. He was author of more than 129 scientific articles.
❖ Angel C. Alcala, had created the artificial coral reefs that help a lot to the
Philippines' aquatic ecosystem.
❖ Ramon Cabanos, he is a Barba Filipino inventor and horticulturist best known for
inventing a way to induce more flowers in mango trees using ethrel and
potassium nitrate.
❖ Dr. Lilian F. Patena develops tissue culture for garlic.
❖ Fe Villanueva del Mundo credited with studies that lead to the invention of an
improved incubator and a jaundice-relieving device


When the first human emerge from the surface of the earth, there are no such things as
technology that we know today. Humans from the past spend their days hunting and
building structure mainly by hand and common tools made up of rocks and wood. As
we already know, technology improves and supports our daily life. It enhances
everything so that it can lessen the effort and increase the quality of the specific work at
the same time. Another thing is that, technology can also provide convenience,
pleasure, happiness so in other words, technology is also a source of entertainment
As to support the said statement, there are tons of technologies that we use in our daily
lives. If any of these technologies got eradicated, things would progress slowly.
Technology can be a source of important information. Nowadays news can be watch
with the use of television. Television can also provide advertisement, making it a great
way to spread your product if you are promoting it. Another famous technological
device are mobile phones. Not only that you can use mobile phones for communication,
it can also be used as a camera and a source of entertainment. Almost all people around
the globe are using mobile phones so it doesn’t matter where you are, if you want to
contact a specific person just a click on a mobile phone and you’re good to go.
Even though televisions and mobile phones provide significant help in our daily lives
we still need something that can be use that is much more organize compared to this
two. Charles Babbage, a mathematician professor, invented the first world computer.
Computers, compared to mobiles phones, are efficient when it comes on work related
activities. It can easily provide a much better work space compared on working on
hand. It easily creates documents, power point presentation and it can easily spot errors
on your work. Sure enough that it is not accurate but it’s still better compared on
Technologies have a lot of advantages for us, but it also have negative effects. If you are
not careful, technologies can also be a way to steal your data. Technology can also be a
way to produce unproductive citizen. The use of technology depends upon on the user
whether it would be harmful or helpful.


Technology in general definitions refer as the branch of knowledge that deals with the
creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the
environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied
science, and pure science. It is also the application of knowledge for practical ends
through a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like. It also pertains
to the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material
objects of their civilization.
But at some point Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher and a seminal thinker of
the Continental tradition define technology as a way of revealing. Heidegger's opposes
the view on technology that would refer to be a means to an end and as a human
activity. According to him it must be understood ‘as a way of revealing.’ But how can
technology be a way of revealing? In Heidegger’s translation on the Greek word
aletheuein, which means ‘to discover’. Uncover what is covered. Everything we
perceive or think or interact with emerges out of concealment. By entering into a
particular relation with reality, reality is “revealed” in a specific way. Technology is the
way of revealing the characteristics of time meaning technology embodies a specific
way of traveling the world. Simply, technology as way of revealing because it unleash
knowledge as we go beyond, this is where discoveries and application takes place.
However, how can technology not be a human activity well in a fact that without
human function there is no such thing as technology? According to Heidegger, there is
something wrong with the modern, technological culture we live in today. In our age of
technology reality can only be present as a raw material. Meaning, technology is indeed
not a human activity as what he pertains that reality can only be present in raw
materials. And what are those raw materials? Those materials from the word itself ‘raw’
meaning it’s only an ingredient to create technology. This is where human functions
came in. If there’s no raw materials the creation of technology was way too impossible.
And what fuels to the creation of technology? Of course human functions as it’s finest.
To make it short, technology is not a human activity once the process of creation was
done, it is not raw materials anymore therefore it doesn’t need human to functions. It’s
completed so it can now function itself.


Good life is a term that refers to a (desirable) state that is primarily characterized by a
high standard of living or the adherence to ethical and moral laws. Many philosophers
have their own different perceptions about good life. One of these philosopher is
Socrates. According to him, an unexamined life is not worth living. Moreover, good life
according to Christian belief is that good life in moral terms as a life lived according to
God’s law. As what it stated good life as life lived according to God’s law meaning, as
long as you obeyed the ten commandments and lived with good moral values then
you’re living a good life.
According to Plato, good life as a life well lived was achieved by the pursuit of higher
knowledge and man’s social obligation to the common good. While good life according
to Aristotle, is simply living a happy life. And lastly according to Epicurus, what makes
life worth living is that we can experience pleasure. Meaning as long as you get what
you desire then life is worth living for.
It was said that there are 10 golden rules on living the good life namely:


- Know yourself as you learn the essence of life. Engage in the process of learning.
Life has twist and turns learn to know the flow, go with the flow but remember
you are the flow and most specifically spread love, not hate because hate is a
virus that can infect, might kill a thousand of people like COVID-19. Beware.
- According to facebook news, there’s a big meteorite that was going to land in
planet Earth and there you are you’ve gone crazy thinking so highly of yourself
that you can control it, what are you? Superbero? Someone’s mad at you
throwing some snug remarks at you even if you didn’t do something bad to her
and in order to settle it you did everything to please her, hoping you can control
the situation. Be kind to yourself not everything in this world is necessary, know
your limits. The world doesn’t revolve around you and you do not revolve on
someone’s thinking, it’s all in the head, a matter of thinking.
- You can befriend everyone but it takes struggles, and situations to know the real
one. You’re like a beggar in a city of trashes trying to find food in a million pieces
of trash, there’s so many food you see out there but there’s only few that can’t
cause diarrhea those are gems who can boost your energy. Just like how you
treasure food for your daily needs treasure your true friends as if you’re running
out of time because time is ticking, remember people aged, people dies. Note:
Know the difference of friendship from your everything, your family.
- Imagine why people asking for almost everything in this world and yet it doesn’t
satisfied them. Simply because happiness is the true pleasure. But what is
happiness? Having a lot of money to sustain your desires? Nah, having a high
position in everything wherein you can control situations? That’s not happiness.
Happiness is simply being happy without having reasons. Experience happiness
as you gain real satisfaction.
- First, know yourself, engage in the process of learning which includes making
mistakes and learning from it. Second, know your limits, don’t ever compare
yourself to others you have your own expertise, she as well. Embrace your flaws.
Third, know your strengths and weaknesses. Learn to accept criticisms. Fourth,
eyes on the road your journey I mean. Fret not from the rocky roads. And five,
reflect and love yourself (:
- Do not settle for less as you do not settle for more just settle on what you are
having, it’s enough. Just like how an excess amniotic fluid was never been good
in pregnancy, too much can be deadly. Be contended with your life
- It started in self-discipline and just like how it undergoes process and here comes
the chain of reactions. As a well-disciplined person you ought to make your tasks
well and perform your responsibilities wholeheartedly in any circumstances.
Value good moral principles and golden rules, live with it. Avoid being inhuman
and immoral.
- There’s no such thing as forever in this planet. People aged, people dies. What
you have right now was just temporary, money, clothes, your positions in society
and everything were all faded once you died. Everything is essential but not
everything matters. Learn to value those things that matters, don’t be a
prosperous fool.
- Get something forcedly was no good. Snatching a candy from your playmate
which turns out be her favourite candy was so devastating in her part. In return
someone stole your phone. How does it feel? Always value the golden rule.
- When someone throw some stones at you throw her some pandesal or any kind
of bread. She will love it for sure, don’t mind her not so good attitude people
have flaws its natural, in a fact that there no such things as perfection. Be kind,
remember kindness is a treasure.


Human flourishing is the way or effort to achieve what we want. It is the fulfillment of
everything that we need and where we experience only positive emotions. According to
Aristotle, in order to acquire human flourishing, a person needs to develop a certain
belief and virtues so that a person can be led to happiness. For Aristotle, humans
already want to be good and human good is eudaimonia or happiness. Happiness
pertains to a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by positive
and pleasant emotions. According to neurologists, it is a form of hormones released in
brain as a prize for behaviour.
Human flourishing can only be attained by practice of virtues. It can also be considered
as the ultimate goal of human. According to Aristotle the ultimate goal of human is self-
actualization and to achieve self-actualization a person should attain human
flourishing. The reason why human can achieve human flourishing is that, human
beings are rational creatures. Compared to other animals, human can reason out
making it easier to decide what is right or wrong.
There are different concept of human flourishing. They can be eastern where human
flourishing can be identify as focus is community-centric, Utilitarianism, Chinese
Confucian System, Japanese Bushido, Encourage studies of literature and sciences and
the arts for greater cause. And in western are Pragmatism, Human Flourishing as an
END, Aristotelian view, Eudaimonia as the ultimate good

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