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Village of the Watermills

Part 1: (40 points)

Answer directly in not more than 5 sentences per question-10 points per item

1. What do you think is the attitude of an old man to life?

- The old man aspires to live a "simple natural life." He refuses to revel in the luxuries that
contemporary man can provide, preferring instead to rely on what nature has already
provided. As far as possible, he seeks to live in harmony with nature rather than in
opposition to it.

2. The attitude of an old man towards science & technology?

- He is closed-minded and resistant to change, as well as the notions of scientific and technical
advancement and how they may enhance people's lives. He adheres to tradition and ancient,
natural ways of life, refusing to embrace modernization despite the fact that new
innovations and conceptions are far more efficient. He believes that science is evil, that it has
contaminated everything, and that it has contaminated nature as well as men's brains and
3. How do you reconcile the need for technology and the dilemma (s) it faces?
- In our attitude to technology and the sciences, let us be ethical and morally upright. That
there should be values that we should respect, and that we should remember that nature
comes first, and that the repercussions of our activities from scientific and technological
developments should be considered.
4. Should there be an ethics of technology? Explain
- Technology, like every other element of humanity's drive for comfort, should be subject to
ethical considerations. Technology progress might be slowed by restrictions. People would
be less likely to create something irreparable to society and nature if they used ethical ways.
Technology is a two-edged sword: on the one hand, it has the potential to lead to humanity's
transcension; on the other hand, if not managed carefully, it has the potential to lead to
humanity's doom.

Part 2: Try to imagine the world without technology. How do you think your day to day life would be
Instructions: 5points per answer
Illustrate a scenario where a certain technological innovation may not be used.
Below are examples you could use:

1. Watch
- Given that I've spent much of my life relying on watches to indicate the time while I'm on the road,
and conventional clocks aren't always available, I'd definitely struggle to keep track of my time. I
guess I could use the sun's rising and setting times, as well as my own body clock, to figure out what
time it is, but it would be less precise.

2. Phone
- For example, if I lived in a world without technology, I would not be able to meet and connect with
other people, explore the globe, or enjoy myself via the use of various platforms such as social
media/s, which are prevalent nowadays. Furthermore, there would be a significant disparity if I did
not have it since my life would be very monotonous and my world would appear to be tiny or
confined. As a result, owning a phone has such tremendous impact on people's lives.

3. Light bulbs
- For example, if I lived in a world without technology, I would not be able to have easy access to
light sources such as light bulbs in order to study because I only use an older version of a lamp that
does not use electricity and whose light is insufficient and ineffective due to its capacity being limited
to smaller areas. As a result, we can clearly see how light bulbs today play an important part in
making our lives more convenient and easier.

4. Printing press
- For example, if I lived in a world without technology, things would be very different in terms of
disseminating information, such as through the printing press, because without this tool, the
production of newspapers and other news articles would take much longer because machines work
faster than people because they are automated. In conclusion, the technology that we have now has
a significant influence on the improvement of our lifestyles. As a result, if there is no printing press
accessible, it will be extremely difficult to generate greater numbers of news items since more labor
would be required.

5. Cars
- For example, if I lived in a world without technology, I would be unable to get at my destination
early and on time since I would have to walk for a longer period of time, which would require a
significant amount of energy and would exhaust me. However, I am aware that it would be beneficial
to my health, but there is a significant difference if we did not have automobiles at the time. On the
other side, if we did not have these advancements, our planet would be less contaminated. Thus,
without the aforementioned technology, our lives would be more manageable.

6. Electricity
- For example, if I lived in a world without technology, I would not be able to switch on the central
heating in our home, use the toilet, preserve food in our fridge, or have clean running water. If these
technical breakthroughs had not been developed, my current lifestyle would be very different. More
challenges will erupt for me because these inventions had such a significant influence on us. As a
result, having the ability to use electricity is quite beneficial.

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