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5/29/2011 Draft 2.

B-17: Queen of the Skies; Random Event Table (Rev)
Roll 2d
2 Mechanical failure. (a)
3 Formation casualties. Roll 1D: 1-3 = You are now the lead bomber; 4-6 = Now tail bomber. (b,h)
4 Loose formation. Roll to determine enemy fighter waves in zone on Table B-1 or B-2 is +1. (b,i)
5 Aggressive "Little Friends". Roll for fighter cover defense on Table M-4 is +1 for the remainder
of the mission. (b)
6 Tight formation. Roll to determine enemy fighter waves in zone on Table B-1 or B-2 is –1. (b,j)
7 Rabbit's foot. You may re-roll any one die or dice roll. (c)
8 Tight formation. See result #6 above.
9 Bad Luftwaffe communications. (d)
10 Extreme cold. Roll for each gun position: 1-5 = No effect; 6 = Gun jammed. (e)
11 Ace for the day. Rill 1D: 1, 2 = Engineer; 3, 4 = Ball Gunner, 5, 6 = Tail Gunner. This gunner +1 to
hit on Table M-1 for remainder of the mission. (f)
12 Mid-air accident. (g)

a) Roll 2D: on Mechanical Failure Table Below.

b) If this random event is rolled again, ignore and re-roll on the table until another event is rolled.
c) Any roll, which you don't like, which occurs after you obtain the rabbit's foot may be re-rolled. More than one rabbit's foot may be
accumulated during a mission, and they may be carried over to the next mission. Once used, a rabbit's foot is gone.
d) Remove one fighter of your choice from each wave for the remainder of the mission. A second roll of this result cancels its effects, a third
restores them, and so on.
e) See the notes to Table M-5 for repairing jammed guns. If you are out of formation at 10,000 feet, ignore this result and re-roll until another
is obtained.
f) It is possible to have more than one "Ace of the Day", but if one crewman is rolled twice, ignore the second roll and don't roll again. A
legitimate ace is unaffected by this event, and don't roll for another crewman
g) Roll 2D: 2-8 = Close call but no effect; 9,10 = Shallow dive (B-17 falls out of formation for 1 zone and then regains formation); 11 = Steep
dive (B-17 falls violently out of formation, bombs tear through the bottom of plane and are lost if still onboard, and roll 1D once for each
wing: 1-5 = Wing holds – 6 = Wing rips off, crew must bailout on Table G-7. B-17 must abort mission; 12 = Mid-air collision (B-17
destroyed and crew must bailout on Table G-7). If you are out of formation, treat this result as #2, Mechanical failure, instead.
h) If you are already the lead or tail plane, ignore result and re-roll until another result is obtained. If you are out of formation, re-roll also.
i) If you are out of formation, add +1 to rolls on Tables B-1 and B-2 for the remainder of the mission.
j) If you are out of formation, add –1 to rolls on Tables B-1 and B-2 for the remainder of the mission.

B-17: Queen of the Skies; Mechanical Failure Table (Rev)

Roll 2d
2 Radio Equipment Failure (l)
3 Oil Tank Failure (m)
4 Turbo-Supercharger Failure (n)
5 Engine Malfunction (o)
6 Single Mount Gun Malfunction (k,p)
7 Flight System Failure; Roll on Table B1-2 “INSTRUMENTS” (q)
8 Heat Suit System Failure (k,r)
9 Gun Turret Power Failure. B17F: (k,s)
10 Bomb Release Mechanism Failure (k,t)
11 Fuel Transfer Pump Failure (k,u)
12 Electrical System Failure (k,v)
Notes (k-v) are on backside of sheet

Alternate Random Event Table Jasts6 Productions © SDG

& Mechanical Failure Table
5/29/2011 Draft 2.1
k) Engineer’s Function: An Engineer who is not Seriously Wounded or Killed may make a single attempt to correct the malfunctioning
system. Any Turn where no enemy fighter attack, or friendly fighter cover drives off all attackers, the Engineer may attempt once to
rectify the failed system. Roll 1d6: on a 1-4 system is un-repairable; on a 5-6 system is fixed. An Engineer with less than 10 missions
applies a –1 modifier to this roll.
l) Radio Malfunction; Follow the same procedure as for damage on Table P-4 d6=4, 5 (b). If Radio operators in not Seriously
Wounded or Killed he may make a single attempt to correct the malfunctioning system. Roll 1d6: on a 1-4 radio is un-repairable; on a
5-6 radio is fixed. A Radio Operator with less than 10 missions applies a –1 modifier to this roll.
m) Oil Pump Failure; Roll 2d6: 2, 3, or 7 = engine #1; 4, 10, or 11 = engine #2; 5, 6, or 12 = engine #3; 8 or 9 = engine #4.
Aircraft must drop out of formation, pilot may abort mission. Roll one die: “1-3” = fire, engine out, roll to extinguish (see Table Bl-
1); “4-6” = leak, engine feathered and plane’s speed reduced to two turns per zone, beginning immediately. (This failure may be
rolled again for any operating engine; no effect for a previously failed engine.)
n) Turbo-Supercharger Failure: Roll 2d6: 2, 3, or 7 = engine #1; 4, 10, or 11 = engine #2; 5, 6, or 12 = engine #3; 8 or 9 = engine #4.
Aircraft cannot fly as far or as high, and must drop out of formation. Pilot may abort mission. (This failure may be rolled again for
any operating engine; no additional effect if a previously failed engine is rolled for.)
o) Engine Failure: Roll 2d6: 2, 3, or 7 = engine #1; 4, 10, or 11 = engine #2; 5, 6, or 12 = engine #3; 8 or 9 = engine #4.
Then roll one die: “1-3” = engine restarts to full operation; “4-5” = engine restarts but not at full power (may stay in formation only
by jettisoning bomb load); “6” = engine won’t restart. (This failure may be rolled again for any operating engine; no additional effect
if a previously failed engine is rolled for.) If engine restarts at anything but full power, pilot may abort mission.
p) Single Mount Gun: Roll to determine gun; 1d6 of 1 = nose gun; 2 = port cheek gun; 3 = starboard Cheek gun; 4 = radio room gun; 5
= port waist gun; 6 = starboard Waist gun. The effected gun is permanently disabled for the remainder of the mission. (Engineer may
make one attempt to fix the gun, as above (k)). Note; if the aircraft has a chin turret then a roll of 1 has no effect.
q) System Failure: Roll on Table B1-2 “Instruments” (treat as 1 shell hit on rolled area). (This failure may be rolled any number of
times.) The Engineer may attempt to fix (as above (k)) for the following results: (2) Automatic Pilot; (3) Landing Gear; (4) Intercom
System; (5) Oxygen System; (12) Electrical System, as pre (v) below.
r) Heat System: Power is lost to all heated suits. May drop out of formation, or must risk frostbite for the engineer, ball turret gunner,
both waist gunners, and tail gunner. Pilot may abort mission. (No additional effect if already rolled for.)
s) Powered Turret Failure: Roll 1d6; Bomber is a B-17F: 1-3=Top, 4-6=Ball, Bomber is a B17G: 1-2=Top, 3-4=Ball, 5-6=Chin
Top or Chin turret gunner cannot traverse or elevate his guns. Gunner may manually traverse and elevate on a die roll of “1-2” (one
attempt only). If manual attempt successful, gunner hits on Table M-1 with a die roll of “6.” Ball turret gunner cannot traverse or
raise/lower turret. Gunner may manually traverse and raise/lower turret on a die roll of “1” (one attempt only). If manual attempt is
successful, the gunner hits on Table M-1 with a die roll of “6”. If unable to raise turret, a “-1” modifier is applied to landing roll on
Table G-9 or Table G-10; gunner is trapped inside turret. Pilot may abort mission. (No additional effect if already rolled for.)
t) Bomb Release Failure: Bombs fail to drop during bomb run. Bombardier may manually release bombs on a die roll of “1-3” but the
bomb run is automatically off-target. Pilot may NOT abort mission. If unsuccessful in manual attempt, plane must leave formation
and attempt to jettison bombs (successful on die roll of “1-3”); may attempt once per zone entered. If bombs are still on-board upon
reaching home base, apply a “-4” modifier to the landing roll on Table G-9 and pilot must remain aboard for landing attempt
(remainder of crew may bail out). If bombs are still aboard in a ditching attempt, apply a “-4” modifier to the landing roll on Table
G-10 but entire crew may bail out instead. (No additional effect if already rolled for or bomb run was prior to this event.)
u) Fuel Transfer System Failure: The crew is unable to transfer fuel from one tank to another, or to engines. Roll one die to determine
remaining fuel available: “1-2” = four turns; “3-4” = three turns; “5-6” = two turns. Pilot may abort mission. Upon exhaustion of
remaining fuel, the plane must either land (Table G-9 or Table G-10), or crew bailed out.
v) Electrical System Failure: If both pilot and co-pilot are able to control the plane, i.e. not seriously wounded (SW) or dead (KIA),
then they may hold the plane steady for next segment of the turn (i.e. successive attack one or two or next zones initial wave) after this
event. Yes, you have to roll for fighters in that turn and resolve combat prior to the repair roll! Effectively giving the engineer his
one and only opportunity to fix the issue, as (k) above. If either the pilot, copilot, or engineer is incapacitated or the engineer is
unsuccessful in fixing the malfunction, then the plane falls out of control from the skies straight away. Roll for crew on Table G-7.
Alternately, you may forgo the Engineer repair attempt and have the crew bailout on the Table G-6 immediately after all fighter
attacks are resolved. No matter what, the pilot will always bail out on Table G-7 or copilot if pilot is incapacitated. (Note: the
Engineer must leave his gun position immediately after the event happens to rectify this system failure.) All power turrets fire as
above, (s) in the segment the engineer is fixing the electronics. All other guns hit on a 6 in this turn as well. No mayday call as the
radio will be out. If over England the pilot may attempt an emergence landing to save Seriously Wounded crewmembers with a -11
modifier (other crew may bailout first.) If a conscious Copilot and Engineer elect to stay onboard to help the pilot land, the modifier
will instead be a -9. This modifier is cumulative with all other applicable modifiers due to damage and crew experience.

Alternate Random Event Table Jasts6 Productions © SDG

& Mechanical Failure Table

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