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The Impact of Human Errors

on the Estimation of Uncertainty

of Measurements in Water Monitoring

Ewa Kmiecik(&)

AGH – University of Science and Technology,

Mickiewicza 30 Avenue, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

Abstract. The main purpose of a physical act of measurement is to enable

decisions to be made. In case of an assessment of the chemical status of
groundwater body, or assessment of suitability of water for drinking purposes,
or possibility of discharges sewage into surface waters, the measurements of
physicochemical parameters of water are an indispensable first step. The relia-
bility of the mentioned above decisions heavily depends on knowing the
uncertainty of the measurement results. If the uncertainty of measurements is
underestimated, for example because the human errors are not taken into
account, then erroneous decisions can be made that can have in some cases
substantial financial consequences. In this work there are presented examples of
human error identification and estimation in measurements made during water
monitoring on the base of duplicate control samples (empirical approach) with
the use of control charts method.

Keywords: Human errors  Water monitoring  Duplicate control samples

1 Introduction

The main purpose of a physical act of measurement is to enable decisions to be made.

In case of water monitoring for the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater
body, or assessment of suitability of water for drinking purposes, or possibility of
discharges sewage into surface waters, the measurements of physicochemical param-
eters of water are an indispensable first step.
Errors occur throughout the whole process of water quality monitoring. It is esti-
mated that about 30% of the errors are generated in the sampling process, 60% are
mistakes made during processing and preparation of samples for analysis, and the
errors of the analytical measurement alone do not generally exceed 10% [1].
Because of the manner of occurrence in the results, the errors are divided into:
random, systematic and gross (dubious results, outstanding values). This classification
of errors and their analysis is devoted to many publications, i.a. [2–4].
In turn, due to the source of the origination errors can be divided into: instrumental
(deriving from the imperfections of measuring instruments and their individual com-
ponents), methodical (the causes of which lie within the measurement itself, or even the

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018

R.L. Boring (ed.), Advances in Human Error, Reliability, Resilience, and Performance,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 589, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60645-3_16
The Impact of Human Errors on the Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurements 163

principle of measurement, and are not possible to eliminate) and personal (operating,
human factor). Personal errors are caused by the imperfection of the personnel per-
forming the measurements (sampling/analysts) and depend on individual personal
Human activity is never free from errors, so human errors are not predictable and
can’t be taken into account in advance. However, they can be detected and eliminated,
or at least significantly reduced, by training staff, decoupling methods from the human
factor, and in extreme cases by replacing specific staff by another, e.g. with a higher
level of education or better qualified.
Human error in chemical analysis is defined as any action or lack thereof that leads
to exceeding the tolerances of the conditions required for the normative work of the
chemical analytical (measuring/testing) system with which the human interacts [5].
There are two groups of human errors: errors of commission and errors of omission
[6]. Errors of commission (mistakes and violations) are inappropriate actions resulting
in something other than what was intended. Errors of omission (lapses and slips) are
inactions contributing to a deviation from the intended path or outcome. Details on
those classification and methods of human errors quantification can be found in the
literature [5–16].
Accredited laboratories should be able to control human errors, classify and
quantify them, and be able to develop preventive actions. Study of human errors is
required i.a. by the US Food and Drug Administration, the UK Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and by other regulators, as a part of quality
risk assessment [12].
Human error should not be confused with measurement error. It may cause mea-
surement error and influence measurement uncertainty. In this work there are presented
examples of human error identification and estimation in measurements made during
water monitoring on the base of duplicate control samples (empirical approach) with
the use of control charts method. Presented examples are based on data collected during
different projects realized by accredited hydrogeochemical laboratory at the AGH-UST,
covering different water matrices (groundwater and mining waters), various samplers
(analysts) with different level of experience.

2 Methodology

The detailed analysis of human errors was done for physicochemical parameters which
are analyzed in situ (electrical conductivity EC, pH) or in the laboratory (chlorides), but
with the use of titration method, in which the human factor plays an important role
(human dependent method).
Table 1 summarizes the methodology of analysis. Relative expanded uncertainty is
declared by the laboratory uncertainity, estimated with the uncertainty budget method,
taking into account all the factors affecting the final results of analysis (random and
systematic). It is usually higher than uncertainty estimated on the base of duplicate
control samples. It also does not include additional estimation of human errors.
pH and EC are the two most important indicators determining the physicochemical
conditions of the migration of substances in natural waters, including toxic substances.
164 E. Kmiecik

Table 1. Field analytical methods characteristics.

Parameter Analytical No. of standard Limit of Relative expanded
method quantification uncertainty [%] (k = 2, 95%)
pH Potentiometric PN-EN ISO 2 [-] 5.5
EC Conductometric PN–EN 2 µS/cm 9.0
Chlorides Titration PN-ISO 1 mg/L 4.9

pH belongs to these characteristics of water, which should be measured directly in the

field during water sampling. Measurements made on the sample transported to the
laboratory are unreliable and, as a result of transport and storage processes, often differ
significantly from field testing [17].
pH measurement has been made for more than 100 years [18]. It is probably the
most frequently performed measurement in analytical chemistry today. However, the
quality of pH measurement results is still a subject for discussion and improvement. In
any pH measurement, human error may influence reliability of the measurement results
[12]. For example 34 scenarios of human error in pH measurement of groundwater
were discussed and quantified [6].
Electrical conductivity is the most commonly measured general water parameter.
This is due to the close correlation of EC with the amount of dissolved substances in
water and the correlation with the content of a number of major constituents and
characteristics of water (chlorides, sulfates, general hardness). Virtually any change in
the amount of dissolved substances in water causes a change in EC [17].
Chlorides are the most common form of chlorine in nature, and they are among the
major constituents of natural waters. They are a very important indicator of pollution of
fresh groundwater. This is due to the presence of elevated chloride concentrations in
most urban sewage, natural fertilizers, slurry, leachate from municipal landfills, and
many industrial wastes.
In practice, the most commonly used chlorine determination methods are: titri-
metric method (Mohr) and ion chromatography. In the titrimetric method, human factor
plays important role.
There are several types of errors influencing the result of the titrimetric analysis.
This method is human sensitive and human errors may concern i.a. misjudging the
color of the indicator near the end point (different sensitivity to colors) or misreading
the volume (a parallax error). The detailed discussion about errors generated in titration
method can be found in the literature [19].
The reliability of decisions made on the base of physicochemical analyses results
heavily depends on knowing the uncertainty of the measurement results. If the
uncertainty of measurements is underestimated, for example because the human errors
are not taken into account, then erroneous decisions can be made that can have in some
cases substantial financial consequences. Therefore, it is essential that effective pro-
cedures are available for estimating the uncertainties arising from all parts of the
measurement process, including human factor.
The Impact of Human Errors on the Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurements 165

There are two broad approaches to the estimation of uncertainty. One, empirical
(‘top down’), uses replication of the whole measurement procedure as a way of direct
estimation of the uncertainty of the final result of the measurement. The second,
modelling approach (‘bottom up’), aims to quantify all the sources of uncertainty
individually, and then uses a model to combine them into overall uncertainty charac-
terizing the final result. An empirical approach makes it easy to estimate the uncertainty
of measurement using control samples – duplicate control samples. Details of how they
are collected and processed can be found in the literature, i.e. [20–27].
To develop the data obtained from the duplicate samples, individual measurements
control charts (charts of differences) are used. Examples of application of this technique
for developing groundwater monitoring data are described in [28–30] and in the 7870
series of standards.
In this work control charts were done using PS Imago solution (based on
IBM SPSS Statistics – Measurement uncertainty was estimated with
the use of U-Ranova software [31].

3 Examples of Human Errors Identification

3.1 Example 1: Raba River Basin Monitoring

During groundwater monitoring of the Raba River Basin project 8 pairs of duplicate
control samples were taken on the same day [32], by one accredited sampler. pH and
EC were measured in situ by one sampler, chlorides were determined at the laboratory
by one analyst.
Estimated on the base of duplicate samples results of measurement uncertainty for
pH and EC are lowered than declared by the laboratory (U0pH = 0.75%, U0EC = 0.6%,
k = 2, 95%) except chlorides for which measurement uncertainty is higher than
declared (U0Cl = 15%).
The differences between results for normal and duplicate samples were plotted on
individual measurement control chart (Fig. 1).
Each point plotted on the chart represents an individual process measurement,
difference of results. The central line (CL) is the average of the data. The two
dashed-lines are the upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL, ±3 standard
deviations (3 s) of the mean). When an analytical process is within control, approxi-
mately 99.7% of all values are found to be within ±3 standard deviations (3 s) of the
mean. As only 0.3%, or 3 out of 1000 points, will fall outside the ±3 s limits, any value
outside of ±3 s is considered to be associated with a significant error condition.
No point or sequential signals were identified on the charts for pH and EC (Fig. 1)
and therefore differences between these results can be regarded as stable. Chart for
chlorides shows no point signals, but decreasing tendency, what could be the result of
an analyst error. Section 3.3 demonstrates the results of competence test of analysts
performing titrations, which are systematically carried out in the laboratory, including
all analysts.
166 E. Kmiecik

Fig. 1. Individual measurement control charts for results differences in normal and duplicate
samples: (a) pH, (b) EC, (c) chlorides concentration.

3.2 Example 2: Mining Water Monitoring

In mining water monitoring project [33, 34] 11 pairs of duplicate control samples were
taken on the same day, by one accredited sampler. Chlorides were determined in two
laboratories (A and B) with different methods: titration (A – 1, B – 2) and ion chro-
matography (B – 3). Measurement uncertainty U0Cl estimated on the base of duplicate
The Impact of Human Errors on the Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurements 167

control samples results was, respectively: 6.51% (1), 1.23% (2), 4.11% (3) (k = 2,
95%). Estimation for method (2) seems unrealistic. During the discussion it was
explained that the QA/QC program was done in this case separately from normal
analyses. The analyst knew that he was doing analyses of the control samples and tried
to achieve the best results (most compatible for subsequent samples).

Fig. 2. Individual measurement control charts for chlorides concentration differences in normal
and duplicate samples: (a) laboratory A, titration method, (b) laboratory B, titration method,
(c) laboratory B, IC method.
168 E. Kmiecik

The differences between results for normal and duplicate samples for different
methods were plotted on individual measurement control charts (Fig. 2).
Differences in the results of chloride determinations obtained by titrimetric method
in laboratory A are higher than in laboratory B (these are suspiciously small). The
results can be regarded as stable, with the exception of the one point signal on the chart
for the results obtained by ion chromatography.

3.3 Example 3: Testing Analysts

Hydrogeochemical laboratory systematically carries out different competence tests of
analysts performing analyses. In the tests are included all analysts.
In this section two examples are presented – one for pH and EC measurements in
real groundwater samples, second for chlorides determination in reference material.
The pH and EC measurements test was carried out in groundwater which has stable
chemical composition. Two newly trained samplers performed pH and EC measure-
ments at short time intervals, using the same calibrated equipment. The results are
presented on charts of differences (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Individual measurement control charts for results differences between samplers: (a) pH,
(b) EC.
The Impact of Human Errors on the Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurements 169

On the difference chart for pH measurements, the points oscillate around zero.
There is a great match of results. On the difference chart for EC the greater variety of
results is observed. Sequence plot for EC measurements shows that the both samplers
got quite large spread of results (Fig. 4). The quality manager directed both samplers to
additional internal training in the measurement of field parameters.

Fig. 4. Sequence plot for EC measurements (two samplers A and B).

During the next test three analysts were titrating the reference material. The
experiment was conducted on the same day, every few dozen minutes. Titrant con-
sumption was recorded without conversion the results for chlorides concentration
(Fig. 5). Target consumption should be approximately 3.45 mL.

Fig. 5. Sequence plot for titration test (three analysts: A, B and C).

Sequence plot shows that the one analyst got decreasing trend of results (Fig. 5). It
was caused by the fatigue of the analyst’s eyesight during the day. The quality manager
suggested that the analyst should perform more frequently instrumental analyzes that
did not require color detection, and occasionally participate in titrimetric studies.
170 E. Kmiecik

4 Summary

Sample preparation, equipment problems and human error are the top three categories
of main causes of errors in chemical analysis [7]. Measurement methods are the better,
the less dependent on the human factor, but in some cases this factor can’t be excluded.
When human beings are involved in some of the operations, a risk of human error
remains even if we will minimize possible errors by the laboratory quality system. So it
is very important to remember that human errors can have significant contribution to
the measurement uncertainty. As such, it should be included in the uncertainty budget.
Human errors are most often caused by unqualified personnel. But we should also
remember, that in the case of experienced samplers/analysts there is a risk of fall in
routine, which can also generate errors.
The results of water testing always depends on the entire process, starting with the
proper design of the monitoring point/monitoring network, correct sampling, proper
preservation, storage and transportation of samples to the laboratory, sample processing
and analysis of sample chemical composition using specific analytical methods. At
each of these stages, the impact of the human factor is important. The impact of the
sampler change or the methodology of analysis change on the uncertainty of deter-
minations in water monitoring (groundwater, geothermal water and drinking water) has
been presented in many publications, i.a. [35–38].
The ultimate purpose of testing the quality of waters is always a decision on e.g. the
status of these waters, their suitability for a particular purpose or the effectiveness of the
treatment method used. Our awareness of the quality of the result on the basis of which
assessment is conducted and knowledge of its parameters, including e.g. uncertainty
with the estimation of human errors, contributes to the credibility of the decision made.

Acknowledgements. The paper has been prepared under the AGH-UST statutory research grant

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