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Personal Development Plan

To start the planning process of my personal development, it is important to start with my

personal identity and basically the starting point of this journey. Through personal
experiences, travelling, critical self-evaluation and feedback from peers and colleagues, as
well as personality tests, I have learned a lot about myself. It should be mentioned that my
capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, interests and priorities are changing and evolving
constantly. At this point in time I see myself as a confident and motivated sport studies
student, trying to improve my professional skills in every way I can in order to reach my goal
of becoming a successful health coach. I am passionate about all kinds of sports, movement,
nutrition, mental health, travelling and environmentalism as well as helping others out.

My strengths include patience, confidence, empathy and the wish to make this world a
better place by helping people or clients to resolve their problems and reach their goals.
This drives me more than money or power, although a certain income will be necessary in
order to set up my private training facility at some point in the future and to be able to offer
my clients sufficient training options.
Weaknesses on the other hand are a lack of skills and personal interest and motivation in
the field of marketing and technology as well as the tendency to focus on my own path,
problems and ways of solving them instead of listening to others, maybe even more
experienced people. Making my own mistakes helps me learn from them more efficiently
but can also be more time consuming then listening to others and accepting help in the first

The fastest and best development of my skills is possible through a mix of theory and
practical appliance, which I can gain through my study program, internships, exchanging
knowledge with other sports professionals, reading books, articles, studies and more. With
the goal of becoming a health coach as well as my current situation in mind, I would like to
focus on learning from my internship organization, a martial arts club offering different
disciplines like MMA, kickboxing, krav maga and self-defense courses, about organizational
structure, training styles and principles, marketing and motivation, as well as laws,
regulations and certifications, especially in the next four months. Afterwards, it is yet to be

Hans-Theo Albrecht 371869 10.02.2020

decided where I will continue my journey. Possible options include Germany, Switzerland or
As part of my study program in the third and last year, I would like to challenge myself by
starting my own business and through that process deepening my knowledge and
understanding of the field, gaining professionality and experience and taking the first steps
in order to become a health coach.

I am aware of the fact that there is always something new to learn and experience, which is
why I decided for myself to never stop learning, staying humble and listening to everybody’s
story, opinion and experiences and making the most out of every day and situation.
Furthermore, I realize that there are good and bad days, training sessions, experiences with
clients and so forth and that I want to stay on track throughout the process, keeping my
goals in mind and staying positive.

Striving for quality instead of quantity in my knowledge, training, customers etc. is essential
and very important to me. I would like to be in a position where I do specialize in one or
more fields within health and fitness, while not losing sight of the bigger picture. In other
words: I don’t want to specialize in working with kids or obese clients for example, but being
able to help clients that come to me with all different kinds of issues, ranging from
housewives, kids and bodybuilders to elderly, that may have trouble with mobility, strength
or their weight, to athletes and people that have a certain level of fitness and specific, big
goals within their discipline. This will help me gain more experience, make my job more
interesting and at the same time increasing the number of people within my target group.

I realize the possibility that my situation as well as plans can change at any time throughout
the process, for example due to financial or health reasons as well as private issues within
my own or my family’s lives, but am willing to accept the challenge and looking forward to
the journey ahead of me, the obstacles and lessons, the wins and joys and everything else it
brings with it.

Hans-Theo Albrecht 371869 10.02.2020

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