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A tale as old as time

Little girl
with her pink sequined shoes
only by her smile

Find a man to take care of you

To cherish that shine
That’s what they told you
Is it not?

Skipping rope becomes skipping class

Growing girls become burgeoning women
College must mean freedom
College must mean choice

Unshaken and 18
Earnest is the self doctrine
Quiet is the learned wariness
That could never happen to me

Love is a fascinating thing

Is it not?
Loud enough for him to forget
No means no
Loud enough for you to accept
No means yes

Unnerved and 18
Perhaps this is a right of way
You cry alone replaying that day
Oh how he loves me

Love is
As Corinthians would say
As patient as his tapping foot
waiting for your tears to stay put
As kind as the blame
when you finally proclaim
me too


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