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1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

Expected to come prepare with his lesson on participles. M Hamel had announced that he would question
the class on participle. But Franz didn’t know even the first word about them.

2. What had been put upon the bulletin board?

An order had come from Berlin had been put up on the bulletin board. From the next day only German
would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new teacher would join the school form the
following day.

3. What was the implication of the blacksmith’s remark? How did Franz respond to his remark?

The Blacksmith’s remark implied that Franz would have plenty of time to reach the school. The blacksmith
knew of the orders being displayed on the bulletin board to discontinue the practice of teaching French
Language in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. He knew that Franz would be able to attend his lesson in
France on the other hand , did not know about the orders and thought the Blacksmith was making fun of

4. Why had the villagers occupied the back benches of the class that day?

They were sorry that they had not gone to school more. They were showing their gratitude to M Hamel
who had been teaching French for forty years faithfully. The villagers were showing respect for the country
that was not theirs any more.

5. What did Franz notice that unusual about the school that day?

Usually when the school began, there was a great bustle which could be heard out in the street. But that day
everything was quiet like Sunday morning. His classmates were already in their places. M Hamel had on
his ceremonial clothes, worn only on inspection and prize days. The village people were sitting quietly on
the back benches which were usually empty.

6. How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson?

The words were like a thunderclap to little Franz. He was feeling very sorry for his master. He regretted not
learning his lessons.

7. “What a thunderclap these words to me” Which were the words that shocked and the narrator?

The announcement made by M Hamel that it was their last French lesson seemed to be a thunderclap to
8. What was the order form from Berlin and what changes did it cause in the school?

The order stated that only German will be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

An unusual silence prevailed in the school. M Hamel was soft. The people realised the importance of their
language. They even attended the school to show respect to M Hamel.

9. How did M Hamel say Farwell to his students and the people of the town?

M Hamel stood up to say farewell to his students and the people. He tried to speak but overwhelming
emotion chocked his voice. He then wrote as large as he could on the blackboard Viva La France. Then he
dismissed the class with a gesture of his hand.

10. Whom did M Hamel blame for not giving due attention to their language?

He blamed the people of Alsace for not giving due attention to their language. The parents preferred to put
their children to work. They were not anxious to have their children learn. He blamed himself. Often he had
sent the students to water the plants and when he wanted to go fishing, he just gave them a holiday.

11. What announcement did M Hamel make? What was the impact of this on Franz?

M Hamel announced that he would be giving them the last French lesson because the order had comeform
berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Franz felt very sorry that he wold not be able to learn French language. He regretted not learning his
lessons. His books, which seemed a nuisance to him , suddenly become very dear to him.

12. How did Franz perform when his turn came to recite?

M Hamel called his name to recite the dreadful rules of the participle.. Franz got mixed up on the first words
and stood there, holding on his desks.

13. How did M Hamel praise the French language?

14. How is the mother tongue important?

The mother tongue created unity among the countrymen. Hamel right said that when people are enslaved ,
as long as they hold fast to their language, it is as if they had the key to their prison.

15. Franz was able to understand everything that day. Why?

Franz was amazed to see how well he understood everything that M Hamel taught that day. It was all very
easy. He thought that probably he never paid so much attention in the class and that M Hamel had never
explained everything with so much patience

16. How did Franz’s feelings about M Hamel and school change?

Franz was shocked when M Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin. He forgot about his
teacher’s ruler and crankiness, His feelings towards his school changed., as he did not want to give up his
books and lessons, seeming old friends. He realised that the French Language meant much to him and
‘difficult concepts ‘had never actually been difficult.
17. How was M Hamel’s last class different from his previous classes?

….as the all the students and the old villagers attended the class to show their gratitude towards M Hamel.
All of the paid attention his words, nobody spoke unnecessarily. M Hamel glorified the French Language by
pointing out that it was the clearest, most logical language in world and the citizen should hold fast to it. It
seemed almost as if the poor man wanted to give students all he knew before going away, and to put it all
into their heads at one stroke.

18. What was the parting message of M Hamel to his students and the village elders?

M Hamel was so pained and overwhelmed with emlotion that he could not speak further. He turned to the
blackboard and with all his might wrote “Viva la France” .He encouraged the students and the village
elders who had gathered to stay united against the Prussians. He asked them to never let go off their
language, which according to him is the key to prison.

19. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
20. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
21. What had been put up on the bulletin board?
22. What change did the order form Berlin cause in school that day?
23. How did Franz’s feelings about M.Hamel and school change?
24. Why do you think was little Franz afraid of being scolded?
25. “It was all much more tempting than the rule for participle” What did Franz find,’ much more
26. How did he finally react?
27. “What can be the matter now? Says, Franz. Why do you think, did he make this comment?
28. Who was Wachter? What did he ask Franz why? How did Franz react?
29. What was the usual scene when Franz’s school began in the morning?
30. How had Franz hoped to get to his desk? What had he do to and why?
31. What three things in school surprised Franz most that day?
32. Why had the villagers come to school that day? How did they look?
33. “What a thunderclap these words to me” Which were the words that shocked and surprised the
34. How did Franz react to the declaration ‘this is your last French lesson?
35. How far had Franz progressed in French? What factors were responsible for this?
36. Who did M.Hamel blame for neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz?
37. What did M.Hamel tell them about French Language? What did he ask them to do and why?
38. How did Franz find teaching and learning that day? Why?
39. How did Franz and other boys enjoy their lesson in wiring?
40. How did M. Hamel feel and behave during the last lesson?
41. “He had the courage to hear every lesson to the very last” What led Franz to make this remark?
42. What happened when the lesson in History was over?
43. “Ah, how well I remember it, that last lesson,” says the narrator. Which scene does he remember
more vividly than the others?
44. How did M. Hamel behave as the last lesson comes to an end?
45. How did he wish to escape being scolded?
46. What had the narrator counted on to enter the school unnoticed?
47. How did the narrator find school that morning different form other days?
48. Who were sitting on the backbenches and why?
49. Describe the background in which The Last Lesson of Alphonse has been set?
50. Why did Franz think of running away and spending the day out of doors?

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