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Nama : Christina Febri Lora br Bangun

Nim : 216 33 11 007

M.K : Bahasa Inggris

Taks 2

1. Describe what is translation, and why translation is very important?

Answer : Translation is the process of transferring the meaning and meaning of foreign
languages into the Target language that can be understood without changing the original
context. This translating process is often done by professional translators to help transfer
meaning from foreign languages to relevant Target languages. Especially if this translator
has a license and good experience in managing the process of translating scripts,
documents, or files for various other purposes.
Because from traslate we can find out the meaning of a foreign language, or meaning, can
enrich vocabulary or foreign language terms, can learn a foreign language, as a
comparison material, absorb foreign languages, and many more important things we can
do in translation

2. Give the definition of descriptive text, the generic structure, language features. Explain
them all.
Descriptive text is a type of text that aims to describe or describe people, animals, places
or objects. usually, what is described is the form, characteristics, or nature.

Generic stucture :
1. Identification; namely the part that determines the determination of the object. For
example objects, places, people, and so forth.
2. Classification; that is to compose texts that are made systematically to classify
something according to predetermined standards.
3. Description; that is section that contains a description or a complete description of the
object / topic discussed in the text.

Language features

 Use nouns according to the objects described, for example; bathroom, warehouse,
and others.
 Use phrases that contain nouns, for example "the man is a strict school principal".
 Use phrases that contain adjectives, for example three exemplary employees, two
blue shirts, and others.
 Contains trasitive verbs to explain the subject, for example "the employee is
wearing a white and black uniform".
 Contains verbs (opinions, feelings) to explain the opinion of the author. For
example "in my opinion the shirt is good".
 Contains additional adverbs about objects, for example; in the mall, as soon as
possible, in the bathroom.
 Contains figurative words or metaphors, for example; his eyes are clear as water.

3. Write the example of descriptive text and translate it from source language into target
language. (you make the example by youself, not from google).
Answer :
“Aku mempunyai anjing bernama brown. kami membuat namanya brown dikarnakan
warna kulitnya yang berwarna coklat, dan kami juga sering memanggilnya dengan
sebutan owen. Owen mempunyai ekor yang panjang dan jika kalau kami memanggil dia
ekornya langsung naik ke atas, dia sangat terajar karna dia tidak berani memakan
makanan yang ada di depannya kalau kami tidak memberikannya padanya, dan jika kalau
dia melihat orang yang tidak dikenalnya dia kan megonggong.”

”I have a dog named brown. we make his name brown because his skin color is brown,
and we also often call him owen. Owen has a long tail and if we call him the tail goes
straight up, he is very learned because he doesn't dare to eat the food in front of him if
we don't give it to him, and if he sees someone he doesn't know he will barking.”
4. Make another example of descriptive text (min. 350 words, find the generic structure and
language features. Make them BOLDED).
Answer :

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