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1. There's something wrong with our Internet connection; I can't _______________ my e-mail account.

access :-)
2. Karen _______________ the failure of her marriage to her husband's inability to accept her change from a mother to a businesswoman. attributed :-)
3. The airline has more than 100 _______________ flights a day. domestic :-)
4. The students were well-prepared for the exam, _______________ their high scores. hence :-)
5. Children need something to _______________ their time; otherwise, they get bored. occupy :-)
6. The Russian president flew to Washington this morning to _______________ with the American president on the crisis developing in the confer :-)
Middle East.
7. Doctors and lawyers are high _______________ jobs in our society. status :-)
8. One of the goals of the United Nations is to _______________ respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. promote :-)
9. Most teenagers go through a _______________ in which they argue a lot with their parents. phase :-)
10. The driver of the car suffered minor _______________ injuries from his seatbelt, but was otherwise okay. internal :-)

1. The students told the teacher that they felt they didn't have _______________ time to finish the test. adequate :-)
2. The American _______________ War between the North and South cost thousands and thousands of young men their lives. civil :-)
3. Their _______________ was proven to be true in a number of experiments. hypothesis :-)
4. It's very difficult to _______________ the weather in Victoria. predict :-)
5. Our teacher _______________ the importance of learning vocabulary from context, rather than simply memorizing a definition. stressed :-)
6. Muhammad _______________ as a prophet to his people around 610 A.D. emerged :-)
7. Firefighters are _______________ a mysterious fire which broke out at a local high school overnight. investigating :-)
8. Harriet's friendly manner _______________ somewhat with her quick temper. contrasts :-)
9. You should look at all your different _______________ before you make a decision. options :-)
10. Millions of people in the Soviet Union died or disappeared during the _______________ of Joseph Stalin. regime :-)

1. The children wrote each other short messages in a secret _______________ they had made. code :-)
2. You should check your homework before handing it in so that you can find your own _______________. errors :-)
3. In order to _______________ this conflict, we need to sit down face to face, and examine the issues together. resolve :-)
4. We have decided to _______________ the committee's suggestions in full. implement :-)
5. The addition of three new machines has increased our _______________ by over 50%. output :-)
6. This year, the _______________ convention is being held in Mazatlan, but next year it will be in Can cun. annual :-)
7. Death is simply a part of the _______________ of life. cycle :-)
8. Sophie did quite poorly on her first two math tests, but on _______________ exams she averaged between 90 and 100%. subsequent :-)
9. He has applied for a _______________ at a department store. job :-)
10. The _______________ crop grown in Colombia is coffee. principal :-)

1. The leaders of the two major political parties will have a _______________ on television tonight. debate :-)
2. Police believe the murder was _______________ by two men who were known to the victim. committed :-)
3. Asians are the fastest growing _______________ group in the United States. ethnic :-)
4. It is quite _______________ to me that she is no longer in love with him; she just ignores him completely. apparent :-)
5. Most adults learning a second language will _______________ their native accent to some degree. retain :-)
6. Without any _______________ experience as a waitress, it will be hard to find a job in a restaurant in this town. prior :-)
7. Information on _______________ for products sold in Canada is written in both English and French. labels :-)
8. My marks in math are a little low this semester, but _______________ I'm doing quite well. overall :-)
9. The president himself has been _______________ in a scheme to buy votes in the upcoming election. implicated :-)
10. The _______________ of five plus five is ten. sum :-)

1. Outside workers at the university are holding a _______________ of meetings to discuss the possibility of joining a union. series :-)
2. We watched a news _______________ of the major events of the year on television on New Year's day. summary :-)
3. On the _______________ golf tour, players are allowed 45 seconds per shot. professional :-)
4. My son _______________ with his classmates by e-mail during the summer holidays. :-)
5. She was wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, _______________ the cold weather. despite :-)
6. The Brazilian team scored a _______________ late in the second half to win the game 1-0. goal :-)
7. As a safety feature, this machine has a special _______________ which will shut it off if it begins to overheat. mechanism :-)
8. Teachers shouldn't try to _______________ their own religious or moral beliefs on their students. impose :-)
9. The _______________ number of people we will invite is 100. approximate :-)
10. The road runs _______________ to the border for about 100 miles. parallel :-)

1. The transportation system of Vancouver _______________ gas-powered buses, electric buses, sea buses, and light rapid-transit trains. integrates :-)
2. Can you please turn your music down, I'm trying to _______________ on my homework. concentrate :-)
3. The _______________ thing to do if you're feeling sick is to go to bed. obvious :-)
4. There is an interesting _______________ which observes that 75% of the time someone is speaking English in the world, it is with a non-
statistic :-)
native speaker.
5. The university has received a _______________ of over a million dollars for research into tropical diseases. grant :-)
6. A thorough knowledge of the Christian religion is an essential _______________ for understanding much of the history of European art. parameter :-)
7. We'd better check the _______________ of the room again before we start cutting this new carpet. dimensions :-)
8. The Great Wall of China is the largest construction project ever _______________ by man. undertaken :-)
9. A local development _______________ in the area has resulted in the construction of a small school and health clinic. project :-)
10. Along with a positive _______________ and a healthy diet, your fitness level plays a major role in how you feel. attitude :-)

1. Learning a second language is a _______________, but with continued effort you can make continual progress. challenge :-)
2. You need to apply a proper system of _______________ to solve these problems. logic :-)
3. A _______________ of volunteers is working to distribute food and blankets to the homeless on this cold, winter night. network :-)
4. One of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen is struggling to build a _______________ government, and a strong economy. stable :-)
5. His parents sent him to a military _______________, because they thought he was getting a little too wild. academy :-)
6. The purpose of the trade deal is to _______________ the exchange of goods between the two nations. facilitate :-)
7. In the last 30 years, the average family size in Ukraine has _______________ from 5 members to 3. declined :-)
8. Gander, Newfoundland is an important _______________ point for international flights. transit :-)
9. Rents for _______________ office space in Central Tokyo are the highest in the world. prime :-)
10. The Soviet Union as a political _______________ ceased to exist in the late 1980s. entity :-)
1. Make sure you read all the different _______________ in the contract before signing it. clauses :-)
2. At the present time, one American dollar is _______________ to approximately $1.35 Canadian. equivalent :-)
3. The _______________ sound difference between the vowels /ou/ and /u/ in French can be difficult for English speakers to hear. discrete :-)
4. The students voted by a large _______________ to do an essay as homework rather than have a writing exam. margin :-)
5. Jerome studied _______________ at the University of Toronto because he is interested in working with people who have emotional
psychology :-)
6. Previous _______________ regarding the nature of intelligence have changed considerably over the years. notions :-)
7. Culture has been described as social tradition that is passed on to future _______________. generations :-)
8. It has taken me a long time to _______________ to life in North America. adjust :-)
9. The _______________ elements of our planet's environment are water and air. fundamental :-)
10. Teenagers put a lot of importance on wearing clothes that are in _______________. style :-)

1. In this recipe, you can use honey as a _______________ for sugar. substitute :-)
2. There are more than 4,000 different chemical _______________, including heavy metals and pesticides, found in tobacco smoke. compounds :-)
3. The city is _______________ a plan to expand the network of bike lanes in the region. drafting :-)
4. He enjoys reading journals which discuss new _______________ in language teaching. trends :-)
5. Most scientists believe that birds actually _______________ from dinosaurs. evolved :-)
6. My daughter had an infection in her mouth, so we looked it up in a _______________ dictionary to find out how to treat it. medical :-)
7. We haven't _______________ our plans despite the poor weather. altered :-)
8. It is hoped that the new program will help _______________ jobs for young people. generate :-)
9. We have to base our students' marks on _______________ measures, such as test results. objective :-)
10. Princess Diana died in a car crash while being _______________ by paparazzi through a tunnel in France. pursued :-)

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