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1. Introduction to AVEVA PRiSM

Aveva PRiSM (Process Information Signal Monitor) uses artificial intelligence, pattern
recognition and sophisticated data mining techniques to determine when a piece of
equipment is performing poorly or is likely to fail. PRiSM learns from an asset's individual
operating history and develops a series of normal operational profiles for each specific
piece of equipment. PRiSM then compares the known operational profiles with real-time
data to detect subtle changes in system behaviour that are often the early warning signs
of pending equipment failure. An advanced alarm manager and email notification provide
near real-time updates of how well a plant, unit or system is functioning.

PRiSM also includes advanced analysis, diagnostic and prescriptive capabilities for
identifying why an asset is not performing as expected. The early identification of
equipment problems leads to reduced unplanned shutdown also maintenance costs and
prevent equipment failure. Diagram below depict the basic PRiSM operational

The software works across all types of verticals and industrial applications and it is
vendor agnostic. PRiSM is an open platform that supports the ability to integrate with any
leading control, monitoring or historian system to provide a holistic equipment health
and performance monitoring solution. Below are PRiSM product summary:

- On-line equipment condition monitoring

- Software based advanced pattern recognition
- Centralized asset health monitoring solution
- Based on data-driven model (uses actual device operating conditions)
- Early warning detection of impending equipment problems and/or failures
- Advanced analysis and diagnostic capabilities (problem identification)
2. PRiSM Capabilities
Aim to improve asset availibility and reduce unplanned shutdown, PRiSM will
triggered an alarm when the equipment started to deviate from its standard
operating profile which as early as days, weeks or even months before it failed.
Not only alarm but with fault diagnostic on the possible issues and also prescriptive
maintenance task on the follow up action to be taken. This surely will help to prevent
unplanned shutdown and additional damage to the plant with also additioanl time to
prepare on the best route of rectification activities. That mean additional expenses
for meantainenace can be heaviky reduced and operational losses will be minimized
or remove. Below is sample of equipment health index alarm with fault diagnostic
and maintenance prescipitve for the specify problem.

3. Success Story
Aveva PRiSM have been deployed in thousands of equipments worldwide in all of the
major industries. PRiSM have helps many asset owners to save their OPEX cost with
the biggest saving for a single catch is USD 34.5 million.
Picture below shows how PriSM provide an early warning indicatotr for a steam
turbine that later used to identify its critical LP rotor blade damage, it helps the
owner avoided USD 4.1 million losses for repair cost and lost of production income.

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