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There is only one species of lion called  Panthera leo.

The Asiatic lion is just

one of many subspecies, all of which have been geographically isolated from
one another for thousands of years.
Though they all possess slightly different physical and even behavioural traits,
they are still capable of interbreeding and producing viable offspring. The
following is a list of all the known lion subspecies, both living and extinct.

1. Asiatic Lion (P.l. persica) (Gir Forest Sanctuary in Northwest India)

2. Angola Lion (P.l. bleyenberghi) (Zimbabwe, Angola and Zaire)
3. Senegalese Lion (P.l. senegalensis) (Western Africa)
4. Barbary or Atlas Lion (P.l. leo) (North Africa; extinct in 1920 but may
exist in captivity)
5. Cape Lion (P.l. melanochaitus) (South Africa's Cape Province; extinct in
1850 but may exist in captivity)
6. Masai Lion (P.l. massaicus) (Eastern Africa, notably Kenya and
7. Transvaal or South African Lion (P.l. kruegri) (Botswana, Nambia and
South Africa)

Asiatic and African lions separated as recently as 100,000 years ago, and are
thus very close in genetic make-up. In fact, the differences between the two are
less than those found between different human racial groups. However, the
differences are significant enough that one can tell the difference between an
Asiatic and an African lion if they know what to look for.

Asiatic lions are smaller than their African lions. Adult males typically weigh
between 350 and 420 pounds, while adult females weigh between 240 and 365
The largest Asiatic lion on record measured 9½ feet from the tip of its nose to
the tip of its tail.
African lions are larger than Asiatic lions. Adult males average between 330
and 500 pounds in weight, with most weighing around 410 pounds. The largest
African lion on record weighed over 800 pounds. Females typically weigh the
same as their Asiatic cousins. The longest African lion measured almost 11 feet
from nose to tail tip.
Compared to the African lion, the male Asiatic lion has a relatively short, sparse
mane. As a result, the male Asiatic lion's ears tend to remain visible at all times.
In addition to being less well-developed, the mane is generally darker than that
of African lions.
Male African lions tend to have longer and fuller manes than their Asiatic
cousins. A lion's mane is a signal of male condition. It allows other lions to
assess the male's overall strength and fitness. A male with a long, dark mane is
more intimidating to his rivals and more attractive to the opposite sex.

Asiatic lions have thicker elbow tufts and a longer tail tuft than African lions.
The tail tuft covers a short spine, the function of which is unknown.
African lions have relatively sparse elbow tufts and a shorter tail tuft than
Asiatic lions.

Other than the male's sparse mane, the most distinguishing characteristic of the
Asiatic lion is a longitudinal fold of skin that runs along the belly. This trait is
found in all Asiatic lions.
Almost all African lions lack the longitudinal fold of skin that runs along the
belly of Asiatic lions.

If you're ever tasked with finding out whether a lion is Asiatic or African based
on its skull alone, here's a tip. Around 50 percent of Asiatic lions have what are
called bifurcated infraorbital foramina. These are small holes in the skull that
allow nerves and blood vessels to pass to the eye. If a lion's skull has two of
these, it's an Asiatic lion.
For whatever reason, African lions only have one infraorbital foramen. Their
eyesight is just as strong as the Asiatic lion's, so there's no particular benefit to
having two infraorbital foramina versus just one.

Lions are highly sociable and live in social units called prides.  Asiatic prides
tend to be smaller than their African counterparts. The largest recorded Asiatic
pride included five adult females, but most just have two adult females. This
may be because the animals they prey on are relatively small, or because their
range in the Gir Forest is so confined. (It should be noted that further field
studies may show that what were thought to be small prides are actually just
small foraging groups from larger prides).
In Africa, these prides include an average of four to six females, their cubs and
one to four male lions. The faster, more agile females do the hunting while the
larger male lions patrol and defend the pride's territory. The females in a pride
usually give birth at the same time and raise their cubs together in a crèche, or

Male Asiatic lions do not live in prides. In fact, they tend to only associate with
female lions when mating or at large kills. Otherwise, they live alone or in
partnership with another male lion. These partnerships allow male Asiatic lions
to control larger territories and more easily scare off rival males.
In Africa, every lion pride has a resident male or group of males, which defend
their prides vigorously against other males. Pride takeovers occur every two
years, during which the suckling cubs of the defeated males are killed. This
ensures that the new male will pass along his genes.

The prey animals in the Gir Forest are generally smaller than those in Africa, so
hunting groups tend to be smaller as well. This likely explains why pride size is
so small. The most commonly taken prey species in the Gir Forest is the chital
deer, which weighs only around 110 pounds. These account for around 45
percent of known kills.
The prey animals of the African savanna tend to be larger than those in the Gir
Forest of Northwest India. African lions will frequently tackle prey weighing as
much as 600 to 800 pounds, such as wildebeest and zebra, and will occasionally
take down African buffalo, which weigh between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds. This
requires cooperative hunting techniques, which may explain why African lions
live in larger prides.

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