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Dr Salam A. Abbas
The Hydrological cycle (AKA water cycle)

• Hydrological cycle is also known as the “water cycle”; it is the normal water recycling system on Earth.
• Due to solar radiation, water evaporates, generally from the sea, lakes, etc. Water also evaporates from
plant leaves through the mechanism of transpiration.
• As the steam rises in the atmosphere, it is being cooled, condensed, and returned to the land and the
sea as precipitation.
• Precipitation falls on the earth as surface water and shapes the surface, creating thus streams of water
that result in lakes and rivers.
• A part of the water precipitating penetrates the ground and moves downward through the incisions,
forming aquifers.
• Finally, a part of the surface and underground water leads to sea. During this trip, water is converted in
all phases: gas, liquid, and solid. As mentioned above, water always changes states between liquid,
vapor, and ice, with these processes happening in the blink of an eye and over millions of years.
Engineering Applications of hydrology
Main Reason of Failure of Hydraulic Structures
I-O= ∆S
Example1: In a given year, a 37,500 Km2 basin received 50 cm of rain. Annual rate of
flow measured in the river draining area was 250 cms (m3/s.). Estimate the combined
amounts of water evaporated and transpired from the region during the year.


• The area A=37500 Km2=3.75x1010 m2

• Precipitation depth P= 50cm = 500 mm
• Outflow (total volume in 1 year) Rv=250 cms x 365 days x 24 hrs x 3600 sec.
= 7.884x109 m3

• Outflow in depth R=Rv/A=0.21m=210 mm

• Total ET = P-R= 290 mm
Example 2: For a given month, a 300 Km2 lake has 15 cms of inflow, 13 cms of outflow and a total
storage reduction of 160 Km2-cm. The recorded precipitation was 4.0 cm for the month. Assuming that
infiltration is insignificant for the lake, determine the evaporation loss, in cm, over the lake.

• Inflow I1=15cms x 30days x 86400 sec.=38.88x106 m3

• I1 in depth= 38.88x106 m3/300km2= 12.96cm

• Ditto for outflow I2=13cms x 30days x 86400 sec./300 km2= 11.23 cm

• Storage change ΔS=-160Km2 cm/300Km2=-0.53cm

• Precipitation P=4.0 cm and P+I1-I2-E =ΔS

• E= P+I1-I2-ΔS=4+12.96-11.23+0.53= 6.26cm.
Example 3
Homework 1

Homework 2
Example: An air mass is at a temperature of 28 C with relative humidity of 70%. Use the saturation
curve below to determine:
(a) saturation vapour pressure.
(b) saturation deficit
(c) actual vapour pressure in mbar and mmHg
(d) dew-point
(e) wet-bulb temperature.
es= 28 mm Hg
es= 28 mm Hg

e= 28* 0.7=19.6 mm Hg
es= 28 mm Hg

Saturation deficit 30 %

e= 28* 0.7=19.6 mm Hg
es= 28 mm Hg

Saturation deficit 30 %

e= 28* 0.7=19.6 mm Hg
es= 28 mm Hg

Saturation deficit 30 % es

e= 28* 0.7=19.6 mm Hg

Dew point temp.

es= 28 mm Hg

Saturation deficit 30 % es

e= 28* 0.7=19.6 mm Hg

Dew point temp. Wet-bulb temp.

es= 28 mm Hg

ɣ = psychrometer constant
tan(ɣ)= (22.5-19.6)/(28-24.2) Saturation deficit 30 % es

e= 28* 0.7=19.6 mm Hg

Dew point temp. Wet-bulb temp.

𝑎 𝑐
𝑀𝐶 = 𝑀𝐴 =
𝑏 𝑑
Correction ratio
Example: Test the consistency of monthly rainfall data of Station (D) and correct records if there is any

Month Station A Station B Station C Station D

Jan-97 92.4 91.5 92.8 93.5
Feb-97 90.1 90.3 89.9 90.2
Mar-97 82.3 83.6 84.9 83.5
Apr-97 80.7 83.4 87.1 82.4
May-96 79.7 77.2 78.4 140.15
Jun-96 69.4 66.5 67.9 125.2
Jul-96 65.3 61.3 60 123
Aug-96 71.7 68.1 62.3 116.9
Sep-96 83 80.1 81.8 155.1
Oct-96 82.7 85.6 87.3 168.1
Nov-96 89.4 90.1 89.9 88.6
Dec-96 91.5 93.7 94.7 93.7
Sort the data by month and year, e.g. by May 1996, June 1996, … for both Gauge D and the other 3 gauges.

Month Station A Station B Station C Station D

May-96 79.7 77.2 78.4 140.15
Jun-96 69.4 66.5 67.9 125.2
Jul-96 65.3 61.3 60 123
Aug-96 71.7 68.1 62.3 116.9
Sep-96 83 80.1 81.8 155.1
Oct-96 82.7 85.6 87.3 168.1
Nov-96 89.4 90.1 89.9 88.6
Dec-96 91.5 93.7 94.7 93.7
Jan-97 92.4 91.5 92.8 93.5
Feb-97 90.1 90.3 89.9 90.2
Mar-97 82.3 83.6 84.9 83.5
Apr-97 80.7 83.4 87.1 82.4
Work out the mass (cumulative) values. Calculate mass value series for both Gauge D and the other averaged series.

Month Station A Station B Station C Station D Average (A,B and C) Mass Curve, Station (D) Mass Curve, Other stations
May-96 79.7 77.2 78.4 140.15 78.4 140.15 78.4
Jun-96 69.4 66.5 67.9 125.2 67.9 265.35 146.3
Jul-96 65.3 61.3 60 123 62.2 388.35 208.5
Aug-96 71.7 68.1 62.3 116.9 67.4 505.25 275.9
Sep-96 83 80.1 81.8 155.1 81.6 660.35 357.5
Oct-96 82.7 85.6 87.3 168.1 85.2 828.45 442.7
Nov-96 89.4 90.1 89.9 88.6 89.8 917.05 532.5
Dec-96 91.5 93.7 94.7 93.7 93.3 1010.75 625.8
Jan-97 92.4 91.5 92.8 93.5 92.2 1104.25 718.1
Feb-97 90.1 90.3 89.9 90.2 90.1 1194.45 808.2
Mar-97 82.3 83.6 84.9 83.5 83.6 1277.95 891.8
Apr-97 80.7 83.4 87.1 82.4 83.7 1360.35 975.5
Point of change
6th reading
(i.e. October- 96)


Month Station A Station B Station C Station D Average (A,B and C) Mass Curve, Station (D) Mass Curve, Other stations
May-96 79.7 77.2 78.4 140.15 78.4 140.15 78.4
Jun-96 69.4 66.5 67.9 125.2 67.9 265.35 146.3
Jul-96 65.3 61.3 60 123 62.2 388.35 208.5
Aug-96 71.7 68.1 62.3 116.9 67.4 505.25 275.9
Sep-96 83 80.1 81.8 155.1 81.6 660.35 357.5
Oct-96 82.7 85.6 87.3 168.1 85.2 828.45 442.7
Nov-96 89.4 90.1 89.9 88.6 89.8 917.05 532.5
Dec-96 91.5 93.7 94.7 93.7 93.3 1010.75 625.8
Jan-97 92.4 91.5 92.8 93.5 92.2 1104.25 718.1
Feb-97 90.1 90.3 89.9 90.2 90.1 1194.45 808.2
Mar-97 82.3 83.6 84.9 83.5 83.6 1277.95 891.8
Apr-97 80.7 83.4 87.1 82.4 83.7 1360.35 975.5

(828.45 − 140.14) (1360.35 − 828.45)

𝑀𝐶 = = 1.89 𝑀𝐴 = = 1.0
(442.7 − 78.4) (975.5 − 442.74)

𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = = 1.89
Month Station D Corrected Station D
May-96 140.15 140.15
Jun-96 125.2 125.2
Jul-96 123 123
Aug-96 116.9 116.9
Sep-96 155.1 155.1
Oct-96 168.1 168.1
Nov-96 88.6 167.454
Dec-96 93.7 177.093
Jan-97 93.5 176.715
X 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
Feb-97 90.2 170.478
Mar-97 83.5 157.815
Apr-97 82.4 155.736
Homework 3

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