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Hochschulsport Münster

Internship Report
By Aaron Vissel

Hanzehogeschool of Applied

Contents Page
Introduction – Who are they 5

Action plan – Proposed vs What Happened 6

Proposed action plan 6

Final Action plan 7

Workplace 7

Primary and Secondary Roles 7

Fulfillment of tasks 7

Intentions of the internship 7

Final Product 7

Criteria for success 8

Weeks 1 – 4: Research 9

Organisational chart 9

Core tasks in each department 9

Popular / Health Sports 9

Events: Planning and Supporting 9

Sport Tours 10

Facility Management 10

Employees 10

Revenue 10

Swot Analysis 11

Stakeholder Analysis 11

Facility Management Research 12

What is facility management? 12

How is facility management done? 12

How is it done at Hochschulsport Munster 13

Weeks 5 – 12: Diagnosis and Design 14

Diagnosis 14

Solution 14

Step 1 – Excel Sheets and Further Researching 14

Excel Sheets 16

First Excel Sheet – BSH Building 16

Second Excel Sheet – Campus Café 16

Summary of this step and the result 18

Step 2 – Prototyping and Choosing the Correct Program 20

Emaint Programming 21

What is Emaint 21

Pros and Cons 21

Criteria Rating 21

Layout of the Software 22

GOFMX Programming 24

What is GOFMX 24

Pros and Cons 24

Criteria Rating 24

Layout of the Software 25

SMAPONE Software 27

What is SmapOne 27

Pros and Cons 27

Criteria Rating 27

Layout of the Software 28

Weeks 13 – 14: Implementation 29

Weeks 15 – 16: Hours Log and Evaluation 30

Hours Log 30

Self-Evaluation 31
Evaluation by Internship Supervisor 32

References 34

Appendix 35

Appendix A – Interview 35

Appendix B – Product 41

Guide 43

Part 2: Daily checklist – Campus Café 49

Part 3: Campus café weekly checklist 61

Part 4: Campus Café Monthly Checklist 73

Part 5: BSH Checklist Daily Checks 85

Part 6: BSH Checklist Weekly Checks 99

Part 7: BSH Monthly Checklist 114

Introduction – Who are they?
Hochschulsport Munster is an organisation that offers sport too university students within the city of Munster.
The aim of the organisation is too offer affordable and a high-quality level of sports to the participants. The
participants usually range from students too staff from the four main universities within the area which are: The
Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia, Munster University, Munster/Steinfurt University of Applied
Sciences and The Munster Academy of Arts.

The organisation offers a huge variety. There are over 120 different sports to play, sporting tours, tournaments to
support and partake in, international sporting competitions and many training courses. It boasts over 20, 000
participants that make use of the facilities and the different programmes that are offered. It has 400 trainers as
well as 90 supervisors.

Mission and Vision Statement

Mission statement: Too offer sporting

activities for everyone in all kinds of various
fields that revolve around fitness and health
for people of all age.

Vision Statement: Too keep improving on

the current facilities in order to maintain
safety and fun got everyone.

Action Plans – Proposed plan VS What happened
At the beginning of the internship in order to get the go ahead for the final product, it was required to complete
an action plan. The purpose of the action plan was to show what would be done at the internship, for instance:
Intentions of the Internship, Primary and Secondary Roles, the fulfillment of tasks, allocation of hours and it was
used to showcase the final product.

However, due to the circumstances revolving around the Coronavirus case, my action plan had to be modified
and changed in order too still complete the internship outcomes and too still get some workplace experience and
learn as much as possible.



The workplace remained the same. Jorg Verhoeven remained the head in which some aspects of the work were
show too him however the main supervisor that was consulted was Jan Phillip Muller who is the head of the
facility management section of the organisation.

Primary and Secondary Roles:

Originally the primary and secondary roles were devised in order to better sort out the tasks that needed to be
completed. The main primary task was to be doing the product through the 3 steps of doing the research too
ensure that the product is up to the standards set by myself, the internship and the university, then into the design
phase and then implementation. Due to the outcome of the final product and the fact that it will be implemented
within the Universities facility management faculty in order to solve one of the problems found, it was seen to
be a success.

Originally the secondary tasks were going to be focused on learning about facility management. This included
going around with the internship supervisors, Jan-Phillip Muller to various facilities to see how they are run and
maintained. This was done in the first month of the internship along with self-learning of the different facilities
within the organisation. However, the secondary tasks were changed due to the Coronavirus crisis not allowing
for anyone to be in the office, moving everything too home office.

Fulfilment of tasks:
The fulfilment of tasks was managed to be kept on track as the plan to hand in work on a day to day basis didn’t
need to change. It was still possible too hand in the work that was being done to Jan. Jan was able to provide lots
of insight into the organisation and was able to provide good feedback regarding the work that was done. The
feedback allowed for the tasks to be done in an effective manner which also showed in the quality of work

Intentions of the Internship:

The intentions that were stated in the original action plan remained the same and were fulfilled. During the
duration of the internship there were many people interacted with that allowed for an increase in a professional

It was also seen that during the duration of the internship that a professional attitude and how to act in the
workplace was completed. This is evident to the final product being implemented and feedback received from
the internship supervisor.

Final Product:
The final product was the part that had changed the most. Originally after doing research it was seen that there
could be improvements made into the booking system that was in place for lessons, which would lead to a new
system being implemented. This would’ve been nice to do however was not a priority in facility management
and would’ve been too hard to work on as the Coronavirus didn’t allow for office visitation.

After doing further research, and consultation with the internship supervisor, the second idea that was made was
more to do with facility management and maintenance. The idea was moved towards the thesis “Improving
facility management which leads to an increase in safety for participants and an increase in participants.”
The idea was to find the correct software for Facility Management that would represent the organisation
Hochschulsport Munster’s staff which would allow for better communication between staff and higher output of

Criteria for success:

The criteria for success was met with throughout the project. The criteria were based off Hanze guidelines,
personal guidelines and personal goals. The Hanze outcomes that are followed are: The student takes initiative
in analyzing the organisational challenges in its context, The student takes initiative in creating solid support
base while positioning the concept, The student leads communities in developing networks and The student creates
impact by implementing synergies between the different values of sports’. These were important to follow as it was
how the project was going to be marked. The criteria were constantly looked at and followed for the duration of the

Personal goals were set based on personal expectations and trying to develop as a sporting professional. These
included: Improving on researching skills and networking which were looked at constantly and adhered to for the
duration of the project.

Weeks 1 – 4: Research
During weeks 1 – 4 of the internship, time was dedicated to the research of the company. This was done too
ensure that the best product that could be designed for the company could be found out and too also fulfil the
secondary task which was too find out as much out about the company as possible from the perspective of an
internship that doesn’t have any bias or connection to the company. It was also done as one of the personal goals
of this internship was too improve on research skills. The main source of this research is a mixture of primary
and secondary research.


Head of Organisation
Jorg Verhoven

Popular / Health Events Sport Tours Facility

Sports Led By: Tim Seulen Led by Ingo Weiss Management
Led By: Jens Felder And Corinna Led By: Jan Phillip
Hoffman Muller


Popular / Health Sports:
This is the biggest department within the Hochschulsport Munster and is run by Jens Felder. This department is
responsible for organising the sporting classes and all the recreational sports. There are over 600 trainers and
sporting teachers that oversee the classes that are held and organised by this department.

As well as organising the sporting classes, this department is also in charge of:
Planning and support, Quotation, trend recording, Access controls, Utilization management, Organisation of
registration; Erasmus; Personnel management, Inclusive sport, Education and training, Prevention offers BGM,
rehabilitation sport, BSG Procurements and Budget controlling.

Events: Planning and support:

This department oversee the events and the different competitions that take place and it is run by Tim Seulen
and Corinna Hoffman. They organize events for the students and the different competitions ranging from
competitions that are just within the students of Munster University and cross city competitions. They are also in
charge of the athletics organisation.

Some specific jobs include:

Planning and support: Leonardo Campus Run, University sports show, Athletics ceremony, Homepage, social
media. Procurements and Budget control, student events.

Sport Tours:
The sporting tours department oversees the various trips and tours that take place over the year. It is run by Ingo
Weiss. An example of the different tours that they organise are the annual biking trip and windsurfing that takes
place in Mallorca or the various ski lessons and trips that are ongoing throughout the year.

More examples of their roles are:

Educational / supervision of the different courses, training of the various course leaders, ski / surf / diving /
canoeing schools, cancellations of the department and budget controlling too ensure they can afford this year in
and out.

Facility Management:
The facility management department is the department in which this internship was based in. It is the department
that oversees ensuring that all the equipment is serviced too ensure the safety of all the patrons that are playing
sport day in day out. It is run by Jan Phillip Muller and within the department there are 10 people working in the
field that are doing the maintenance of the buildings as well as 2 employees that are working in the office that
are in charge of the data that is received in regards to when the buildings are free for students too book and too

More tasks include:

The further development of all the sporting facilities, care and maintenance of the buildings, attainment of new
sporting materials for the sporting buildings, inventory, security checks and budget controlling.


Within Hochschulsport Munster there are many different employees due to the size of the organisation and what
it needs to do. It first starts with the employees that are either full time or part time workers, the workers that are
on hourly rates. There are 22 employees that are on the regular pay roll and then 40 more student workers that
work throughout the different buildings. Then there are over 600 more trainers that are running the sporting
classes and could range from 1 – 6-hour shifts.

• Revenue is collected from the sporting participants that must pay too use the multiple sporting
services that are offered.
• The organisation is not also completely independent – so the university allocates them a budget
that is used for new facilities and for new equipment.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

• In built target market • Some infrastructure • Munster is a student • Lack of facility

within Munster – High very old – could be a city – ever growing management could
amounts of students. deterrent for people population of sometimes see
• Sense of community – using certain students looking for a equipment being old
everyone feeling welcome facilities. place to do sports. and unsafe – users
wanting to come back for • Weakness in • Sport is an ever- may be deterred from
more and more sports. booking system – growing sector – using this.
• High amounts of sporting can be complicated huge opportunity for • Potential overuse of
opportunities on offer. or hard to get growing revenue and equipment leading to
• Cheap and accessible for refunds. investment much of the
everyone to use the • Some facilities could opportunities. equipment becoming
facilities and take get crowded due to • Development of obsolete
advantage of the sporting high amounts of student workers to
opportunities. people wanting to improve on skills too
use. potentially become
some of the best
trainers and student
workers in Munster.


High Power, Low Interest High Power, High Interest

High • University of Munster • Head of the university

• Council of Munster • Head of the Hochschulsport

Low power, Low interest Low Power, High Interest

• Office Workers • Sports Players
• City of Munster
• Trainers

Low Low Interest High

While being introduced to the organisation, the term facility management wasn’t completely understood as it
could’ve been a variety of different things. Extra research was done on facility management on: What it is, what
it consists of, the best ways to manage it and the way that facility management is done at the University of
Munster’s’ sporting facilities.

What is facility management?

Facility management is the system and term that is used to ensure that the safety, proper function, comfort and
efficiency of buildings is maintained on a planned basis. It is one of the fastest growing sectors as safety is
becoming more and more of a concern.

The checks that happen on the buildings and all the equipment that may be in them happen on a daily, weekly
and monthly basis. Depending on the necessity of the check for depends on how often it is considered. For
instance, in facility management of sporting facilities it is very important to ensure that the fire doors and the
floors are maintained daily too ensure safety. The facility manager, in the case of the internship, was the
supervisor Jan Phillip whose job is to maintain the security, cleaning and safety of the buildings.

Facility management is promoted by the IFMA (International Facility Management Association). The IFMA
sums up facility management as a triangle that are always intertwined in the way facility management is done.
The triangle consists of: People, Place and the process. Armstrong (1982) stated that “we know there is a need to
manage the physical environment in concert with people and job processes.”

F IG U R E 1 : P Y R A M I D O F 3 ’ P S

How is facility management done?

When looking at facility management, it is important that the organisation includes the different characteristics
of the organisation. It shows the workers that the head of facility management has a proper understanding of
what needs to be done and when.
The most important features too understand are:

• What does the organisation do? In summary its mission, vision, the core competencies and its goals for
the future.
• The process of all operations that occur within the organisation.
• The culture and behaviour of workers and the market.
• The different infrastructure that is going to be involved.

After these are all established a system is then developed and implemented. Choosing the correct system is very
important as it needs to fit the employees and it needs to fit the company. Before choosing the correct system
lots of research, and prototyping is done in order to choose the right one.

F IG U R E 2 : B A S I S O F F A C I L IT Y M A N A G E M E N T

How is it done at Hochschulsport Munster?

Currently at the organisation there is no formal or no official system. The people that work in facility
management that are supposed to maintain the facilities have an unwritten system in which they file the work
that they do and submit it to the head of facility manager. While it may work to a certain extent, it is hard to
maintain all the proper documentation and too ensure that everything is getting checked regularly.

Weeks 5 – 12: Diagnosis and Design
After all the research was complete it was time to diagnose and design the product.

Diagnosis: Even though there is a system for facility management at the organisation that may work. It isn’t
done properly. There are sometimes important security and safety checks that are missed as the proper
documentation and recording wasn’t done by the staff that are responsible for doing these checks.

Solution: Implementation of a proper Facility Management software that will allow facility management to be
done in the proper way. It will be available to all the workers via smart phones and computers which will allow
them to have easy access to this new technology. This will allow the workers too constantly check the safety of
the buildings and complete maintenance when possible.

A side product after discussing with the internship supervisor will be too implement at small guidebook
explaining to the staff on how to use the software. It will also explain why this new software will be beneficial
as there is a small issue with the staff that they are not a fan of change and implementation of something new
even though it will make their facility management much easier and more efficient.


In order too fully understand the facilities that would require this new software, it was imperative to do firsthand
research. It was lucky enough before the workplace was closed to do the further research needed. This first step
required a documentation of all the security checks that would be necessary in the software from the required

There were two main buildings that were focused on in this product as per the requirement from the internship
supervisor. They were the BSH building which is the new sporting building that was built recently and the
Campus Café building which houses the campus gym as well as many other multifunctional rooms.

The excel sheets that were constructed were shown to the internship supervisor on a constant basis to ensure that
this research was done correctly. The steps that were involved in this process were consultation of the buildings
blueprints and knowing where all the different rooms and sporting services that were in each building. At first
the rooms were hard to read as the blueprints were in German however over time and constant reading the
German words were starting to be understood and learnt which made the process very easy.

The reason that there was a lot of emphasis and time spent on this part was since the result was going to be in
the final product. At first the excel sheet was going to be the design, however it was hard to design a whole
system on excel.

F IG U R E 3 : B L U E P R I N T S C A M P U S C A F É B U I L D I N G L E V E L 1

F IG U R E 4 : B L U E P R I N T S C A M P U S C A F É B U I L D I N G L E V E L 2

F IG U R E 4 : B L U E P R I N T S B S H B U IL D I N G

First Excel Sheet – BSH Building

The first building that was checked and made notes on was the BSH building. BSH stands for Ballsporthalle
which in turn translates into Ball sport hall. Within the building there are a total of 18 rooms that needed to be
checked and divided up into different groups. There were more in there as well including classrooms however
were not a part of the sporting facilities.
The groups that were created were:

1. Waschr – Which is the shower room.

2. Dusche – Toilets.
3. Sporthalle – Which is the main sporting hall.
4. Flur – The main corridors that run through the building.

The numbers of the rooms had to match exactly towards the exact rooms too be put in the system if they
were done incorrectly then the check would be messy and wouldn’t make sense as the wrong data would be
input. This led to checking the spreadsheets over and over to make sure that they were correct.

F IG U R E 5 : M A N A G E M E N T O F B S H B U IL D I N G R O O M S

Second Excel Sheet – Campus Cafe

This was the second excel sheet that was constructed. The setting out of the excel sheet and getting all the
information took longer than the BSH building as there were many more different rooms too look at and more of
a variety. Within the building there are a variety of Multifunctional rooms that are used for many different sports
such as taekwondo, boxing, yoga and many more. There is also the campus café in which the students from the
University can chill out and catch up with friends. There are also the locker rooms, the waiting rooms, many
more toilets and showers.

F IG U R E 6 : M A N A G E M E N T O F C A M P U S C A F É B U I L I N G 1

F IG U R E 6 : M A N A G E M E N T O F C A M P U S C A F É B U I L I N G 2

Summary of this step and the result:

Overall this was done in an effective and complete manner. Both excel sheets that were done were shown to the
internship supervisor in which he said that all the necessary parts of facility management were in there and
would be needed in the final product.

At the beginning it wasn’t sure as too why this step was being done. It seemed that it was just a step at the
beginning of the internship that was used to take up some time and to keep occupied. However, after completion
of the work and doing all this no matter how long it took to do it was understood how the result of this would
help with the development of the product.


While doing this it was imperative too research all the different programs that are offered online as there are a
lot of different sporting facility management software’s that are available. It was easy to do this as a lot of the
software that were online would offer free trials that didn’t require for any down payments to be put.

There were a few factors that were looked at when trying to choose the choose the correct software and then a
rating out of 5 was given too each of the criteria. The main criteria that was looked at and focused on were:

1. Compatibility – Would it fit with the company’s mission statement, vision statement and goals such
as providing safe, accessible and cheap sports for everything. It also needs to be a program that is
compatible with the workers in the sense that it is going to be easy for them too use as they are not
completely computer savvy and it needs to be easy for them to learn.
2. Functionality – Is the product going too fit in with what the company needs in order to ensure that all
the maintenance and safety checks are done up to speed.
3. Price – Is the software a software that is not too expensive for the functions that it offers.
4. Service of the vendor – Does the vendor offer a good service and were they easy to deal with and would
there be problems in the future with help.

While doing research and consulting with websites that were able to show the best facility management
software’s for different criteria that you can enter there were 3 software’s that were looked at and tested for the
above criteria. The programs were:

1. Emaint programming
2. Gofmx
3. smapOne
In order to organise these software’s different meetings were arranged. The meetings were either by telephone
or with zoom with a representative of the company. The purpose of this was for them too demonstrate the proper
usage of the app. After learning about how too use these different apps the prototyping was done. The
prototyping mainly focused on the three main parts that would need to be used in the final product which is:
Assets, work orders and the inventory.

A lot of time that was spent on the professional product was done in this stage. This was because choosing the
right software was imperative too how the facility workers would handle it. Being the reason that the facility
management workers were not very excited to have a new software implemented as they were worried that the
technology may be too hard too use and understand. (J. Muller, 2020, Interview)

What is Emaint
Emaint is a facility management software that is out
of the United States of America. It is a software
that can be used in all forms of industries ranging -
from facilities, government and healthcare. The
main function of this program is going to be used
for its ability to track the inventory of a company,
to set up special work requests that can be easily
followed and too keep a check of the assets. While
doing the prototyping for this software it was seen that it was available to do all the functions that was needed
and more.

In order to learn how to use this software too prototype properly an online tutorial had to be done as well as
watching countless videos as this was the hardest software too use.
Pros and Cons

Table 1. Showing the pros and cons of the EMAINT software.

Pros Cons

• Access too many different options of • Hard too use and hard to learn.
layout. • Unnecessary functions – too many
• Getting moneys worth for management functions for what is needed at the
and facility. University of Munster.
• Work orders easily tracked – can see who • Can sometimes be seen to be too many
completed them and when they were steps in a process that is usually
completed. otherwise simple.
• Able to track assets and inventory easily
by putting all the essential information

Criteria rating:

Compatibility – Rating 2/5

However nice this software is and its capabilities of showing off as much information as it can, it is not
compatible with the company. This would not be easy at all for the workers that will need to complete the
different work orders and carry out inventory/asset checks. The program will also need to be easily accessible
via electronic medium such as smart phones so the workers will have easy access to the work orders.

Functionality – Rating 2/5

While this shows everything that needs to be shown and more, the functionality behind this can be very hard too
understand. There are some parts that are in the software for instance a normal security check or a work order
but there are too many steps that are involved with trying to fulfil this. Too much unnecessary information needs
to be put in that is not required from the University of Munster.

Price – 4/5
The pricing on this is very fair. The trial period that was done was based off the “Professional” package which
gave access too all the software’s top tools and functions. If this was going to be implemented at the University
of Munster based on pricing

Service – 5/5
If this company was going to be in use by the University of Munster the service that would be gotten from them
is great. During the trial period any question that was asked was answered rapidly and they were willing too help
teach the software.

Layout of the software

Below is the layout of the different functions that would be needed within the University of Munster.

F IG U R E 7 : H O M E P A G E O F F L U K E S O F T W A R E

F IG U R E 8 : E X A M P L E O F A W O R K O R D E R

F IG U R E 9 : S H O W I N G A L L T H E B U IL D I N G S M A N A G E D B Y T H E

F IG U R E 1 0 : E X A M P L E S O M E O F T H E I N V E N T O R Y T H A T N E E D S T O


What is GOFMX
GOFMX is a facility management software that
is out of the United States of America. The kind
of software that was offered as a demo was the
FMXfacilitymanager which specialises in the
kind of programming that is wanted by the
Hochschulsport Munster. The main features
include easily accessible work orders and
requests as well as scheduled maintenance that
could be set at certain times of certain days,
making sure that all the different assets,
inventory and other equipment are all working properly and too provide opportunity too take out all the required
safety checks that would be needed within facility management.

GoFMX was the second program that was trialled, and it came out with better results than the EMAINT
software as it was much easier too use.

Pros and Cons

Table 2. Showing the pros and cons of the GOFMX software.

Pros Cons

• Easy to use – everything was in a simple • Very vague – needing a software that is
and accessible layout. more specific about certain rooms and
• Everything that is necessary for the not just the different buildings.
organisation if it were too be • Could be more customisable in terms of
implemented is there. using more language and terminology
• Easily available on smartphones – would that is more relevant to the specific
be easy for the facility management users organisation.
to learn how to use it.
• Will allow staff to manage their tasks and
efficiency much more effectively

Criteria rating:

Compatibility – 3/5
The program was much more compatible than the first software that was trialled and programmed. One thing
that would be compatible with the company the most is the simplicity of the software. It would fit in with the
mission and vision by being able to provide the Hochschulsport of Munster a safe facility management and all
the security checks that it would need.

Functionality – 3/5
The software was simple too use and the programming was easy too do as well. Therefore, it could’ve been an
easy software too implement at the organisation. However, the base of the programming such as the work orders
and facility checks were too general. The organisation needs a software that can be specified up to a specific
room and this did not provide that.

Price – n/a
A price was not offered on the website. In order to get pricing, one would have too commit fully to the software.
And while the software was the second choice, it wasn’t implemented in the end, so the pricing was not found
nor was it inquired about.

Service – 5/5
Another reason that this product was almost chosen was due to the service that was provided. At first the
software was somewhat hard too learn and too program all the necessary information and data however after
getting a lengthy explanation it was easy to put in.

Layout of the Software

F IG U R E 1 1 : A L L T H E B U I L D I N G S A N D A S S E T S I N T H E S Y S T E M

F IG U R E 1 2 : E X A M P L E O F S O M E O F T H E I N V E N T O R Y T H A T C O U L D

F IG U R E 1 1 A N D 1 2 : E X A M P L E S O F H O W T O R E Q U E S T A


What is SmapOne
SmapOne is a facility management software that
specialises in facility management software that is easily
accessible for mobile phones. It is was founded in
Germany – which is what gave it the appeal too trial,
due too the fact that it would be easier for the internship
supervisor and his colleagues too implement in the
software instead of trying to figure it out in English. It
has been implemented in many different facility
management companies which is also what made it
appealing to trial after reading the many different
success stories that were associated with the brand.

In summary it was the product that was chosen, as it was liked best by the internship supervisor. He also trialled
it with some of the facility management people employees that were worried about the technology being too
hard too use and too understand and they were able to adapt to it.

Pros and Cons

Table 1. Showing the pros and cons of the SmapOne software.

Pros Cons

• Basic – easy too use and easy too • Could be too basic – doesn’t cover
program. enough of the features that could be
• Easily accessible via different platforms needed in facility management.
which is what the organisation would •
• Easy to learn the program.
• Ongoing service and help from the
• Able to have many different employees
working on the different forms at once.

Criteria Rating

Compatibility – 4/5
Out of all the programs, this program was the one that was the most compatible with what the company wants to
do. Based on mission and vision the allowance for more safety checks will ensure that the best sports will be
available in terms of safety and high quality for the members of the university.

Functionality – 5/5
The software and programming is easy too use which is what is wanted the most by the organisation. The
different programs can be programmed for specific rooms within the different buildings and are easily
accessible by every employee via an app on their mobile phone.
Price – n/a
Unfortunately the price was not privy knowledge and was kept with the internship supervisor. However, after
speaking to him it was determined that the price was good based on what the company software is able to offer
the organisation.

Service – 5/5
After dealing with this company, the company’s service was well done, and they offered to help teach any of the
additional software features that were not knowledgeable about before. They offered to help over the course of
the internship offering new insights on all the features.

Layout of the Software

F IG U R E 1 3 – S H O W I N G T H E D IF F E R E N T W O R K O R D E R S F O R A

F IG U R E 1 4 – T H E H O M E P A G E W H E R E E V E R T H I N G I S O R G A N I S E D
Weeks 13 – 14: Implementation
After the major stakeholders reviewed all the research that was done and based on all the work that was done
with the final product, and the sub product of the design of the small instruction book, they were happy, and
implementation was ready. This was going to be one of the most interesting parts of the project, as a
professional project like this would have to be in a formal matter in a completely different setting to what is
usually done.

The stage of implementation had to be changed due to the Coronavirus Crisis not allowing for people to be in
the office. Originally, implementation was going to be done as a physical speech and presentation to the major
stake holders of the organisation showing the final work, all the research that was done and how the formulation
of the product was done. It was also going to be a chance too explain too all the workers that work under facility
management the new software that they were going to have too use on a day to day basis as they could then ask
questions that they may have about the product.

Now, implementation is very different. The way that implementation worked this time was via a Skype call with
the internship supervisor. Via the call all the work that was done leading up too the product was shown, this
included the work that was done in the report as the report justifies everything and ties everything together. And
while the product was finished on time and everything was completed in a professional way the internship
supervisor was happy with, it still couldn’t be implemented due to some of the regulations within Germany.

The new plan of implementation:

Implementation is going to happen within the company as soon as all the workers and all the sporting facilities
can open again. The guidebook will first be shown too all the workers so that they will learn about the program
and how it works. Then after all the workers are familiar with the app and why its being implemented and how
its going to work, they will need to start using it straight away.

It has been decide as well that over the course of the implementation, due to personal interest, up until the
10/07/2020 personal help will be offered, since design and programming took place away from the company in
which it may be harder for them to understand what’s going on.

Feedback will be done by the major stakeholders that have influenced the final product as too how the
implementation went and how the staff reacted to the new software.

Weeks 15 – 16: Hours log and
Hours Log

Keeping hours was going to have to be done in a different way due to the implications of the coronavirus. As per
the internship manual and the outcomes and expectations set by the university, the allotted time of 392 hours of
work was going to be achieved by working on the product both at home and at the office, and by adhering to the
required 21 hours weekly visitation to the workplace to gain knowledge about working in the professional field
in which the organisation is situated.

However, after the fourth week of the Coronavirus becoming more and more prominent within Europe, the
organisation was forced too close for the foreseeable future. Prior too the first week though work was done at
the internship office for 21 hours per week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday due too the fact that finding a
permanent home in Munster was very hard, so a temporary housing was found, and travelling was done between
Groningen and Munster.

During lockdown all the work was adapted too ensure that work was done the whole time too try and develop a
professional identity in a workplace. The work was mainly comprised of constant research about facility
management, the organisation, prototyping, constant check-ups with the internship supervisor which would be 1
hour every week too give updates about how the work was going and how to keep moving forward. There was
also extra emphasis on the final report as it was going to be handed into the internship. This was done because
they wanted knowledge about how someone from the outside would view their company from an outsider’s
perspective, especially someone from Australia with a completely different outlook on organisation and how a
facility could be run.


The internship was a very interesting experience for me as it gave me the opportunity to go into a situation that I
was not comfortable with in order too try and develop myself as a sports professional and too help decide what I
would like to do in the future. Due to the trust that was placed on me by the internship supervisor, I was able to
work very independently with no safety net which is something that for such a big product I have not had to do
since high school.

I also had not been exposed too such a different working environment. Whereas I have had jobs in terms of
working in a grocery store, or with my parents this was the first time that I have had to develop into someone
that can work and stay professional in a workplace that requires you too be formal and act in a certain manner.

I found that one of my strengths and something that surprised me the most was the ability too adapt to a
professional environment. Sometimes I would doubt myself and find it harder too adapt too this kind of
environment as I be someone that doesn’t take things seriously or is too laid back, especially in a German
culture, which is where the internship was based. Here, they were more serious about the work and expected
everyone too work in a certain manner. I adapted quite quickly and was happy with this as it was part of my own
outcome that I set for myself at the beginning of the project.

One thing that I could develop for myself that would help with my success in the future is getting the work done.
I start the work and as soon as I start getting more and more done, I would put off doing some of the work that
was required for me to do. Even though I made my deadlines and would hand everything on time I think that if I
would do the work on time and start it on time, I would be less stressed. Another thing that I was disappointed
about however realised that I couldn’t change anything about it and managed too adapt to it eventually was the
coronavirus situation. I was excited to help implement the product properly in Munster however due to
lockdowns and quarantining I couldn’t implement it at the time that I was going to.

However, another strength that I found and one thing that I am very happy with in regards too communication
was my ability too network and meet new people. I think that over the past three months I have been able to
meet and work with wonderful people and I know that in the future if I would have any questions in regards too
facility management or any sporting events that could be happening in Munster that would be beneficial for
myself in order to keep growing.

Evaluation by Internship Supervisor

Evaluation by Internship Supervisor Cont.


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Mcgregor, W. (2000). The future of workspace management. Facilities, 18(3/4), 138–143. doi:


Münster, W. W.-U., Münster, H., & Seulen, T. (n.d.). Sportangebot. Retrieved from https://www.uni-

Optimize Your Facilities and Maintenance Operations. (2020, May 28). Retrieved from

Siu-Ting, L. T. (n.d.). Re-defining the scope of facility management. doi: 10.5353/th_b4516496

smapOne. (n.d.). Individuelle Business Apps erstellen. Retrieved from

Appendix A. Interview

The following interview was conducted with Jan Phillip Muller, which is the head of facility

management at the University of Munster at the Hochschulsport. His extensive knowledge about the

organisation and facility management was a primary source of information for this report.

1. Today I am doing an interview with Jan Phillip Mueller who is in charge of the facility

management sector at the Hochschulsport University Munster in which I have permission to record.

So, Jan would you just like to tell me a little bit about yourself and your role at the organization.

A: It’s a pleasure, hi my name is Jan and I am the vice director of the university sports service in

Munster and my main responsibility is the management of the sporting facilities I am a sport scientist

with a focus on Sports Management and economics and I have been working for 15 years now in this

field and for 5 years at the university of Munster.

2. So just too start off with which professional practice is this organization located?

A: It’s a department of the university, it’s an independent department as a central organization and we

are reporting directly to the chancellor of the university and that is the setting. Still we are partly

financed by the university and we are a business unit that is responsible in terms of students paying

prices for full participation.

3. So the chancellor of the university at the end of the day makes the final decisions about

money and how it is spent?

A: He is the legal head of the university and of course he is responsible however he has delegated

certain responsibilities to the organization and of course he has the right to tell us what we do, and of

course he is the boss and at the end of the day we are not totally independent and are still in the

structure of the university and in this structure he is the boss boss.

4. Would you say that the organization has specific mission, vision statements and a goal that

the organization wants to achieve or specific strategies?

A: We have a vision and a vision statement; we don’t have a written down strategy how to meet these

goals or too follow the mission – in German it’s called leibuild – which in English is our core task. We

have a very wide sport approach, it is very diverse with a lot of different sports that we offer, it should

be affordable for students, it should meet their needs so we do what students want and it should be as

high a quality as possible. Our target group are the students and teachers of the university and also a

little target that we have is a community building so connecting as much as we can too the community

and local clubs. That’s basically our main goal and within those main goals we define our work as a

responsibility as focused and with a high quality and we try too motivate and support life long healthy

lifestyle and we also want our students too develop competencies and take responsibility for instance

our student trainers work for tolerance fairness and equality and that’s part of it. Of course, our main

goal is to support movement in terms of a healthy lifestyle too focus on fair play and we are there for

the students and the employees.

5. So I guess it’s about building a nice community for everyone to exercise and socialize and

everyone has equal rights.

A: That’s true, and that’s part of the German structure in which of course we have high level sports but

of course we still try too support our high level athletes for example some of the rowers or track and

field athletes are still students however still compete at an Olympic level and we try to support them.

6. Do you know roughly how many employees there are in total at the organization.

A: We do have basically our employees in terms of dividing them into full time and half-time

employees then we have student employees and then our instructors which are payed on hourly basis.

We do have 22 employees on a regular payroll and then we have 40 student employees and they work

in different areas.

7. So they work at like the campus café sporting building?

A: For example campus café or administration or doing services on weekends so all different areas or

organized competitions. Also, we have student works that do the ski classes, and these are mainly

sporting students and organize concepts such as skiing or diving tours. There are over 600 trainers

working all the different classes and they could work from 1 hour to 6 hours.

8. So from what I understand because you are the head of facility management, do you have

to organize these employees and these trainers too an extent, because you have Jorg who is the head of

the organization so is it him that has to organize all of them or is it a delegation between the two of


A: No actually I am only doing the facilities and making sure that they are working, and the stuff is

there too do maintenance and checking safety. In our department of university sports, we have 4

departments. Jorg is the head then we have recreational sport which is the biggest department and they

plan the classes and the head is Jens. Then we have event and competition departments and they

organize events and the student competition organization and the athletics organization. And then we

have the touring department and we have for example over 60 ski classes a year and we have wind

surfing or biking in Mallorca. So, we have Jorg and then the 4 departments that are responsible for

each part.

9. Just a side note how many people are organizing all the facilities, like doing maintenance

and the safety checks?

A: There are 10 people working in the field for me, like the facilities and doing maintenance tests and

then I have 2 employees that are working in the office and doing the planning in terms of putting in all

the data, so the students know when the classrooms are free or facilities are free or classes from the

city are using our facilities. So we do all the key management, all the key management for all the

different facilities and all the buying processes of materials that we need.

10. Continuing on for the people that work in facility management. Is there a current system

that they have too follow when maintaining the building too ensure safety?
A: In parts and pieces, not in terms of a structured system. So, the university of Munster is very big we

have 220 buildings and of course we have facility management that take care in the first step and they

have some structure of parts for example electricity which is yearly, or yearly security checks for

safety. They have it for all the fire doors that have to be checked. We have it in our department that we

have to check the security of the special sport items such as the trampolines or everything that is

needed too do sports. The law says you need to check that one time a year and we hire a company.

Besides that, we do not have a structured system of how too maintain. We of course check daily for

instance I go through a facility and check if everything is okay. However, we don’t have

documentation system, or we don’t have a standard way of how we report these defects, therefore we

don’t have a standard follow up or controlling. I would say it works as people are very motivated and

of course the users of the facility give us feedback, but its not anything close to a standard professional

monitoring of the quality of the facilities.

11. So a centralized system that everyone would have access to would be the most beneficial.

So everyone can record something like a defect and then it goes straight to you and you know where

everything is and what needs to be fixed.

A: Systems are quite complex, there are 3 to 4 departments and if something is broken then it is our

responsibility such as a trampoline, and then its someone else’s responsibility because its built in the

building or it’s a totally different organization that we rent our building from. Like when the window is

broken that is different state organization and so we have to check who is responsible and then

delegate and then control what happens so monitoring and then we have to decide if we want to do it

ourselves or if we have to write an order to someone else for instance electricity or water as we are not

allowed to do it ourselves we have to write an order to these departments or we have to inform the

central manager of facilities to get in contact with the organization which is called BLB which own the

facilities and the buildings. We are actually a contract connection. It was back then thought that it was

more efficient however I think it makes it more complicated.

12. So do you think there are other improvements that could be made in the facility

management sector?

A: Yes of course, having more structure and having more a quality management, so not only making

sure what is repaired fast but also knowing what is wrong and having more standard procedures of

controlling rather then finding there is something wrong with what I repaired. In German we have a

saying which translates into “We do it from the hand directly too the mouth.” Pretty much we just go

there and repair it and go on and on. Of course, this will always happen and we need the standards

better and more organized and this is one of my goals.

13. Is it nothing to do with the employees and just the current system that is in place?

A: It always has to do with the employees. Of course I am thinking of a new system, I have to think

does it work with my employees and will there be resistance, which there are as some of them are not

computed guys at all and I have to convince them to use their computers and smart phones too start

recording. A system will not solve the problems if the employees are not convinced working with the

system will work. I love IT systems but my opinion that it will never solve a problem with the team.

But of course, I know that it is new and that they will feel controlled and they will think why he wants

to know that we are there, we are doing a good job. For example, when you work with a team you

always have to think about the resistance or sorrows that may be important. In my first I was 25 and I

was head of the sports department in Dortmund and we had student workers and basically we didn’t

have any onlin services. So we had to have 2000 classes which we done by sign in procedures that

were done by hand. People would stand at 5am and we would open at 6 and from 2000 people that

were in line we had 1500 people that would miss out. So with an online service we don’t have to stand

up at 5am in the morning and we don’t have to deal with angry people so everything is online and

everything will be fine. I had the student workers and they would look at me and say “Do you want to

fire us all” And I didn’t expect that. I thought they were students and they would want to do everything

online, but they had a fear that I would fire them, howver I just wanted them to do useful work and

useful work isn’t done in 10 hours of dealing with angry people.

14. So if there was a new system that would be introduced, perhaps a small guide like 1 or 2

pages of what the new system is, why it is useful so pretty much just a help book that’s going to ensure

not much will change.

A: Basically, two things, good documentation which is always difficult if you change something and

have a good idea go on and start the documentation will always be the last thing you want to do, and an

explanation and convincing them. The manual and introduction would be a key success factor which is


15. I think that’s all the questions that I have for today, cool thank you so much for helping

me with this.

A: No problem.

Appendix B. Product 1

The first part is all the checklists that are needed to do within the buildings “BSH –

Ballsporthalle” and “Campus Café Building – Which is the campus gym”. They are separated into a

daily, weekly and monthly too show which checks need to be done on these time bases. These rooms

are the rooms that the Major Stakeholders wanted and how they wanted the problem too be solved.

Within all these daily, weekly and monthly checks there are different rooms ranging from the

different Bathrooms, Sport halls, the Campus Gym, washrooms, hallways and many more. Within

these are specific checks ranging from soaps, safety of the floor, benches, emergency exits and many


The daily checks are checks that will have to be done urgently. They are too deal with hygiene

which is becoming more and more important especially with the coronavirus pandemic going on. It is

also safety checks that will have too ensure that everyone is able to stay safe while they are doing


Next are all the weekly checks. The weekly checks are checks that are too do with more

mechanical and technology. These checks aren’t too urgent however still need to be checked regularly.

Next are the monthly checks. These are checks that are too deal with comfort of the facility.

Ensuring that everything is up too standards of guidelines that are set by safety procedures by many

different organisations.

The different checklists below will give the opportunity too all the different facility

management workers too check if they have been checked. These checks are then submitted to the

Administration of Facility Management in which they can check and keep records. These records are

kept and then can be submitted too different companies that may need to be outsourced for different

reparations such as plumbing or mechanical.

The next feature of the product, underneath all the different rooms is the ability for the facility

management workers too take photos of the different defects. It has been specifically programmed so
that when a facility management worker takes a photo of the defect, they are able to submit it too the

Administration and then administration is able to fix it.

The next part too this product is a guidebook that explains how it will be used. The guidebook

gives an explanation on how too use the product. The justification comes from the facility management

team being technologically inept and needing some guide on how too use the software properly.

Both products have been approved by the major stockholders too be implemented into the

organisation as they will solve the current problems that they have.

Part 2: Guide to SmapOne

Guide to smapOne

What is smapOne
SMAPONE is a facility management software that allows the user too to access different information
about the facilities that are within the Hochschulsport Munster. It is an app that is both easy too use and
easy too access! It will allow you too complete your daily checks, your weekly checks and monthly checks
easily and efficiently.

Why is it being implemented?

• It will make YOUR life easier by being readily available and having more of a structure too when
different security checks need to be implemented.
• Allows better documentation of all the maintenance checks that are going to happen on a daily,
weekly and monthly basis.
• All the data that is collected is displayed on a real time basis and is always accessible.

• Ensure that maintenance and security checks are done on time and in a fast matter.
• Keep all the data tidy and readily available when it is needed to be available to the head of the facility
management sector Jan Phillip Mueller and even for the head of the Hochschulsport Munster Jorg

What it can promise you:

SmapOne IS NOT a tool that is going to be used to try and track you as a facility management
worker. It’s an app on your phone that is just going to make it easier too read the information
that is required within the facility management sector too make everything more efficient.
Although it may be a worry for some of you that the app is too hard too use as it is an app that
is access by smart phone and online, it is not like that at all. SmapOne allows for users that
have access to the app easy access. Filling in information is also made easier as in the app
there is inbuilt software that has been tailored too the two buildings: 0776_Ballsporthalle and
the new Campus café.

How to use it:

The way that the security checks will be divided into three separate groups:
1. Daily – These checks need to be done on a day to day basis
2. Weekly – These checks need to be done at the beginning of each week.
3. Monthly – These checks need to be done at the beginning of each month or at least once a
month with a general check that should be done about all the facilities.

Step 1: Installing it:

The first step is too install the app on your smart phone. The app is supported on the android store,
the app store and is available on the windows store on your computer. After installing the app, it is
important to link the email address that you use for work too the app too ensure that you can receive
the Smaps so that you can put in your information.

Step 2:
If you have registered your email correctly this image will pop in your email address and in the future
you will be invited too edit and have access to the different Smaps. Click on the button confirm and
all the annoying first steps will be done.

Step 3:
The third thing that you will need to do is install the Smap. If you have linked the right email with the
Smapone app, then this email will show up in your inbox and you will need to click on the button
“Installation Guide.” The installation guide will just show the 3 different steps however it is not
necessary, but you can click on it if you have further questions.

Step 4:
If you have followed all these steps properly and go into the Smapone there will
be a screen that shows up after you click this button:

Step 5:
After you have clicked on that button then another
screen will pop up asking you too load the Smap.
Click on load and it may take a couple of minutes
for it to load up.

Step 6:
After you have clicked load, then the Smap will show up under “My Smaps.” This is the screen that will
show you all the Smaps that you have access too and which ones you can edit. Too do the security check
for the specific building for instance the “Daily – BSH Checklist” you simply click on the Smap.

Step 7:
After clicking on the Smap, all the checks that need to be
done based on the room. For instance in the Ballsporthalle it
has all the different bathrooms, changerooms, the hallways
and the big sport hall. This part is very simple, after you
have checked one of the rooms, you simply tick the box and
it will be done, and then you can move onto the next check.

At the end of each room there is the chance too report a defect. This can
be anything that is wrong with the room and that could need
maintenance ranging from the electricity to the floor too the wall.
Simply click on “Add Entry” and it will give you the chance too take a
photo of the defect and write a description about it

TIP: On the top right of the screen there is a button which allows
you too select one of many of the rooms in which a check is
required. If you miss on or need to go back, they are easy too find
through this menu.

If you feel like you have made a mistake you can click on the 3
blue dots in the top right. If you click on this then a small menu
will pop up. You can choose to reset the entries that you’ve made
or you can save the whole thing as a draft and come back to it

Step 8: Completion!
After completing all of the checks, you press the button send
which is at the top right corner. After you press this button it

will go through too Jan and he will be able to check all the checks and see where maintenance may need
to be done.

Thank you for reading the manual and learning Smapone! The app is easy too learn and may seem hard
at the beginning however after getting to know how too use it, it may make your Facility management
experience easier!
If you have any questions on installing or how too use it please contact Jan!

Part 2 – Campus Café Daily Checklist

Part 3 – Campus café weekly checklist

Part 4: Campus Café Monthly Checklist
Part 5: BSH Checklist Daily Checks

Part 6: BSH Checklist Weekly Checks

Part 7: BSH Monthly Checklist

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