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Garment Zombie

Task 1 - Costs of operating the business (Solution 1 in excel sheet)

For the purpose of operating cost calculation, we consider fixed and variable cost that
accumulatively forms total operating cost. From the provided data sheet, calculations shows that
annual wages are $34476, $20280 and $31824 for Amy, Britney and Celestine respectively,
which leads to the total annual wages as $86850. Considering annual paid leaves cost $10296
and previously determined total annual wages &86850, the variable cost becomes $96876. For
fixed cost, rent & insurance and utilities cost was added to give the total variable cost as $12220.
After adding fixed and variable cost we determined the operating cost to be $109096.
Task 2 - Order information (Solution 2 – Time in Excel)
The line graph was plotted as taking months (6,7,8,9,10) on x-axis and sum of quoted amount on
y-axis against the material and size. From 6th to 7th month the sum of quoted amount for material
SilkS was found to be highest, which showed increasing trend within this period. WoolS was the
second highest in the start of this period, which showed decreasing trend till the end of 8 th month,
after that it showed slightly increasing trend in the sum of quoted price. From 7 th to 8th month, the
material SilkL and SilkXL showed increasing trend, which showed almost highest sum of quoted
amounts during this period. SilkXL further showed increasing trend in the period from 8 th to 9th
month, but showed decreasing trend in the last period from 9th to 10th month. The similar trend
was also observed for LeatherXS. It showed increasing trend from 8th to 9th month, then showed
decreasing trend from 9th to 10th month. LeatherXS showed highest sum of quoted price during
the complete period, while CottonS remained in the bottom of graph.
Task 2 - Order information (Solution 2 – Staff in Excel)
The graph shows a comparison of the sum of quoted amounts against respective material and
size between the employees Amy and Britney. The quotations for Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday was considered for Amy and the rest are considered for Britney. In the overall
scenario it can be observed from the graph that Amy showed high quoted amounts for each
material in comparison to Britney except CottonM, CottonXL and WoolXXL.
Task 3 - Price consistency (Solution 3 in excel sheet)
According to the requirements, average historical costs were identified based on relative material
and size. This historical average calculation is based on the calculated average quoted amounts
respective to the material and size of item. For the purpose of average calculation, I have created
a column which is a combination of material and size (e.g. CottonXXL), which was named as
“HelperColumn”. After creating “HelperColumn”, the selection for material and size was
provided through Data Validation technique, and the result was obtained for quotation through
vlookup formula. Data validation technique is used for the purpose of providing a choice
between sizes and materials, for that specific choice the relative quotation will be displayed as a
result. In order to obtain the result, vlookup formula was used to find the selected material
according to the specified size and show the result from historical average column accordingly.
The quotation will change according to the selection of material and size.
Task 4 - Process improvement (Solution 4 in excel sheet)
From the previous task, it could be considered that out of the provided history of days for
quotation (227) some are popular items and while others are non-popular items. Based on the
frequency of quotations for materials, I have assumed Cotton (68), Leather (57) and Wool (68) to
be popular items, while Silk (27) and Tweed (7) are considered as non-popular items. This
frequency was identified by applying the filter in material column.
For those items which are popular, the material and size will be selected (based on Data
validation technique) which results in quoted amount (based on vlookup formula). After getting
quotation, the quotation is reviewed and similar to this, stock availability is selected, leading to
the suggestion of manufacture or do not manufacture, which finally leads to the selection of
quote acceptance. The selection of quote acceptance leads to order confirmation and delivery
respectively and the process gets completed. Similar process is for non-popular items, but the
choice of checking stock is not available here and the manufacturing will be performed after
order confirmation.

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